/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "DStarDefines.h" #include "Conf.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include #include const int BUFFER_SIZE = 500; enum SECTION { SECTION_NONE, SECTION_GENERAL, SECTION_INFO, SECTION_LOG, SECTION_CWID, SECTION_DMRID_LOOKUP, SECTION_NXDNID_LOOKUP, SECTION_MODEM, SECTION_TRANSPARENT, SECTION_UMP, SECTION_DSTAR, SECTION_DMR, SECTION_FUSION, SECTION_P25, SECTION_NXDN, SECTION_M17, SECTION_POCSAG, SECTION_FM, SECTION_AX25, SECTION_DSTAR_NETWORK, SECTION_DMR_NETWORK, SECTION_FUSION_NETWORK, SECTION_P25_NETWORK, SECTION_NXDN_NETWORK, SECTION_M17_NETWORK, SECTION_POCSAG_NETWORK, SECTION_FM_NETWORK, SECTION_AX25_NETWORK, SECTION_TFTSERIAL, SECTION_HD44780, SECTION_NEXTION, SECTION_OLED, SECTION_LCDPROC, SECTION_LOCK_FILE, SECTION_REMOTE_CONTROL }; CConf::CConf(const std::string& file) : m_file(file), m_callsign(), m_id(0U), m_timeout(120U), m_duplex(true), m_display(), m_daemon(false), m_rxFrequency(0U), m_txFrequency(0U), m_power(0U), m_logDisplayLevel(0U), m_logFileLevel(0U), m_logFilePath(), m_logFileRoot(), m_logFileRotate(true), m_cwIdEnabled(false), m_cwIdTime(10U), m_cwIdCallsign(), m_dmrIdLookupFile(), m_dmrIdLookupTime(0U), m_nxdnIdLookupFile(), m_nxdnIdLookupTime(0U), m_modemPort(), m_modemProtocol("uart"), m_modemSpeed(115200U), m_modemAddress(0x22), m_modemRXInvert(false), m_modemTXInvert(false), m_modemPTTInvert(false), m_modemTXDelay(100U), m_modemDMRDelay(0U), m_modemTXOffset(0), m_modemRXOffset(0), m_modemRXDCOffset(0), m_modemTXDCOffset(0), m_modemRFLevel(100.0F), m_modemRXLevel(50.0F), m_modemCWIdTXLevel(50.0F), m_modemDStarTXLevel(50.0F), m_modemDMRTXLevel(50.0F), m_modemYSFTXLevel(50.0F), m_modemP25TXLevel(50.0F), m_modemNXDNTXLevel(50.0F), m_modemM17TXLevel(50.0F), m_modemPOCSAGTXLevel(50.0F), m_modemFMTXLevel(50.0F), m_modemAX25TXLevel(50.0F), m_modemRSSIMappingFile(), m_modemUseCOSAsLockout(false), m_modemTrace(false), m_modemDebug(false), m_transparentEnabled(false), m_transparentRemoteAddress(), m_transparentRemotePort(0U), m_transparentLocalPort(0U), m_transparentSendFrameType(0U), m_umpEnabled(false), m_umpPort(), m_dstarEnabled(false), m_dstarModule("C"), m_dstarSelfOnly(false), m_dstarBlackList(), m_dstarWhiteList(), m_dstarAckReply(true), m_dstarAckTime(750U), m_dstarAckMessage(false), m_dstarErrorReply(true), m_dstarRemoteGateway(false), m_dstarModeHang(10U), m_dmrEnabled(false), m_dmrBeacons(DMR_BEACONS_OFF), m_dmrBeaconInterval(60U), m_dmrBeaconDuration(3U), m_dmrId(0U), m_dmrColorCode(2U), m_dmrSelfOnly(false), m_dmrEmbeddedLCOnly(false), m_dmrDumpTAData(true), m_dmrPrefixes(), m_dmrBlackList(), m_dmrWhiteList(), m_dmrSlot1TGWhiteList(), m_dmrSlot2TGWhiteList(), m_dmrCallHang(10U), m_dmrTXHang(4U), m_dmrModeHang(10U), m_dmrOVCM(DMR_OVCM_OFF), m_fusionEnabled(false), m_fusionLowDeviation(false), m_fusionRemoteGateway(false), m_fusionSelfOnly(false), m_fusionTXHang(4U), m_fusionModeHang(10U), m_p25Enabled(false), m_p25Id(0U), m_p25NAC(0x293U), m_p25SelfOnly(false), m_p25OverrideUID(false), m_p25RemoteGateway(false), m_p25TXHang(5U), m_p25ModeHang(10U), m_nxdnEnabled(false), m_nxdnId(0U), m_nxdnRAN(1U), m_nxdnSelfOnly(false), m_nxdnRemoteGateway(false), m_nxdnTXHang(5U), m_nxdnModeHang(10U), m_m17Enabled(false), m_m17SelfOnly(false), m_m17AllowEncryption(false), m_m17TXHang(5U), m_m17ModeHang(10U), m_pocsagEnabled(false), m_pocsagFrequency(0U), m_fmEnabled(false), m_fmCallsign(), m_fmCallsignSpeed(20U), m_fmCallsignFrequency(1000U), m_fmCallsignTime(10U), m_fmCallsignHoldoff(1U), m_fmCallsignHighLevel(35.0F), m_fmCallsignLowLevel(15.0F), m_fmCallsignAtStart(true), m_fmCallsignAtEnd(true), m_fmCallsignAtLatch(true), m_fmRFAck("K"), m_fmExtAck("N"), m_fmAckSpeed(20U), m_fmAckFrequency(1750U), m_fmAckMinTime(5U), m_fmAckDelay(1000U), m_fmAckLevel(80.0F), m_fmTimeout(180U), m_fmTimeoutLevel(80.0F), m_fmCTCSSFrequency(88.6F), m_fmCTCSSHighThreshold(30U), m_fmCTCSSLowThreshold(20U), m_fmCTCSSLevel(2.0F), m_fmKerchunkTime(0U), m_fmHangTime(7U), m_fmAccessMode(1U), m_fmCOSInvert(false), m_fmNoiseSquelch(false), m_fmSquelchHighThreshold(30U), m_fmSquelchLowThreshold(20U), m_fmRFAudioBoost(1U), m_fmMaxDevLevel(90.0F), m_fmExtAudioBoost(1U), m_fmModeHang(10U), m_ax25Enabled(false), m_ax25TXDelay(300U), m_ax25RXTwist(6), m_ax25SlotTime(30U), m_ax25PPersist(128U), m_ax25Trace(false), m_dstarNetworkEnabled(false), m_dstarGatewayAddress(), m_dstarGatewayPort(0U), m_dstarLocalPort(0U), m_dstarNetworkModeHang(3U), m_dstarNetworkDebug(false), m_dmrNetworkEnabled(false), m_dmrNetworkAddress(), m_dmrNetworkPort(0U), m_dmrNetworkLocal(0U), m_dmrNetworkPassword(), m_dmrNetworkOptions(), m_dmrNetworkDebug(false), m_dmrNetworkJitter(360U), m_dmrNetworkSlot1(true), m_dmrNetworkSlot2(true), m_dmrNetworkModeHang(3U), m_fusionNetworkEnabled(false), m_fusionNetworkMyAddress(), m_fusionNetworkMyPort(0U), m_fusionNetworkGatewayAddress(), m_fusionNetworkGatewayPort(0U), m_fusionNetworkModeHang(3U), m_fusionNetworkDebug(false), m_p25NetworkEnabled(false), m_p25GatewayAddress(), m_p25GatewayPort(0U), m_p25LocalPort(0U), m_p25NetworkModeHang(3U), m_p25NetworkDebug(false), m_nxdnNetworkEnabled(false), m_nxdnNetworkProtocol("Icom"), m_nxdnGatewayAddress(), m_nxdnGatewayPort(0U), m_nxdnLocalAddress(), m_nxdnLocalPort(0U), m_nxdnNetworkModeHang(3U), m_nxdnNetworkDebug(false), m_m17NetworkEnabled(false), m_m17GatewayAddress(), m_m17GatewayPort(0U), m_m17LocalPort(0U), m_m17NetworkModeHang(3U), m_m17NetworkDebug(false), m_pocsagNetworkEnabled(false), m_pocsagGatewayAddress(), m_pocsagGatewayPort(0U), m_pocsagLocalAddress(), m_pocsagLocalPort(0U), m_pocsagNetworkModeHang(3U), m_pocsagNetworkDebug(false), m_fmNetworkEnabled(false), m_fmGatewayAddress(), m_fmGatewayPort(0U), m_fmLocalAddress(), m_fmLocalPort(0U), m_fmSampleRate(8000U), m_fmNetworkModeHang(3U), m_fmNetworkDebug(false), m_ax25NetworkEnabled(false), m_ax25NetworkPort(), m_ax25NetworkSpeed(9600U), m_ax25NetworkDebug(false), m_tftSerialPort("/dev/ttyAMA0"), m_tftSerialBrightness(50U), m_hd44780Rows(2U), m_hd44780Columns(16U), m_hd44780Pins(), m_hd44780i2cAddress(), m_hd44780PWM(false), m_hd44780PWMPin(), m_hd44780PWMBright(), m_hd44780PWMDim(), m_hd44780DisplayClock(false), m_hd44780UTC(false), m_nextionPort("/dev/ttyAMA0"), m_nextionBrightness(50U), m_nextionDisplayClock(false), m_nextionUTC(false), m_nextionIdleBrightness(20U), m_nextionScreenLayout(0U), m_nextionTempInFahrenheit(false), m_oledType(3U), m_oledBrightness(0U), m_oledInvert(false), m_oledScroll(false), m_oledRotate(false), m_oledLogoScreensaver(true), m_lcdprocAddress(), m_lcdprocPort(0U), m_lcdprocLocalPort(0U), m_lcdprocDisplayClock(false), m_lcdprocUTC(false), m_lcdprocDimOnIdle(false), m_lockFileEnabled(false), m_lockFileName(), m_remoteControlEnabled(false), m_remoteControlAddress(""), m_remoteControlPort(0U) { } CConf::~CConf() { } bool CConf::read() { FILE* fp = ::fopen(m_file.c_str(), "rt"); if (fp == NULL) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open the .ini file - %s\n", m_file.c_str()); return