2023-10-22 10:20:32 +02:00

2311 lines
44 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2019 Jeppe Ledet-Pedersen
* This software is released under the MIT license.
* See the LICENSE file for further details.
"use strict";
Spectrum.prototype.squeeze = function (value, out_min, out_max) {
if (value <= this.min_db) return out_min;
else if (value >= this.max_db) return out_max;
return Math.round(
((value - this.min_db) / (this.max_db - this.min_db)) * out_max
Spectrum.prototype.rowToImageData = function (bins) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i += 4) {
var cindex = this.squeeze(bins[i / 4], 0, 255);
var color = this.colormap[cindex];[i + 0] = color[0];[i + 1] = color[1];[i + 2] = color[2];[i + 3] = 255;
Spectrum.prototype.addWaterfallRow = function (bins) {
// Shift waterfall 1 row down
this.wf_rows - 1,
this.wf_rows - 1
// Draw new line on waterfall canvas
this.ctx_wf.putImageData(this.imagedata, 0, 0);
var width = this.ctx.canvas.width;
var height = this.ctx.canvas.height;
// Copy scaled FFT canvas to screen. Only copy the number of rows that will
// fit in waterfall area to avoid vertical scaling.
this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
var rows = Math.min(this.wf_rows, height - this.spectrumHeight);
height - this.spectrumHeight
Spectrum.prototype.drawFFT = function (bins) {
this.ctx.moveTo(-1, this.spectrumHeight + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < bins.length; i++) {
var y = this.spectrumHeight - this.squeeze(bins[i], 0, this.spectrumHeight);
if (y > this.spectrumHeight - 1) y = this.spectrumHeight + 1; // Hide underflow
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (i == 0) this.ctx.lineTo(-1, y);
this.ctx.lineTo(i, y);
if (i == bins.length - 1) this.ctx.lineTo(this.wf_size + 1, y);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.wf_size + 1, this.spectrumHeight + 1);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#fefefe";
//Spectrum.prototype.drawSpectrum = function(bins) {
Spectrum.prototype.drawSpectrum = function () {
var width = this.ctx.canvas.width;
var height = this.ctx.canvas.height;
// Modification by DJ2LS
// Draw bandwidth lines
// TODO: Math not correct. But a first attempt
// it seems position is more or less equal to frequenzy by factor 10
// eg. position 150 == 1500Hz
this.ctx_wf.lineTo(150, height);
this.ctx_wf.lineWidth = 1;
this.ctx_wf.strokeStyle = '#8C8C8C';
// 586Hz and 1700Hz LINES
var linePositionLow = 121.6; //150 - bandwith/20
var linePositionHigh = 178.4; //150 + bandwidth/20
var linePositionLow2 = 65; //150 - bandwith/20
var linePositionHigh2 = 235; //150 + bandwith/20
this.ctx_wf.moveTo(linePositionLow, 0);
this.ctx_wf.lineTo(linePositionLow, height);
this.ctx_wf.moveTo(linePositionHigh, 0);
this.ctx_wf.lineTo(linePositionHigh, height);
this.ctx_wf.moveTo(linePositionLow2, 0);
this.ctx_wf.lineTo(linePositionLow2, height);
this.ctx_wf.moveTo(linePositionHigh2, 0);
this.ctx_wf.lineTo(linePositionHigh2, height);
this.ctx_wf.lineWidth = 1;
this.ctx_wf.strokeStyle = "#C3C3C3";
// ---- END OF MODIFICATION ------
// Fill with black
this.ctx.fillStyle = "white";
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
//Commenting out the remainder of this code, it's not needed and unused as of 6.9.11 and saves three if statements
// FFT averaging
if (this.averaging > 0) {
if (!this.binsAverage || this.binsAverage.length != bins.length) {
this.binsAverage = Array.from(bins);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < bins.length; i++) {
this.binsAverage[i] += this.alpha * (bins[i] - this.binsAverage[i]);
bins = this.binsAverage;
// Max hold
if (this.maxHold) {
if (!this.binsMax || this.binsMax.length != bins.length) {
this.binsMax = Array.from(bins);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < bins.length; i++) {
if (bins[i] > this.binsMax[i]) {
this.binsMax[i] = bins[i];
} else {
// Decay
this.binsMax[i] = 1.0025 * this.binsMax[i];
// Do not draw anything if spectrum is not visible
if (this.ctx_axes.canvas.height < 1)
// Scale for FFT;
this.ctx.scale(width / this.wf_size, 1);
// Draw maxhold
if (this.maxHold)
// Draw FFT bins
// Restore scale
// Fill scaled path
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.gradient;
// Copy axes from offscreen canvas
this.ctx.drawImage(this.ctx_axes.canvas, 0, 0);
//Allow setting colormap
Spectrum.prototype.setColorMap = function (index) {
this.colormap = colormaps[index];
Spectrum.prototype.updateAxes = function () {
var width = this.ctx_axes.canvas.width;
var height = this.ctx_axes.canvas.height;
// Clear axes canvas
this.ctx_axes.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
// Draw axes
this.ctx_axes.font = "12px sans-serif";
this.ctx_axes.fillStyle = "white";
this.ctx_axes.textBaseline = "middle";
this.ctx_axes.textAlign = "left";
var step = 10;
