[General] Callsign=G9BF Id=123456 Timeout=180 Duplex=1 # ModeHang=10 RFModeHang=10 NetModeHang=3 Display=None Daemon=0 [Info] RXFrequency=435000000 TXFrequency=435000000 Power=1 # The following lines are only needed if a direct connection to a DMR master is being used Latitude=0.0 Longitude=0.0 Height=0 Location=Nowhere Description=Multi-Mode Repeater URL=www.google.co.uk [Log] # Logging levels, 0=No logging DisplayLevel=1 FileLevel=1 FilePath=. FileRoot=MMDVM FileRotate=1 [CW Id] Enable=1 Time=10 # Callsign= [DMR Id Lookup] File=DMRIds.dat Time=24 [NXDN Id Lookup] File=NXDN.csv Time=24 [Modem] # Valid values are "null", "uart", "udp", and (on Linux) "i2c" Protocol=uart # The port and speed used for a UART connection # UARTPort=\\.\COM4 # UARTPort=/dev/ttyACM0 UARTPort=/dev/ttyAMA0 UARTSpeed=460800 # The port and address for an I2C connection I2CPort=/dev/i2c I2CAddress=0x22 # IP parameters for UDP connection ModemAddress= ModemPort=3334 LocalPort=3335 TXInvert=1 RXInvert=0 PTTInvert=0 TXDelay=100 RXOffset=0 TXOffset=0 DMRDelay=0 RXLevel=50 TXLevel=50 RXDCOffset=0 TXDCOffset=0 RFLevel=100 # CWIdTXLevel=50 # D-StarTXLevel=50 # DMRTXLevel=50 # YSFTXLevel=50 # P25TXLevel=50 # NXDNTXLevel=50 # M17TXLevel-50 # POCSAGTXLevel=50 # FMTXLevel=50 # AX25TXLevel=50 RSSIMappingFile=RSSI.dat UseCOSAsLockout=0 Trace=0 Debug=0 [Transparent Data] Enable=0 RemoteAddress= RemotePort=40094 LocalPort=40095 # SendFrameType=0 [D-Star] Enable=1 Module=C SelfOnly=0 AckReply=1 AckTime=750 AckMessage=0 ErrorReply=1 RemoteGateway=0 # ModeHang=10 WhiteList= [DMR] Enable=1 Beacons=0 BeaconInterval=60 BeaconDuration=3 ColorCode=1 SelfOnly=0 EmbeddedLCOnly=0 DumpTAData=1 # Prefixes=234,235 # Slot1TGWhiteList= # Slot2TGWhiteList= CallHang=3 TXHang=4 # ModeHang=10 # OVCM Values, 0=off, 1=rx_on, 2=tx_on, 3=both_on, 4=force off # OVCM=0 [System Fusion] Enable=1 LowDeviation=0 SelfOnly=0 TXHang=4 RemoteGateway=0 # ModeHang=10 [P25] Enable=1 NAC=293 SelfOnly=0 OverrideUIDCheck=0 RemoteGateway=0 TXHang=5 # ModeHang=10 [NXDN] Enable=1 RAN=1 SelfOnly=0 RemoteGateway=0 TXHang=5 # ModeHang=10 [M17] Enable=1 ColorCode=3 SelfOnly=0 TXHang=5 # ModeHang=10 [POCSAG] Enable=1 Frequency=439987500 [FM] Enable=1 # Callsign=G4KLX CallsignSpeed=20 CallsignFrequency=1000 CallsignTime=10 CallsignHoldoff=0 CallsignHighLevel=50 CallsignLowLevel=20 CallsignAtStart=1 CallsignAtEnd=1 CallsignAtLatch=0 RFAck=K ExtAck=N AckSpeed=20 AckFrequency=1750 AckMinTime=4 AckDelay=1000 AckLevel=50 # Timeout=180 TimeoutLevel=80 CTCSSFrequency=88.4 CTCSSThreshold=30 # CTCSSHighThreshold=30 # CTCSSLowThreshold=20 CTCSSLevel=20 KerchunkTime=0 HangTime=7 AccessMode=1 COSInvert=0 NoiseSquelch=0 SquelchThreshold=30 # SquelchHighThreshold=30 # SquelchLowThreshold=20 RFAudioBoost=1 MaxDevLevel=90 ExtAudioBoost=1 # ModeHang=10 [AX.25] Enable=1 TXDelay=300 RXTwist=6 SlotTime=30 PPersist=128 Trace=1 [D-Star Network] Enable=1 GatewayAddress= GatewayPort=20010 LocalPort=20011 # ModeHang=3 Debug=0 [DMR Network] Enable=1 # Type may be either 'Direct' or 'Gateway'. When Direct you must provide the Master's # address as well as the Password, and for DMR+, Options also. Type=Gateway Address= Port=62031 Local=62032 # Password=P@ssw0rd1234 Jitter=360 Slot1=1 Slot2=1 # Options= # ModeHang=3 Debug=0 [System Fusion Network] Enable=1 LocalAddress= LocalPort=3200 GatewayAddress= GatewayPort=4200 # ModeHang=3 Debug=0 [P25 Network] Enable=1 GatewayAddress= GatewayPort=42020 LocalPort=32010 # ModeHang=3 Debug=0 [NXDN Network] Enable=1 Protocol=Icom LocalAddress= LocalPort=14021 GatewayAddress= GatewayPort=14020 # ModeHang=3 Debug=0 [M17 Network] Enable=1 GatewayAddress= GatewayPort=17010 LocalPort=17011 # ModeHang=3 Debug=0 [POCSAG Network] Enable=1 LocalAddress= LocalPort=3800 GatewayAddress= GatewayPort=4800 # ModeHang=3 Debug=0 [FM Network] Enable=1 LocalAddress= LocalPort=3810 GatewayAddress= GatewayPort=4810 SampleRate=8000 # ModeHang=3 Debug=0 [AX.25 Network] Enable=1 Port=/dev/ttyp7 Speed=9600 Debug=0 [TFT Serial] # Port=modem Port=/dev/ttyAMA0 Brightness=50 [HD44780] Rows=2 Columns=16 # For basic HD44780 displays (4-bit connection) # rs, strb, d0, d1, d2, d3 Pins=11,10,0,1,2,3 # Device address for I2C I2CAddress=0x20 # PWM backlight PWM=0 PWMPin=21 PWMBright=100 PWMDim=16 DisplayClock=1 UTC=0 [Nextion] # Port=modem Port=/dev/ttyAMA0 Brightness=50 DisplayClock=1 UTC=0 #Screen Layout: 0=G4KLX 2=ON7LDS ScreenLayout=2 IdleBrightness=20 [OLED] Type=3 Brightness=0 Invert=0 Scroll=1 Rotate=0 Cast=0 LogoScreensaver=1 [LCDproc] Address=localhost Port=13666 #LocalPort=13667 DimOnIdle=0 DisplayClock=1 UTC=0 [Lock File] Enable=0 File=/tmp/MMDVM_Active.lck [Remote Control] Enable=0 Address= Port=7642