/* * Copyright (C) 2020 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "AX25Network.h" #include "AX25Defines.h" #include "Defines.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include const unsigned int BUFFER_LENGTH = 500U; CAX25Network::CAX25Network(const std::string& port, unsigned int speed, bool debug) : m_serial(port, SERIAL_SPEED(speed), false), // XXX m_txData(NULL), m_rxData(NULL), m_rxLength(0U), m_rxLastChar(0U), m_debug(debug), m_enabled(false) { assert(!port.empty()); assert(speed > 0U); m_txData = new unsigned char[BUFFER_LENGTH]; m_rxData = new unsigned char[BUFFER_LENGTH]; } CAX25Network::~CAX25Network() { delete[] m_txData; delete[] m_rxData; } bool CAX25Network::open() { LogMessage("Opening AX25 network connection"); return m_serial.open(); } bool CAX25Network::write(const unsigned char* data, unsigned int length) { assert(data != NULL); if (!m_enabled) return true; unsigned int txLength = 0U; m_txData[txLength++] = AX25_FEND; m_txData[txLength++] = AX25_KISS_DATA; for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = data[i]; switch (c) { case AX25_FEND: m_txData[txLength++] = AX25_FESC; m_txData[txLength++] = AX25_TFEND; break; case AX25_FESC: m_txData[txLength++] = AX25_FESC; m_txData[txLength++] = AX25_TFESC; break; default: m_txData[txLength++] = c; break; } } m_txData[txLength++] = AX25_FEND; if (m_debug) CUtils::dump(1U, "AX25 Network Data Sent", m_txData, txLength); return m_serial.write(m_txData, txLength); } unsigned int CAX25Network::read(unsigned char* data, unsigned int length) { assert(data != NULL); bool complete = false; unsigned char c; while (m_serial.read(&c, 1U) > 0U) { if (m_rxLength == 0U && c == AX25_FEND) m_rxData[m_rxLength++] = c; else if (m_rxLength > 0U) m_rxData[m_rxLength++] = c; if (m_rxLength > 1U && c == AX25_FEND) { complete = true; break; } } if (!m_enabled) return 0U; if (!complete) return 0U; if (m_rxLength == 0U) return 0U; if (m_rxData[1U] != AX25_KISS_DATA) { m_rxLength = 0U; return 0U; } complete = false; unsigned int dataLen = 0U; for (unsigned int i = 2U; i < m_rxLength; i++) { unsigned char c = m_rxData[i]; if (c == AX25_FEND) { complete = true; break; } else if (c == AX25_TFEND && m_rxLastChar == AX25_FESC) { data[dataLen++] = AX25_FEND; } else if (c == AX25_TFESC && m_rxLastChar == AX25_FESC) { data[dataLen++] = AX25_FESC; } else if (c != AX25_FESC) { data[dataLen++] = c; } m_rxLastChar = c; } if (!complete) return 0U; if (m_debug) CUtils::dump(1U, "AX25 Network Data Received", m_rxData, m_rxLength); m_rxLength = 0U; m_rxLastChar = 0U; return dataLen; } void CAX25Network::reset() { } void CAX25Network::close() { m_serial.close(); LogMessage("Closing AX25 network connection"); } void CAX25Network::enable(bool enabled) { m_enabled = enabled; if (enabled != m_enabled) { m_rxLastChar = 0U; m_rxLength = 0U; } }