Currently there is six variations of (IPv4) UDPSocket.cpp. - FMClients, NXDNClients, P25Clients, YSFClients(YSFParrot) use ::fprintf() for logging - YSFClients(YSFReflector) use LogError() and LogInfo() for logging special open(string &bindaddr) function - YSFClients(YSFGateway), DAPNETGateway use LogError() and LogInfo() for logging - P25Clients, DMRGateway use LogError() for logging no LogInfo("Opening UDP port on") message - NXDNClients use LogError() for logging no LogInfo("Opening UDP port on") message add #include <ifaddrs.h> - MMDVMHost use LogError() for logging no LogInfo("Opening UDP port on") message no assert(!address.empty()) at constructor to avoid explosion, commonized them. switch ::fprintf()/LogError by #define HAVE_LOG_H always display LogInfo("Opening UDP port on") message delete #include <ifaddrs.h>, this is not needed no assert(!address.empty()) at constructor and to support YSFReflector, add multiple socket support. default is #define UDP_SOCKET_MAX 1 so normally this feature is disabled. added these functions. CUDPSocket() (constructor without any parameters) open(index, af, addr, port) close(index) CUDPSocket() means CUDPSocket(address = "", port = 0) index selects socket, address and port is defined at open. to have compatibility for old codes, these function works as CUDPSocket(addr, port) store addr and port to index #0 CUDPSocket(port) store addr = "" and port to index #0 open() open with addr and port of index #0, AF_UNSPEC open(af) open with addr and port of index #0, specified af close() close *all* sockets read/write operation is for all opened sockets.
51 lines
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51 lines
2.3 KiB
# This makefile is for all platforms, but doesn't include support for the HD44780, OLED, or PCF8574 displays on the Raspberry Pi.
CC = cc
CXX = c++
# Use the following CFLAGS and LIBS if you don't want to use gpsd.
CFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall -std=c++0x -pthread
LIBS = -lpthread
# Use the following CFLAGS and LIBS if you do want to use gpsd.
#CFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall -DUSE_GPSD -std=c++0x -pthread
#LIBS = -lpthread -lgps
AMBEFEC.o BCH.o BPTC19696.o CASTInfo.o Conf.o CRC.o Display.o DMRControl.o DMRCSBK.o DMRData.o DMRDataHeader.o DMREMB.o DMREmbeddedData.o DMRFullLC.o \
DMRLookup.o DMRLC.o DMRNetwork.o DMRShortLC.o DMRSlot.o DMRSlotType.o DMRAccessControl.o DMRTA.o DMRTrellis.o DStarControl.o DStarHeader.o DStarNetwork.o \
DStarSlowData.o Golay2087.o Golay24128.o GPSD.o Hamming.o I2CController.o LCDproc.o Log.o MMDVMHost.o Modem.o ModemSerialPort.o Mutex.o \
NetworkInfo.o Nextion.o NullDisplay.o NullModem.o NXDNAudio.o NXDNControl.o NXDNConvolution.o NXDNCRC.o NXDNFACCH1.o NXDNIcomNetwork.o \
NXDNKenwoodNetwork.o NXDNLayer3.o NXDNLICH.o NXDNLookup.o NXDNNetwork.o NXDNSACCH.o NXDNUDCH.o P25Audio.o P25Control.o P25Data.o P25LowSpeedData.o \
P25Network.o P25NID.o P25Trellis.o P25Utils.o POCSAGControl.o POCSAGNetwork.o QR1676.o RemoteControl.o RS129.o RS241213.o RSSIInterpolator.o \
SerialController.o SerialPort.o SHA256.o StopWatch.o Sync.o TFTSerial.o TFTSurenoo.o Thread.o Timer.o UDPSocket.o UMP.o UserDB.o UserDBentry.o Utils.o \
YSFControl.o YSFConvolution.o YSFFICH.o YSFNetwork.o YSFPayload.o
all: MMDVMHost RemoteCommand
MMDVMHost: GitVersion.h $(OBJECTS)
RemoteCommand: Log.o RemoteCommand.o UDPSocket.o
$(CXX) Log.o RemoteCommand.o UDPSocket.o $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) -o RemoteCommand
%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
install -m 755 MMDVMHost /usr/local/bin/
install -m 755 RemoteCommand /usr/local/bin/
$(RM) MMDVMHost RemoteCommand *.o *.d *.bak *~ GitVersion.h
# Export the current git version if the index file exists, else 000...
ifneq ("$(wildcard .git/index)","")
echo "const char *gitversion = \"$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)\";" > $@
echo "const char *gitversion = \"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\";" > $@