/* * Copyright (C) 2016,2017,2018 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "Display.h" #include "Defines.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include CDisplay::CDisplay() : m_timer1(3000U, 3U), m_timer2(3000U, 3U), m_mode1(MODE_IDLE), m_mode2(MODE_IDLE) { } CDisplay::~CDisplay() { } void CDisplay::setIdle() { m_timer1.stop(); m_timer2.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_mode2 = MODE_IDLE; setIdleInt(); } void CDisplay::setLockout() { m_timer1.stop(); m_timer2.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_mode2 = MODE_IDLE; setLockoutInt(); } void CDisplay::setError(const char* text) { assert(text != NULL); m_timer1.stop(); m_timer2.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_mode2 = MODE_IDLE; setErrorInt(text); } void CDisplay::writeDStar(const char* my1, const char* my2, const char* your, const char* type, const char* reflector) { assert(my1 != NULL); assert(my2 != NULL); assert(your != NULL); assert(type != NULL); assert(reflector != NULL); m_timer1.start(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; writeDStarInt(my1, my2, your, type, reflector); } void CDisplay::writeDStarRSSI(unsigned char rssi) { if (rssi != 0U) writeDStarRSSIInt(rssi); } void CDisplay::writeDStarBER(float ber) { writeDStarBERInt(ber); } void CDisplay::clearDStar() { if (m_timer1.hasExpired()) { clearDStarInt(); m_timer1.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; } else { m_mode1 = MODE_DSTAR; } } void CDisplay::writeDMR(unsigned int slotNo, const std::string& src, bool group, const std::string& dst, const char* type) { assert(type != NULL); if (slotNo == 1U) { m_timer1.start(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; } else { m_timer2.start(); m_mode2 = MODE_IDLE; } writeDMRInt(slotNo, src, group, dst, type); } void CDisplay::writeDMRRSSI(unsigned int slotNo, unsigned char rssi) { if (rssi != 0U) writeDMRRSSIInt(slotNo, rssi); } void CDisplay::writeDMRTA(unsigned int slotNo, unsigned char* talkerAlias, const char* type) { char TA[32U]; unsigned char *b; unsigned char c; int j; unsigned int i,t1,t2, TAsize, TAformat; if (strcmp(type," ")==0) { writeDMRTAInt(slotNo, (unsigned char*)TA, type); return; } TAformat=(talkerAlias[0]>>6U) & 0x03U; TAsize = (talkerAlias[0]>>1U) & 0x1FU; ::strcpy(TA,"(could not decode)"); switch (TAformat) { case 0U: // 7 bit ::memset (&TA,0,32U); b=&talkerAlias[0]; t1=0; t2=0; c=0; for (i=0;(i<32U)&&(t2=0;j--) { c = (c<<1U) | (b[i] >> j); if (++t1==7U) { if (i>0) {TA[t2++]=c & 0x7FU; } t1=0; c=0; } } } break; case 1U: // ISO 8 bit case 2U: // UTF8 ::strcpy(TA,(char*)talkerAlias+1U); break; case 3U: // UTF16 poor man's conversion t2=0; ::memset (&TA,0,32U); for(i=0;(i<15)&&(t2TAsize) { if (strlen(TA)<29U) strcat(TA," ?"); else strcpy(TA+28U," ?"); } if (strlen((char*)TA)>=4U) writeDMRTAInt(slotNo, (unsigned char*)TA, type); } void CDisplay::writeDMRBER(unsigned int slotNo, float ber) { writeDMRBERInt(slotNo, ber); } void CDisplay::clearDMR(unsigned int slotNo) { if (slotNo == 1U) { if (m_timer1.hasExpired()) { clearDMRInt(slotNo); m_timer1.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; } else { m_mode1 = MODE_DMR; } } else { if (m_timer2.hasExpired()) { clearDMRInt(slotNo); m_timer2.stop(); m_mode2 = MODE_IDLE; } else { m_mode2 = MODE_DMR; } } } void CDisplay::writeFusion(const char* source, const char* dest, const char* type, const char* origin) { assert(source != NULL); assert(dest != NULL); assert(type != NULL); assert(origin != NULL); m_timer1.start(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; writeFusionInt(source, dest, type, origin); } void CDisplay::writeFusionRSSI(unsigned char rssi) { if (rssi != 0U) writeFusionRSSIInt(rssi); } void CDisplay::writeFusionBER(float ber) { writeFusionBERInt(ber); } void CDisplay::clearFusion() { if (m_timer1.hasExpired()) { clearFusionInt(); m_timer1.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; } else { m_mode1 = MODE_YSF; } } void CDisplay::writeP25(const char* source, bool group, unsigned int dest, const char* type) { assert(source != NULL); assert(type != NULL); m_timer1.start(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; writeP25Int(source, group, dest, type); } void CDisplay::writeP25RSSI(unsigned char rssi) { if (rssi != 0U) writeP25RSSIInt(rssi); } void CDisplay::writeP25BER(float ber) { writeP25BERInt(ber); } void CDisplay::clearP25() { if (m_timer1.hasExpired()) { clearP25Int(); m_timer1.