- HD44780 LCD SUPPORT - Support for the HD44780 LCD is via the wiringPi library available at http://wiringpi.com/download-and-install/ which must be installed in all cases. The HD44780 in 4-bit mode is probably the most common connection method and wiring details can be found at http://wiringpi.com/dev-lib/lcd-library/ The setup that is commonly used for MMDVM is the 4-bit connection that is also documented within wiringPi. The HD44780 displays have a standardized 16-pin connector (14 pins if without backlight). The pin numbers on HD44780 refer to this standard numbering. The pin numbers on Raspberry Pi side are the physical pin numbers of the GPIO pin header, in brackets the wiringPi pin number as these are referred to in the MMDVM.ini file. The wiring ist as follows: HD44780 pin Raspberry Pi GPIO GND 1 -------- 6 GND VCC 2 -------- 2 +5V V0 3 -------- Trimmer between +5V and GND for contrast RS 4 -------- 26 CE1 (11) RW 5 -------- 6 GND E 6 -------- 24 CE0 (10) D0 7 D1 8 D2 9 D3 10 D4 11 -------- 11 GPIO0 (0) D5 12 -------- 12 GPIO1 (1) D6 13 -------- 13 GPIO2 (2) D7 14 -------- 15 GPIO3 (3) GND 15 -------- 6 GND VCC 16 -------- 2 +5V The relevant part in the MMDVM.ini is like outlined below. [HD44780] Rows=4 Columns=20 # For basic HD44780 displays (4-bit connection) # rs, strb, d0, d1, d2, d3 Pins=11,10,0,1,2,3 To compile MMDVMHost with support for the HD44780 use the following commands. # make clean # make -f Makefile.Pi.HD44780 Other HD44780 variations exist that connect via I2C. Support is also via wiringPi, but to compile for each I2C device requires a different Makefile depending on the IC attached to the LCD. - ADAFRUIT RGB LCD SHIELD - The Adafruit RGB LCD Shield is available from https://www.adafruit.com/product/714 I2C is via the MCP23017 IC and is enabled with Makefile.Pi.Adafruit. The I2C device address in MMDVM.ini should be set to 0x20. - PCF8574 IC - HD44780 LCDs connected via a PCF8574 Remote 8-Bit I/O Expander are available on eBay for very little money! This IC uses Makefile.Pi.PCF8574 and the I2C device address should be set to 0x27. - BEWARE - The I2C device address can be manually configured on some devices! - CHECK YOUR ACTUAL DEVICE ADDRESS - More information on configuring and using I2C on the RPi including how to probe the I2C bus for device addresses can be found at https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/raspberry-pi-spi-and-i2c-tutorial#i2c-on-pi - PWM BACKLIGHT CONTROL - Whilst connected in 4-bit mode or via the PCF8574 IC, the LED backlight can be wired for control via PWM. Connect the backlight +ve pin to any spare GPIO pin and configure MMDVM.ini as appropriate. By default, wiringPi pin 21 is configured.