for (var i = this.min_db + 10; i <= this.max_db - 10; i += step) {
var y = height - this.squeeze(i, 0, height);
this.ctx_axes.fillText(i, 5, y);
this.ctx_axes.moveTo(20, y);
this.ctx_axes.lineTo(width, y);
this.ctx_axes.strokeStyle = "rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.10)";
this.ctx_axes.textBaseline = "bottom";
for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
var x = Math.round(width / 10) * i;
if (this.spanHz > 0) {
var adjust = 0;
if (i == 0) {
this.ctx_axes.textAlign = "left";
adjust = 3;
} else if (i == 10) {
this.ctx_axes.textAlign = "right";
adjust = -3;
} else {
this.ctx_axes.textAlign = "center";
var freq = this.centerHz + (this.spanHz / 10) * (i - 5);
if (this.centerHz + this.spanHz > 1e6) freq = freq / 1e6 + "M";
else if (this.centerHz + this.spanHz > 1e3) freq = freq / 1e3 + "k";
this.ctx_axes.fillText(freq, x + adjust, height - 3);
this.ctx_axes.moveTo(x, 0);
this.ctx_axes.lineTo(x, height);
this.ctx_axes.strokeStyle = "rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.10)";
Spectrum.prototype.addData = function (data) {
if (!this.paused) {
if (data.length != this.wf_size) {
this.wf_size = data.length;
this.ctx_wf.canvas.width = data.length;
this.ctx_wf.fillStyle = "white";
this.ctx_wf.fillRect(0, 0,,;
this.imagedata = this.ctx_wf.createImageData(data.length, 1);
Spectrum.prototype.updateSpectrumRatio = function () {
this.spectrumHeight = Math.round(
(this.canvas.height * this.spectrumPercent) / 100.0
this.gradient = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, this.spectrumHeight);
for (var i = 0; i < this.colormap.length; i++) {
var c = this.colormap[this.colormap.length - 1 - i];
i / this.colormap.length,
"rgba(" + c[0] + "," + c[1] + "," + c[2] + ", 1.0)"
Spectrum.prototype.resize = function () {
var width = this.canvas.clientWidth;
var height = this.canvas.clientHeight;
// little helper for setting height of clientHeight is not working as expected
if (height == 0){
var height = 250
if (this.canvas.width != width || this.canvas.height != height) {
this.canvas.width = width;
this.canvas.height = height;
if (this.axes.width != width || this.axes.height != this.spectrumHeight) {
this.axes.width = width;
this.axes.height = this.spectrumHeight;
Spectrum.prototype.setSpectrumPercent = function (percent) {
if (percent >= 0 && percent <= 100) {
this.spectrumPercent = percent;
Spectrum.prototype.incrementSpectrumPercent = function () {
if (this.spectrumPercent + this.spectrumPercentStep <= 100) {
this.setSpectrumPercent(this.spectrumPercent + this.spectrumPercentStep);
Spectrum.prototype.decrementSpectrumPercent = function () {
if (this.spectrumPercent - this.spectrumPercentStep >= 0) {
this.setSpectrumPercent(this.spectrumPercent - this.spectrumPercentStep);
Spectrum.prototype.toggleColor = function () {
if (this.colorindex >= colormaps.length) this.colorindex = 0;
this.colormap = colormaps[this.colorindex];
Spectrum.prototype.setRange = function (min_db, max_db) {
this.min_db = min_db;
this.max_db = max_db;
Spectrum.prototype.rangeUp = function () {
this.setRange(this.min_db - 5, this.max_db - 5);
Spectrum.prototype.rangeDown = function () {
this.setRange(this.min_db + 5, this.max_db + 5);
Spectrum.prototype.rangeIncrease = function () {
this.setRange(this.min_db - 5, this.max_db + 5);
Spectrum.prototype.rangeDecrease = function () {
if (this.max_db - this.min_db > 10)
this.setRange(this.min_db + 5, this.max_db - 5);
Spectrum.prototype.setCenterHz = function (hz) {
this.centerHz = hz;
Spectrum.prototype.setSpanHz = function (hz) {
this.spanHz = hz;
Spectrum.prototype.setAveraging = function (num) {
if (num >= 0) {
this.averaging = num;
this.alpha = 2 / (this.averaging + 1);
Spectrum.prototype.incrementAveraging = function () {
this.setAveraging(this.averaging + 1);
Spectrum.prototype.decrementAveraging = function () {
if (this.averaging > 0) {
this.setAveraging(this.averaging - 1);
Spectrum.prototype.setPaused = function (paused) {
this.paused = paused;
Spectrum.prototype.togglePaused = function () {
Spectrum.prototype.setMaxHold = function (maxhold) {
this.maxHold = maxhold;
this.binsMax = undefined;
Spectrum.prototype.toggleMaxHold = function () {
Spectrum.prototype.toggleFullscreen = function () {
if (!this.fullscreen) {
if (this.canvas.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (this.canvas.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if (this.canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
} else if (this.canvas.msRequestFullscreen) {
this.fullscreen = true;
} else {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
this.fullscreen = false;
Spectrum.prototype.onKeypress = function (e) {
if (e.key == " ") {
} else if (e.key == "f") {
} else if (e.key == "c") {
} else if (e.key == "ArrowUp") {
} else if (e.key == "ArrowDown") {
} else if (e.key == "ArrowLeft") {
} else if (e.key == "ArrowRight") {
