/* * Copyright (C) 2015,2016,2017 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "MMDVMHost.h" #include "RSSIInterpolator.h" #include "SerialController.h" #include "ModemSerialPort.h" #include "Version.h" #include "StopWatch.h" #include "Defines.h" #include "DStarControl.h" #include "DMRControl.h" #include "TFTSerial.h" #include "NullDisplay.h" #include "YSFControl.h" #include "P25Control.h" #include "Nextion.h" #include "LCDproc.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "Log.h" #include "GitVersion.h" #if defined(HD44780) #include "HD44780.h" #endif #if defined(OLED) #include "OLED.h" #endif #include #include #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) const char* DEFAULT_INI_FILE = "MMDVM.ini"; #else const char* DEFAULT_INI_FILE = "/etc/MMDVM.ini"; #endif static bool m_killed = false; static int m_signal = 0; #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) static void sigHandler(int signum) { m_killed = true; m_signal = signum; } #endif const char* HEADER1 = "This software is for use on amateur radio networks only,"; const char* HEADER2 = "it is to be used for educational purposes only. Its use on"; const char* HEADER3 = "commercial networks is strictly prohibited."; const char* HEADER4 = "Copyright(C) 2015, 2016 by Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX and others"; int main(int argc, char** argv) { const char* iniFile = DEFAULT_INI_FILE; if (argc > 1) { for (int currentArg = 1; currentArg < argc; ++currentArg) { std::string arg = argv[currentArg]; if ((arg == "-v") || (arg == "--version")) { ::fprintf(stdout, "MMDVMHost version %s\n", VERSION); return 0; } else if (arg.substr(0,1) == "-") { ::fprintf(stderr, "Usage: MMDVMHost [-v|--version] [filename]\n"); return 1; } else { iniFile = argv[currentArg]; } } } #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) ::signal(SIGTERM, sigHandler); ::signal(SIGHUP, sigHandler); #endif int ret = 0; do { m_signal = 0; CMMDVMHost* host = new CMMDVMHost(std::string(iniFile)); ret = host->run(); delete host; if (m_signal == 15) ::LogInfo("Caught SIGTERM, exiting"); if (m_signal == 1) ::LogInfo("Caught SIGHUP, restarting"); } while (m_signal == 1); ::LogFinalise(); return ret; } CMMDVMHost::CMMDVMHost(const std::string& confFile) : m_conf(confFile), m_modem(NULL), m_dstarNetwork(NULL), m_dmrNetwork(NULL), m_ysfNetwork(NULL), m_p25Network(NULL), m_display(NULL), m_ump(NULL), m_mode(MODE_IDLE), m_rfModeHang(10U), m_netModeHang(3U), m_modeTimer(1000U), m_dmrTXTimer(1000U), m_cwIdTimer(1000U), m_duplex(false), m_timeout(180U), m_dstarEnabled(false), m_dmrEnabled(false), m_ysfEnabled(false), m_p25Enabled(false), m_cwIdTime(0U), m_lookup(NULL), m_callsign() { } CMMDVMHost::~CMMDVMHost() { } int CMMDVMHost::run() { bool ret = m_conf.read(); if (!ret) { ::fprintf(stderr, "MMDVMHost: cannot read the .ini file\n"); return 1; } ret = ::LogInitialise(m_conf.getLogFilePath(), m_conf.getLogFileRoot(), m_conf.getLogFileLevel(), m_conf.getLogDisplayLevel()); if (!ret) { ::fprintf(stderr, "MMDVMHost: unable to open the log file\n"); return 1; } #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) bool m_daemon = m_conf.getDaemon(); if (m_daemon) { // Create new process pid_t pid = ::fork(); if (pid == -1) { ::LogWarning("Couldn't fork() , exiting"); return -1; } else if (pid != 0) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // Create new session and process group if (::setsid() == -1){ ::LogWarning("Couldn't setsid(), exiting"); return -1; } // Set the working directory to the root directory if (::chdir("/") == -1){ ::LogWarning("Couldn't cd /, exiting"); return -1; } ::close(STDIN_FILENO); ::close(STDOUT_FILENO); ::close(STDERR_FILENO); #if !defined(HD44780) && !defined(OLED) //If we are currently root... if (getuid() == 0) { struct passwd* user = ::getpwnam("mmdvm"); if (user == NULL) { ::LogError("Could not get the mmdvm user, exiting"); return -1; } uid_t mmdvm_uid = user->pw_uid; gid_t mmdvm_gid = user->pw_gid; //Set user and group ID's to mmdvm:mmdvm if (setgid(mmdvm_gid) != 0) { ::LogWarning("Could not set mmdvm GID, exiting"); return -1; } if (setuid(mmdvm_uid) != 0) { ::LogWarning("Could not set