#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Dec 27 20:43:40 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ import sys import logging, structlog, log_handler import threading import time from random import randrange import asyncio import zlib import ujson as json import static import modem import helpers modem = modem.RF() ''' Author: DJ2LS Description: data_handler is a module like file, which handles all the ARQ related parts. Because of the fact, that we need to use it from both directions - circular import, socket.py and modem.py ( TX and RX ), I was not able, to move it to a class system, yet. Global variables are needed, because we need to save our ack state for example, which needs to be accessable by several functions. If we want to use global varialbes within a multithreaded environment, we need to declare every needed variable in every function, so the threading module can detect and use them. From time to time I try to reduce the amount of application wide variables within static. module and moving them to module wide globals ''' # MODULE GLOBALS DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = 0.0 # time of last "live sign" of a frame BURST_ACK_SNR = 0 # SNR from received ack frames BURST_ACK_RECEIVED = False # if we received an acknowledge frame for a burst DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED = False # if we received an acknowledge frame for a data frame RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED = False # if we received an request for repeater frames RPT_REQUEST_BUFFER = [] # requested frames, saved in a list RX_START_OF_TRANSMISSION = 0 # time of transmission start DATA_FRAME_BOF = b'BOF'#b'\xAA\xAA' # 2 bytes for the BOF End of File indicator in a data frame DATA_FRAME_EOF = b'EOF'#b'\xFF\xFF' # 2 bytes for the EOF End of File indicator in a data frame def arq_data_received(data_in:bytes, bytes_per_frame:int, snr:int): data_in = bytes(data_in) # we neeed to declare our global variables, so the thread has access to them global RX_START_OF_TRANSMISSION global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED global DATA_FRAME_BOF global DATA_FRAME_EOF # only process data if we are in ARQ and BUSY state else return to quit if not static.ARQ_STATE and static.TNC_STATE != 'BUSY': return # these vars will be overwritten during processing data RX_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED = False # here we save, if we received a "beginn of (data)frame" RX_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED = False # here we save, if we received a "end of (data)frame" RX_PAYLOAD_PER_MODEM_FRAME = bytes_per_frame - 2 # payload per moden frame static.TNC_STATE = 'BUSY' static.ARQ_STATE = True static.INFO.append("ARQ;RECEIVING") DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) # get some important data from the frame RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") - 10 # get number of burst frame RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[1:2]), "big") # get number of bursts from received frame print(f"RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST-{RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST}") print(f"RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST-{RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST}") ''' The RX burst buffer needs to have a fixed length filled with "None". We need this later for counting the "Nones" check if burst buffer has expected length else create it ''' if len(static.RX_BURST_BUFFER) != RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST: static.RX_BURST_BUFFER = [None] * RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST # append data to rx burst buffer static.RX_BURST_BUFFER[RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST] = data_in[4:] ''' check if we received all frames per burst by checking if burst buffer has no more "Nones" this is the ideal case because we received all data ''' if not None in static.RX_BURST_BUFFER: # then iterate through burst buffer and append data to frame buffer for i in range(0,len(static.RX_BURST_BUFFER)): static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER += static.RX_BURST_BUFFER[i] # then delete burst buffer static.RX_BURST_BUFFER = [] # lets check if we didnt receive a BOF and EOF yet to avoid sending ack frames if we already received all data if not RX_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED and not RX_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED and data_in.find(DATA_FRAME_EOF) < 0: print(RX_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED) print(RX_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED) # create an ack frame ack_frame = bytearray(14) ack_frame[:1] = bytes([60]) ack_frame[1:2] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 ack_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 ack_frame[3:4] = bytes([int(snr)]) # and transmit it txbuffer = [ack_frame] structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | RX | ACK") modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) calculate_transfer_rate_rx(RX_START_OF_TRANSMISSION, len(static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER)) # check if we received last frame of burst and we have "Nones" in our rx buffer # this is an indicator for missed frames. # with this way of doing this, we always MUST receive the last frame of a burst otherwise the entire # burst is lost elif RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST == RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST -1: # check where a None is in our burst buffer and do frame+1, beacuse lists start at 