} else if (e.key == "s") {
} else if (e.key == "w") {
} else if (e.key == "+") {
} else if (e.key == "-") {
} else if (e.key == "m") {
export function Spectrum(id, options) {
console.log("waterfall init....")
// Handle options
this.centerHz = options && options.centerHz ? options.centerHz : 1500;
this.spanHz = options && options.spanHz ? options.spanHz : 0;
this.wf_size = options && options.wf_size ? options.wf_size : 0;
this.wf_rows = options && options.wf_rows ? options.wf_rows : 1024;
this.spectrumPercent =
options && options.spectrumPercent ? options.spectrumPercent : 0;
this.spectrumPercentStep =
options && options.spectrumPercentStep ? options.spectrumPercentStep : 0;
this.averaging = options && options.averaging ? options.averaging : 0;
this.maxHold = options && options.maxHold ? options.maxHold : false;
// Setup state
this.paused = false;
this.fullscreen = false;
this.min_db = 0;
this.max_db = 70;
this.spectrumHeight = 0;
// Colors
this.colorindex = 0;
this.colormap = colormaps[1];
// Create main canvas and adjust dimensions to match actual
this.canvas = document.getElementById(id);
this.canvas.height = this.canvas.clientHeight;
this.canvas.width = this.canvas.clientWidth;
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
this.ctx.fillStyle = "white";
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
// Create offscreen canvas for axes
this.axes = document.createElement("canvas");
this.axes.height = 1; // Updated later
this.axes.width = this.canvas.width;
this.ctx_axes = this.axes.getContext("2d");
// Create offscreen canvas for waterfall = document.createElement("canvas"); = this.wf_rows; = this.wf_size;
this.ctx_wf ="2d");
// Trigger first render
var turbo = [
[48, 18, 59],
[50, 21, 67],
[51, 24, 74],
[52, 27, 81],
[53, 30, 88],
[54, 33, 95],
[55, 36, 102],
[56, 39, 109],
[57, 42, 115],
[58, 45, 121],
[59, 47, 128],
[60, 50, 134],
[61, 53, 139],
[62, 56, 145],
[63, 59, 151],
[63, 62, 156],
[64, 64, 162],
[65, 67, 167],
[65, 70, 172],
[66, 73, 177],
[66, 75, 181],
[67, 78, 186],
[68, 81, 191],
[68, 84, 195],
[68, 86, 199],
[69, 89, 203],
[69, 92, 207],
[69, 94, 211],
[70, 97, 214],
[70, 100, 218],
[70, 102, 221],
[70, 105, 224],
[70, 107, 227],
[71, 110, 230],
[71, 113, 233],
[71, 115, 235],
[71, 118, 238],
[71, 120, 240],
[71, 123, 242],
[70, 125, 244],
[70, 128, 246],
[70, 130, 248],
[70, 133, 250],
[70, 135, 251],
[69, 138, 252],
[69, 140, 253],
[68, 143, 254],
[67, 145, 254],
[66, 148, 255],
[65, 150, 255],
[64, 153, 255],
[62, 155, 254],
[61, 158, 254],
[59, 160, 253],
[58, 163, 252],
[56, 165, 251],
[55, 168, 250],
[53, 171, 248],
[51, 173, 247],
[49, 175, 245],
[47, 178, 244],
[46, 180, 242],
[44, 183, 240],
[42, 185, 238],
[40, 188, 235],
[39, 190, 233],
[37, 192, 231],
[35, 195, 228],
[34, 197, 226],
[32, 199, 223],
[31, 201, 221],
[30, 203, 218],
[28, 205, 216],
[27, 208, 213],
[26, 210, 210],
[26, 212, 208],
[25, 213, 205],
[24, 215, 202],
[24, 217, 200],
[24, 219, 197],
[24, 221, 194],
[24, 222, 192],
[24, 224, 189],
[25, 226, 187],
[25, 227, 185],
[26, 228, 182],
[28, 230, 180],
[29, 231, 178],
[31, 233, 175],
[32, 234, 172],
[34, 235, 170],
[37, 236, 167],
[39, 238, 164],
[42, 239, 161],
[44, 240, 158],
[47, 241, 155],
[50, 242, 152],
[53, 243, 148],
[56, 244, 145],
[60, 245, 142],
[63, 246, 138],
[67, 247, 135],
[70, 248, 132],
[74, 248, 128],
[78, 249, 125],
[82, 250, 122],
[85, 250, 118],
[89, 251, 115],
[93, 252, 111],
[97, 252, 108],
[101, 253, 105],
[105, 253, 102],
[109, 254, 98],
[113, 254, 95],
[117, 254, 92],
[121, 254, 89],
[125, 255, 86],
[128, 255, 83],
[132, 255, 81],
[136, 255, 78],
[139, 255, 75],
[143, 255, 73],
[146, 255, 71],
[150, 254, 68],
[153, 254, 66],
[156, 254, 64],
[159, 253, 63],
[161, 253, 61],
[164, 252, 60],
[167, 252, 58],
[169, 251, 57],
[172, 251, 56],
[175, 250, 55],
[177, 249, 54],
[180, 248, 54],
[183, 247, 53],
[185, 246, 53],
[188, 245, 52],
[190, 244, 52],
[193, 243, 52],
[195, 241, 52],
[198, 240, 52],
[200, 239, 52],
[203, 237, 52],
[205, 236, 52],
[208, 234, 52],
[210, 233, 53],
[212, 231, 53],
[215, 229, 53],
[217, 228, 54],
[219, 226, 54],
[221, 224, 55],
[223, 223, 55],
[225, 221, 55],
[227, 219, 56],
[229, 217, 56],
[231, 215, 57],
[233, 213, 57],
[235, 211, 57],
[236, 209, 58],
[238, 207, 58],
[239, 205, 58],
[241, 203, 58],
[242, 201, 58],
[244, 199, 58],
[245, 197, 58],
[246, 195, 58],
[247, 193, 58],
[248, 190, 57],
[249, 188, 57],
[250, 186, 57],
[251, 184, 56],
[251, 182, 55],
[252, 179, 54],
[252, 177, 54],
[253, 174, 53],
[253, 172, 52],
[254, 169, 51],
[254, 167, 50],
[254, 164, 49],
[254, 161, 48],
[254, 158, 47],
[254, 155, 45],
[254, 153, 44],
[254, 150, 43],
[254, 147, 42],
[254, 144, 41],
[253, 141, 39],
[253, 138, 38],
[252, 135, 37],
[252, 132, 35],
[251, 129, 34],
[251, 126, 33],
[250, 123, 31],
[249, 120, 30],
[249, 117, 29],
[248, 114, 28],