mmdvm UID, exiting"); return -1; } //Double check it worked (AKA Paranoia) if (setuid(0) != -1){ ::LogWarning("It's possible to regain root - something is wrong!, exiting"); return -1; } } } #else ::LogWarning("Dropping root permissions in daemon mode is disabled with HD44780 display"); } #endif #endif LogInfo(HEADER1); LogInfo(HEADER2); LogInfo(HEADER3); LogInfo(HEADER4); LogMessage("MMDVMHost-%s is starting", VERSION); LogMessage("Built %s %s (GitID #%.7s)", __TIME__, __DATE__, gitversion); readParams(); ret = createModem(); if (!ret) return 1; if (m_conf.getUMPEnabled()) { std::string port = m_conf.getUMPPort(); LogInfo("Universal MMDVM Peripheral"); LogInfo(" Port: %s", port.c_str()); m_ump = new CUMP(port); bool ret = m_ump->open(); if (!ret) { delete m_ump; m_ump = NULL; } } createDisplay(); if (m_dstarEnabled && m_conf.getDStarNetworkEnabled()) { ret = createDStarNetwork(); if (!ret) return 1; } if (m_dmrEnabled && m_conf.getDMRNetworkEnabled()) { ret = createDMRNetwork(); if (!ret) return 1; } if (m_ysfEnabled && m_conf.getFusionNetworkEnabled()) { ret = createYSFNetwork(); if (!ret) return 1; } if (m_p25Enabled && m_conf.getP25NetworkEnabled()) { ret = createP25Network(); if (!ret) return 1; } if (m_conf.getCWIdEnabled()) { unsigned int time = m_conf.getCWIdTime(); LogInfo("CW Id Parameters"); LogInfo(" Time: %u mins", time); m_cwIdTime = time * 60U; m_cwIdTimer.setTimeout(m_cwIdTime / 4U); m_cwIdTimer.start(); } CTimer dmrBeaconTimer(1000U, 4U); bool dmrBeaconsEnabled = m_dmrEnabled && m_conf.getDMRBeacons(); // For all modes we handle RSSI std::string rssiMappingFile = m_conf.getModemRSSIMappingFile(); CRSSIInterpolator* rssi = new CRSSIInterpolator; if (!rssiMappingFile.empty()) { LogInfo("RSSI"); LogInfo(" Mapping File: %s", rssiMappingFile.c_str()); rssi->load(rssiMappingFile); } // For DMR and P25 we try to map IDs to callsigns if (m_dmrEnabled || m_p25Enabled) { std::string lookupFile = m_conf.getDMRIdLookupFile(); unsigned int reloadTime = m_conf.getDMRIdLookupTime(); LogInfo("DMR Id Lookups"); LogInfo(" File: %s", lookupFile.length() > 0U ? lookupFile.c_str() : "None"); if (reloadTime > 0U) LogInfo(" Reload: %u hours", reloadTime); m_lookup = new CDMRLookup(lookupFile, reloadTime); m_lookup->read(); } CStopWatch stopWatch; stopWatch.start(); CDStarControl* dstar = NULL; if (m_dstarEnabled) { std::string module = m_conf.getDStarModule(); bool selfOnly = m_conf.getDStarSelfOnly(); std::vector blackList = m_conf.getDStarBlackList(); bool errorReply = m_conf.getDStarErrorReply(); LogInfo("D-Star Parameters"); LogInfo(" Module: %s", module.c_str()); LogInfo(" Self Only: %s", selfOnly ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Error Reply: %s", errorReply ? "yes" : "no"); if (blackList.size() > 0U) LogInfo(" Black List: %u", blackList.size()); dstar = new CDStarControl(m_callsign, module, selfOnly, errorReply, blackList, m_dstarNetwork, m_display, m_timeout, m_duplex, rssi); } CDMRControl* dmr = NULL; if (m_dmrEnabled) { unsigned int id = m_conf.getDMRId(); unsigned int colorCode = m_conf.getDMRColorCode(); bool selfOnly = m_conf.getDMRSelfOnly(); bool embeddedLCOnly = m_conf.getDMREmbeddedLCOnly(); bool dumpTAData = m_conf.getDMRDumpTAData(); std::vector prefixes = m_conf.getDMRPrefixes(); std::vector blackList = m_conf.getDMRBlackList(); std::vector whiteList = m_conf.getDMRWhiteList(); std::vector slot1TGWhiteList = m_conf.getDMRSlot1TGWhiteList(); std::vector slot2TGWhiteList = m_conf.getDMRSlot2TGWhiteList(); unsigned int callHang = m_conf.getDMRCallHang(); unsigned int txHang = m_conf.getDMRTXHang(); unsigned int jitter = m_conf.getDMRNetworkJitter(); if (txHang > m_rfModeHang) txHang = m_rfModeHang; if (txHang > m_netModeHang) txHang = m_netModeHang; if (callHang > txHang) callHang = txHang; LogInfo("DMR Parameters"); LogInfo(" Id: %u", id); LogInfo(" Color Code: %u", colorCode); LogInfo(" Self Only: %s", selfOnly ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Embedded LC Only: %s", embeddedLCOnly ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Dump Talker Alias Data: %s", dumpTAData ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Prefixes: %u", prefixes.size()); if (blackList.size() > 0U) LogInfo(" Source ID Black List: %u", blackList.size()); if (whiteList.size() > 0U) LogInfo(" Source ID White List: %u", whiteList.size()); if (slot1TGWhiteList.size() > 0U) LogInfo(" Slot 1 TG White List: %u", slot1TGWhiteList.size()); if (slot2TGWhiteList.size() > 0U) LogInfo(" Slot 2 TG White List: %u", slot2TGWhiteList.size()); LogInfo(" Call Hang: %us", callHang); LogInfo(" TX Hang: %us", txHang); dmr = new CDMRControl(id, colorCode, callHang, selfOnly, embeddedLCOnly, dumpTAData, prefixes, blackList, whiteList, slot1TGWhiteList, slot2TGWhiteList, m_timeout, m_modem, m_dmrNetwork, m_display, m_duplex, m_lookup, rssi, jitter); m_dmrTXTimer.setTimeout(txHang); } CYSFControl* ysf = NULL; if (m_ysfEnabled) { bool remoteGateway = m_conf.getFusionRemoteGateway(); LogInfo("YSF Parameters"); LogInfo(" Remote Gateway: %s", remoteGateway ? "yes" : "no"); ysf = new CYSFControl(m_callsign, m_ysfNetwork, m_display, m_timeout, m_duplex, remoteGateway, rssi); } CP25Control* p25 = NULL; if (m_p25Enabled) { unsigned int nac = m_conf.getP25NAC(); LogInfo("P25 Parameters"); LogInfo(" NAC: $%03X", nac); p25 = new CP25Control(nac, m_p25Network, m_display, m_timeout, m_duplex, m_lookup, rssi); } setMode(MODE_IDLE); LogMessage("MMDVMHost-%s is running", VERSION); while (!m_killed) { bool lockout1 = m_modem->hasLockout(); bool lockout2 = false; if (m_ump != NULL) lockout2 = m_ump->getLockout(); if ((lockout1 || lockout2) && m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) setMode(MODE_LOCKOUT); else if ((!lockout1 && !lockout2) && m_mode == MODE_LOCKOUT) setMode(MODE_IDLE); bool error = m_modem->hasError(); if (error && m_mode != MODE_ERROR) setMode(MODE_ERROR); else if (!error && m_mode == MODE_ERROR) setMode(MODE_IDLE); if (m_ump != NULL) { bool tx = m_modem->hasTX(); m_ump->setTX(tx); bool cd = m_modem->hasCD(); m_ump->setCD(cd); } unsigned char data[200U]; unsigned int len; bool ret; len = m_modem->readDStarData(data); if (dstar != NULL && len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { bool ret = dstar->writeModem(data, len); if (ret) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_rfModeHang); setMode(MODE_DSTAR); } } else if (m_mode == MODE_DSTAR) { dstar->writeModem(data, len); m_modeTimer.start(); } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("D-Star modem data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } len = m_modem->readDMRData1(data); if (dmr != NULL && len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { if (m_duplex) { bool ret = dmr->processWakeup(data); if (ret) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_rfModeHang); setMode(MODE_DMR); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); } } else { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_rfModeHang); setMode(MODE_DMR); dmr->writeModemSlot1(data, len); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); } } else if (m_mode == MODE_DMR) { if (m_duplex && !m_modem->hasTX()) { bool ret = dmr->processWakeup(data); if (ret) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(true); m_dmrTXTimer.start(); } } else { dmr->writeModemSlot1(data, len); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); m_modeTimer.start(); if (m_duplex) m_dmrTXTimer.start(); } } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("DMR modem data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } len = m_modem->readDMRData2(data); if (dmr != NULL && len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { if (m_duplex) { bool ret = dmr->processWakeup(data); if (ret) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_rfModeHang); setMode(MODE_DMR); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); } } else { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_rfModeHang); setMode(MODE_DMR); dmr->writeModemSlot2(data, len); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); } } else if (m_mode == MODE_DMR) { if (m_duplex && !m_modem->hasTX()) { bool ret = dmr->processWakeup(data); if (ret) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(true); m_dmrTXTimer.start(); } } else { dmr->writeModemSlot2(data, len); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); m_modeTimer.start(); if (m_duplex) m_dmrTXTimer.start(); } } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("DMR modem data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } len = m_modem->readYSFData(data); if (ysf != NULL && len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { bool ret = ysf->writeModem(data, len); if (ret) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_rfModeHang); setMode(MODE_YSF); } } else if (m_mode == MODE_YSF) { ysf->writeModem(data, len); m_modeTimer.start(); } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("System Fusion modem data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } len = m_modem->readP25Data(data); if (p25 != NULL && len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { bool ret = p25->writeModem(data, len); if (ret) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_rfModeHang); setMode(MODE_P25); } } else if (m_mode == MODE_P25) { p25->writeModem(data, len); m_modeTimer.start(); } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("P25 modem data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } if (m_modeTimer.isRunning() && m_modeTimer.hasExpired()) setMode(MODE_IDLE); if (dstar != NULL) { ret = m_modem->hasDStarSpace(); if (ret) { len = dstar->readModem(data); if (len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_netModeHang); setMode(MODE_DSTAR); } if (m_mode == MODE_DSTAR) { m_modem->writeDStarData(data, len); m_modeTimer.start(); } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("D-Star data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } } } if (dmr != NULL) { ret = m_modem->hasDMRSpace1(); if (ret) { len = dmr->readModemSlot1(data); if (len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_netModeHang); setMode(MODE_DMR); } if (m_mode == MODE_DMR) { if (m_duplex) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(true); m_dmrTXTimer.start(); } m_modem->writeDMRData1(data, len); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); m_modeTimer.start(); } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("DMR data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } } ret = m_modem->hasDMRSpace2(); if (ret) { len = dmr->readModemSlot2(data); if (len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_netModeHang); setMode(MODE_DMR); } if (m_mode == MODE_DMR) { if (m_duplex) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(true); m_dmrTXTimer.start(); } m_modem->writeDMRData2(data, len); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); m_modeTimer.start(); } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("DMR data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } } } if (ysf != NULL) { ret = m_modem->hasYSFSpace(); if (ret) { len = ysf->readModem(data); if (len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_netModeHang); setMode(MODE_YSF); } if (m_mode == MODE_YSF) { m_modem->writeYSFData(data, len); m_modeTimer.start(); } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("System Fusion data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } } } if (p25 != NULL) { ret = m_modem->hasP25Space(); if (ret) { len = p25->readModem(data); if (len > 0U) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE) { m_modeTimer.setTimeout(m_netModeHang); setMode(MODE_P25); } if (m_mode == MODE_P25) { m_modem->writeP25Data(data, len); m_modeTimer.start(); } else if (m_mode != MODE_LOCKOUT) { LogWarning("P25 data received when in mode %u", m_mode); } } } } if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) { bool run = m_dmrNetwork->wantsBeacon(); if (dmrBeaconsEnabled && run && m_mode == MODE_IDLE && !m_modem->hasTX()) { setMode(MODE_DMR); dmrBeaconTimer.start(); } } unsigned int ms = stopWatch.elapsed(); stopWatch.start(); m_display->clock(ms); m_modem->clock(ms); m_modeTimer.clock(ms); if (dstar != NULL) dstar->clock(); if (dmr != NULL) dmr->clock(); if (ysf != NULL) ysf->clock(ms); if (p25 != NULL) p25->clock(ms); if (m_dstarNetwork != NULL) m_dstarNetwork->clock(ms); if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) m_dmrNetwork->clock(ms); if (m_ysfNetwork != NULL) m_ysfNetwork->clock(ms); if (m_p25Network != NULL) m_p25Network->clock(ms); m_cwIdTimer.clock(ms); if (m_cwIdTimer.isRunning() && m_cwIdTimer.hasExpired()) { if (m_mode == MODE_IDLE && !m_modem->hasTX()){ LogDebug("sending CW ID"); m_display->writeCW(); m_modem->sendCWId(m_callsign); m_cwIdTimer.setTimeout(m_cwIdTime); m_cwIdTimer.start(); } } dmrBeaconTimer.clock(ms); if (dmrBeaconTimer.isRunning() && dmrBeaconTimer.hasExpired()) { setMode(MODE_IDLE); dmrBeaconTimer.stop(); } m_dmrTXTimer.clock(ms); if (m_dmrTXTimer.isRunning() && m_dmrTXTimer.hasExpired()) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(false); m_dmrTXTimer.stop(); } if (m_ump != NULL) m_ump->clock(ms); if (ms < 5U) CThread::sleep(5U); } LogMessage("MMDVMHost-%s is exiting on receipt of SIGHUP1", VERSION); setMode(MODE_IDLE); m_modem->close(); delete m_modem; m_display->close(); delete m_display; if (m_ump != NULL) { m_ump->close(); delete m_ump; } if (m_lookup != NULL) m_lookup->stop(); if (m_dstarNetwork != NULL) { m_dstarNetwork->close(); delete m_dstarNetwork; } if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) { m_dmrNetwork->close(); delete m_dmrNetwork; } if (m_ysfNetwork != NULL) { m_ysfNetwork->close(); delete m_ysfNetwork; } if (m_p25Network != NULL) { m_p25Network->close(); delete m_p25Network; } delete dstar; delete dmr; delete ysf; delete p25; return 0; } bool CMMDVMHost::createModem() { std::string port = m_conf.getModemPort(); bool rxInvert = m_conf.getModemRXInvert(); bool txInvert = m_conf.getModemTXInvert(); bool pttInvert = m_conf.getModemPTTInvert(); unsigned int txDelay = m_conf.getModemTXDelay(); unsigned int dmrDelay = m_conf.getModemDMRDelay(); unsigned int rxLevel = m_conf.getModemRXLevel(); unsigned int cwIdTXLevel = m_conf.getModemCWIdTXLevel(); unsigned int dstarTXLevel = m_conf.getModemDStarTXLevel(); unsigned int dmrTXLevel = m_conf.getModemDMRTXLevel(); unsigned int ysfTXLevel = m_conf.getModemYSFTXLevel(); unsigned int p25TXLevel = m_conf.getModemP25TXLevel(); bool debug = m_conf.getModemDebug(); unsigned int colorCode = m_conf.getDMRColorCode(); unsigned int rxFrequency = m_conf.getRxFrequency(); unsigned int txFrequency = m_conf.getTxFrequency(); std::string samplesDir = m_conf.getModemSamplesDir(); LogInfo("Modem Parameters"); LogInfo(" Port: %s", port.c_str()); LogInfo(" RX Invert: %s", rxInvert ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" TX Invert: %s", txInvert ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" PTT Invert: %s", pttInvert ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" TX Delay: %ums", txDelay); LogInfo(" DMR Delay: %u (%.1fms)", dmrDelay, float(dmrDelay) * 0.0416666F); LogInfo(" RX Level: %u%%", rxLevel); LogInfo(" CW Id TX Level: %u%%", cwIdTXLevel); LogInfo(" D-Star TX Level: %u%%", dstarTXLevel); LogInfo(" DMR TX Level: %u%%", dmrTXLevel); LogInfo(" YSF TX Level: %u%%", ysfTXLevel); LogInfo(" P25 TX Level: %u%%", p25TXLevel); LogInfo(" RX Frequency: %uHz", rxFrequency); LogInfo(" TX Frequency: %uHz", txFrequency); m_modem = new CModem(port, m_duplex, rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, txDelay, dmrDelay, samplesDir, debug); m_modem->setModeParams(m_dstarEnabled, m_dmrEnabled, m_ysfEnabled, m_p25Enabled); m_modem->setLevels(rxLevel, cwIdTXLevel, dstarTXLevel, dmrTXLevel, ysfTXLevel, p25TXLevel); m_modem->setRFParams(rxFrequency, txFrequency); m_modem->setDMRParams(colorCode); bool ret = m_modem->open(); if (!ret) { delete m_modem; m_modem = NULL; return false; } return true; } bool CMMDVMHost::createDStarNetwork() { std::string gatewayAddress = m_conf.getDStarGatewayAddress(); unsigned int gatewayPort = m_conf.getDStarGatewayPort(); unsigned int localPort = m_conf.getDStarLocalPort(); bool debug = m_conf.getDStarNetworkDebug(); LogInfo("D-Star Network Parameters"); LogInfo(" Gateway Address: %s", gatewayAddress.c_str()); LogInfo(" Gateway Port: %u", gatewayPort); LogInfo(" Local Port: %u", localPort); m_dstarNetwork = new CDStarNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localPort, m_duplex, VERSION, debug); bool ret = m_dstarNetwork->open(); if (!ret) { delete m_dstarNetwork; m_dstarNetwork = NULL; return false; } m_dstarNetwork->enable(true); return