/* * Copyright (C) 2016 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "HD44780.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char* LISTENING = "Listening "; const char* DEADSPACE = " "; char m_buffer1[128U]; char m_buffer2[128U]; CHD44780::CHD44780(unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols, const std::string& callsign, unsigned int dmrid, const std::vector& pins, bool pwm, unsigned int pwmPin, unsigned int pwmBright, unsigned int pwmDim, bool displayClock, bool utc, bool duplex) : CDisplay(), m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_callsign(callsign), m_dmrid(dmrid), m_rb(pins.at(0U)), m_strb(pins.at(1U)), m_d0(pins.at(2U)), m_d1(pins.at(3U)), m_d2(pins.at(4U)), m_d3(pins.at(5U)), m_pwm(pwm), m_pwmPin(pwmPin), m_pwmBright(pwmBright), m_pwmDim(pwmDim), m_displayClock(displayClock), m_utc(utc), m_duplex(duplex), //m_duplex(true), // uncomment to force duplex display for testing! m_fd(-1), m_dmr(false), m_clockDisplayTimer(1000U, 0U, 75U), // Update the clock display every 75ms m_scrollTimer1(1000U, 0U, 250U), // Scroll speed for slot 1 - every 250ms m_scrollTimer2(1000U, 0U, 250U) // Scroll speed for slot 2 - every 250ms { assert(rows > 1U); assert(cols > 15U); } // Text-based custom character for "from" unsigned char fmChar[8] = { 0b11100, 0b10000, 0b11000, 0b10000, 0b00101, 0b00111, 0b00101, 0b00101 }; // Text-based custom character for "to" unsigned char toChar[8] = { 0b11100, 0b01000, 0b01000, 0b01000, 0b00010, 0b00101, 0b00101, 0b00010 }; // Custom "M" character used in MMDVM logo unsigned char mChar[8] = { 0b10001, 0b11011, 0b10101, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b11111 }; // Custom "D" character used in MMDVM logo unsigned char dChar[8] = { 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b11111 }; // Custom "V" character used in MMDVM logo unsigned char vChar[8] = { 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b11111 }; // Icon-based custom character for RF traffic unsigned char rfChar[8] = { 0b11111, 0b10101, 0b01110, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000 }; // Icon-based custom character for network traffic unsigned char ipChar[8] = { 0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b00100, 0b01010, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00000 }; // Icon-based custom character for call to talkgroup unsigned char tgChar[8] = { 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b01100, 0b10000, 0b00000 }; // Icon-based custom character for private call unsigned char privChar[8] = { 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b01110, 0b01110, 0b01010, 0b01010, 0b00000 }; CHD44780::~CHD44780() { } bool CHD44780::open() { ::wiringPiSetup(); if (m_pwm) { if (m_pwmPin != 1U) { ::softPwmCreate(m_pwmPin, 0, 100); ::softPwmWrite(m_pwmPin, m_pwmDim); } else { ::pinMode(m_pwmPin, PWM_OUTPUT); ::pwmWrite(m_pwmPin, (m_pwmDim / 100) * 1024); } } #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDSetup(); #endif m_fd = ::lcdInit(m_rows, m_cols, 4, m_rb, m_strb, m_d0, m_d1, m_d2, m_d3, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (m_fd == -1) { LogError("Unable to open the HD44780"); return false; } ::lcdDisplay(m_fd, 1); ::lcdCursor(m_fd, 0); ::lcdCursorBlink(m_fd, 0); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 0, fmChar); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 1, toChar); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 2, mChar); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 3, dChar); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 4, vChar); /* TG, private call, RF and network icons defined as needed - ran out of CGRAM locations on the HD44780! Theoretically, we now have infinite custom characters to play with, just be mindful of the slow speed of CGRAM hence the lcdPosition call to delay just long enough so the CGRAM can be written before we try to read it. */ return true; } #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY void CHD44780::adafruitLCDSetup() { // The other control pins are initialised with lcdInit() ::mcp23017Setup(AF_BASE, MCP23017); // Backlight LEDs ::pinMode(AF_RED, OUTPUT); ::pinMode(AF_GREEN, OUTPUT); ::pinMode(AF_BLUE, OUTPUT); // Control signals ::pinMode(AF_RW, OUTPUT); ::digitalWrite(AF_RW, LOW); } void CHD44780::adafruitLCDColour(ADAFRUIT_COLOUR colour) { switch (colour) { case AC_OFF: ::digitalWrite(AF_RED, AF_OFF); ::digitalWrite(AF_GREEN, AF_OFF); ::digitalWrite(AF_BLUE, AF_OFF); break; case AC_WHITE: ::digitalWrite(AF_RED, AF_ON); ::digitalWrite(AF_GREEN, AF_ON); ::digitalWrite(AF_BLUE, AF_ON); break; case AC_RED: ::digitalWrite(AF_RED, AF_ON); ::digitalWrite(AF_GREEN, AF_OFF); ::digitalWrite(AF_BLUE, AF_OFF); break; case AC_GREEN: ::digitalWrite(AF_RED, AF_OFF); ::digitalWrite(AF_GREEN, AF_ON); ::digitalWrite(AF_BLUE, AF_OFF); break; case AC_BLUE: ::digitalWrite(AF_RED, AF_OFF); ::digitalWrite(AF_GREEN, AF_OFF); ::digitalWrite(AF_BLUE, AF_ON); break; case AC_PURPLE: ::digitalWrite(AF_RED, AF_ON); ::digitalWrite(AF_GREEN, AF_OFF); ::digitalWrite(AF_BLUE, AF_ON); break; case AC_YELLOW: ::digitalWrite(AF_RED, AF_ON); ::digitalWrite(AF_GREEN, AF_ON); ::digitalWrite(AF_BLUE, AF_OFF); break; case AC_ICE: ::digitalWrite(AF_RED, AF_OFF); ::digitalWrite(AF_GREEN, AF_ON); ::digitalWrite(AF_BLUE, AF_ON); break; default: break; } } #endif void CHD44780::setIdleInt() { m_scrollTimer1.