/* * Copyright (C) 2015,2016,2017 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "DMRNetwork.h" #include "StopWatch.h" #include "SHA256.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include const unsigned int BUFFER_LENGTH = 500U; const unsigned int HOMEBREW_DATA_PACKET_LENGTH = 55U; CDMRNetwork::CDMRNetwork(const std::string& address, unsigned int port, unsigned int local, unsigned int id, const std::string& password, bool duplex, const char* version, bool debug, bool slot1, bool slot2, HW_TYPE hwType, unsigned int jitter) : m_address(), m_port(port), m_id(NULL), m_password(password), m_duplex(duplex), m_version(version), m_debug(debug), m_socket(local), m_enabled(false), m_slot1(slot1), m_slot2(slot2), m_jitterBuffers(NULL), m_hwType(hwType), m_status(WAITING_CONNECT), m_retryTimer(1000U, 10U), m_timeoutTimer(1000U, 60U), m_buffer(NULL), m_salt(NULL), m_streamId(NULL), m_rxData(1000U, "DMR Network"), m_options(), m_callsign(), m_rxFrequency(0U), m_txFrequency(0U), m_power(0U), m_colorCode(0U), m_latitude(0.0F), m_longitude(0.0F), m_height(0), m_location(), m_description(), m_url(), m_beacon(false) { assert(!address.empty()); assert(port > 0U); assert(id > 1000U); assert(!password.empty()); assert(jitter > 0U); m_address = CUDPSocket::lookup(address); m_buffer = new unsigned char[BUFFER_LENGTH]; m_salt = new unsigned char[sizeof(uint32_t)]; m_id = new uint8_t[4U]; m_streamId = new uint32_t[2U]; m_jitterBuffers = new CJitterBuffer*[3U]; m_streamId[0U] = 0x00U; m_streamId[1U] = 0x00U; m_jitterBuffers[1U] = new CJitterBuffer(60U, DMR_SLOT_TIME, jitter, 256U, debug); m_jitterBuffers[2U] = new CJitterBuffer(60U, DMR_SLOT_TIME, jitter, 256U, debug); m_id[0U] = id >> 24; m_id[1U] = id >> 16; m_id[2U] = id >> 8; m_id[3U] = id >> 0; CStopWatch stopWatch; ::srand(stopWatch.start()); } CDMRNetwork::~CDMRNetwork() { delete m_jitterBuffers[1U]; delete m_jitterBuffers[2U]; delete[] m_buffer; delete[] m_salt; delete[] m_streamId; delete[] m_id; delete[] m_jitterBuffers; } void CDMRNetwork::setOptions(const std::string& options) { m_options = options; } void CDMRNetwork::setConfig(const std::string& callsign, unsigned int rxFrequency, unsigned int txFrequency, unsigned int power, unsigned int colorCode, float latitude, float longitude, int height, const std::string& location, const std::string& description, const std::string& url) { m_callsign = callsign; m_rxFrequency = rxFrequency; m_txFrequency = txFrequency; m_power = power; m_colorCode = colorCode; m_latitude = latitude; m_longitude = longitude; m_height = height; m_location = location; m_description = description; m_url = url; } bool CDMRNetwork::open() { LogMessage("DMR, Opening DMR Network"); m_status = WAITING_CONNECT; m_timeoutTimer.stop(); m_retryTimer.start(); return true; } void CDMRNetwork::enable(bool enabled) { m_enabled = enabled; } bool CDMRNetwork::read(CDMRData& data) { if (m_status != RUNNING) return false; if (!m_rxData.isEmpty()) { unsigned char length = 0U; m_rxData.getData(&length, 1U); m_rxData.getData(m_buffer, length); // Is this a data packet? if (::memcmp(m_buffer, "DMRD", 4U) == 0) { unsigned int slotNo = (m_buffer[15U] & 0x80U) == 0x80U ? 