/* * Copyright (C) 2016 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "HD44780.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include #include const char* LISTENING = "Listening "; CHD44780::CHD44780(unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols) : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_fd(-1) { } CHD44780::~CHD44780() { } bool CHD44780::open() { ::wiringPiSetup(); m_fd = ::lcdInit(m_rows, m_cols, 4, 11, 10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (m_fd == -1) { LogError("Unable to open the HD44780"); return false; } ::lcdDisplay(m_fd, 1); ::lcdCursor(m_fd, 0); ::lcdCursorBlink(m_fd, 0); return true; } void CHD44780::setIdle() { ::lcdClear(m_fd); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "MMDVM"); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "Idle"); } void CHD44780::setLockout() { ::lcdClear(m_fd); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "MMDVM"); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "Lockout"); } void CHD44780::setDStar() { ::lcdClear(m_fd); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "D-Star"); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } void CHD44780::writeDStar(const char* my1, const char* my2, const char* your) { char buffer[40U]; ::sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s > %s", my1, my2, your); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, buffer); } void CHD44780::clearDStar() { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } void CHD44780::setDMR() { ::lcdClear(m_fd); int row = 0; if (m_rows > 2U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, row); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "DMR"); row++; } ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, row); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "1 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, LISTENING); row++; ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, row); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "2 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, LISTENING); } void CHD44780::writeDMR(unsigned int slotNo, unsigned int srcId, bool group, unsigned int dstId, const char* type) { if (slotNo == 1U) { char buffer[40U]; if (m_cols > 16U) ::sprintf(buffer, "%s %u > %s%u", type, srcId, group ? "TG" : "", dstId); else ::sprintf(buffer, "%u > %s%u", srcId, group ? "TG" : "", dstId); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, m_rows > 2U ? 1 : 0); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "1 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, buffer); } else { char buffer[40U]; if (m_cols > 16U) ::sprintf(buffer, "%s %u > %s%u", type, srcId, group ? "TG" : "", dstId); else ::sprintf(buffer, "%u > %s%u", srcId, group ? "TG" : "", dstId); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, m_rows > 2U ? 2 : 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "2 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, buffer); } } void CHD44780::clearDMR(unsigned int slotNo) { if (slotNo == 1U) { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, m_rows > 2U ? 1 : 0); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "1 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, LISTENING); } else { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, m_rows > 2U ? 2 : 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "2 %.*s", m_cols - 2U, LISTENING); } } void CHD44780::setFusion() { ::lcdClear(m_fd); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 0); ::lcdPuts(m_fd, "System Fusion"); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } void CHD44780::writeFusion(const char* source, const char* dest) { char buffer[40U]; ::sprintf(buffer, "%s > %s", source, dest); ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, buffer); } void CHD44780::clearFusion() { ::lcdPosition(m_fd, 0, 1); ::lcdPrintf(m_fd, "%.*s", m_cols, LISTENING); } void CHD44780::close() { }