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 1 m_scrollTimer2.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 2 m_clockDisplayTimer.start(); // Start the clock display in IDLE only ::lcdClear(m_fd); #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_WHITE); #endif if (m_pwm) { if (m_pwmPin != 1U) ::softPwmWrite(m_pwmPin, m_pwmDim); else ::pwmWrite(m_pwmPin, (m_pwmDim / 100) * 1024); } // Print callsign and ID at on top row for all screen sizes ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%-6s", m_callsign.c_str()); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, m_cols - 7, 0); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%7u", m_dmrid); // Print MMDVM and Idle on bottom row for all screen sizes ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, m_rows - 1); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 3); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 4); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, m_cols - 4, m_rows - 1); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "Idle"); // Gets overwritten by clock on 2 line screen m_dmr = false; } void CHD44780::setErrorInt(const char* text) { assert(text != NULL); #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_RED); #endif m_clockDisplayTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock display m_scrollTimer1.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 1 m_scrollTimer2.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 2 ::lcdClear(m_fd); if (m_pwm) { if (m_pwmPin != 1U) ::softPwmWrite(m_pwmPin, m_pwmBright); else ::pwmWrite(m_pwmPin, (m_pwmBright / 100) * 1024); } ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 3); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 4); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%s ERROR", text); m_dmr = false; } void CHD44780::setLockoutInt() { #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_RED); #endif m_clockDisplayTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock display m_scrollTimer1.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 1 m_scrollTimer2.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 2 ::lcdClear(m_fd); if (m_pwm) { if (m_pwmPin != 1U) ::softPwmWrite(m_pwmPin, m_pwmBright); else ::pwmWrite(m_pwmPin, (m_pwmBright / 100) * 1024); } ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 3); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 4); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 2); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "Lockout"); m_dmr = false; } void CHD44780::writeDStarInt(const char* my1, const char* my2, const char* your, const char* type, const char* reflector) { assert(my1 != NULL); assert(my2 != NULL); assert(your != NULL); assert(type != NULL); assert(reflector != NULL); #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_RED); #endif m_clockDisplayTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock display ::lcdClear(m_fd); if (m_pwm) { if (m_pwmPin != 1U) ::softPwmWrite(m_pwmPin, m_pwmBright); else ::pwmWrite(m_pwmPin, (m_pwmBright / 100) * 1024); } ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "D-Star"); if (m_rows == 2U && m_cols == 16U) { ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%s %.8s/%.4s", type, my1, my2); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } else if (m_rows == 4U && m_cols == 16U) { ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%s %.8s/%.4s", type, my1, my2); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); if (strcmp(reflector, " ") == 0) ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.8s", your); else ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.8s<%.8s", your, reflector); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 2); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } else if (m_rows == 4U && m_cols == 20U) { char m_buffer1[20U]; ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%s %.8s/%.4s >", type, my1, my2); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); if (strcmp(reflector, " ") == 0) ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.8s", your); else ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.8s <- %.8s", your, reflector); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 2); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } else if (m_rows == 2 && m_cols == 40U) { char m_buffer1[40U]; if (strcmp(reflector, " ") == 0) ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%s %.8s/%.4s > %.8s", type, my1, my2, your); else ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%s %.8s/%.4s > %.8s via %.8s", type, my1, my2, your, reflector); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } m_dmr = false; } void