false; } SECTION section = SECTION_NONE; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; while (::fgets(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, fp) != NULL) { if (buffer[0U] == '#') continue; if (buffer[0U] == '[') { if (::strncmp(buffer, "[General]", 9U) == 0) section = SECTION_GENERAL; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Info]", 6U) == 0) section = SECTION_INFO; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Log]", 5U) == 0) section = SECTION_LOG; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[CW Id]", 7U) == 0) section = SECTION_CWID; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[DMR Id Lookup]", 15U) == 0) section = SECTION_DMRID_LOOKUP; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[NXDN Id Lookup]", 16U) == 0) section = SECTION_NXDNID_LOOKUP; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Modem]", 7U) == 0) section = SECTION_MODEM; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Transparent Data]", 18U) == 0) section = SECTION_TRANSPARENT; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[UMP]", 5U) == 0) section = SECTION_UMP; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[D-Star]", 8U) == 0) section = SECTION_DSTAR; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[DMR]", 5U) == 0) section = SECTION_DMR; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[System Fusion]", 15U) == 0) section = SECTION_FUSION; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[P25]", 5U) == 0) section = SECTION_P25; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[NXDN]", 6U) == 0) section = SECTION_NXDN; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[M17]", 5U) == 0) section = SECTION_M17; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[POCSAG]", 8U) == 0) section = SECTION_POCSAG; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[FM]", 4U) == 0) section = SECTION_FM; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[AX.25]", 7U) == 0) section = SECTION_AX25; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[D-Star Network]", 16U) == 0) section = SECTION_DSTAR_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[DMR Network]", 13U) == 0) section = SECTION_DMR_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[System Fusion Network]", 23U) == 0) section = SECTION_FUSION_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[P25 Network]", 13U) == 0) section = SECTION_P25_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[NXDN Network]", 14U) == 0) section = SECTION_NXDN_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[M17 Network]", 13U) == 0) section = SECTION_M17_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[POCSAG Network]", 16U) == 0) section = SECTION_POCSAG_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[FM Network]", 12U) == 0) section = SECTION_FM_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[AX.25 Network]", 15U) == 0) section = SECTION_AX25_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[TFT Serial]", 12U) == 0) section = SECTION_TFTSERIAL; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[HD44780]", 9U) == 0) section = SECTION_HD44780; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Nextion]", 9U) == 0) section = SECTION_NEXTION; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[OLED]", 6U) == 0) section = SECTION_OLED; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[LCDproc]", 9U) == 0) section = SECTION_LCDPROC; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Lock File]", 11U) == 0) section = SECTION_LOCK_FILE; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Remote Control]", 16U) == 0) section = SECTION_REMOTE_CONTROL; else section = SECTION_NONE; continue; } char* key = ::strtok(buffer, " \t=\r\n"); if (key == NULL) continue; char* value = ::strtok(NULL, "\r\n"); if (value == NULL) continue; // Remove quotes from the value size_t len = ::strlen(value); if (len > 1U && *value == '"' && value[len - 1U] == '"') { value[len - 1U] = '\0'; value++; } else { // if value is not quoted, remove after # (to make comment) ::strtok(value, "#"); } if (section == SECTION_GENERAL) { if (::strcmp(key, "Callsign") == 0) { // Convert the callsign to upper case for (unsigned int i = 0U; value[i] != 0; i++) value[i] = ::toupper(value[i]); m_fmCallsign = m_cwIdCallsign = m_callsign = value; } else if (::strcmp(key, "Id") == 0) m_id = m_p25Id = m_dmrId = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Timeout") == 0) m_fmTimeout = m_timeout = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Duplex") == 0) m_duplex = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_dstarNetworkModeHang = m_dmrNetworkModeHang = m_fusionNetworkModeHang = m_p25NetworkModeHang = m_nxdnNetworkModeHang = m_m17NetworkModeHang = m_fmNetworkModeHang = m_dstarModeHang = m_dmrModeHang = m_fusionModeHang = m_p25ModeHang = m_nxdnModeHang = m_m17ModeHang = m_fmModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RFModeHang") == 0) m_dstarModeHang = m_dmrModeHang = m_fusionModeHang = m_p25ModeHang = m_nxdnModeHang = m_m17ModeHang = m_fmModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "NetModeHang") == 0) m_dstarNetworkModeHang = m_dmrNetworkModeHang = m_fusionNetworkModeHang = m_p25NetworkModeHang = m_nxdnNetworkModeHang = m_m17NetworkModeHang = m_fmNetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Display") == 0) m_display = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Daemon") == 0) m_daemon = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_INFO) { if (::strcmp(key, "TXFrequency") == 0) m_pocsagFrequency = m_txFrequency = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RXFrequency") == 0) m_rxFrequency = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Power") == 0) m_power = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_LOG) { if (::strcmp(key, "FilePath") == 0) m_logFilePath = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "FileRoot") == 0) m_logFileRoot = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "FileLevel") == 0) m_logFileLevel = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "DisplayLevel") == 0) m_logDisplayLevel = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "FileRotate") == 0) m_logFileRotate = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_CWID) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_cwIdEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Time") == 0) m_cwIdTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Callsign") == 0) { // Convert the callsign to upper case for (unsigned int i = 0U; value[i] != 0; i++) value[i] = ::toupper(value[i]); m_cwIdCallsign = value; } } else if (section == SECTION_DMRID_LOOKUP) { if (::strcmp(key, "File") == 0) m_dmrIdLookupFile = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Time") == 0) m_dmrIdLookupTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_NXDNID_LOOKUP) { if (::strcmp(key, "File") == 0) m_nxdnIdLookupFile = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Time") == 