dj2ls 459e39daea updated socket commands and changed rx buffer behavior
..and some other changes to the gui so its compatible again with the latest socket commands. The rx buffer has now a unique id, and new structure. Also all messages and files will be saved to the same buffer. All commands which will be sent to the tnc or dameon are now written in lowercase
2022-01-28 20:07:39 +01:00

234 lines
6.6 KiB

var net = require('net');
const path = require('path')
const {
} = require('electron')
var appDataFolder = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform == 'darwin' ? process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support' : process.env.HOME + "/.config")
var configFolder = path.join(appDataFolder, "FreeDATA");
var configPath = path.join(configFolder, 'config.json')
const config = require(configPath);
var daemon = new net.Socket();
var msg = ''; // Current message, per connection.
setTimeout(connectDAEMON, 500)
function connectDAEMON() {
console.log('connecting to DAEMON...')
//clear message buffer after reconnecting or inital connection
msg = '';
if (config.tnclocation == 'localhost') {
daemon.connect(3001, '')
} else {
daemon.connect(config.daemon_port, config.daemon_host)
daemon.on('connect', function(data) {
console.log('DAEMON connection established')
let Data = {
daemon_connection: daemon.readyState,
ipcRenderer.send('request-update-daemon-connection', Data);
daemon.on('error', function(data) {
console.log('DAEMON connection error');
setTimeout(connectDAEMON, 2000)
let Data = {
daemon_connection: daemon.readyState,
ipcRenderer.send('request-update-daemon-connection', Data);
client.on('close', function(data) {
console.log(' TNC connection closed');
setTimeout(connectTNC, 2000)
let Data = {
daemon_connection: daemon.readyState,
ipcRenderer.send('request-update-daemon-connection', Data);
daemon.on('end', function(data) {
console.log('DAEMON connection ended');
setTimeout(connectDAEMON, 2000)
let Data = {
daemon_connection: daemon.readyState,
ipcRenderer.send('request-update-daemon-connection', Data);
//exports.writeCommand = function(command){
writeDaemonCommand = function(command) {
// we use the writingCommand function to update our TCPIP state because we are calling this function a lot
// if socket openend, we are able to run commands
if (daemon.readyState == 'open') {
daemon.write(command + '\n');
if (daemon.readyState == 'closed') {
if (daemon.readyState == 'opening') {
let Data = {
daemon_connection: daemon.readyState,
ipcRenderer.send('request-update-daemon-connection', Data);
// ""
daemon.on('data', function(data) {
data = data.toString('utf8'); /* convert data to string */
msg += data.toString('utf8'); /*append data to buffer so we can stick long data together */
/* check if we reached an EOF, if true, clear buffer and parse JSON data */
if (data.endsWith('}\n')) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(msg)
} catch (e) {
console.log(e); /* "SyntaxError */
msg = '';
/*console.log("EOF detected!")*/
if (data['command'] == 'daemon_state') {
let Data = {
input_devices: data['input_devices'],
output_devices: data['output_devices'],
python_version: data['python_version'],
hamlib_version: data['hamlib_version'],
serial_devices: data['serial_devices'],
tnc_running_state: data['daemon_state'][0]['status'],
ram_usage: data['ram'],
cpu_usage: data['cpu'],
version: data['version'],
ipcRenderer.send('request-update-daemon-state', Data);
if (data['command'] == 'test_hamlib') {
let Data = {
hamlib_result: data['result'],
ipcRenderer.send('request-update-hamlib-test', Data);
////// check if EOF ...
function hexToBytes(hex) {
for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2)
bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16));
return bytes;
exports.getDaemonState = function() {
//function getDaemonState(){
command = '{"type" : "get", "command" : "daemon_state"}'
// ` `== multi line string
exports.startTNC = function(mycall, mygrid, rx_audio, tx_audio, radiocontrol, devicename, deviceport, pttprotocol, pttport, serialspeed, data_bits, stop_bits, handshake, rigctld_ip, rigctld_port) {
var json_command = JSON.stringify({
type: 'set',
command: 'start_tnc',
parameter: [{
mycall: mycall,
mygrid: mygrid,
rx_audio: rx_audio,
tx_audio: tx_audio,
radiocontrol: radiocontrol,
devicename: devicename,
deviceport: deviceport,
pttprotocol: pttprotocol,
pttport: pttport,
serialspeed: serialspeed,
data_bits: data_bits,
stop_bits: stop_bits,
handshake: handshake,
rigctld_port: rigctld_port,
rigctld_ip: rigctld_ip
exports.stopTNC = function() {
command = '{"type" : "set", "command": "stop_tnc" , "parameter": "---" }'
exports.testHamlib = function(radiocontrol, devicename, deviceport, serialspeed, pttprotocol, pttport, data_bits, stop_bits, handshake, rigctld_ip, rigctld_port) {
var json_command = JSON.stringify({
type: 'get',
command: 'test_hamlib',
parameter: [{
radiocontrol: radiocontrol,
devicename: devicename,
deviceport: deviceport,
pttprotocol: pttprotocol,
pttport: pttport,
serialspeed: serialspeed,
data_bits: data_bits,
stop_bits: stop_bits,
handshake: handshake,
rigctld_port: rigctld_port,
rigctld_ip: rigctld_ip
//Save myCall
exports.saveMyCall = function(callsign) {
command = '{"type" : "set", "command": "mycallsign" , "parameter": "' + callsign + '"}'
// Save myGrid
exports.saveMyGrid = function(grid) {
command = '{"type" : "set", "command": "mygrid" , "parameter": "' + grid + '"}'