CHD44780::clearDStarInt() { #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_PURPLE); #endif m_clockDisplayTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock display if (m_rows == 2U && m_cols == 16U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } else if (m_rows == 4U && m_cols == 16U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 2); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, " "); } else if (m_rows == 4U && m_cols == 20U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 2); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, " "); } else if (m_rows == 2 && m_cols == 40U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } } void CHD44780::writeDMRInt(unsigned int slotNo, const std::string& src, bool group, const std::string& dst, const char* type) { assert(type != NULL); if (!m_dmr) { m_clockDisplayTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock display ::lcdClear(m_fd); #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_GREEN); #endif if (m_pwm) { if (m_pwmPin != 1U) ::softPwmWrite(m_pwmPin, m_pwmBright); else ::pwmWrite(m_pwmPin, (m_pwmBright / 100) * 1024); } if (m_duplex) { if (m_rows > 2U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2) - 2); ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%s%s", "DMR", DEADSPACE); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } if (slotNo == 1U) { m_scrollTimer2.stop(); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2)); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "2 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, LISTENING); } else { m_scrollTimer1.stop(); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2) - 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "1 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, LISTENING); } } else { m_scrollTimer2.stop(); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2) - 1); ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%s%s", "DMR", DEADSPACE); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2)); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } } #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_RED); #endif if (m_duplex) { if (slotNo == 1U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2) - 1); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "1 "); ::sprintf(m_buffer2, "%s > %s%s ", src.c_str(), group ? "TG" : "", dst.c_str()); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols - 2U, m_buffer1); // Start the scroll timer on slot 1 if text in m_buffer1 will not fit in the space available if (strlen(m_buffer1) - 5 > m_cols - 5 ) { m_scrollTimer1.start(); } ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 6, group ? tgChar : privChar); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 5, strcmp(type, "R") == 0 ? rfChar : ipChar); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, m_cols - 3U, (m_rows / 2) - 1); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, " "); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 6); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 5); } else { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2)); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "2 "); ::sprintf(m_buffer2, "%s > %s%s ", src.c_str(), group ? "TG" : "", dst.c_str()); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols - 2U, m_buffer2); // Start the scroll timer on slot 2 if text in m_buffer2 will not fit in the space available if (strlen(m_buffer2) - 5 > m_cols - 5 ) { m_scrollTimer2.start(); } ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 6, group ? tgChar : privChar); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 5, strcmp(type, "R") == 0 ? rfChar : ipChar); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, m_cols - 3U, (m_rows / 2)); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, " "); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 6); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 5); } } else { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2) - 1); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 0); ::sprintf(m_buffer2, " %s%s", src.c_str(), DEADSPACE); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols - 4U, m_buffer2); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 5, strcmp(type, "R") == 0 ? rfChar : ipChar); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, m_cols - 1U, (m_rows / 2) - 1); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 5); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2)); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 1); ::sprintf(m_buffer2, " %s%s", dst.c_str(), DEADSPACE); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols - 4U, m_buffer2); ::lcdCharDef(m_fd, 6, group ? tgChar : privChar); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, m_cols - 1U, (m_rows / 2)); ::lcdPutchar(m_fd, 6); } m_dmr = true; } void CHD44780::clearDMRInt(unsigned int slotNo) { #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_PURPLE); #endif m_clockDisplayTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock display if (m_duplex) { if (slotNo == 1U) { m_scrollTimer1.