ON7LDS 3b62bd1666 New Nextion screen layout with better looking fonts
New parameter for selecting ON7LDS Nextion screen layout
The active ip address of the host is showed on main screen
Nextion DMR page:
* Talker alias (if available) will be decoded and displayed (in green to know it's the TA)
* Font will get smaller if TA is to long
GPS data will be decoded and logged
2017-11-13 21:48:47 +01:00

33 lines
1.4 KiB

# This makefile is for all platforms, but doesn't include support for the HD44780 display on the Raspberry Pi.
CC = gcc
CXX = g++
CFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall -std=c++0x -pthread
LIBS = -lpthread
AMBEFEC.o BCH.o BPTC19696.o Conf.o CRC.o Display.o DMRControl.o DMRCSBK.o DMRData.o DMRDataHeader.o DMREMB.o DMREmbeddedData.o DMRFullLC.o DMRLookup.o DMRLC.o \
DMRNetwork.o DMRShortLC.o DMRSlot.o DMRSlotType.o DMRAccessControl.o DMRTrellis.o DStarControl.o DStarHeader.o DStarNetwork.o DStarSlowData.o Golay2087.o \
Golay24128.o Hamming.o LCDproc.o Log.o MMDVMHost.o Modem.o ModemSerialPort.o Mutex.o Network.o Nextion.o NullDisplay.o P25Audio.o P25Control.o P25Data.o P25LowSpeedData.o \
P25Network.o P25NID.o P25Utils.o QR1676.o RS129.o RS241213.o RSSIInterpolator.o SerialController.o SerialPort.o SHA256.o StopWatch.o Sync.o TFTSerial.o Thread.o \
Timer.o UDPSocket.o UMP.o Utils.o YSFControl.o YSFConvolution.o YSFFICH.o YSFNetwork.o YSFPayload.o
all: MMDVMHost
MMDVMHost: GitVersion.h $(OBJECTS)
%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
$(RM) MMDVMHost *.o *.d *.bak *~ GitVersion.h
# Export the current git version if the index file exists, else 000...
ifneq ("$(wildcard .git/index)","")
echo "const char *gitversion = \"$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)\";" > $@
echo "const char *gitversion = \"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\";" > $@