0) m_nxdnIdLookupTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_MODEM) { if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_modemPort = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Protocol") == 0) m_modemProtocol = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Speed") == 0) m_modemSpeed = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Address") == 0) m_modemAddress = (unsigned int)::strtoul(value, NULL, 16); else if (::strcmp(key, "RXInvert") == 0) m_modemRXInvert = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "TXInvert") == 0) m_modemTXInvert = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "PTTInvert") == 0) m_modemPTTInvert = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "TXDelay") == 0) m_ax25TXDelay = m_modemTXDelay = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "DMRDelay") == 0) m_modemDMRDelay = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RXOffset") == 0) m_modemRXOffset = ::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "TXOffset") == 0) m_modemTXOffset = ::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RXDCOffset") == 0) m_modemRXDCOffset = ::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "TXDCOffset") == 0) m_modemTXDCOffset = ::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RFLevel") == 0) m_modemRFLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "RXLevel") == 0) m_modemRXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "TXLevel") == 0) m_modemAX25TXLevel = m_modemFMTXLevel = m_modemCWIdTXLevel = m_modemDStarTXLevel = m_modemDMRTXLevel = m_modemYSFTXLevel = m_modemP25TXLevel = m_modemNXDNTXLevel = m_modemM17TXLevel = m_modemPOCSAGTXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "CWIdTXLevel") == 0) m_modemCWIdTXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "D-StarTXLevel") == 0) m_modemDStarTXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "DMRTXLevel") == 0) m_modemDMRTXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "YSFTXLevel") == 0) m_modemYSFTXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "P25TXLevel") == 0) m_modemP25TXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "NXDNTXLevel") == 0) m_modemNXDNTXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "M17TXLevel") == 0) m_modemM17TXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "POCSAGTXLevel") == 0) m_modemPOCSAGTXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "FMTXLevel") == 0) m_modemFMTXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "AX25TXLevel") == 0) m_modemAX25TXLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "RSSIMappingFile") == 0) m_modemRSSIMappingFile = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Trace") == 0) m_modemTrace = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_modemDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_TRANSPARENT) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_transparentEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "RemoteAddress") == 0) m_transparentRemoteAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "RemotePort") == 0) m_transparentRemotePort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_transparentLocalPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "SendFrameType") == 0) m_transparentSendFrameType = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_UMP) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_umpEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_umpPort = value; } else if (section == SECTION_DSTAR) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_dstarEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Module") == 0) { // Convert the module to upper case for (unsigned int i = 0U; value[i] != 0; i++) value[i] = ::toupper(value[i]); m_dstarModule = value; } else if (::strcmp(key, "SelfOnly") == 0) m_dstarSelfOnly = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "BlackList") == 0) { char* p = ::strtok(value, ",\r\n"); while (p != NULL) { if (::strlen(p) > 0U) { for (unsigned int i = 0U; p[i] != 0; i++) p[i] = ::toupper(p[i]); std::string callsign = std::string(p); callsign.resize(DSTAR_LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH, ' '); m_dstarBlackList.push_back(callsign); } p = ::strtok(NULL, ",\r\n"); } } else if (::strcmp(key, "WhiteList") == 0) { char* p = ::strtok(value, ",\r\n"); while (p != NULL) { if (::strlen(p) > 0U) { for (unsigned int i = 0U; p[i] != 0; i++) p[i] = ::toupper(p[i]); std::string callsign = std::string(p); callsign.resize(DSTAR_LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH, ' '); m_dstarWhiteList.push_back(callsign); } p = ::strtok(NULL, ",\r\n"); } } else if (::strcmp(key, "AckReply") == 0) m_dstarAckReply = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "AckTime") == 0) m_dstarAckTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "AckMessage") == 0) m_dstarAckMessage = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "ErrorReply") == 0) m_dstarErrorReply = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "RemoteGateway") == 0) m_dstarRemoteGateway = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_dstarModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_DMR) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_dmrEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Beacons") == 0) m_dmrBeacons = ::atoi(value) == 1 ? DMR_BEACONS_NETWORK : DMR_BEACONS_OFF; else if (::strcmp(key, "BeaconInterval") == 0) { m_dmrBeacons = m_dmrBeacons != DMR_BEACONS_OFF ? DMR_BEACONS_TIMED : DMR_BEACONS_OFF; m_dmrBeaconInterval = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (::strcmp(key, "BeaconDuration") == 0) m_dmrBeaconDuration = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Id") == 0) m_dmrId = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ColorCode") == 0) m_dmrColorCode = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "SelfOnly") == 0) m_dmrSelfOnly = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "EmbeddedLCOnly") == 0) m_dmrEmbeddedLCOnly = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "DumpTAData") == 0) m_dmrDumpTAData = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Prefixes") == 0) { char* p = ::strtok(value, ",\r\n"); while (p != NULL) { unsigned int prefix = (unsigned int)::atoi(p); if (prefix > 0U && prefix <= 999U) m_dmrPrefixes.push_back(prefix); p = ::strtok(NULL, ",\r\n"); } } else if (::strcmp(key, "BlackList") == 0) { char* p = ::strtok(value, ",\r\n"); while (p != NULL) { unsigned int id = (unsigned int)::atoi(p); if (id > 0U) m_dmrBlackList.push_back(id); p = ::strtok(NULL, ",\r\n"); } } else if (::strcmp(key, "WhiteList") == 0) { char* p = ::strtok(value, ",\r\n"); while (p != NULL) { unsigned int id = (unsigned int)::atoi(p); if (id > 0U) m_dmrWhiteList.push_back(id); p = ::strtok(NULL, ",\r\n"); } } else if (::strcmp(key, "Slot1TGWhiteList") == 0) { char* p = ::strtok(value, ",\r\n"); while (p != NULL) { unsigned int id = (unsigned int)::atoi(p); if (id > 0U) m_dmrSlot1TGWhiteList.push_back(id); p = ::strtok(NULL, ",\r\n"); } } else if (::strcmp(key, "Slot2TGWhiteList") == 0) { char* p = ::strtok(value, ",\r\n"); while (p != NULL) { unsigned int id = (unsigned int)::atoi(p); if (id > 0U) m_dmrSlot2TGWhiteList.push_back(id); p = ::strtok(NULL, ",\r\n"); } } else if (::strcmp(key, "TXHang") == 0) m_dmrTXHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "CallHang") == 0) m_dmrCallHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_dmrModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "OVCM") == 0) { switch (::atoi(value)) { case 1: m_dmrOVCM = DMR_OVCM_RX_ON; break; case 2: m_dmrOVCM = DMR_OVCM_TX_ON; break; case 3: m_dmrOVCM = DMR_OVCM_ON; break; default: m_dmrOVCM = DMR_OVCM_OFF; break; } } } else if (section == SECTION_FUSION) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_fusionEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "LowDeviation") == 0) m_fusionLowDeviation = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "RemoteGateway") == 0) m_fusionRemoteGateway = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "SelfOnly") == 0) m_fusionSelfOnly = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "TXHang") == 0) m_fusionTXHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_fusionModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_P25) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_p25Enabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Id") == 0) m_p25Id = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "NAC") == 0) m_p25NAC = (unsigned int)::strtoul(value, NULL, 16); else if (::strcmp(key, "OverrideUIDCheck") == 0) m_p25OverrideUID = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "SelfOnly") == 0) m_p25SelfOnly = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "RemoteGateway") == 0) m_p25RemoteGateway = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "TXHang") == 0) m_p25TXHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_p25ModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_NXDN) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_nxdnEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Id") == 0) m_nxdnId = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RAN") == 0) m_nxdnRAN = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "SelfOnly") == 0) m_nxdnSelfOnly = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "RemoteGateway") == 0) m_nxdnRemoteGateway = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "TXHang") == 0) m_nxdnTXHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_nxdnModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_M17) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_m17Enabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "SelfOnly") == 0) m_m17SelfOnly = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "AllowEncryption") == 0) m_m17AllowEncryption = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "TXHang") == 0) m_m17TXHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_m17ModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_POCSAG) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_pocsagEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Frequency") == 0) m_pocsagFrequency = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_FM) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_fmEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Callsign") == 0) { // Convert the callsign to upper case for (unsigned int i = 0U; value[i] != 0; i++) value[i] = ::toupper(value[i]); m_fmCallsign = value; } else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignSpeed") == 0) m_fmCallsignSpeed = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignFrequency") == 0) m_fmCallsignFrequency = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignTime") == 0) m_fmCallsignTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignHoldoff") == 0) m_fmCallsignHoldoff = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignHighLevel") == 0) m_fmCallsignHighLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignLowLevel") == 0) m_fmCallsignLowLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignAtStart") == 0) m_fmCallsignAtStart = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignAtEnd") == 0) m_fmCallsignAtEnd = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "CallsignAtLatch") == 0) m_fmCallsignAtLatch = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "RFAck") == 0) { // Convert the ack to upper case for (unsigned int i = 0U; value[i] != 0; i++) value[i] = ::toupper(value[i]); m_fmRFAck = value; } else if (::strcmp(key, "ExtAck") == 0) { // Convert the ack to upper case for (unsigned int i = 0U; value[i] != 0; i++) value[i] = ::toupper(value[i]); m_fmExtAck = value; } else if (::strcmp(key, "AckSpeed") == 0) m_fmAckSpeed = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "AckFrequency") == 0) m_fmAckFrequency = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "AckMinTime") == 0) m_fmAckMinTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "AckDelay") == 0) m_fmAckDelay = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "AckLevel") == 0) m_fmAckLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "Timeout") == 0) m_fmTimeout = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "TimeoutLevel") == 0) m_fmTimeoutLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "CTCSSFrequency") == 0) m_fmCTCSSFrequency = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "CTCSSThreshold") == 0) m_fmCTCSSHighThreshold = m_fmCTCSSLowThreshold = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "CTCSSHighThreshold") == 0) m_fmCTCSSHighThreshold = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "CTCSSLowThreshold") == 0) m_fmCTCSSLowThreshold = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "CTCSSLevel") == 0) m_fmCTCSSLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "KerchunkTime") == 0) m_fmKerchunkTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "HangTime") == 0) m_fmHangTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "AccessMode") == 0) m_fmAccessMode = ::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "COSInvert") == 0) m_fmCOSInvert = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "NoiseSquelch") == 0) m_fmNoiseSquelch = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "SquelchThreshold") == 0) m_fmSquelchHighThreshold = m_fmSquelchLowThreshold = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "SquelchHighThreshold") == 0) m_fmSquelchHighThreshold = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "SquelchLowThreshold") == 0) m_fmSquelchLowThreshold = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RFAudioBoost") == 0) m_fmRFAudioBoost = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "MaxDevLevel") == 0) m_fmMaxDevLevel = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "ExtAudioBoost") == 0) m_fmExtAudioBoost = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_fmModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_AX25) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_ax25Enabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "TXDelay") == 