2022-06-15 19:40:14 -04:00

156 lines
4 KiB

Tests for the FreeDATA modem.
import multiprocessing
import sys
import time
import pytest
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
sys.path.insert(0, "..")
sys.path.insert(0, "../tnc")
import helpers
import modem
import static
def print_frame(data: bytearray):
Pretty-print the provided frame.
:param data: Frame to be output
:type data: bytearray
print(f"Type : {int(data[0])}")
print(f"DXCRC : {bytes(data[1:4])}")
print(f"CallCRC: {bytes(data[4:7])}")
print(f"Call : {helpers.bytes_to_callsign(data[7:13])}")
def t_create_frame(frame_type: int, mycall: str, dxcall: str) -> bytearray:
Generate the requested frame.
:param frame_type: The numerical type of the desired frame.
:type frame_type: int
:param mycall: Callsign of the near station
:type mycall: str
:param dxcall: Callsign of the far station
:type dxcall: str
:return: Bytearray of the requested frame
:rtype: bytearray
mycallsign_bytes = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycall)
mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign_bytes)
mycallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(mycallsign)
dxcallsign_bytes = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(dxcall)
dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(dxcallsign_bytes)
dxcallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(dxcallsign)
frame = bytearray(14)
frame[:1] = bytes([frame_type])
frame[1:4] = dxcallsign_crc
frame[4:7] = mycallsign_crc
frame[7:13] = mycallsign_bytes
return frame
def t_create_session_close(mycall: str, dxcall: str) -> bytearray:
Generate the session_close frame.
:param mycall: Callsign of the near station
:type mycall: str
:param dxcall: Callsign of the far station
:type dxcall: str
:return: Bytearray of the requested frame
:rtype: bytearray
return t_create_frame(223, mycall, dxcall)
def t_create_start_session(mycall: str, dxcall: str) -> bytearray:
Generate the create_session frame.
:param mycall: Callsign of the near station
:type mycall: str
:param dxcall: Callsign of the far station
:type dxcall: str
:return: Bytearray of the requested frame
:rtype: bytearray
return t_create_frame(221, mycall, dxcall)
def t_modem():
Execute test to validate that receiving a session open frame sets the correct machine
t_mode = t_repeats = t_repeat_delay = 0
t_frames = []
def t_tx_dummy(mode, repeats, repeat_delay, frames):
"""Replacement function for transmit"""
print(f"t_tx_dummy: In transmit({mode}, {repeats}, {repeat_delay}, {frames})")
nonlocal t_mode, t_repeats, t_repeat_delay, t_frames
t_mode = mode
t_repeats = repeats
t_repeat_delay = repeat_delay
t_frames = frames[:]
static.TRANSMITTING = False
# enable testmode
modem.TESTMODE = True
modem.RXCHANNEL = "/tmp/hfchannel1"
modem.TXCHANNEL = "/tmp/hfchannel2"
static.HAMLIB_RADIOCONTROL = "disabled"
# Create the modem
local_modem = modem.RF()
# Replace transmit routine with our own, an effective No-Op.
local_modem.transmit = t_tx_dummy
txbuffer = t_create_start_session("AA9AA", "DC2EJ")
# Start the transmission
static.TRANSMITTING = True
modem.MODEM_TRANSMIT_QUEUE.put([14, 5, 250, txbuffer])
while static.TRANSMITTING:
# Check that the contents were transferred correctly.
assert t_mode == 14
assert t_repeats == 5
assert t_repeat_delay == 250
assert t_frames == txbuffer
def test_modem_queue():
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=t_modem, args=())
# print("Starting threads.")
# print("Terminating threads.")
# print(f"\n{proc.exitcode=}")
assert proc.exitcode == 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run pytest with the current script as the filename.
ecode = pytest.main(["-v", "-s", sys.argv[0]])
if ecode == 0:
print("errors: 0")