
216 lines
7.2 KiB

import configparser
import structlog
import json
class CONFIG:
CONFIG class for handling with config files
config_types = {
'modemaddress': str,
'modemport': int,
'mycall': str,
'mygrid': str,
'myssid': int,
'ssid_list': list,
'enable_explorer': bool,
'enable_stats': bool,
'AUDIO': {
'input_device': str,
'output_device': str,
'rx_audio_level': int,
'tx_audio_level': int,
'RADIO': {
'control': str,
'serial_port': str,
'model_id': int,
'serial_speed': int,
'data_bits': int,
'stop_bits': int,
'serial_handshake': str,
'ptt_port': str,
'ptt_type': str,
'serial_dcd': str,
'serial_dtr': str,
'ip': str,
'port': int,
'path': str,
'command': str,
'arguments': str,
'TCI': {
'tci_ip': str,
'tci_port': int,
'MESH': {
'enable_protocol': bool,
'MODEM': {
'enable_hmac': bool,
'enable_morse_identifier': bool,
'maximum_bandwidth': int,
'respond_to_cq': bool,
'tx_delay': int
'enable_auto_repeat': bool,
default_values = {
list: '[]',
bool: 'False',
int: '0',
str: '',
def __init__(self, configfile: str):
# set up logger
self.log = structlog.get_logger(type(self).__name__)
# init configparser
self.parser = configparser.ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes="#", allow_no_value=True)
self.config_name = configfile
except Exception:
self.config_name = "config.ini""[CFG] config init", file=self.config_name)
# check if config file exists
# validate config structure
def config_exists(self):
check if config file exists
return bool(, None))
except Exception as configerror:
self.log.error("[CFG] logfile init error", e=configerror)
return False
# Validates config data
def validate_data(self, data):
for section in data:
for setting in data[section]:
if not isinstance(data[section][setting], self.config_types[section][setting]):
message = (f"{section}.{setting} must be {self.config_types[section][setting]}."
f" '{data[section][setting]}' {type(data[section][setting])} given.")
raise ValueError(message)
def validate_config(self):
Updates the configuration file to match exactly what is defined in self.config_types.
It removes sections and settings not defined there and adds missing sections and settings.
existing_sections = self.parser.sections()
# Remove sections and settings not defined in self.config_types
for section in existing_sections:
if section not in self.config_types:
self.parser.remove_section(section)"[CFG] Removing undefined section: {section}")
existing_settings = self.parser.options(section)
for setting in existing_settings:
if setting not in self.config_types[section]:
self.parser.remove_option(section, setting)"[CFG] Removing undefined setting: {section}.{setting}")
# Add missing sections and settings from self.config_types
for section, settings in self.config_types.items():
if section not in existing_sections:
self.parser.add_section(section)"[CFG] Adding missing section: {section}")
for setting, value_type in settings.items():
if not self.parser.has_option(section, setting):
default_value = self.default_values.get(value_type, None)
self.parser.set(section, setting, str(default_value))"[CFG] Adding missing setting: {section}.{setting}")
return self.write_to_file()
# Handle special setting data type conversion
# is_writing means data from a dict being writen to the config file
# if False, it means the opposite direction
def handle_setting(self, section, setting, value, is_writing = False):
if self.config_types[section][setting] == list:
if (is_writing):
return json.dumps(value)
return json.loads(value)
elif self.config_types[section][setting] == bool and not is_writing:
return self.parser.getboolean(section, setting)
elif self.config_types[section][setting] == int and not is_writing:
return self.parser.getint(section, setting)
return value
except KeyError as key:
self.log.error("[CFG] key error in logfile, please check 'config.ini.example' for help", key=key)
# Sets and writes config data from a dict containing data settings
def write(self, data):
# Validate config data before writing
for section in data:
# init section if it doesn't exist yet
if not section.upper() in self.parser.keys():
self.parser[section] = {}
for setting in data[section]:
new_value = self.handle_setting(
section, setting, data[section][setting], True)
self.parser[section][setting] = str(new_value)
except Exception as e:
self.log.error("[CFG] error setting config key", e=e)
return self.write_to_file()
def write_to_file(self):
# Write config data to file
with open(self.config_name, 'w') as configfile:
except Exception as conferror:
self.log.error("[CFG] reading logfile", e=conferror)
return False
def read(self):
read config file
""""[CFG] reading...")
if not self.config_exists():
return False
# at first just copy the config as read from file
result = {s:dict(self.parser.items(s)) for s in self.parser.sections()}
# handle the special settings
for section in result:
for setting in result[section]:
result[section][setting] = self.handle_setting(
section, setting, result[section][setting], False)
return result