0) m_ax25TXDelay = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RXTwist") == 0) m_ax25RXTwist = ::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "SlotTime") == 0) m_ax25SlotTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "PPersist") == 0) m_ax25PPersist = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Trace") == 0) m_ax25Trace = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_DSTAR_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_dstarNetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayAddress") == 0) m_dstarGatewayAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayPort") == 0) m_dstarGatewayPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_dstarLocalPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_dstarNetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_dstarNetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_DMR_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_dmrNetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Address") == 0) m_dmrNetworkAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_dmrNetworkPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Local") == 0) m_dmrNetworkLocal = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Password") == 0) m_dmrNetworkPassword = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Options") == 0) m_dmrNetworkOptions = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_dmrNetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Jitter") == 0) m_dmrNetworkJitter = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Slot1") == 0) m_dmrNetworkSlot1 = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Slot2") == 0) m_dmrNetworkSlot2 = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_dmrNetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_FUSION_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_fusionNetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalAddress") == 0) m_fusionNetworkMyAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_fusionNetworkMyPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayAddress") == 0) m_fusionNetworkGatewayAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayPort") == 0) m_fusionNetworkGatewayPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_fusionNetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_fusionNetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_P25_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_p25NetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayAddress") == 0) m_p25GatewayAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayPort") == 0) m_p25GatewayPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_p25LocalPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_p25NetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_p25NetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_NXDN_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_nxdnNetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalAddress") == 0) m_nxdnLocalAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_nxdnLocalPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayAddress") == 0) m_nxdnGatewayAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayPort") == 0) m_nxdnGatewayPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_nxdnNetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_nxdnNetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_M17_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_m17NetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_m17LocalPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayAddress") == 0) m_m17GatewayAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayPort") == 0) m_m17GatewayPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_m17NetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_m17NetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_POCSAG_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_pocsagNetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalAddress") == 0) m_pocsagLocalAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_pocsagLocalPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayAddress") == 0) m_pocsagGatewayAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayPort") == 0) m_pocsagGatewayPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_pocsagNetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_pocsagNetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_FM_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_fmNetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalAddress") == 0) m_fmLocalAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_fmLocalPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayAddress") == 0) m_fmGatewayAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "GatewayPort") == 0) m_fmGatewayPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "SampleRate") == 0) m_fmSampleRate = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ModeHang") == 0) m_fmNetworkModeHang = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_fmNetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_AX25_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_ax25NetworkEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_ax25NetworkPort = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Speed") == 0) m_ax25NetworkSpeed = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_ax25NetworkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_TFTSERIAL) { if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_tftSerialPort = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Brightness") == 0) m_tftSerialBrightness = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_HD44780) { if (::strcmp(key, "Rows") == 0) m_hd44780Rows = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Columns") == 0) m_hd44780Columns = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "I2CAddress") == 0) m_hd44780i2cAddress = (unsigned int)::strtoul(value, NULL, 16); else if (::strcmp(key, "PWM") == 0) m_hd44780PWM = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "PWMPin") == 0) m_hd44780PWMPin = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "PWMBright") == 0) m_hd44780PWMBright = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "PWMDim") == 0) m_hd44780PWMDim = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "DisplayClock") == 0) m_hd44780DisplayClock = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "UTC") == 0) m_hd44780UTC = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Pins") == 0) { char* p = ::strtok(value, ",\r\n"); while (p != NULL) { unsigned int pin = (unsigned int)::atoi(p); m_hd44780Pins.push_back(pin); p = ::strtok(NULL, ",\r\n"); } } } else if (section == SECTION_NEXTION) { if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_nextionPort = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Brightness") == 0) m_nextionIdleBrightness = m_nextionBrightness = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "DisplayClock") == 