true; } bool CMMDVMHost::createDMRNetwork() { std::string address = m_conf.getDMRNetworkAddress(); unsigned int port = m_conf.getDMRNetworkPort(); unsigned int local = m_conf.getDMRNetworkLocal(); unsigned int id = m_conf.getDMRId(); std::string password = m_conf.getDMRNetworkPassword(); bool debug = m_conf.getDMRNetworkDebug(); unsigned int jitter = m_conf.getDMRNetworkJitter(); bool slot1 = m_conf.getDMRNetworkSlot1(); bool slot2 = m_conf.getDMRNetworkSlot2(); HW_TYPE hwType = m_modem->getHWType(); LogInfo("DMR Network Parameters"); LogInfo(" Address: %s", address.c_str()); LogInfo(" Port: %u", port); if (local > 0U) LogInfo(" Local: %u", local); else LogInfo(" Local: random"); LogInfo(" Jitter: %ums", jitter); LogInfo(" Slot 1: %s", slot1 ? "enabled" : "disabled"); LogInfo(" Slot 2: %s", slot2 ? "enabled" : "disabled"); m_dmrNetwork = new CDMRNetwork(address, port, local, id, password, m_duplex, VERSION, debug, slot1, slot2, hwType); std::string options = m_conf.getDMRNetworkOptions(); if (!options.empty()) { LogInfo(" Options: %s", options.c_str()); m_dmrNetwork->setOptions(options); } unsigned int rxFrequency = m_conf.getRxFrequency(); unsigned int txFrequency = m_conf.getTxFrequency(); unsigned int power = m_conf.getPower(); unsigned int colorCode = m_conf.getDMRColorCode(); float latitude = m_conf.getLatitude(); float longitude = m_conf.getLongitude(); int height = m_conf.getHeight(); std::string location = m_conf.getLocation(); std::string description = m_conf.getDescription(); std::string url = m_conf.getURL(); LogInfo("Info Parameters"); LogInfo(" Callsign: %s", m_callsign.c_str()); LogInfo(" RX Frequency: %uHz", rxFrequency); LogInfo(" TX Frequency: %uHz", txFrequency); LogInfo(" Power: %uW", power); LogInfo(" Latitude: %fdeg N", latitude); LogInfo(" Longitude: %fdeg E", longitude); LogInfo(" Height: %um", height); LogInfo(" Location: \"%s\"", location.c_str()); LogInfo(" Description: \"%s\"", description.c_str()); LogInfo(" URL: \"%s\"", url.c_str()); m_dmrNetwork->setConfig(m_callsign, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power, colorCode, latitude, longitude, height, location, description, url); bool ret = m_dmrNetwork->open(); if (!ret) { delete m_dmrNetwork; m_dmrNetwork = NULL; return false; } m_dmrNetwork->enable(true); return true; } bool CMMDVMHost::createYSFNetwork() { std::string myAddress = m_conf.getFusionNetworkMyAddress(); unsigned int myPort = m_conf.getFusionNetworkMyPort(); std::string gwyAddress = m_conf.getFusionNetworkGwyAddress(); unsigned int gwyPort = m_conf.getFusionNetworkGwyPort(); bool debug = m_conf.getFusionNetworkDebug(); LogInfo("System Fusion Network Parameters"); LogInfo(" Local Address: %s", myAddress.c_str()); LogInfo(" Local Port: %u", myPort); LogInfo(" Gateway Address: %s", gwyAddress.c_str()); LogInfo(" Gateway Port: %u", gwyPort); m_ysfNetwork = new CYSFNetwork(myAddress, myPort, gwyAddress, gwyPort, m_callsign, debug); bool ret = m_ysfNetwork->open(); if (!ret) { delete m_ysfNetwork; m_ysfNetwork = NULL; return false; } m_ysfNetwork->enable(true); return true; } bool CMMDVMHost::createP25Network() { std::string gatewayAddress = m_conf.getP25GatewayAddress(); unsigned int gatewayPort = m_conf.getP25GatewayPort(); unsigned int localPort = m_conf.getP25LocalPort(); bool debug = m_conf.getP25NetworkDebug(); LogInfo("P25 Network Parameters"); LogInfo(" Gateway Address: %s", gatewayAddress.c_str()); LogInfo(" Gateway Port: %u", gatewayPort); LogInfo(" Local Port: %u", localPort); m_p25Network = new CP25Network(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localPort, debug); bool ret = m_p25Network->open(); if (!ret) { delete m_p25Network; m_p25Network = NULL; return false; } m_p25Network->enable(true); return true; } void CMMDVMHost::readParams() { m_dstarEnabled = m_conf.getDStarEnabled(); m_dmrEnabled = m_conf.getDMREnabled(); m_ysfEnabled = m_conf.getFusionEnabled(); m_p25Enabled = m_conf.getP25Enabled(); m_duplex = m_conf.getDuplex(); m_callsign = m_conf.getCallsign(); m_timeout = m_conf.getTimeout(); m_rfModeHang = m_conf.getRFModeHang(); m_netModeHang = m_conf.getNetModeHang(); LogInfo("General Parameters"); LogInfo(" Callsign: %s", m_callsign.c_str()); LogInfo(" Duplex: %s", m_duplex ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Timeout: %us", m_timeout); LogInfo(" RF Mode Hang: %us", m_rfModeHang); LogInfo(" Net Mode Hang: %us", m_netModeHang); LogInfo(" D-Star: %s", m_dstarEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); LogInfo(" DMR: %s", m_dmrEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); LogInfo(" YSF: %s", m_ysfEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); LogInfo(" P25: %s", m_p25Enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } void CMMDVMHost::createDisplay() { std::string type = m_conf.getDisplay(); unsigned int dmrid = m_conf.getDMRId(); LogInfo("Display Parameters"); LogInfo(" Type: %s", type.c_str()); if (type == "TFT Serial") { std::string port = m_conf.getTFTSerialPort(); unsigned int brightness = m_conf.getTFTSerialBrightness(); LogInfo(" Port: %s", port.c_str()); LogInfo(" Brightness: %u", brightness); ISerialPort* serial = NULL; if (port == "modem") serial = new CModemSerialPort(m_modem); else serial = new CSerialController(port, SERIAL_9600); m_display = new CTFTSerial(m_callsign, dmrid, serial, brightness); } else if (type == "Nextion") { std::string port = m_conf.getNextionPort(); unsigned int brightness = m_conf.getNextionBrightness(); bool displayClock = m_conf.getNextionDisplayClock(); bool utc = m_conf.getNextionUTC(); unsigned int idleBrightness = m_conf.getNextionIdleBrightness(); LogInfo(" Port: %s", port.c_str()); LogInfo(" Brightness: %u", brightness); LogInfo(" Clock Display: %s", displayClock ? "yes" : "no"); if (displayClock) LogInfo(" Display UTC: %s", utc ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Idle Brightness: %u", idleBrightness); if (port == "modem") { ISerialPort* serial = new CModemSerialPort(m_modem); m_display = new CNextion(m_callsign, dmrid, serial, brightness, displayClock, utc, idleBrightness); } else if (port == "ump") { if (m_ump != NULL) m_display = new CNextion(m_callsign, dmrid, m_ump, brightness, displayClock, utc, idleBrightness); } else { ISerialPort* serial = new CSerialController(port, SERIAL_9600); m_display = new CNextion(m_callsign, dmrid, serial, brightness, displayClock, utc, idleBrightness); } } else if (type == "LCDproc") { std::string address = m_conf.getLCDprocAddress(); unsigned int port = m_conf.getLCDprocPort(); unsigned int localPort = m_conf.getLCDprocLocalPort(); bool displayClock = m_conf.getLCDprocDisplayClock(); bool utc = m_conf.getLCDprocUTC(); bool dimOnIdle = m_conf.getLCDprocDimOnIdle(); LogInfo(" Address: %s", address.c_str()); LogInfo(" Port: %u", port); if (localPort == 0 ) LogInfo(" Local Port: random"); else LogInfo(" Local Port: %u", localPort); LogInfo(" Dim Display on Idle: %s", dimOnIdle ? "yes" : "no"); LogInfo(" Clock Display: %s", displayClock ? "yes" : "no"); if (displayClock) LogInfo(" Display UTC: %s", utc ? "yes" : "no"); m_display = new CLCDproc(address.c_str(), port, localPort, m_callsign, dmrid, displayClock, utc, m_duplex, dimOnIdle); #if defined(HD44780) } else if (type == "HD44780") { unsigned int rows = m_conf.getHD44780Rows(); unsigned int columns = m_conf.getHD44780Columns(); std::vector pins = m_conf.getHD44780Pins(); unsigned int i2cAddress = m_conf.getHD44780i2cAddress(); bool pwm = m_conf.getHD44780PWM(); unsigned int pwmPin = m_conf.getHD44780PWMPin(); unsigned int pwmBright = m_conf.getHD44780PWMBright(); unsigned int pwmDim = m_conf.getHD44780PWMDim(); bool displayClock = m_conf.getHD44780DisplayClock(); bool utc = m_conf.getHD44780UTC(); if (pins.size() == 6U) { LogInfo(" Rows: %u", rows); LogInfo(" Columns: %u", columns); #if defined(ADAFRUIT_DISPLAY) || defined(PCF8574_DISPLAY) LogInfo(" Device Address: %#x", i2cAddress); #else LogInfo(" Pins: %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u", pins.at(0U), pins.at(1U), pins.at(2U), pins.at(3U), pins.at(4U), pins.at(5U)); #endif LogInfo(" PWM Backlight: %s", pwm ? "yes" : "no"); if (pwm) { LogInfo(" PWM Pin: %u", pwmPin); LogInfo(" PWM Bright: %u", pwmBright); LogInfo(" PWM Dim: %u", pwmDim); } LogInfo(" Clock Display: %s", displayClock ? "yes" : "no"); if (displayClock) LogInfo(" Display