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; } else { m_mode1 = MODE_P25; } } void CDisplay::writeNXDN(const char* source, bool group, unsigned int dest, const char* type) { assert(source != NULL); assert(type != NULL); m_timer1.start(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; writeNXDNInt(source, group, dest, type); } void CDisplay::writeNXDNRSSI(unsigned char rssi) { if (rssi != 0U) writeNXDNRSSIInt(rssi); } void CDisplay::writeNXDNBER(float ber) { writeNXDNBERInt(ber); } void CDisplay::clearNXDN() { if (m_timer1.hasExpired()) { clearNXDNInt(); m_timer1.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; } else { m_mode1 = MODE_NXDN; } } void CDisplay::writePOCSAG(uint32_t ric, const std::string& message) { m_timer1.start(); m_mode1 = MODE_POCSAG; writePOCSAGInt(ric, message); } void CDisplay::clearPOCSAG() { if (m_timer1.hasExpired()) { clearPOCSAGInt(); m_timer1.stop(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; } else { m_mode1 = MODE_POCSAG; } } void CDisplay::writeCW() { m_timer1.start(); m_mode1 = MODE_CW; writeCWInt(); } void CDisplay::clock(unsigned int ms) { m_timer1.clock(ms); if (m_timer1.isRunning() && m_timer1.hasExpired()) { switch (m_mode1) { case MODE_DSTAR: clearDStarInt(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_timer1.stop(); break; case MODE_DMR: clearDMRInt(1U); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_timer1.stop(); break; case MODE_YSF: clearFusionInt(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_timer1.stop(); break; case MODE_P25: clearP25Int(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_timer1.stop(); break; case MODE_NXDN: clearNXDNInt(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_timer1.stop(); break; case MODE_POCSAG: clearPOCSAGInt(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_timer1.stop(); break; case MODE_CW: clearCWInt(); m_mode1 = MODE_IDLE; m_timer1.stop(); break; default: break; } } // Timer/mode 2 are only used for DMR m_timer2.clock(ms); if (m_timer2.isRunning() && m_timer2.hasExpired()) { if (m_mode2 == MODE_DMR) { clearDMRInt(2U); m_mode2 = MODE_IDLE; m_timer2.stop(); } } clockInt(ms); } void CDisplay::clockInt(unsigned int ms) { } void CDisplay::writeDStarRSSIInt(unsigned char rssi) { } void CDisplay::writeDStarBERInt(float ber) { } void CDisplay::writeDMRRSSIInt(unsigned int slotNo, unsigned char rssi) { } void CDisplay::writeDMRTAInt(unsigned int slotNo, unsigned char* talkerAlias, const char* type) { } void CDisplay::writeDMRBERInt(unsigned int slotNo, float ber) { } void CDisplay::writeFusionRSSIInt(unsigned char rssi) { } void CDisplay::writeFusionBERInt(float ber) { } void CDisplay::writeP25RSSIInt(unsigned char rssi) { } void CDisplay::writeP25BERInt(float ber) { } void CDisplay::writeNXDNRSSIInt(unsigned char rssi) { } void CDisplay::writeNXDNBERInt(float ber) { } /* Factory method extracted from MMDVMHost.cpp - BG5HHP */ #include "SerialController.h" #include "ModemSerialPort.h" #include "TFTSerial.h" #include "LCDproc.h" #include "Nextion.h" #include "NullDisplay.h" #include "Conf.h" #include "Modem.h" #include "UMP.h" #if defined(HD44780) #include "HD44780.h" #endif #if defined(OLED) #include "OLED.h" #endif CDisplay* CDisplay::createDisplay(const CConf &conf, CUMP *ump, CModem *modem){ CDisplay *display = NULL; std::string type = conf.getDisplay(); unsigned int dmrid = conf.getDMRId(); LogInfo("Display Parameters"); LogInfo(" Type: %s", type.c_str()); if (type == "TFT Serial") { std::string port = conf.getTFTSerialPort(); unsigned int brightness = conf.getTFTSerialBrightness(); LogInfo(" Port: %s", port.c_str()); LogInfo(" Brightness: %u", brightness); ISerialPort* serial = NULL; if (port == "modem") serial = new CModemSerialPort(modem); else serial = new CSerialController(port, SERIAL_9600); display = new CTFTSerial(conf.getCallsign(), dmrid, serial, brightness); } else if (type == "Nextion") { std::string port = conf.getNextionPort(); unsigned int brightness = conf.getNextionBrightness(); bool displayClock = conf.getNextionDisplayClock(); bool utc = conf.getNextionUTC(); unsigned int idleBrightness = conf.getNextionIdleBrightness(); unsigned int screenLayout = conf.getNextionScreenLayout(); LogInfo(" Port: %s", port.c_str()); LogInfo(" Brightness: %u", brightness); LogInfo(" Clock Display: %s", displayClock ? "yes" : "no"); if (displayClock) LogInfo(" Display UTC: %s", utc ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Idle Brightness: %u", idleBrightness); switch (screenLayout) { case 0U: LogInfo(" Screen Layout: G4KLX (Default)"); break; case 2U: LogInfo(" Screen Layout: ON7LDS"); break; case 3U: LogInfo(" Screen Layout: DIY by ON7LDS"); break; case 4U: LogInfo(" Screen Layout: DIY by ON7LDS (High speed)"); break; default: LogInfo(" Screen Layout: %u (Unknown)", screenLayout); break; } if (port == "modem") { ISerialPort* serial = new CModemSerialPort(modem); display = new CNextion(conf.getCallsign(), dmrid, serial, brightness, displayClock, utc, idleBrightness, screenLayout); } else if (port == "ump") { if (ump != NULL) display = new CNextion(conf.getCallsign(), dmrid, ump, brightness, displayClock, utc, idleBrightness, screenLayout); else display = new CNullDisplay; } else { SERIAL_SPEED baudrate = SERIAL_9600; if (screenLayout==4U) baudrate = SERIAL_115200; ISerialPort* serial = new CSerialController(port, baudrate); display = new CNextion(conf.getCallsign(), dmrid, serial, brightness, displayClock, utc, idleBrightness, screenLayout); } } else if (type == "LCDproc") { std::string address = conf.getLCDprocAddress(); unsigned int port = conf.getLCDprocPort(); unsigned int localPort = conf.getLCDprocLocalPort(); bool displayClock = conf.getLCDprocDisplayClock(); bool utc = conf.getLCDprocUTC(); bool dimOnIdle = conf.getLCDprocDimOnIdle(); LogInfo(" Address: %s", address.c_str()); LogInfo(" Port: %u", port); if (localPort == 0 ) LogInfo(" Local Port: random"); else LogInfo(" Local Port: %u", localPort); LogInfo(" Dim Display on Idle: %s", dimOnIdle ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Clock Display: %s", displayClock ? "yes" : "no"); if (displayClock) LogInfo(" Display UTC: %s", utc ? "yes" : "no"); display = new CLCDproc(address.c_str(), port, localPort, conf.getCallsign(), dmrid, displayClock, utc, conf.getDuplex(), dimOnIdle); #if defined(HD44780) } else if (type == "HD44780") { unsigned int rows = conf.getHD44780Rows(); unsigned int columns = conf.getHD44780Columns(); std::vector pins = conf.getHD44780Pins(); unsigned int i2cAddress = conf.getHD44780i2cAddress(); bool pwm = conf.getHD44780PWM(); unsigned int pwmPin = conf.getHD44780PWMPin(); unsigned int pwmBright = conf.getHD44780PWMBright(); unsigned int pwmDim = conf.getHD44780PWMDim(); bool displayClock = conf.getHD44780DisplayClock(); bool utc = conf.getHD44780UTC(); if (pins.size() == 6U) { LogInfo(" Rows: %u", rows); LogInfo(" Columns: %u", columns); #if defined(ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY) || defined(PCF8574_DISPLAY) LogInfo(" Device Address: %#x", i2cAddress); #else LogInfo(" Pins: %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u", pins.at(0U), pins.at(1U), pins.at(2U), pins.at(3U), pins.at(4U), pins.at(5U)); #endif LogInfo(" PWM Backlight: %s", pwm ? "yes" : "no"); if (pwm) { LogInfo(" PWM Pin: %u", pwmPin); LogInfo(" PWM Bright: %u", pwmBright); LogInfo(" PWM Dim: %u", pwmDim); } LogInfo(" Clock Display: %s", displayClock ? "yes" : "no"); if (displayClock) LogInfo(" Display UTC: %s", utc ? "yes" : "no"); m_display = new CHD44780(rows, columns, conf.getCallsign(), dmrid, pins, i2cAddress, pwm, pwmPin, pwmBright, pwmDim, displayClock, utc, conf.getDuplex()); } #endif #if defined(OLED) } else if (type == "OLED") { unsigned char type = conf.getOLEDType(); unsigned char brightness = conf.getOLEDBrightness(); bool invert = conf.getOLEDInvert(); bool scroll = conf.getOLEDScroll(); display = new COLED(type, brightness, invert, scroll, conf.getDMRNetworkSlot1(), conf.getDMRNetworkSlot2()); #endif } else { LogWarning("No valid display found, disabling"); display = new CNullDisplay; } bool ret = display->open(); if (!ret) { delete display; display = new CNullDisplay; } return display; }