0) m_nextionDisplayClock = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "UTC") == 0) m_nextionUTC = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "IdleBrightness") == 0) m_nextionIdleBrightness = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ScreenLayout") == 0) m_nextionScreenLayout = (unsigned int)::strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if (::strcmp(key, "DisplayTempInFahrenheit") == 0) m_nextionTempInFahrenheit = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_OLED) { if (::strcmp(key, "Type") == 0) m_oledType = (unsigned char)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Brightness") == 0) m_oledBrightness = (unsigned char)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Invert") == 0) m_oledInvert = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Scroll") == 0) m_oledScroll = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Rotate") == 0) m_oledRotate = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "LogoScreensaver") == 0) m_oledLogoScreensaver = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_LCDPROC) { if (::strcmp(key, "Address") == 0) m_lcdprocAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_lcdprocPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_lcdprocLocalPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "DisplayClock") == 0) m_lcdprocDisplayClock = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "UTC") == 0) m_lcdprocUTC = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "DimOnIdle") == 0) m_lcdprocDimOnIdle = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_LOCK_FILE) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_lockFileEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "File") == 0) m_lockFileName = value; } else if (section == SECTION_REMOTE_CONTROL) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_remoteControlEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_remoteControlPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } } ::fclose(fp); return true; } std::string CConf::getCallsign() const { return m_callsign; } unsigned int CConf::getId() const { return m_id; } unsigned int CConf::getTimeout() const { return m_timeout; } bool CConf::getDuplex() const { return m_duplex; } std::string CConf::getDisplay() const { return m_display; } bool CConf::getDaemon() const { return m_daemon; } unsigned int CConf::getRXFrequency() const { return m_rxFrequency; } unsigned int CConf::getTXFrequency() const { return m_txFrequency; } unsigned int CConf::getPower() const { return m_power; } unsigned int CConf::getLogDisplayLevel() const { return m_logDisplayLevel; } unsigned int CConf::getLogFileLevel() const { return m_logFileLevel; } std::string CConf::getLogFilePath() const { return m_logFilePath; } std::string CConf::getLogFileRoot() const { return m_logFileRoot; } bool CConf::getLogFileRotate() const { return m_logFileRotate; } bool CConf::getCWIdEnabled() const { return m_cwIdEnabled; } unsigned int CConf::getCWIdTime() const { return m_cwIdTime; } std::string CConf::getCWIdCallsign() const { return m_cwIdCallsign; } std::string CConf::getDMRIdLookupFile() const { return m_dmrIdLookupFile; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRIdLookupTime() const { return m_dmrIdLookupTime; } std::string CConf::getNXDNIdLookupFile() const { return m_nxdnIdLookupFile; } unsigned int CConf::getNXDNIdLookupTime() const { return m_nxdnIdLookupTime; } std::string CConf::getModemPort() const { return m_modemPort; } std::string CConf::getModemProtocol() const { return m_modemProtocol; } unsigned int CConf::getModemSpeed() const { return m_modemSpeed; } unsigned int CConf::getModemAddress() const { return m_modemAddress; } bool CConf::getModemRXInvert() const { return m_modemRXInvert; } bool CConf::getModemTXInvert() const { return m_modemTXInvert; } bool CConf::getModemPTTInvert() const { return m_modemPTTInvert; } unsigned int CConf::getModemTXDelay() const { return m_modemTXDelay; } unsigned int CConf::getModemDMRDelay() const { return m_modemDMRDelay; } int CConf::getModemRXOffset() const { return m_modemRXOffset; } int CConf::getModemTXOffset() const { return m_modemTXOffset; } int CConf::getModemRXDCOffset() const { return m_modemRXDCOffset; } int CConf::getModemTXDCOffset() const { return m_modemTXDCOffset; } float CConf::getModemRFLevel() const { return m_modemRFLevel; } float CConf::getModemRXLevel() const { return m_modemRXLevel; } float CConf::getModemCWIdTXLevel() const { return m_modemCWIdTXLevel; } float CConf::getModemDStarTXLevel() const { return m_modemDStarTXLevel; } float CConf::getModemDMRTXLevel() const { return m_modemDMRTXLevel; } float CConf::getModemYSFTXLevel() const { return m_modemYSFTXLevel; } float CConf::getModemP25TXLevel() const { return m_modemP25TXLevel; } float CConf::getModemNXDNTXLevel() const { return m_modemNXDNTXLevel; } float CConf::getModemM17TXLevel() const { return m_modemM17TXLevel; } float CConf::getModemPOCSAGTXLevel() const { return m_modemPOCSAGTXLevel; } float CConf::getModemFMTXLevel() const { return m_modemFMTXLevel; } float CConf::getModemAX25TXLevel() const { return m_modemAX25TXLevel; } std::string CConf::getModemRSSIMappingFile () const { return m_modemRSSIMappingFile; } bool CConf::getModemUseCOSAsLockout() const { return m_modemUseCOSAsLockout; } bool CConf::getModemTrace() const { return m_modemTrace; } bool CConf::getModemDebug() const { return m_modemDebug; } bool CConf::getTransparentEnabled() const { return m_transparentEnabled; } std::string CConf::getTransparentRemoteAddress() const { return m_transparentRemoteAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getTransparentRemotePort() const { return m_transparentRemotePort; } unsigned int CConf::getTransparentLocalPort() const { return m_transparentLocalPort; } unsigned int CConf::getTransparentSendFrameType() const { return m_transparentSendFrameType; } bool CConf::getUMPEnabled() const { return m_umpEnabled; } std::string CConf::getUMPPort() const { return m_umpPort; } bool CConf::getDStarEnabled() const { return m_dstarEnabled; } std::string CConf::getDStarModule() const { return m_dstarModule; } bool CConf::getDStarSelfOnly() const { return m_dstarSelfOnly; } std::vector CConf::getDStarBlackList() const { return m_dstarBlackList; } std::vector CConf::getDStarWhiteList() const { return m_dstarWhiteList; } bool CConf::getDStarAckReply() const { return m_dstarAckReply; } unsigned int CConf::getDStarAckTime() const { return m_dstarAckTime; } bool CConf::getDStarAckMessage() const { return m_dstarAckMessage; } bool CConf::getDStarErrorReply() const { return m_dstarErrorReply; } bool CConf::getDStarRemoteGateway() const { return m_dstarRemoteGateway; } unsigned int CConf::getDStarModeHang() const { return m_dstarModeHang; } bool CConf::getDMREnabled() const { return m_dmrEnabled; } DMR_BEACONS CConf::getDMRBeacons() const { return m_dmrBeacons; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRBeaconInterval() const { return m_dmrBeaconInterval; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRBeaconDuration() const { return m_dmrBeaconDuration; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRId() const { return m_dmrId; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRColorCode() const { return m_dmrColorCode; } bool CConf::getDMRSelfOnly() const { return m_dmrSelfOnly; } bool CConf::getDMREmbeddedLCOnly() const { return m_dmrEmbeddedLCOnly; } bool CConf::getDMRDumpTAData() const { return m_dmrDumpTAData; } std::vector CConf::getDMRPrefixes() const { return m_dmrPrefixes; } std::vector CConf::getDMRBlackList() const { return m_dmrBlackList; } std::vector CConf::getDMRWhiteList() const { return m_dmrWhiteList; } std::vector CConf::getDMRSlot1TGWhiteList() const { return m_dmrSlot1TGWhiteList; } std::vector CConf::getDMRSlot2TGWhiteList() const { return m_dmrSlot2TGWhiteList; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRCallHang() const { return m_dmrCallHang; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRTXHang() const { return m_dmrTXHang; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRModeHang() const { return m_dmrModeHang; } DMR_OVCM_TYPES CConf::getDMROVCM() const { return m_dmrOVCM; } bool CConf::getFusionEnabled() const { return m_fusionEnabled; } bool CConf::getFusionLowDeviation() const { return m_fusionLowDeviation; } bool CConf::getFusionRemoteGateway() const { return m_fusionRemoteGateway; } unsigned int CConf::getFusionTXHang() const { return m_fusionTXHang; } bool CConf::getFusionSelfOnly() const { return m_fusionSelfOnly; } unsigned int CConf::getFusionModeHang() const { return m_fusionModeHang; } bool CConf::getP25Enabled() const { return m_p25Enabled; } unsigned int CConf::getP25Id() const { return m_p25Id; } unsigned int CConf::getP25NAC() const { return m_p25NAC; } bool CConf::getP25OverrideUID() const { return m_p25OverrideUID; } bool CConf::getP25SelfOnly() const { return m_p25SelfOnly; } bool CConf::getP25RemoteGateway() const { return m_p25RemoteGateway; } unsigned int CConf::getP25TXHang() const { return m_p25TXHang; } unsigned int CConf::getP25ModeHang() const { return m_p25ModeHang; } bool CConf::getNXDNEnabled() const { return m_nxdnEnabled; } unsigned int CConf::getNXDNId() const { return m_nxdnId; } unsigned int CConf::getNXDNRAN() const { return m_nxdnRAN; } bool CConf::getNXDNSelfOnly() const { return m_nxdnSelfOnly; } bool CConf::getNXDNRemoteGateway() const { return m_nxdnRemoteGateway; } unsigned int CConf::getNXDNTXHang() const { return m_nxdnTXHang; } unsigned int CConf::getNXDNModeHang() const { return m_nxdnModeHang; } bool CConf::getM17Enabled() const { return m_m17Enabled; } bool CConf::getM17SelfOnly() const { return m_m17SelfOnly; } bool CConf::getM17AllowEncryption() const { return m_m17AllowEncryption; } unsigned int CConf::getM17TXHang() const { return m_m17TXHang; } unsigned int CConf::getM17ModeHang() const { return m_m17ModeHang; } bool CConf::getPOCSAGEnabled() const { return m_pocsagEnabled; } unsigned int CConf::getPOCSAGFrequency() const { return m_pocsagFrequency; } bool CConf::getFMEnabled() const { return m_fmEnabled; } std::string CConf::getFMCallsign() const { return m_fmCallsign; } unsigned int CConf::getFMCallsignSpeed() const { return m_fmCallsignSpeed; } unsigned int CConf::getFMCallsignFrequency() const { return m_fmCallsignFrequency; } unsigned int CConf::getFMCallsignTime() const { return m_fmCallsignTime; } unsigned int CConf::getFMCallsignHoldoff() const { return m_fmCallsignHoldoff; } float CConf::getFMCallsignHighLevel() const { return m_fmCallsignHighLevel; } float CConf::getFMCallsignLowLevel() const { return m_fmCallsignLowLevel; } bool CConf::getFMCallsignAtStart() const { return m_fmCallsignAtStart; } bool CConf::getFMCallsignAtEnd() const { return m_fmCallsignAtEnd; } bool CConf::getFMCallsignAtLatch() const { return m_fmCallsignAtLatch; } std::string CConf::getFMRFAck() const { return m_fmRFAck; } std::string CConf::getFMExtAck() const { return m_fmExtAck; } unsigned int CConf::getFMAckSpeed() const { return m_fmAckSpeed; } unsigned int CConf::getFMAckFrequency() const { return m_fmAckFrequency; } unsigned int CConf::getFMAckMinTime() const { return m_fmAckMinTime; } unsigned int CConf::getFMAckDelay() const { return m_fmAckDelay; } float CConf::getFMAckLevel() const { return m_fmAckLevel; } unsigned int CConf::getFMTimeout() const { return m_fmTimeout; } float CConf::getFMTimeoutLevel() const { return m_fmTimeoutLevel; } float CConf::getFMCTCSSFrequency() const { return m_fmCTCSSFrequency; } unsigned int CConf::getFMCTCSSHighThreshold() const { return m_fmCTCSSHighThreshold; } unsigned int CConf::getFMCTCSSLowThreshold() const { return m_fmCTCSSLowThreshold; } float CConf::getFMCTCSSLevel() const { return m_fmCTCSSLevel; } unsigned int CConf::getFMKerchunkTime() const { return m_fmKerchunkTime; } unsigned int CConf::getFMHangTime() const { return m_fmHangTime; } unsigned int CConf::getFMAccessMode() const { return m_fmAccessMode; } bool CConf::getFMCOSInvert() const { return m_fmCOSInvert; } bool CConf::getFMNoiseSquelch() const { return m_fmNoiseSquelch; } unsigned int CConf::getFMSquelchHighThreshold() const { return m_fmSquelchHighThreshold; } unsigned int CConf::getFMSquelchLowThreshold() const { return m_fmSquelchLowThreshold; } unsigned int CConf::getFMRFAudioBoost() const { return m_fmRFAudioBoost; } float CConf::getFMMaxDevLevel() const { return m_fmMaxDevLevel; } unsigned int CConf::getFMExtAudioBoost() const { return m_fmExtAudioBoost; } unsigned int CConf::getFMModeHang() const { return m_fmModeHang; } bool CConf::getAX25Enabled() const { return m_ax25Enabled; } unsigned int CConf::getAX25TXDelay() const { return m_ax25TXDelay; } int CConf::getAX25RXTwist() const { return m_ax25RXTwist; } unsigned int CConf::getAX25SlotTime() const { return m_ax25SlotTime; } unsigned int CConf::getAX25PPersist() const { return m_ax25PPersist; } bool CConf::getAX25Trace() const { return m_ax25Trace; } bool CConf::getDStarNetworkEnabled() const { return m_dstarNetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getDStarGatewayAddress() const { return m_dstarGatewayAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getDStarGatewayPort() const { return m_dstarGatewayPort; } unsigned int CConf::getDStarLocalPort() const { return m_dstarLocalPort; } unsigned int CConf::getDStarNetworkModeHang() const { return m_dstarNetworkModeHang; } bool CConf::getDStarNetworkDebug() const { return m_dstarNetworkDebug; } bool CConf::getDMRNetworkEnabled() const { return m_dmrNetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getDMRNetworkAddress() const { return m_dmrNetworkAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRNetworkPort() const { return m_dmrNetworkPort; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRNetworkLocal() const { return m_dmrNetworkLocal; } std::string CConf::getDMRNetworkPassword() const { return m_dmrNetworkPassword; } std::string CConf::getDMRNetworkOptions() const { return