[247, 111, 26],
[246, 108, 25],
[245, 105, 24],
[244, 102, 23],
[243, 99, 21],
[242, 96, 20],
[241, 93, 19],
[240, 91, 18],
[239, 88, 17],
[237, 85, 16],
[236, 83, 15],
[235, 80, 14],
[234, 78, 13],
[232, 75, 12],
[231, 73, 12],
[229, 71, 11],
[228, 69, 10],
[226, 67, 10],
[225, 65, 9],
[223, 63, 8],
[221, 61, 8],
[220, 59, 7],
[218, 57, 7],
[216, 55, 6],
[214, 53, 6],
[212, 51, 5],
[210, 49, 5],
[208, 47, 5],
[206, 45, 4],
[204, 43, 4],
[202, 42, 4],
[200, 40, 3],
[197, 38, 3],
[195, 37, 3],
[193, 35, 2],
[190, 33, 2],
[188, 32, 2],
[185, 30, 2],
[183, 29, 2],
[180, 27, 1],
[178, 26, 1],
[175, 24, 1],
[172, 23, 1],
[169, 22, 1],
[167, 20, 1],
[164, 19, 1],
[161, 18, 1],
[158, 16, 1],
[155, 15, 1],
[152, 14, 1],
[149, 13, 1],
[146, 11, 1],
[142, 10, 1],
[139, 9, 2],
[136, 8, 2],
[133, 7, 2],
[129, 6, 2],
[126, 5, 2],
[122, 4, 3],
var fosphor = [
[6, 0, 13],
[7, 0, 14],
[7, 0, 15],
[7, 0, 16],
[7, 0, 17],
[7, 0, 18],
[7, 0, 18],
[7, 0, 19],
[7, 0, 20],
[7, 0, 21],
[7, 0, 22],
[7, 0, 23],
[7, 0, 24],
[7, 0, 25],
[7, 0, 26],
[6, 0, 27],
[6, 0, 28],
[6, 0, 29],
[5, 0, 30],
[5, 0, 31],
[5, 0, 32],
[4, 0, 33],
[4, 0, 34],
[3, 0, 35],
[3, 0, 36],
[2, 0, 36],
[2, 0, 37],
[1, 0, 38],
[0, 0, 39],
[0, 0, 40],
[0, 1, 41],
[0, 2, 42],
[0, 3, 43],
[0, 4, 44],
[0, 5, 45],
[0, 5, 46],
[0, 6, 47],
[0, 7, 48],
[0, 8, 49],
[0, 9, 50],
[0, 10, 51],
[0, 12, 52],
[0, 13, 53],
[0, 14, 54],
[0, 15, 55],
[0, 16, 56],
[0, 18, 56],
[0, 19, 57],
[0, 20, 58],
[0, 22, 59],
[0, 23, 60],
[0, 24, 61],
[0, 26, 62],
[0, 27, 63],
[0, 29, 64],
[0, 31, 65],
[0, 32, 66],
[0, 34, 67],
[0, 36, 68],
[0, 37, 69],
[0, 39, 70],
[0, 41, 71],
[0, 43, 72],
[0, 44, 73],
[0, 46, 74],
[0, 48, 74],
[0, 50, 75],
[0, 52, 76],
[0, 54, 77],
[0, 56, 78],
[0, 58, 79],
[0, 60, 80],
[0, 63, 81],
[0, 65, 82],
[0, 67, 83],
[0, 69, 84],
[0, 71, 85],
[0, 74, 86],
[0, 76, 87],
[0, 79, 88],
[0, 81, 89],
[0, 83, 90],
[0, 86, 91],
[0, 88, 92],
[0, 91, 93],
[0, 94, 94],
[0, 94, 93],
[0, 95, 92],
[0, 96, 91],
[0, 97, 90],
[0, 98, 90],
[0, 99, 89],
[0, 100, 88],
[0, 101, 87],
[0, 102, 86],
[0, 103, 85],
[0, 104, 84],
[0, 105, 83],
[0, 106, 82],
[0, 107, 80],
[0, 108, 79],
[0, 109, 78],
[0, 110, 77],
[0, 111, 75],
[0, 112, 74],
[0, 112, 73],
[0, 113, 71],
[0, 114, 70],
[0, 115, 69],
[0, 116, 67],
[0, 117, 66],
[0, 118, 64],
[0, 119, 62],
[0, 120, 61],
[0, 121, 59],
[0, 122, 57],
[0, 123, 56],
[0, 124, 54],
[0, 125, 52],
[0, 126, 50],
[0, 127, 48],
[0, 128, 47],
[0, 129, 45],
[0, 130, 43],
[0, 131, 41],
[0, 132, 39],
[0, 132, 37],
[0, 133, 35],
[0, 134, 32],
[0, 135, 30],
[0, 136, 28],
[0, 137, 26],
[0, 138, 24],
[0, 139, 21],
[0, 140, 19],
[0, 141, 17],
[0, 142, 14],
[0, 143, 12],
[0, 144, 9],
[0, 145, 7],
[0, 146, 4],
[0, 147, 2],
[1, 148, 0],
[3, 149, 0],
[6, 150, 0],
[9, 150, 0],
[12, 151, 0],
[14, 152, 0],
[17, 153, 0],
[20, 154, 0],
[23, 155, 0],
[26, 156, 0],
[29, 157, 0],
[32, 158, 0],
[35, 159, 0],
[38, 160, 0],
[41, 161, 0],
[44, 162, 0],
[47, 163, 0],
[50, 164, 0],
[53, 165, 0],
[57, 166, 0],
[60, 167, 0],
[63, 168, 0],
[66, 169, 0],
[70, 170, 0],
[73, 170, 0],
[77, 171, 0],
[80, 172, 0],
[84, 173, 0],
[87, 174, 0],
[91, 175, 0],
[94, 176, 0],
[98, 177, 0],
[102, 178, 0],
[105, 179, 0],
[109, 180, 0],
[113, 181, 0],
[117, 182, 0],
[120, 183, 0],
[124, 184, 0],
[128, 185, 0],
[132, 186, 0],
[136, 187, 0],
[140, 188, 0],
[144, 188, 0],
[148, 189, 0],
[152, 190, 0],
[156, 191, 0],
[161, 192, 0],
[165, 193, 0],
[169, 194, 0],
[173, 195, 0],
[178, 196, 0],
[182, 197, 0],
[186, 198, 0],
[191, 199, 0],
[195, 200, 0],
[200, 201, 0],
[202, 199, 0],
[203, 197, 0],
[204, 194, 0],
[205, 191, 0],
[206, 189, 0],
[207, 186, 0],
[208, 183, 0],
[208, 180, 0],
[209, 177, 0],
[210, 174, 0],
[211, 172, 0],
[212, 169, 0],
[213, 166, 0],
[214, 163, 0],
[215, 159, 0],
[216, 156, 0],
[217, 153, 0],
[218, 150, 0],
[219, 147, 0],
[220, 144, 0],
[221, 140, 0],
[222, 137, 0],
[223, 134, 0],
[224, 130, 0],
[225, 127, 0],
[226, 123, 0],
[226, 120, 0],
[227, 116, 0],
[228, 113, 0],
[229, 109, 0],
[230, 106, 0],
[231, 102, 0],
[232, 98, 0],
[233, 95, 0],
[234, 91, 0],
[235, 87, 0],
[236, 83, 0],
[237, 79, 0],
[238, 76, 0],
[239, 72, 0],
[240, 68, 0],
[241, 64, 0],
[242, 60, 0],
[243, 56, 0],
[244, 52, 0],
[245, 47, 0],
[246, 43, 0],
[246, 39, 0],
[247, 35, 0],
[248, 31, 0],
[249, 26, 0],
[250, 22, 0],
[251, 18, 0],
[252, 13, 0],
[253, 9, 0],
[254, 4, 0],
[255, 0, 0],
var viridis = [
[68, 1, 84],
[68, 2, 86],
[69, 4, 87],
[69, 5, 89],
[70, 7, 90],
[70, 8, 92],
[70, 10, 93],
[70, 11, 94],
[71, 13, 96],
[71, 14, 97],
[71, 16, 99],
[71, 17, 100],
[71, 19, 101],
[72, 20, 103],
[72, 22, 104],
[72, 23, 105],
[72, 24, 106],
[72, 26, 108],
[72, 27, 109],
[72, 28, 110],
[72, 29, 111],
[72, 31, 112],
[72, 32, 113],
[72, 33, 115],
[72, 35, 116],
[72, 36, 117],
[72, 37, 118],
[72, 38, 119],
[72, 40, 120],
[72, 41, 121],
[71, 42, 122],
[71, 44, 122],