2U : 1U; bool wanted = true; // DMO mode slot disabling if (slotNo == 1U && !m_duplex) wanted = false; // Individual slot disabling if (slotNo == 1U && !m_slot1) wanted = false; if (slotNo == 2U && !m_slot2) wanted = false; if (wanted) { unsigned char seqNo = m_buffer[4U]; m_jitterBuffers[slotNo]->addData(m_buffer, length, seqNo); } } } for (unsigned int slotNo = 1U; slotNo <= 2U; slotNo++) { unsigned int length = 0U; JB_STATUS status = m_jitterBuffers[slotNo]->getData(m_buffer, length); if (status != JBS_NO_DATA) { unsigned char seqNo = m_buffer[4U]; unsigned int srcId = (m_buffer[5U] << 16) | (m_buffer[6U] << 8) | (m_buffer[7U] << 0); unsigned int dstId = (m_buffer[8U] << 16) | (m_buffer[9U] << 8) | (m_buffer[10U] << 0); FLCO flco = (m_buffer[15U] & 0x40U) == 0x40U ? FLCO_USER_USER : FLCO_GROUP; data.setSeqNo(seqNo); data.setSlotNo(slotNo); data.setSrcId(srcId); data.setDstId(dstId); data.setFLCO(flco); data.setMissing(status == JBS_MISSING); bool dataSync = (m_buffer[15U] & 0x20U) == 0x20U; bool voiceSync = (m_buffer[15U] & 0x10U) == 0x10U; if (dataSync) { unsigned char dataType = m_buffer[15U] & 0x0FU; data.setData(m_buffer + 20U); data.setDataType(dataType); data.setN(0U); } else if (voiceSync) { data.setData(m_buffer + 20U); data.setDataType(DT_VOICE_SYNC); data.setN(0U); } else { unsigned char n = m_buffer[15U] & 0x0FU; data.setData(m_buffer + 20U); data.setDataType(DT_VOICE); data.setN(n); } return true; } } return false; } bool CDMRNetwork::write(const CDMRData& data) { if (m_status != RUNNING) return false; unsigned char buffer[HOMEBREW_DATA_PACKET_LENGTH]; ::memset(buffer, 0x00U, HOMEBREW_DATA_PACKET_LENGTH); buffer[0U] = 'D'; buffer[1U] = 'M'; buffer[2U] = 'R'; buffer[3U] = 'D'; unsigned int srcId = data.getSrcId(); buffer[5U] = srcId >> 16; buffer[6U] = srcId >> 8; buffer[7U] = srcId >> 0; unsigned int dstId = data.getDstId(); buffer[8U] = dstId >> 16; buffer[9U] = dstId >> 8; buffer[10U] = dstId >> 0; ::memcpy(buffer + 11U, m_id, 4U); unsigned int slotNo = data.getSlotNo(); // Individual slot disabling if (slotNo == 1U && !m_slot1) return false; if (slotNo == 2U && !m_slot2) return false; buffer[15U] = slotNo == 1U ? 0x00U : 0x80U; FLCO flco = data.getFLCO(); buffer[15U] |= flco == FLCO_GROUP ? 0x00U : 0x40U; unsigned int slotIndex = slotNo - 1U; unsigned int count = 1U; unsigned char dataType = data.getDataType(); if (dataType == DT_VOICE_SYNC) { buffer[15U] |= 0x10U; } else if (dataType == DT_VOICE) { buffer[15U] |= data.getN(); } else { if (dataType == DT_VOICE_LC_HEADER) { m_streamId[slotIndex] = ::rand() + 1U; count = 2U; } if (dataType == DT_CSBK || dataType == DT_DATA_HEADER) { m_streamId[slotIndex] = ::rand() + 1U; count = 1U; } buffer[15U] |= (0x20U | dataType); } buffer[4U] = data.getSeqNo(); ::memcpy(buffer + 16U, m_streamId + slotIndex, 4U); data.getData(buffer + 20U); buffer[53U] = data.getBER(); buffer[54U] = data.getRSSI(); if (m_debug) CUtils::dump(1U, "Network Transmitted", buffer, HOMEBREW_DATA_PACKET_LENGTH); for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < count; i++) write(buffer, HOMEBREW_DATA_PACKET_LENGTH); return true; } bool CDMRNetwork::writePosition(unsigned int id, const unsigned char* data) { if (m_status != RUNNING) return false; unsigned char buffer[20U]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, "DMRG", 4U); ::memcpy(buffer + 4U, m_id, 4U); buffer[8U] = id >> 16; buffer[9U] = id >> 8; buffer[10U] = id >> 0; ::memcpy(buffer + 11U, data + 2U, 7U); return write(buffer, 18U); } bool CDMRNetwork::writeTalkerAlias(unsigned int id, unsigned char type, const unsigned char* data) { if (m_status != RUNNING) return false; unsigned char buffer[20U]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, "DMRA", 4U); ::memcpy(buffer + 4U, m_id, 4U); buffer[8U] = id >> 16; buffer[9U] = id >> 8; buffer[10U] = id >> 0; buffer[11U] = type; ::memcpy(buffer + 12U, data + 2U, 7U); return write(buffer, 19U); } void CDMRNetwork::close() { LogMessage("DMR, Closing DMR Network"); if (m_status == RUNNING) { unsigned char buffer[9U]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, "RPTCL", 5U); ::memcpy(buffer + 5U, m_id, 4U); write(buffer, 9U); } m_socket.close(); m_retryTimer.stop(); m_timeoutTimer.stop(); } void CDMRNetwork::clock(unsigned int ms) { m_jitterBuffers[1U]->clock(ms); m_jitterBuffers[2U]->clock(ms); if (m_status == WAITING_CONNECT) { m_retryTimer.clock(ms); if (m_retryTimer.isRunning() && m_retryTimer.hasExpired()) { bool ret = m_socket.open(); if (ret) { ret = writeLogin(); if (!ret) return; m_status = WAITING_LOGIN; m_timeoutTimer.start(); } m_retryTimer.start(); } return; } in_addr address; unsigned int port; int length = m_socket.read(m_buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH, address, port); if (length < 0) { LogError("DMR, Socket has failed, retrying connection to the master"); close(); open(); return; } // if (m_debug && length > 0) // CUtils::dump(1U, "Network Received", m_buffer, length); if (length > 0 && m_address.s_addr == address.s_addr && m_port == port) { if (::memcmp(m_buffer, "DMRD", 4U) == 0) { if (m_enabled) { if (m_debug) CUtils::dump(1U, "Network Received", m_buffer, length); unsigned char len = length; m_rxData.addData(&len, 1U); m_rxData.addData(m_buffer, len); } } else if (::memcmp(m_buffer, "MSTNAK", 6U) == 0) { if (m_status == RUNNING) { LogWarning("DMR, Login to the master has failed, retrying login ..."); m_status = WAITING_LOGIN; m_timeoutTimer.start(); m_retryTimer.start(); } else { /* Once the modem death spiral has been prevented in Modem.cpp the Network sometimes times out and reaches here. We want it to reconnect so... */ LogError("DMR, Login to the master has failed, retrying network ..."); close(); open(); return; } } else if (::memcmp(m_buffer, "RPTACK", 6U) == 0) { switch (m_status) { case WAITING_LOGIN: LogDebug("DMR, Sending authorisation"); ::memcpy(m_salt, m_buffer + 6U, sizeof(uint32_t)); writeAuthorisation(); m_status = WAITING_AUTHORISATION; m_timeoutTimer.start(); m_retryTimer.start(); break; case WAITING_AUTHORISATION: LogDebug("DMR, Sending configuration"); writeConfig(); m_status = WAITING_CONFIG; m_timeoutTimer.start(); m_retryTimer.start(); break; case WAITING_CONFIG: if (m_options.empty()) { LogMessage("DMR, Logged into the master successfully"); m_status = RUNNING; } else { LogDebug("DMR, Sending options"); writeOptions(); m_status = WAITING_OPTIONS; } m_timeoutTimer.start(); m_retryTimer.start(); break; case WAITING_OPTIONS: LogMessage("DMR, Logged into the master successfully"); m_status = RUNNING; m_timeoutTimer.start(); m_retryTimer.start(); break; default: break; } } else if (::memcmp(m_buffer, "MSTCL", 5U) == 0) { LogError("DMR, Master is closing down"); close(); open(); } else if (::memcmp(m_buffer, "MSTPONG", 7U) == 0) { m_timeoutTimer.start(); } else if (::memcmp(m_buffer, "RPTSBKN", 7U) == 0) { m_beacon = true; } else { CUtils::dump("Unknown packet from the master", m_buffer, length); } } m_retryTimer.clock(ms); if (m_retryTimer.isRunning() && m_retryTimer.hasExpired()) { switch (m_status) { case WAITING_LOGIN: writeLogin(); break; case WAITING_AUTHORISATION: writeAuthorisation(); break; case WAITING_OPTIONS: writeOptions(); break; case WAITING_CONFIG: writeConfig(); break; case RUNNING: writePing(); break; default: break; } m_retryTimer.start(); } m_timeoutTimer.clock(ms); if (m_timeoutTimer.isRunning() && m_timeoutTimer.hasExpired()) { LogError("DMR, Connection to the master has timed out, retrying connection"); close(); open(); } } void CDMRNetwork::reset(unsigned int slotNo) { assert(slotNo == 1U || slotNo == 2U); m_jitterBuffers[slotNo]->reset(); } bool CDMRNetwork::writeLogin() { unsigned char buffer[8U]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, "RPTL", 4U); ::memcpy(buffer + 4U, m_id, 4U); return write(buffer, 8U); } bool CDMRNetwork::writeAuthorisation() { size_t size = m_password.size(); unsigned char* in = new unsigned char[size + sizeof(uint32_t)]; ::memcpy(in, m_salt, sizeof(uint32_t)); for (size_t i = 0U; i < size; i++) in[i + sizeof(uint32_t)] = m_password.at(i); unsigned char out[40U]; ::memcpy(out + 0U, "RPTK", 4U); ::memcpy(out + 4U, m_id, 4U); CSHA256 sha256; sha256.buffer(in, (unsigned int)(size + sizeof(uint32_t)), out + 8U); delete[] in; return write(out, 40U); } bool CDMRNetwork::writeOptions() { char buffer[300U]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, "RPTO", 4U); ::memcpy(buffer + 4U, m_id, 4U); ::strcpy(buffer + 8U, m_options.c_str()); return write((unsigned char*)buffer, (unsigned int)m_options.length() + 8U); } bool CDMRNetwork::writeConfig() { const char* software = "MMDVM"; char slots = '0'; if (m_duplex) { if (m_slot1 && m_slot2) slots = '3'; else if (m_slot1 && !m_slot2) slots = '1'; else if (!m_slot1 && m_slot2) slots = '2'; } else { slots = '4'; switch (m_hwType) { case HWT_MMDVM: software = "MMDVM_DMO"; break; case HWT_DVMEGA: software = "MMDVM_DVMega"; break; case HWT_MMDVM_HS: software = "MMDVM_HS"; break; default: software = "MMDVM_Unknown"; break; } } char buffer[400U]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, "RPTC", 4U); ::memcpy(buffer + 4U, m_id, 4U); char latitude[20U]; ::sprintf(latitude, "%08f", m_latitude); char longitude[20U]; ::sprintf(longitude, "%09f", m_longitude); unsigned int power = m_power; if (power > 99U) power = 99U; int height = m_height; if (height > 999) height = 999; ::sprintf(buffer + 8U, "%-8.8s%09u%09u%02u%02u%8.8s%9.9s%03d%-20.20s%-19.19s%c%-124.124s%-40.40s%-40.40s", m_callsign.c_str(), m_rxFrequency, m_txFrequency, power, m_colorCode, latitude, longitude, height, m_location.c_str(), m_description.c_str(), slots, m_url.c_str(), m_version, software); return write((unsigned char*)buffer, 302U); } bool CDMRNetwork::writePing() { unsigned char buffer[11U]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, "RPTPING", 7U); ::memcpy(buffer + 7U, m_id, 4U); return write(buffer, 11U); } bool CDMRNetwork::wantsBeacon() { bool beacon = m_beacon; m_beacon = false; return beacon; } bool CDMRNetwork::write(const unsigned char* data, unsigned int length) { assert(data != NULL); assert(length > 0U); // if (m_debug) // CUtils::dump(1U, "Network Transmitted", data, length); bool ret = m_socket.write(data, length, m_address, m_port); if (!ret) { LogError("DMR, Socket has failed when writing data to the master, retrying connection"); m_socket.close(); open(); return false; } return true; }