- HD44780 LCD SUPPORT - Support for the HD44780 LCD is via the wiringPi library available at http://wiringpi.com/download-and-install/ which must be installed in all cases. The HD44780 in 4-bit mode is probably the most common connection method and wiring details can be found at http://wiringpi.com/dev-lib/lcd-library/ To compile MMDVMHost with support for the HD44780 use the following commands. # cp Makefile.Pi.HD44780 Makefile # make clean # make Other HD44780 variations exist that connect via I2C. Support is also via wiringPi, but to compile for each I2C device requires a different Makefile depending on the IC attached to the LCD. - ADAFRUIT RGB LCD SHIELD - The Adafruit RGB LCD Shield is available from https://www.adafruit.com/product/714 I2C is via the MCP23017 IC and is enabled with Makefile.Pi.Adafruit. The I2C device address in MMDVM.ini should be set to 0x20. - PCF8574 IC - HD44780 LCDs connected via a PCF8574 Remote 8-Bit I/O Expander are available on eBay for very little money! This IC uses Makefile.Pi.PCF8574 and the I2C device address should be set to 0x27. - BEWARE - The I2C device address can be manually configured on some devices! - CHECK YOUR ACTUAL DEVICE ADDRESS - More information on configuring and using I2C on the RPi including how to probe the I2C bus for device addresses can be found at https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/raspberry-pi-spi-and-i2c-tutorial#i2c-on-pi - PWM BACKLIGHT CONTROL - Whilst connected in 4-bit mode or via the PCF8574 IC, the LED backlight can be wired for control via PWM. Connect the backlight +ve pin to any spare GPIO pin and configure MMDVM.ini as appropriate. By default, wiringPi pin 21 is configured.