[71, 45, 123],
[71, 46, 124],
[71, 47, 125],
[70, 48, 126],
[70, 50, 126],
[70, 51, 127],
[70, 52, 128],
[69, 53, 129],
[69, 55, 129],
[69, 56, 130],
[68, 57, 131],
[68, 58, 131],
[68, 59, 132],
[67, 61, 132],
[67, 62, 133],
[66, 63, 133],
[66, 64, 134],
[66, 65, 134],
[65, 66, 135],
[65, 68, 135],
[64, 69, 136],
[64, 70, 136],
[63, 71, 136],
[63, 72, 137],
[62, 73, 137],
[62, 74, 137],
[62, 76, 138],
[61, 77, 138],
[61, 78, 138],
[60, 79, 138],
[60, 80, 139],
[59, 81, 139],
[59, 82, 139],
[58, 83, 139],
[58, 84, 140],
[57, 85, 140],
[57, 86, 140],
[56, 88, 140],
[56, 89, 140],
[55, 90, 140],
[55, 91, 141],
[54, 92, 141],
[54, 93, 141],
[53, 94, 141],
[53, 95, 141],
[52, 96, 141],
[52, 97, 141],
[51, 98, 141],
[51, 99, 141],
[50, 100, 142],
[50, 101, 142],
[49, 102, 142],
[49, 103, 142],
[49, 104, 142],
[48, 105, 142],
[48, 106, 142],
[47, 107, 142],
[47, 108, 142],
[46, 109, 142],
[46, 110, 142],
[46, 111, 142],
[45, 112, 142],
[45, 113, 142],
[44, 113, 142],
[44, 114, 142],
[44, 115, 142],
[43, 116, 142],
[43, 117, 142],
[42, 118, 142],
[42, 119, 142],
[42, 120, 142],
[41, 121, 142],
[41, 122, 142],
[41, 123, 142],
[40, 124, 142],
[40, 125, 142],
[39, 126, 142],
[39, 127, 142],
[39, 128, 142],
[38, 129, 142],
[38, 130, 142],
[38, 130, 142],
[37, 131, 142],
[37, 132, 142],
[37, 133, 142],
[36, 134, 142],
[36, 135, 142],
[35, 136, 142],
[35, 137, 142],
[35, 138, 141],
[34, 139, 141],
[34, 140, 141],
[34, 141, 141],
[33, 142, 141],
[33, 143, 141],
[33, 144, 141],
[33, 145, 140],
[32, 146, 140],
[32, 146, 140],
[32, 147, 140],
[31, 148, 140],
[31, 149, 139],
[31, 150, 139],
[31, 151, 139],
[31, 152, 139],
[31, 153, 138],
[31, 154, 138],
[30, 155, 138],
[30, 156, 137],
[30, 157, 137],
[31, 158, 137],
[31, 159, 136],
[31, 160, 136],
[31, 161, 136],
[31, 161, 135],
[31, 162, 135],
[32, 163, 134],
[32, 164, 134],
[33, 165, 133],
[33, 166, 133],
[34, 167, 133],
[34, 168, 132],
[35, 169, 131],
[36, 170, 131],
[37, 171, 130],
[37, 172, 130],
[38, 173, 129],
[39, 173, 129],
[40, 174, 128],
[41, 175, 127],
[42, 176, 127],
[44, 177, 126],
[45, 178, 125],
[46, 179, 124],
[47, 180, 124],
[49, 181, 123],
[50, 182, 122],
[52, 182, 121],
[53, 183, 121],
[55, 184, 120],
[56, 185, 119],
[58, 186, 118],
[59, 187, 117],
[61, 188, 116],
[63, 188, 115],
[64, 189, 114],
[66, 190, 113],
[68, 191, 112],
[70, 192, 111],
[72, 193, 110],
[74, 193, 109],
[76, 194, 108],
[78, 195, 107],
[80, 196, 106],
[82, 197, 105],
[84, 197, 104],
[86, 198, 103],
[88, 199, 101],
[90, 200, 100],
[92, 200, 99],
[94, 201, 98],
[96, 202, 96],
[99, 203, 95],
[101, 203, 94],
[103, 204, 92],
[105, 205, 91],
[108, 205, 90],
[110, 206, 88],
[112, 207, 87],
[115, 208, 86],
[117, 208, 84],
[119, 209, 83],
[122, 209, 81],
[124, 210, 80],
[127, 211, 78],
[129, 211, 77],
[132, 212, 75],
[134, 213, 73],
[137, 213, 72],
[139, 214, 70],
[142, 214, 69],
[144, 215, 67],
[147, 215, 65],
[149, 216, 64],
[152, 216, 62],
[155, 217, 60],
[157, 217, 59],
[160, 218, 57],
[162, 218, 55],
[165, 219, 54],
[168, 219, 52],
[170, 220, 50],
[173, 220, 48],
[176, 221, 47],
[178, 221, 45],
[181, 222, 43],
[184, 222, 41],
[186, 222, 40],
[189, 223, 38],
[192, 223, 37],
[194, 223, 35],
[197, 224, 33],
[200, 224, 32],
[202, 225, 31],
[205, 225, 29],
[208, 225, 28],
[210, 226, 27],
[213, 226, 26],
[216, 226, 25],
[218, 227, 25],
[221, 227, 24],
[223, 227, 24],
[226, 228, 24],
[229, 228, 25],
[231, 228, 25],
[234, 229, 26],
[236, 229, 27],
[239, 229, 28],
[241, 229, 29],
[244, 230, 30],
[246, 230, 32],
[248, 230, 33],
[251, 231, 35],
[253, 231, 37],
var inferno = [
[0, 0, 4],
[1, 0, 5],
[1, 1, 6],
[1, 1, 8],
[2, 1, 10],
[2, 2, 12],
[2, 2, 14],
[3, 2, 16],
[4, 3, 18],
[4, 3, 20],
[5, 4, 23],
[6, 4, 25],
[7, 5, 27],
[8, 5, 29],
[9, 6, 31],
[10, 7, 34],
[11, 7, 36],
[12, 8, 38],
[13, 8, 41],
[14, 9, 43],
[16, 9, 45],
[17, 10, 48],
[18, 10, 50],
[20, 11, 52],
[21, 11, 55],
[22, 11, 57],
[24, 12, 60],
[25, 12, 62],
[27, 12, 65],
[28, 12, 67],
[30, 12, 69],
[31, 12, 72],
[33, 12, 74],
[35, 12, 76],
[36, 12, 79],
[38, 12, 81],
[40, 11, 83],
[41, 11, 85],
[43, 11, 87],
[45, 11, 89],
[47, 10, 91],
[49, 10, 92],
[50, 10, 94],
[52, 10, 95],
[54, 9, 97],
[56, 9, 98],
[57, 9, 99],
[59, 9, 100],
[61, 9, 101],
[62, 9, 102],
[64, 10, 103],
[66, 10, 104],
[68, 10, 104],
[69, 10, 105],
[71, 11, 106],
[73, 11, 106],
[74, 12, 107],
[76, 12, 107],
[77, 13, 108],
[79, 13, 108],
[81, 14, 108],
[82, 14, 109],
[84, 15, 109],
[85, 15, 109],
[87, 16, 110],
[89, 16, 110],
[90, 17, 110],
[92, 18, 110],
[93, 18, 110],
[95, 19, 110],
[97, 19, 110],
[98, 20, 110],
[100, 21, 110],
[101, 21, 110],
[103, 22, 110],
[105, 22, 110],
[106, 23, 110],
[108, 24, 110],
[109, 24, 110],
[111, 25, 110],
[113, 25, 110],
[114, 26, 110],
[116, 26, 110],
[117, 27, 110],
[119, 28, 109],
[120, 28, 109],
[122, 29, 109],
[124, 29, 109],
[125, 30, 109],
[127, 30, 108],
