import { reactive, ref, watch } from "vue"; import { getConfig, setConfig } from "../js/api"; import {getAppDataPath} from "../js/freedata"; import fs from "fs"; const path = require('path'); const nconf = require("nconf"); var appDataPath = getAppDataPath() var configFolder = path.join(appDataPath, "FreeDATA"); var configPath = path.join(configFolder, "config.json"); console.log('AppData Path:', appDataPath); console.log(configFolder); console.log(configPath); nconf.file({ file: configPath }); // +++ //GUI DEFAULT SETTINGS........ //Set GUI defaults here, they will be used if not found in config/config.json //They should be an exact mirror (variable wise) of settingsStore.local //Nothing else should be needed aslong as components are using v-bind // +++ nconf.defaults({ local: { host: "", port: "5000", spectrum: "waterfall", wf_theme: 2, update_channel: "alpha", enable_sys_notification: false, grid_layout: "[]", grid_preset: "[]", grid_enabled: true, }, }); nconf.required(["local:host", "local:port"]); export const settingsStore = reactive({ local: { host: "", port: "5000", spectrum: "waterfall", wf_theme: 2, update_channel: "alpha", enable_sys_notification: false, grid_layout: "[]", grid_preset: "[]", grid_enabled: true, }, remote: { AUDIO: { enable_auto_tune: false, input_device: "", output_device: "", rx_audio_level: 0, tx_audio_level: 0, }, MESH: { enable_protocol: false, }, MODEM: { enable_fft: false, enable_fsk: false, enable_low_bandwidth_mode: false, respond_to_cq: false, rx_buffer_size: 0, tuning_range_fmax: 0, tuning_range_fmin: 0, tx_delay: 0, beacon_interval: 0, enable_hamc: false, enable_morse_identifier: false, }, RADIO: { control: "disabled", model_id: 0, serial_port: "", serial_speed: "", data_bits: 0, stop_bits: 0, serial_handshake: "", ptt_port: "", ptt_type: "", serial_dcd: "", serial_dtr: "", }, RIGCTLD: { ip: "", port: 0, path: "", command: "", arguments: "", }, STATION: { enable_explorer: false, enable_stats: false, mycall: "", myssid: 0, mygrid: "", ssid_list: [], }, TCI: { tci_ip: "", tci_port: 0, }, }, }); //Save settings for GUI to config file settingsStore.local = nconf.get("local"); saveLocalSettingsToConfig(); export function onChange() { setConfig(settingsStore.remote).then((conf) => { settingsStore.remote = conf; }); } export function getRemote() { return getConfig().then((conf) => { settingsStore.remote = conf; }); } watch(settingsStore.local, (oldValue, newValue) => { //This function watches for changes, and triggers a save of local settings saveLocalSettingsToConfig(); }); export function saveLocalSettingsToConfig() { nconf.set("local", settingsStore.local);; //console.log("Settings saved!"); }