The files in this directory are Nextion screen layouts with better fonts than the(rather ugly) standard Nextion fonts There are some other changes: * On the main screen there is a field to display the active ip address of the device. On Linux it is preceded with the network interface name. * DMR: if received, the Talker Alias is decoded and displayed. The TA will be in green, so the user knows it is a decoded TA displaying. This happens on-the-fly: as the parts of the TA arrive, they will immediately be shown. * If you want to change my screen layout, the only thing to keep in mind is that the MMDVMHost program will select following font numbers: default font for the TA field : font 4 TA >16 characters : font 3 TA >20 characters : font 2 TA >24 characters : font 1 There always have to be at least 5 fonts, of which font 1-4 are used for the TA. If your display is wide enough to show all characters in one font, you must copy this font to the lesser ('smaller') fonts. i.e. : the 3.2" the display can show more than 31 characters (the maximum TA length) in font 2, so this font is also copied to font 1. * The screenlayout has to be selected with the parameter ScreenLayout in the MMDVM.ini file under the Nextion section. This way, the extra function to automatically change the font size, is activated. 0 = auto (future use, for now it's G4KLX layout) 1 = G4KLX layout 2 = ON7LDS layout