[128, 31, 108],
[130, 32, 108],
[132, 32, 107],
[133, 33, 107],
[135, 33, 107],
[136, 34, 106],
[138, 34, 106],
[140, 35, 105],
[141, 35, 105],
[143, 36, 105],
[144, 37, 104],
[146, 37, 104],
[147, 38, 103],
[149, 38, 103],
[151, 39, 102],
[152, 39, 102],
[154, 40, 101],
[155, 41, 100],
[157, 41, 100],
[159, 42, 99],
[160, 42, 99],
[162, 43, 98],
[163, 44, 97],
[165, 44, 96],
[166, 45, 96],
[168, 46, 95],
[169, 46, 94],
[171, 47, 94],
[173, 48, 93],
[174, 48, 92],
[176, 49, 91],
[177, 50, 90],
[179, 50, 90],
[180, 51, 89],
[182, 52, 88],
[183, 53, 87],
[185, 53, 86],
[186, 54, 85],
[188, 55, 84],
[189, 56, 83],
[191, 57, 82],
[192, 58, 81],
[193, 58, 80],
[195, 59, 79],
[196, 60, 78],
[198, 61, 77],
[199, 62, 76],
[200, 63, 75],
[202, 64, 74],
[203, 65, 73],
[204, 66, 72],
[206, 67, 71],
[207, 68, 70],
[208, 69, 69],
[210, 70, 68],
[211, 71, 67],
[212, 72, 66],
[213, 74, 65],
[215, 75, 63],
[216, 76, 62],
[217, 77, 61],
[218, 78, 60],
[219, 80, 59],
[221, 81, 58],
[222, 82, 56],
[223, 83, 55],
[224, 85, 54],
[225, 86, 53],
[226, 87, 52],
[227, 89, 51],
[228, 90, 49],
[229, 92, 48],
[230, 93, 47],
[231, 94, 46],
[232, 96, 45],
[233, 97, 43],
[234, 99, 42],
[235, 100, 41],
[235, 102, 40],
[236, 103, 38],
[237, 105, 37],
[238, 106, 36],
[239, 108, 35],
[239, 110, 33],
[240, 111, 32],
[241, 113, 31],
[241, 115, 29],
[242, 116, 28],
[243, 118, 27],
[243, 120, 25],
[244, 121, 24],
[245, 123, 23],
[245, 125, 21],
[246, 126, 20],
[246, 128, 19],
[247, 130, 18],
[247, 132, 16],
[248, 133, 15],
[248, 135, 14],
[248, 137, 12],
[249, 139, 11],
[249, 140, 10],
[249, 142, 9],
[250, 144, 8],
[250, 146, 7],
[250, 148, 7],
[251, 150, 6],
[251, 151, 6],
[251, 153, 6],
[251, 155, 6],
[251, 157, 7],
[252, 159, 7],
[252, 161, 8],
[252, 163, 9],
[252, 165, 10],
[252, 166, 12],
[252, 168, 13],
[252, 170, 15],
[252, 172, 17],
[252, 174, 18],
[252, 176, 20],
[252, 178, 22],
[252, 180, 24],
[251, 182, 26],
[251, 184, 29],
[251, 186, 31],
[251, 188, 33],
[251, 190, 35],
[250, 192, 38],
[250, 194, 40],
[250, 196, 42],
[250, 198, 45],
[249, 199, 47],
[249, 201, 50],
[249, 203, 53],
[248, 205, 55],
[248, 207, 58],
[247, 209, 61],
[247, 211, 64],
[246, 213, 67],
[246, 215, 70],
[245, 217, 73],
[245, 219, 76],
[244, 221, 79],
[244, 223, 83],
[244, 225, 86],
[243, 227, 90],
[243, 229, 93],
[242, 230, 97],
[242, 232, 101],
[242, 234, 105],
[241, 236, 109],
[241, 237, 113],
[241, 239, 117],
[241, 241, 121],
[242, 242, 125],
[242, 244, 130],
[243, 245, 134],
[243, 246, 138],
[244, 248, 142],
[245, 249, 146],
[246, 250, 150],
[248, 251, 154],
[249, 252, 157],
[250, 253, 161],
[252, 255, 164],
var magma = [
[0, 0, 4],
[1, 0, 5],
[1, 1, 6],
[1, 1, 8],
[2, 1, 9],
[2, 2, 11],
[2, 2, 13],
[3, 3, 15],
[3, 3, 18],
[4, 4, 20],
[5, 4, 22],
[6, 5, 24],
[6, 5, 26],
[7, 6, 28],
[8, 7, 30],
[9, 7, 32],
[10, 8, 34],
[11, 9, 36],
[12, 9, 38],
[13, 10, 41],
[14, 11, 43],
[16, 11, 45],
[17, 12, 47],
[18, 13, 49],
[19, 13, 52],
[20, 14, 54],
[21, 14, 56],
[22, 15, 59],
[24, 15, 61],
[25, 16, 63],
[26, 16, 66],
[28, 16, 68],
[29, 17, 71],
[30, 17, 73],
[32, 17, 75],
[33, 17, 78],
[34, 17, 80],
[36, 18, 83],
[37, 18, 85],
[39, 18, 88],
[41, 17, 90],
[42, 17, 92],
[44, 17, 95],
[45, 17, 97],
[47, 17, 99],
[49, 17, 101],
[51, 16, 103],
[52, 16, 105],
[54, 16, 107],
[56, 16, 108],
[57, 15, 110],
[59, 15, 112],
[61, 15, 113],
[63, 15, 114],
[64, 15, 116],
[66, 15, 117],
[68, 15, 118],
[69, 16, 119],
[71, 16, 120],
[73, 16, 120],
[74, 16, 121],
[76, 17, 122],
[78, 17, 123],
[79, 18, 123],
[81, 18, 124],
[82, 19, 124],
[84, 19, 125],
[86, 20, 125],
[87, 21, 126],
[89, 21, 126],
[90, 22, 126],
[92, 22, 127],
[93, 23, 127],
[95, 24, 127],
[96, 24, 128],
[98, 25, 128],
[100, 26, 128],
[101, 26, 128],
[103, 27, 128],
[104, 28, 129],
[106, 28, 129],
[107, 29, 129],
[109, 29, 129],
[110, 30, 129],
[112, 31, 129],
[114, 31, 129],
[115, 32, 129],
[117, 33, 129],
[118, 33, 129],
[120, 34, 129],
[121, 34, 130],
[123, 35, 130],
[124, 35, 130],
[126, 36, 130],
[128, 37, 130],
[129, 37, 129],
[131, 38, 129],
[132, 38, 129],
[134, 39, 129],
[136, 39, 129],
[137, 40, 129],
[139, 41, 129],
[140, 41, 129],
[142, 42, 129],
[144, 42, 129],
[145, 43, 129],
[147, 43, 128],
[148, 44, 128],
[150, 44, 128],
[152, 45, 128],
[153, 45, 128],
[155, 46, 127],
[156, 46, 127],
[158, 47, 127],
[160, 47, 127],
[161, 48, 126],
[163, 48, 126],
[165, 49, 126],
[166, 49, 125],
[168, 50, 125],
[170, 51, 125],
[171, 51, 124],
[173, 52, 124],
[174, 52, 123],
[176, 53, 123],
[178, 53, 123],
[179, 54, 122],
[181, 54, 122],
[183, 55, 121],
[184, 55, 121],
[186, 56, 120],
[188, 57, 120],
[189, 57, 119],
[191, 58, 119],
[192, 58, 118],
[194, 59, 117],
[196, 60, 117],
[197, 60, 116],
[199, 61, 115],
[200, 62, 115],
[202, 62, 114],
[204, 63, 113],
[205, 64, 113],
[207, 64, 112],
[208, 65, 111],
[210, 66, 111],
[211, 67, 110],
[213, 68, 109],
[214, 69, 108],