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 1 ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "1 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, LISTENING); } else { m_scrollTimer2.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 2 ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "2 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, LISTENING); } } else { m_scrollTimer2.stop(); // Stop the scroll timer on slot 2 ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2) - 1); ::sprintf(m_buffer2, "%s%s", "DMR", DEADSPACE); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer2); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, (m_rows / 2)); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } } void CHD44780::writeFusionInt(const char* source, const char* dest, const char* type, const char* origin) { assert(source != NULL); assert(dest != NULL); assert(type != NULL); assert(origin != NULL); #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_RED); #endif m_clockDisplayTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock display ::lcdClear(m_fd); if (m_pwm) { if (m_pwmPin != 1U) ::softPwmWrite(m_pwmPin, m_pwmBright); else ::pwmWrite(m_pwmPin, (m_pwmBright / 100) * 1024); } ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "System Fusion"); if (m_rows == 2U && m_cols == 16U) { char m_buffer1[16U]; ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.10s >", source); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } else if (m_rows == 4U && m_cols == 16U) { char m_buffer1[16U]; ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.10s >", source); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.10s", dest); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 2); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } else if (m_rows == 4U && m_cols == 20U) { char m_buffer1[20U]; ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.10s >", source); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.10s", dest); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 2); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } else if (m_rows == 2 && m_cols == 40U) { char m_buffer1[40U]; ::sprintf(m_buffer1, "%.10s > %.10s", source, dest); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, m_buffer1); } m_dmr = false; } void CHD44780::clearFusionInt() { #ifdef ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY adafruitLCDColour(AC_PURPLE); #endif m_clockDisplayTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock display if (m_rows == 2U && m_cols == 16U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } else if (m_rows == 4U && m_cols == 16U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 2); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, " "); } else if (m_rows == 4U && m_cols == 20U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 2); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, " "); } else if (m_rows == 2 && m_cols == 40U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } } void CHD44780::clockInt(unsigned int ms) { m_clockDisplayTimer.clock(ms); m_scrollTimer1.clock(ms); m_scrollTimer2.clock(ms); // Idle clock display if (m_displayClock && m_clockDisplayTimer.isRunning() && m_clockDisplayTimer.hasExpired()) { time_t currentTime; struct tm *Time; time(¤tTime); if (m_utc) { Time = gmtime(¤tTime); } else { Time = localtime(¤tTime); } int Day = Time->tm_mday; int Month = Time->tm_mon + 1; int Year = Time->tm_year + 1900; int Hour = Time->tm_hour; int Min = Time->tm_min; int Sec = Time->tm_sec; if (m_cols == 16U && m_rows == 2U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, m_cols - 8, 1); } else { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, (m_cols - 8) / 2, m_rows == 2 ? 1 : 2); } ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%02d:%02d:%02d", Hour, Min, Sec); if (m_cols != 16U && m_rows != 2U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, (m_cols - 8) / 2, m_rows == 2 ? 0 : 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%02d/%02d/%2d", Day, Month, Year%100); } m_clockDisplayTimer.start(); } // Slot 1 scrolling if (m_scrollTimer1.isRunning() && m_scrollTimer1.hasExpired()) { strncat(m_buffer1, m_buffer1, 1); // Move the first character to the end of the buffer memmove(m_buffer1, m_buffer1 + 1, strlen(m_buffer1)); // Strip the first character ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 2, (m_rows / 2) - 1); // Position on the LCD ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols - 5U, m_buffer1); // Print it out m_scrollTimer1.start(); // Restart the scroll timer } // Slot 2 scrolling if (m_scrollTimer2.isRunning() && m_scrollTimer2.hasExpired()) { strncat(m_buffer2, m_buffer2, 1); memmove(m_buffer2, m_buffer2 + 1, strlen(m_buffer2)); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 2, (m_rows / 2)); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols - 5U, m_buffer2); m_scrollTimer2.start(); } } void CHD44780::close() { }