0 missing_frames = [(frame+1) for frame, element in enumerate(static.RX_BURST_BUFFER) if element == None] # then create a repeat frame rpt_frame = bytearray(14) rpt_frame[:1] = bytes([62]) rpt_frame[1:2] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 rpt_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 rpt_frame[3:9] = missing_frames # and transmit it txbuffer = [rpt_frame] structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | RX | Requesting", frames=missing_frames) modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) calculate_transfer_rate_rx(RX_START_OF_TRANSMISSION, len(static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER)) # we should never reach this point else: structlog.get_logger("structlog").error("we shouldnt reach this point...") # We have a BOF and EOF flag in our data. If we received both we received our frame. # In case of loosing data but we received already a BOF and EOF we need to make sure, we # received the complete last burst by checking it for Nones bof_position = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER.find(DATA_FRAME_BOF) eof_position = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER.find(DATA_FRAME_EOF) if bof_position >= 0 and eof_position > 0 and not None in static.RX_BURST_BUFFER: print(f"bof_position {bof_position} / eof_position {eof_position}") RX_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED = True RX_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED = True #now extract raw data from buffer payload = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER[bof_position+len(DATA_FRAME_BOF):eof_position] # get the data frame crc data_frame_crc = payload[:2] data_frame = payload[2:] data_frame_crc_received = helpers.get_crc_16(data_frame) # check if data_frame_crc is equal with received crc if data_frame_crc == data_frame_crc_received: structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME SUCESSFULLY RECEIVED") static.INFO.append("ARQ;RECEIVING;SUCCESS") # decompression data_frame_decompressed = zlib.decompress(data_frame) static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR = len(data_frame_decompressed) / len(data_frame) data_frame = data_frame_decompressed # decode to utf-8 string data_frame = data_frame.decode("utf-8") # decode json objects from data frame to inspect if we received a file or message rawdata = json.loads(data_frame) ''' if datatype is a file, we append to RX_BUFFER, which contains files only dt = datatype --> f = file --> m = message fn = filename ft = filetype d = data crc = checksum ''' if rawdata["dt"] == "f": #logging.debug("RECEIVED FILE --> MOVING DATA TO RX BUFFER") static.RX_BUFFER.append([static.DXCALLSIGN,static.DXGRID,int(time.time()), data_frame]) # if datatype is a file, we append to RX_MSG_BUFFER, which contains messages only if rawdata["dt"] == "m": static.RX_MSG_BUFFER.append([static.DXCALLSIGN,static.DXGRID,int(time.time()), complete_data_frame]) #logging.debug("RECEIVED MESSAGE --> MOVING DATA TO MESSAGE BUFFER") # BUILDING ACK FRAME FOR DATA FRAME ack_frame = bytearray(14) ack_frame[:1] = bytes([61]) ack_frame[1:2] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 ack_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 # TRANSMIT ACK FRAME FOR BURST structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | RX | SENDING DATA FRAME ACK", snr=static.SNR, crc=data_frame_crc.hex()) txbuffer = [ack_frame] modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) # update our statistics AFTER the frame ACK calculate_transfer_rate_rx(RX_START_OF_TRANSMISSION, len(static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER)) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] | RX | DATACHANNEL [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]<< >>[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]", snr=static.SNR) else: static.INFO.append("ARQ;RECEIVING;FAILED") structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[TNC] ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME NOT SUCESSFULLY RECEIVED!", e="wrong crc", expected=data_frame_crc, received=data_frame_crc_received) # BUILDING NACK FRAME FOR DATA FRAME nack_frame = bytearray(14) nack_frame[:1] = bytes([63]) nack_frame[1:2] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 nack_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 # TRANSMIT NACK FRAME FOR BURST txbuffer = [nack_frame] modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) # And finally we do a cleanup of our buffers and states arq_cleanup() def arq_transmit(data_out:bytes, mode:int, n_frames_per_burst:int): global RPT_REQUEST_BUFFER global DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED global RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED global BURST_ACK_RECEIVED global BURST_ACK_SNR #global TX_START_OF_TRANSMISSION global DATA_FRAME_BOF global DATA_FRAME_EOF TX_N_SENT_BYTES = 0 # already sent bytes per data frame TX_N_RETRIES_PER_BURST = 0 # retries we already sent data TX_N_MAX_RETRIES_PER_BURST = 5 # max amount of retries we sent before frame is lost TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = n_frames_per_burst # amount of n frames per burst TX_BUFFER = [] # our buffer for appending new data # TIMEOUTS BURST_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 3.0 # timeout for burst acknowledges DATA_FRAME_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 3.0 # timeout for data frame acknowledges RPT_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 3.0 # timeout for rpt frame acknowledges static.INFO.append("ARQ;TRANSMITTING") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] | TX | DATACHANNEL", mode=mode, bytes=len(data_out)) # save len of data_out to TOTAL_BYTES for our statistics static.TOTAL_BYTES = len(data_out) # compression data_frame_compressed = zlib.compress(data_out) static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR = len(data_out) / len(data_frame_compressed) data_out = data_frame_compressed # reset statistics tx_start_of_transmission = time.time() calculate_transfer_rate_tx(tx_start_of_transmission, 0, len(data_out)) # append a crc and beginn and end of file indicators frame_payload_crc = helpers.get_crc_16(data_out) data_out = DATA_FRAME_BOF + frame_payload_crc + data_out + DATA_FRAME_EOF #initial bufferposition is 0 bufferposition = 0 # iterate through data out buffer while bufferposition < len(data_out) and not DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED and static.ARQ_STATE: print(DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED) # we have TX_N_MAX_RETRIES_PER_BURST attempts for sending a burst for TX_N_RETRIES_PER_BURST in range(0,TX_N_MAX_RETRIES_PER_BURST): # TEST WITH MODE GEAR SHIFTING if mode != 255: data_mode = mode print(f"selecting fixed mode {data_mode}") else: if BURST_ACK_SNR < 10 or TX_N_RETRIES_PER_BURST >= 2: data_mode = 12 print(f"selecting auto mode {data_mode}") if BURST_ACK_SNR < 20 and TX_N_RETRIES_PER_BURST == 0: data_mode = 10 print(f"selecting auto mode {data_mode}") # payload information payload_per_frame = modem.get_bytes_per_frame(data_mode) -2 # tempbuffer list for storing our data frames tempbuffer = [] # append data frames with TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST to tempbuffer for i in range(0, TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST): arqheader = bytearray() arqheader[:1] = bytes([10 + i]) arqheader[1:2] = bytes([TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST]) arqheader[3:4] = bytes(static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8) arqheader[4:5] = bytes(static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8) bufferposition_end = (bufferposition + payload_per_frame - len(arqheader)) # normal behavior if bufferposition_end <= len(data_out): frame = data_out[bufferposition:bufferposition_end] frame = arqheader + frame # this point shouldnt reached that often elif bufferposition > len(data_out): break # the last bytes of a frame else: extended_data_out = data_out[bufferposition:] extended_data_out += bytes([0]) * (payload_per_frame-len(extended_data_out)-len(arqheader)) frame = arqheader + extended_data_out # update the bufferposition # bufferposition = bufferposition_end tempbuffer.append(frame) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | TX | FRAMES", mode=data_mode, fpb=TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST, retry=TX_N_RETRIES_PER_BURST) modem.transmit(mode=data_mode, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=tempbuffer) # lets wait for an ACK or RPT frame burstacktimeout = time.time() + BURST_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS while not BURST_ACK_RECEIVED and not RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED and not DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED and time.time() < burstacktimeout and static.ARQ_STATE: time.sleep(0.001) # once we received a burst ack, reset its state and break the RETRIES loop if BURST_ACK_RECEIVED: BURST_ACK_RECEIVED = False # reset ack state TX_N_RETRIES_PER_BURST = 0 # reset retries break #break retry loop if RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED: pass if DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED: break #break retry loop # we need this part for leaving the repeat loop # static.ARQ_STATE == 'DATA' --> when stopping transmission manually if not static.ARQ_STATE: #print("not ready for data...leaving loop....") break # NEXT ATTEMPT print(f"ATTEMPT {TX_N_RETRIES_PER_BURST}/{TX_N_MAX_RETRIES_PER_BURST}") # update buffer position bufferposition = bufferposition_end # update stats calculate_transfer_rate_tx(tx_start_of_transmission, bufferposition_end, len(data_out)) #GOING TO NEXT ITERATION if DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED: static.INFO.append("ARQ;TRANSMITTING;SUCCESS") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("ARQ | TX | DATA TRANSMITTED!", BytesPerMinute=static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, BitsPerSecond=static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND) else: static.INFO.append("ARQ;TRANSMITTING;FAILED") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("ARQ | TX | TRANSMISSION FAILED OR TIME OUT!") # and last but not least doing a state cleanup arq_cleanup() def burst_ack_received(data_in:bytes): global BURST_ACK_RECEIVED global BURST_ACK_SNR global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED # only process data if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if static.ARQ_STATE: BURST_ACK_RECEIVED = True # Force data loops of TNC to stop and continue with next frame DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) # we need to update our timeout timestamp BURST_ACK_SNR = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[3:4]), "big") print(BURST_ACK_SNR) def frame_ack_received(): global DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED # only process data if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if static.ARQ_STATE: DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED = True # Force data loops of TNC to stop and continue with next frame DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) # we need to update our timeout timestamp def frame_nack_received(data_in:bytes): static.INFO.append("ARQ;TRANSMITTING;FAILED") arq_cleanup() def