m_dmrNetworkOptions; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRNetworkModeHang() const { return m_dmrNetworkModeHang; } bool CConf::getDMRNetworkDebug() const { return m_dmrNetworkDebug; } unsigned int CConf::getDMRNetworkJitter() const { return m_dmrNetworkJitter; } bool CConf::getDMRNetworkSlot1() const { return m_dmrNetworkSlot1; } bool CConf::getDMRNetworkSlot2() const { return m_dmrNetworkSlot2; } bool CConf::getFusionNetworkEnabled() const { return m_fusionNetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getFusionNetworkMyAddress() const { return m_fusionNetworkMyAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getFusionNetworkMyPort() const { return m_fusionNetworkMyPort; } std::string CConf::getFusionNetworkGatewayAddress() const { return m_fusionNetworkGatewayAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getFusionNetworkGatewayPort() const { return m_fusionNetworkGatewayPort; } unsigned int CConf::getFusionNetworkModeHang() const { return m_fusionNetworkModeHang; } bool CConf::getFusionNetworkDebug() const { return m_fusionNetworkDebug; } bool CConf::getP25NetworkEnabled() const { return m_p25NetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getP25GatewayAddress() const { return m_p25GatewayAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getP25GatewayPort() const { return m_p25GatewayPort; } unsigned int CConf::getP25LocalPort() const { return m_p25LocalPort; } unsigned int CConf::getP25NetworkModeHang() const { return m_p25NetworkModeHang; } bool CConf::getP25NetworkDebug() const { return m_p25NetworkDebug; } bool CConf::getNXDNNetworkEnabled() const { return m_nxdnNetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getNXDNNetworkProtocol() const { return m_nxdnNetworkProtocol; } std::string CConf::getNXDNGatewayAddress() const { return m_nxdnGatewayAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getNXDNGatewayPort() const { return m_nxdnGatewayPort; } std::string CConf::getNXDNLocalAddress() const { return m_nxdnLocalAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getNXDNLocalPort() const { return m_nxdnLocalPort; } unsigned int CConf::getNXDNNetworkModeHang() const { return m_nxdnNetworkModeHang; } bool CConf::getNXDNNetworkDebug() const { return m_nxdnNetworkDebug; } bool CConf::getM17NetworkEnabled() const { return m_m17NetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getM17GatewayAddress() const { return m_m17GatewayAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getM17GatewayPort() const { return m_m17GatewayPort; } unsigned int CConf::getM17LocalPort() const { return m_m17LocalPort; } unsigned int CConf::getM17NetworkModeHang() const { return m_m17NetworkModeHang; } bool CConf::getM17NetworkDebug() const { return m_m17NetworkDebug; } bool CConf::getPOCSAGNetworkEnabled() const { return m_pocsagNetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getPOCSAGGatewayAddress() const { return m_pocsagGatewayAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getPOCSAGGatewayPort() const { return m_pocsagGatewayPort; } std::string CConf::getPOCSAGLocalAddress() const { return m_pocsagLocalAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getPOCSAGLocalPort() const { return m_pocsagLocalPort; } unsigned int CConf::getPOCSAGNetworkModeHang() const { return m_pocsagNetworkModeHang; } bool CConf::getPOCSAGNetworkDebug() const { return m_pocsagNetworkDebug; } bool CConf::getFMNetworkEnabled() const { return m_fmNetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getFMGatewayAddress() const { return m_fmGatewayAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getFMGatewayPort() const { return m_fmGatewayPort; } std::string CConf::getFMLocalAddress() const { return m_fmLocalAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getFMLocalPort() const { return m_fmLocalPort; } unsigned int CConf::getFMSampleRate() const { return m_fmSampleRate; } unsigned int CConf::getFMNetworkModeHang() const { return m_fmNetworkModeHang; } bool CConf::getFMNetworkDebug() const { return m_fmNetworkDebug; } bool CConf::getAX25NetworkEnabled() const { return m_ax25NetworkEnabled; } std::string CConf::getAX25NetworkPort() const { return m_ax25NetworkPort; } unsigned int CConf::getAX25NetworkSpeed() const { return m_ax25NetworkSpeed; } bool CConf::getAX25NetworkDebug() const { return m_ax25NetworkDebug; } std::string CConf::getTFTSerialPort() const { return m_tftSerialPort; } unsigned int CConf::getTFTSerialBrightness() const { return m_tftSerialBrightness; } unsigned int CConf::getHD44780Rows() const { return m_hd44780Rows; } unsigned int CConf::getHD44780Columns() const { return m_hd44780Columns; } std::vector CConf::getHD44780Pins() const { return m_hd44780Pins; } unsigned int CConf::getHD44780i2cAddress() const { return m_hd44780i2cAddress; } bool CConf::getHD44780PWM() const { return m_hd44780PWM; } unsigned int CConf::getHD44780PWMPin() const { return m_hd44780PWMPin; } unsigned int CConf::getHD44780PWMBright() const { return m_hd44780PWMBright; } unsigned int CConf::getHD44780PWMDim() const { return m_hd44780PWMDim; } bool CConf::getHD44780DisplayClock() const { return m_hd44780DisplayClock; } bool CConf::getHD44780UTC() const { return m_hd44780UTC; } std::string CConf::getNextionPort() const { return m_nextionPort; } unsigned int CConf::getNextionBrightness() const { return m_nextionBrightness; } bool CConf::getNextionDisplayClock() const { return m_nextionDisplayClock; } bool CConf::getNextionUTC() const { return m_nextionUTC; } unsigned int CConf::getNextionIdleBrightness() const { return m_nextionIdleBrightness; } unsigned int CConf::getNextionScreenLayout() const { return m_nextionScreenLayout; } unsigned char CConf::getOLEDType() const { return m_oledType; } unsigned char CConf::getOLEDBrightness() const { return m_oledBrightness; } bool CConf::getOLEDInvert() const { return m_oledInvert; } bool CConf::getOLEDScroll() const { return m_oledScroll; } bool CConf::getOLEDRotate() const { return m_oledRotate; } bool CConf::getOLEDLogoScreensaver() const { return m_oledLogoScreensaver; } std::string CConf::getLCDprocAddress() const { return m_lcdprocAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getLCDprocPort() const { return m_lcdprocPort; } unsigned int CConf::getLCDprocLocalPort() const { return m_lcdprocLocalPort; } bool CConf::getLCDprocDisplayClock() const { return m_lcdprocDisplayClock; } bool CConf::getLCDprocUTC() const { return m_lcdprocUTC; } bool CConf::getLCDprocDimOnIdle() const { return m_lcdprocDimOnIdle; } bool CConf::getNextionTempInFahrenheit() const { return m_nextionTempInFahrenheit; } bool CConf::getLockFileEnabled() const { return m_lockFileEnabled; } std::string CConf::getLockFileName() const { return m_lockFileName; } bool CConf::getRemoteControlEnabled() const { return m_remoteControlEnabled; } std::string CConf::getRemoteControlAddress() const { return m_remoteControlAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getRemoteControlPort() const { return m_remoteControlPort; }