UTC: %s", utc ? "yes" : "no"); m_display = new CHD44780(rows, columns, m_callsign, dmrid, pins, i2cAddress, pwm, pwmPin, pwmBright, pwmDim, displayClock, utc, m_duplex); } #endif #if defined(OLED) } else if (type == "OLED") { unsigned char type = m_conf.getOLEDType(); unsigned char brightness = m_conf.getOLEDBrightness(); bool invert = m_conf.getOLEDInvert(); m_display = new COLED(type, brightness, invert); #endif } else { m_display = new CNullDisplay; } if (m_display == NULL) { LogWarning("No valid display found, disabling"); m_display = new CNullDisplay; return; } bool ret = m_display->open(); if (!ret) { delete m_display; m_display = new CNullDisplay; } } void CMMDVMHost::setMode(unsigned char mode) { assert(m_modem != NULL); assert(m_display != NULL); switch (mode) { case MODE_DSTAR: if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) m_dmrNetwork->enable(false); if (m_ysfNetwork != NULL) m_ysfNetwork->enable(false); if (m_p25Network != NULL) m_p25Network->enable(false); m_modem->setMode(MODE_DSTAR); if (m_ump != NULL) m_ump->setMode(MODE_DSTAR); m_mode = MODE_DSTAR; m_modeTimer.start(); m_cwIdTimer.stop(); break; case MODE_DMR: if (m_dstarNetwork != NULL) m_dstarNetwork->enable(false); if (m_ysfNetwork != NULL) m_ysfNetwork->enable(false); if (m_p25Network != NULL) m_p25Network->enable(false); m_modem->setMode(MODE_DMR); if (m_ump != NULL) m_ump->setMode(MODE_DMR); if (m_duplex) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(true); m_dmrTXTimer.start(); } m_mode = MODE_DMR; m_modeTimer.start(); m_cwIdTimer.stop(); break; case MODE_YSF: if (m_dstarNetwork != NULL) m_dstarNetwork->enable(false); if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) m_dmrNetwork->enable(false); if (m_p25Network != NULL) m_p25Network->enable(false); m_modem->setMode(MODE_YSF); if (m_ump != NULL) m_ump->setMode(MODE_YSF); m_mode = MODE_YSF; m_modeTimer.start(); m_cwIdTimer.stop(); break; case MODE_P25: if (m_dstarNetwork != NULL) m_dstarNetwork->enable(false); if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) m_dmrNetwork->enable(false); if (m_ysfNetwork != NULL) m_ysfNetwork->enable(false); m_modem->setMode(MODE_P25); if (m_ump != NULL) m_ump->setMode(MODE_P25); m_mode = MODE_P25; m_modeTimer.start(); m_cwIdTimer.stop(); break; case MODE_LOCKOUT: LogMessage("Mode set to Lockout"); if (m_dstarNetwork != NULL) m_dstarNetwork->enable(false); if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) m_dmrNetwork->enable(false); if (m_ysfNetwork != NULL) m_ysfNetwork->enable(false); if (m_p25Network != NULL) m_p25Network->enable(false); if (m_mode == MODE_DMR && m_duplex && m_modem->hasTX()) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(false); m_dmrTXTimer.stop(); } m_modem->setMode(MODE_IDLE); if (m_ump != NULL) m_ump->setMode(MODE_IDLE); m_display->setLockout(); m_mode = MODE_LOCKOUT; m_modeTimer.stop(); m_cwIdTimer.stop(); break; case MODE_ERROR: LogMessage("Mode set to Error"); if (m_dstarNetwork != NULL) m_dstarNetwork->enable(false); if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) m_dmrNetwork->enable(false); if (m_ysfNetwork != NULL) m_ysfNetwork->enable(false); if (m_p25Network != NULL) m_p25Network->enable(false); if (m_mode == MODE_DMR && m_duplex && m_modem->hasTX()) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(false); m_dmrTXTimer.stop(); } if (m_ump != NULL) m_ump->setMode(MODE_IDLE); m_display->setError("MODEM"); m_mode = MODE_ERROR; m_modeTimer.stop(); m_cwIdTimer.stop(); break; default: if (m_dstarNetwork != NULL) m_dstarNetwork->enable(true); if (m_dmrNetwork != NULL) m_dmrNetwork->enable(true); if (m_ysfNetwork != NULL) m_ysfNetwork->enable(true); if (m_p25Network != NULL) m_p25Network->enable(true); if (m_mode == MODE_DMR && m_duplex && m_modem->hasTX()) { m_modem->writeDMRStart(false); m_dmrTXTimer.stop(); } m_modem->setMode(MODE_IDLE); if (m_ump != NULL) m_ump->setMode(MODE_IDLE); if (m_mode == MODE_ERROR) { m_modem->sendCWId(m_callsign); m_cwIdTimer.setTimeout(m_cwIdTime); m_cwIdTimer.start(); } else { m_cwIdTimer.setTimeout(m_cwIdTime / 4U); m_cwIdTimer.start(); } m_display->setIdle(); m_mode = MODE_IDLE; m_modeTimer.stop(); break; } }