[216, 69, 108],
[217, 70, 107],
[219, 71, 106],
[220, 72, 105],
[222, 73, 104],
[223, 74, 104],
[224, 76, 103],
[226, 77, 102],
[227, 78, 101],
[228, 79, 100],
[229, 80, 100],
[231, 82, 99],
[232, 83, 98],
[233, 84, 98],
[234, 86, 97],
[235, 87, 96],
[236, 88, 96],
[237, 90, 95],
[238, 91, 94],
[239, 93, 94],
[240, 95, 94],
[241, 96, 93],
[242, 98, 93],
[242, 100, 92],
[243, 101, 92],
[244, 103, 92],
[244, 105, 92],
[245, 107, 92],
[246, 108, 92],
[246, 110, 92],
[247, 112, 92],
[247, 114, 92],
[248, 116, 92],
[248, 118, 92],
[249, 120, 93],
[249, 121, 93],
[249, 123, 93],
[250, 125, 94],
[250, 127, 94],
[250, 129, 95],
[251, 131, 95],
[251, 133, 96],
[251, 135, 97],
[252, 137, 97],
[252, 138, 98],
[252, 140, 99],
[252, 142, 100],
[252, 144, 101],
[253, 146, 102],
[253, 148, 103],
[253, 150, 104],
[253, 152, 105],
[253, 154, 106],
[253, 155, 107],
[254, 157, 108],
[254, 159, 109],
[254, 161, 110],
[254, 163, 111],
[254, 165, 113],
[254, 167, 114],
[254, 169, 115],
[254, 170, 116],
[254, 172, 118],
[254, 174, 119],
[254, 176, 120],
[254, 178, 122],
[254, 180, 123],
[254, 182, 124],
[254, 183, 126],
[254, 185, 127],
[254, 187, 129],
[254, 189, 130],
[254, 191, 132],
[254, 193, 133],
[254, 194, 135],
[254, 196, 136],
[254, 198, 138],
[254, 200, 140],
[254, 202, 141],
[254, 204, 143],
[254, 205, 144],
[254, 207, 146],
[254, 209, 148],
[254, 211, 149],
[254, 213, 151],
[254, 215, 153],
[254, 216, 154],
[253, 218, 156],
[253, 220, 158],
[253, 222, 160],
[253, 224, 161],
[253, 226, 163],
[253, 227, 165],
[253, 229, 167],
[253, 231, 169],
[253, 233, 170],
[253, 235, 172],
[252, 236, 174],
[252, 238, 176],
[252, 240, 178],
[252, 242, 180],
[252, 244, 182],
[252, 246, 184],
[252, 247, 185],
[252, 249, 187],
[252, 251, 189],
[252, 253, 191],
var jet = [
[0, 0, 128],
[0, 0, 132],
[0, 0, 137],
[0, 0, 141],
[0, 0, 146],
[0, 0, 150],
[0, 0, 155],
[0, 0, 159],
[0, 0, 164],
[0, 0, 168],
[0, 0, 173],
[0, 0, 178],
[0, 0, 182],
[0, 0, 187],
[0, 0, 191],
[0, 0, 196],
[0, 0, 200],
[0, 0, 205],
[0, 0, 209],
[0, 0, 214],
[0, 0, 218],
[0, 0, 223],
[0, 0, 227],
[0, 0, 232],
[0, 0, 237],
[0, 0, 241],
[0, 0, 246],
[0, 0, 250],
[0, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 255],
[0, 4, 255],
[0, 8, 255],
[0, 12, 255],
[0, 16, 255],
[0, 20, 255],
[0, 24, 255],
[0, 28, 255],
[0, 32, 255],
[0, 36, 255],
[0, 40, 255],
[0, 44, 255],
[0, 48, 255],
[0, 52, 255],
[0, 56, 255],
[0, 60, 255],
[0, 64, 255],
[0, 68, 255],
[0, 72, 255],
[0, 76, 255],
[0, 80, 255],
[0, 84, 255],
[0, 88, 255],
[0, 92, 255],
[0, 96, 255],
[0, 100, 255],
[0, 104, 255],
[0, 108, 255],
[0, 112, 255],
[0, 116, 255],
[0, 120, 255],
[0, 124, 255],
[0, 128, 255],
[0, 132, 255],
[0, 136, 255],
[0, 140, 255],
[0, 144, 255],
[0, 148, 255],
[0, 152, 255],
[0, 156, 255],
[0, 160, 255],
[0, 164, 255],
[0, 168, 255],
[0, 172, 255],
[0, 176, 255],
[0, 180, 255],
[0, 184, 255],
[0, 188, 255],
[0, 192, 255],
[0, 196, 255],
[0, 200, 255],
[0, 204, 255],
[0, 208, 255],
[0, 212, 255],
[0, 216, 255],
[0, 220, 254],
[0, 224, 251],
[0, 228, 248],
[2, 232, 244],
[6, 236, 241],
[9, 240, 238],
[12, 244, 235],
[15, 248, 231],
[19, 252, 228],
[22, 255, 225],
[25, 255, 222],
[28, 255, 219],
[31, 255, 215],
[35, 255, 212],
[38, 255, 209],
[41, 255, 206],
[44, 255, 202],
[48, 255, 199],
[51, 255, 196],
[54, 255, 193],
[57, 255, 190],
[60, 255, 186],
[64, 255, 183],
[67, 255, 180],
[70, 255, 177],
[73, 255, 173],
[77, 255, 170],
[80, 255, 167],
[83, 255, 164],
[86, 255, 160],
[90, 255, 157],
[93, 255, 154],
[96, 255, 151],
[99, 255, 148],
[102, 255, 144],
[106, 255, 141],
[109, 255, 138],
[112, 255, 135],
[115, 255, 131],
[119, 255, 128],
[122, 255, 125],
[125, 255, 122],
[128, 255, 119],
[131, 255, 115],
[135, 255, 112],
[138, 255, 109],
[141, 255, 106],
[144, 255, 102],
[148, 255, 99],
[151, 255, 96],
[154, 255, 93],
[157, 255, 90],
[160, 255, 86],
[164, 255, 83],
[167, 255, 80],
[170, 255, 77],
[173, 255, 73],
[177, 255, 70],
[180, 255, 67],
[183, 255, 64],
[186, 255, 60],
[190, 255, 57],
[193, 255, 54],
[196, 255, 51],
[199, 255, 48],
[202, 255, 44],
[206, 255, 41],
[209, 255, 38],
[212, 255, 35],
[215, 255, 31],
[219, 255, 28],
[222, 255, 25],
[225, 255, 22],
[228, 255, 19],
[231, 255, 15],
[235, 255, 12],
[238, 255, 9],
[241, 252, 6],
[244, 248, 2],
[248, 245, 0],
[251, 241, 0],
[254, 237, 0],
[255, 234, 0],
[255, 230, 0],
[255, 226, 0],
[255, 222, 0],
[255, 219, 0],
[255, 215, 0],
[255, 211, 0],
[255, 208, 0],
[255, 204, 0],
[255, 200, 0],
[255, 196, 0],
[255, 193, 0],
[255, 189, 0],
[255, 185, 0],
[255, 182, 0],
[255, 178, 0],
[255, 174, 0],
[255, 171, 0],
[255, 167, 0],
[255, 163, 0],
[255, 159, 0],
[255, 156, 0],
[255, 152, 0],
[255, 148, 0],
[255, 145, 0],
[255, 141, 0],
[255, 137, 0],
[255, 134, 0],
[255, 130, 0],
[255, 126, 0],
[255, 122, 0],
[255, 119, 0],
[255, 115, 0],
[255, 111, 0],
[255, 108, 0],
[255, 104, 0],
[255, 100, 0],
[255, 96, 0],
[255, 93, 0],
[255, 89, 0],
[255, 85, 0],
[255, 82, 0],
[255, 78, 0],
[255, 74, 0],
[255, 71, 0],
[255, 67, 0],
[255, 63, 0],
[255, 59, 0],
[255, 56, 0],
[255, 52, 0],
[255, 48, 0],
[255, 45, 0],
[255, 41, 0],
[255, 37, 0],
[255, 34, 0],
[255, 30, 0],
[255, 26, 0],
[255, 22, 0],
[255, 19, 0],
[250, 15, 0],
[246, 11, 0],
[241, 8, 0],
[237, 4, 0],
[232, 0, 0],
[228, 0, 0],
[223, 0, 0],
[218, 0, 0],
[214, 0, 0],
[209, 0, 0],
[205, 0, 0],
[200, 0, 0],
[196, 0, 0],
[191, 0, 0],
[187, 0, 0],
[182, 0, 0],
[178, 0, 0],
[173, 0, 0],
[168, 0, 0],
[164, 0, 0],
[159, 0, 0],
[155, 0, 0],
[150, 0, 0],
[146, 0, 0],
[141, 0, 0],
[137, 0, 0],
[132, 0, 0],
[128, 0, 0],
var binary = [
[255, 255, 255],
[254, 254, 254],
[253, 253, 253],
[252, 252, 252],
[251, 251, 251],
[250, 250, 250],
[249, 249, 249],
[248, 248, 248],
[247, 247, 247],
[246, 246, 246],
[245, 245, 245],
[244, 244, 244],
[243, 243, 243],
[242, 242, 242],
[241, 241, 241],
[240, 240, 240],
[239, 239, 239],
[238, 238, 238],
[237, 237, 237],
[236, 236, 236],
[235, 235, 235],
[234, 234, 234],
[233, 233, 233],
[232, 232, 232],
[231, 231, 231],
[230, 230, 230],
[229, 229, 229],
[228, 228, 228],
[227, 227, 227],
[226, 226, 226],
[225, 225, 225],
[224, 224, 224],
[223, 223, 223],
[222, 222, 222],
[221, 221, 221],
[220, 220, 220],
[219, 219, 219],
[218, 218, 218],
[217, 217, 217],
[216, 216, 216],
[215, 215, 215],
[214, 214, 214],
[213, 213, 213],
[212, 212, 212],
[211, 211, 211],
[210, 210, 210],
[209, 209, 209],
[208, 208, 208],
[207, 207, 207],
[206, 206, 206],
[205, 205, 205],
[204, 204, 204],
[203, 203, 203],
[202, 202, 202],
[201, 201, 201],
[200, 200, 200],
[199, 199, 199],
[198, 198, 198],
[197, 197, 197],
[196, 196, 196],
[195, 195, 195],
[194, 194, 194],
[193, 193, 193],
[192, 192, 192],
[191, 191, 191],
[190, 190, 190],
[189, 189, 189],
[188, 188, 188],
[187, 187, 187],
[186, 186, 186],
[185, 185, 185],
[184, 184, 184],
[183, 183, 183],
[182, 182, 182],
[181, 181, 181],
[180, 180, 180],
[179, 179, 179],
[178, 178, 178],
[177, 177, 177],
[176, 176, 176],
[175, 175, 175],
[174, 174, 174],
[173, 173, 173],
[172, 172, 172],
[171, 171, 171],
[170, 170, 170],
[169, 169, 169],
[168, 168, 168],
[167, 167, 167],
[166, 166, 166],
[165, 165, 165],
[164, 164, 164],
[163, 163, 163],
[162, 162, 162],
[161, 161, 161],
[160, 160, 160],
[159, 159, 159],
[158, 158, 158],
[157, 157, 157],
[156, 156, 156],
[155, 155, 155],
[154, 154, 154],
[153, 153, 153],
[152, 152, 152],
[151, 151, 151],
[150, 150, 150],
[149, 149, 149],
[148, 148, 148],
[147, 147, 147],
[146, 146, 146],
[145, 145, 145],
[144, 144, 144],
[143, 143, 143],
[142, 142, 142],
[141, 141, 141],
[140, 140, 140],
[139, 139, 139],
[138, 138, 138],
[137, 137, 137],
[136, 136, 136],
[135, 135, 135],
[134, 134, 134],
[133, 133, 133],
[132, 132, 132],
[131, 131, 131],
[130, 130, 130],
[129, 129, 129],
[128, 128, 128],
[127, 127, 127],
[126, 126, 126],
[125, 125, 125],
[124, 124, 124],
[123, 123, 123],
[122, 122, 122],
[121, 121, 121],
[120, 120, 120],
[119, 119, 119],
[118, 118, 118],
[117, 117, 117],
[116, 116, 116],
[115, 115, 115],
[114, 114, 114],
[113, 113, 113],
[112, 112, 112],
[111, 111, 111],
[110, 110, 110],
[109, 109, 109],
[108, 108, 108],
[107, 107, 107],
[106, 106, 106],
[105, 105, 105],
[104, 104, 104],
[103, 103, 103],
[102, 102, 102],
[101, 101, 101],
[100, 100, 100],
[99, 99, 99],
[98, 98, 98],
[97, 97, 97],
[96, 96, 96],
[95, 95, 95],
[94, 94, 94],
[93, 93, 93],
[92, 92, 92],
[91, 91, 91],
[90, 90, 90],
[89, 89, 89],
[88, 88, 88],
[87, 87, 87],
[86, 86, 86],
[85, 85, 85],
[84, 84, 84],
[83, 83, 83],
[82, 82, 82],
[81, 81, 81],
[80, 80, 80],
[79, 79, 79],
[78, 78, 78],
[77, 77, 77],
[76, 76, 76],
[75, 75, 75],
[74, 74, 74],
[73, 73, 73],
[72, 72, 72],
[71, 71, 71],
[70, 70, 70],
[69, 69, 69],
[68, 68, 68],
[67, 67, 67],
[66, 66, 66],
[65, 65, 65],
[64, 64, 64],
[63, 63, 63],
[62, 62, 62],
[61, 61, 61],
[60, 60, 60],
[59, 59, 59],
[58, 58, 58],
[57, 57, 57],
[56, 56, 56],
[55, 55, 55],
[54, 54, 54],
[53, 53, 53],
[52, 52, 52],
[51, 51, 51],
[50, 50, 50],
[49, 49, 49],
[48, 48, 48],
[47, 47, 47],
[46, 46, 46],
[45, 45, 45],
[44, 44, 44],
[43, 43, 43],
[42, 42, 42],
[41, 41, 41],
[40, 40, 40],
[39, 39, 39],
[38, 38, 38],
[37, 37, 37],
[36, 36, 36],
[35, 35, 35],
[34, 34, 34],
[33, 33, 33],
[32, 32, 32],
[31, 31, 31],
[30, 30, 30],
[29, 29, 29],
[28, 28, 28],
[27, 27, 27],
[26, 26, 26],
[25, 25, 25],
[24, 24, 24],
[23, 23, 23],
[22, 22, 22],
[21, 21, 21],
[20, 20, 20],
[19, 19, 19],
[18, 18, 18],
[17, 17, 17],
[16, 16, 16],
[15, 15, 15],
[14, 14, 14],
[13, 13, 13],
[12, 12, 12],
[11, 11, 11],
[10, 10, 10],
[9, 9, 9],
[8, 8, 8],
[7, 7, 7],
[6, 6, 6],
[5, 5, 5],
[4, 4, 4],
[3, 3, 3],
[2, 2, 2],
[1, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 0],
var colormaps = [turbo, fosphor, viridis, inferno, magma, jet, binary];