burst_rpt_received(data_in:bytes): global RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED global RPT_REQUEST_BUFFER global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED # only process data if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if static.ARQ_STATE and static.TNC_STATE == 'BUSY': RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED = True DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) # we need to update our timeout timestamp RPT_REQUEST_BUFFER = [] missing_area = bytes(data_in[3:12]) # 1:9 for i in range(0, 6, 2): if not missing_area[i:i + 2].endswith(b'\x00\x00'): missing = missing_area[i:i + 2] RPT_REQUEST_BUFFER.insert(0, missing) # ############################################################################################################ # ARQ DATA CHANNEL HANDLER # ############################################################################################################ def open_dc_and_transmit(data_out:bytes, mode:int, n_frames_per_burst:int): static.TNC_STATE = 'BUSY' # we need to compress data for gettin a compression factor. # so we are compressing twice. This is not that nice and maybe theres another way # for calculating transmission statistics static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR = len(data_out) / len(zlib.compress(data_out)) arq_open_data_channel(mode, len(data_out)) # wait until data channel is open while not static.ARQ_STATE: time.sleep(0.01) arq_transmit(data_out, mode, n_frames_per_burst) def arq_open_data_channel(mode:int, data_len:int): global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED DATA_CHANNEL_MAX_RETRIES = 5 # N attempts for connecting to another station DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) # multiply compression factor for reducing it from float to int compression_factor = int(static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR * 10) connection_frame = bytearray(14) connection_frame[:1] = bytes([225]) connection_frame[1:2] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 connection_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 connection_frame[3:9] = static.MYCALLSIGN connection_frame[9:12] = data_len.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big') connection_frame[12:13] = bytes([compression_factor]) while not static.ARQ_STATE: time.sleep(0.01) for attempt in range(1,DATA_CHANNEL_MAX_RETRIES+1): static.INFO.append("DATACHANNEL;OPENING") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | DATA | TX | [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]>> <<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]", attempt=str(attempt) + "/" + str(DATA_CHANNEL_MAX_RETRIES)) txbuffer = [connection_frame] modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) timeout = time.time() + 3 while time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.01) # break if data channel is openend if static.ARQ_STATE: break if static.ARQ_STATE: break if not static.ARQ_STATE and attempt == DATA_CHANNEL_MAX_RETRIES: static.INFO.append("DATACHANNEL;FAILED") structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[TNC] ARQ | TX | DATA [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]>>X<<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]") arq_cleanup() sys.exit() # close thread and so connection attempts def arq_received_data_channel_opener(data_in:bytes): global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED global RX_START_OF_TRANSMISSION static.INFO.append("DATACHANNEL;RECEIVEDOPENER") static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 = bytes(data_in[2:3]).rstrip(b'\x00') static.DXCALLSIGN = bytes(data_in[3:9]).rstrip(b'\x00') helpers.add_to_heard_stations(static.DXCALLSIGN,static.DXGRID, 'DATA-CHANNEL', static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | DATA | RX | [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]>> <<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]") static.ARQ_STATE = True static.TNC_STATE = 'BUSY' #mode = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[12:13]), "big") static.TOTAL_BYTES = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[9:12]), "big") static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR = float(int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[12:13]), "big") / 10) print(static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR) print(int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[12:13]), "big")) print(bytes(data_in[12:13])) DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) connection_frame = bytearray(14) connection_frame[:1] = bytes([226]) connection_frame[1:2] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 connection_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 connection_frame[3:9] = static.MYCALLSIGN #connection_frame[12:13] = bytes([mode]) txbuffer = [connection_frame] modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | DATA | RX | [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]>>|<<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]", snr=static.SNR) # set start of transmission for our statistics RX_START_OF_TRANSMISSION = time.time() def arq_received_channel_is_open(data_in:bytes): global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED static.INFO.append("DATACHANNEL;OPEN") static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 = bytes(data_in[2:3]).rstrip(b'\x00') static.DXCALLSIGN = bytes(data_in[3:9]).rstrip(b'\x00') helpers.add_to_heard_stations(static.DXCALLSIGN,static.DXGRID, 'DATA-CHANNEL', static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY) DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] ARQ | DATA | TX | [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]>>|<<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]", snr=static.SNR) # as soon as we set ARQ_STATE to DATA, transmission starts static.ARQ_STATE = True DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) # ############################################################################################################ # PING HANDLER # ############################################################################################################ def transmit_ping(callsign:str): static.DXCALLSIGN = bytes(callsign, 'utf-8').rstrip(b'\x00') static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 = helpers.get_crc_8(static.DXCALLSIGN) static.INFO.append("PING;SENDING") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] PING REQ [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "] >>> [" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]" ) ping_frame = bytearray(14) ping_frame[:1] = bytes([210]) ping_frame[1:2] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 ping_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 ping_frame[3:9] = static.MYCALLSIGN txbuffer = [ping_frame] modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) def received_ping(data_in:bytes, frequency_offset:str): static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 = bytes(data_in[2:3]).rstrip(b'\x00') static.DXCALLSIGN = bytes(data_in[3:9]).rstrip(b'\x00') helpers.add_to_heard_stations(static.DXCALLSIGN,static.DXGRID, 'PING', static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY) static.INFO.append("PING;RECEIVING") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] PING REQ [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "] <<< [" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]", snr=static.SNR ) ping_frame = bytearray(14) ping_frame[:1] = bytes([211]) ping_frame[1:2] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 ping_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 ping_frame[3:9] = static.MYGRID ping_frame[9:11] = frequency_offset.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big', signed=True) txbuffer = [ping_frame] modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) def received_ping_ack(data_in:bytes): static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 = bytes(data_in[2:3]).rstrip(b'\x00') static.DXGRID = bytes(data_in[3:9]).rstrip(b'\x00') helpers.add_to_heard_stations(static.DXCALLSIGN,static.DXGRID, 'PING-ACK', static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY) static.INFO.append("PING;RECEIVEDACK") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] PING ACK [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "] >|< [" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]", snr=static.SNR ) static.TNC_STATE = 'IDLE' # ############################################################################################################ # BROADCAST HANDLER # ############################################################################################################ def run_beacon(interval:int): try: structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[TNC] Starting beacon!", interval=interval) while static.BEACON_STATE and static.ARQ_STATE == 'IDLE': beacon_frame = bytearray(14) beacon_frame[:1] = bytes([230]) beacon_frame[1:2] = b'\x01' beacon_frame[2:8] = static.MYCALLSIGN beacon_frame[8:14] = static.MYGRID static.INFO.append("BEACON;SENDING") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] Sending beacon!", interval=interval) txbuffer = [beacon_frame] modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=0, frames=txbuffer) time.sleep(interval) except Exception as e: print(e) def received_beacon(data_in:bytes): # here we add the received station to the heard stations buffer dxcallsign = bytes(data_in[2:8]).rstrip(b'\x00') dxgrid = bytes(data_in[8:14]).rstrip(b'\x00') static.INFO.append("BEACON;RECEIVING") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] BEACON RCVD [" + str(dxcallsign, 'utf-8') + "]["+ str(dxgrid, 'utf-8') +"] ", snr=static.SNR) helpers.add_to_heard_stations(dxcallsign,dxgrid, 'BEACON', static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY) def transmit_cq(): logging.info("CQ CQ CQ") static.INFO.append("CQ;SENDING") cq_frame = bytearray(14) cq_frame[:1] = bytes([200]) cq_frame[1:2] = b'\x01' #cq_frame[2:3] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 #cq_frame[3:9] = static.MYCALLSIGN cq_frame[2:8] = static.MYCALLSIGN cq_frame[8:14] = static.MYGRID txbuffer = [cq_frame] modem.transmit(mode=14, repeats=1, repeat_delay=1000, frames=txbuffer) #while not modem.transmit(14, 1, txbuffer): # pass def received_cq(data_in:bytes): # here we add the received station to the heard stations buffer dxcallsign = bytes(data_in[2:8]).rstrip(b'\x00') dxgrid = bytes(data_in[8:14]).rstrip(b'\x00') static.INFO.append("CQ;RECEIVING") structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] CQ RCVD [" + str(dxcallsign, 'utf-8') + "]["+ str(dxgrid, 'utf-8') +"] ", snr=static.SNR) helpers.add_to_heard_stations(dxcallsign,dxgrid, 'CQ CQ CQ', static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY) def calculate_transfer_rate_rx(rx_start_of_transmission:float, receivedbytes:int) -> list: try: static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = int((receivedbytes*static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR / static.TOTAL_BYTES) * 100) transmissiontime = time.time() - rx_start_of_transmission if receivedbytes > 0: static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = int((receivedbytes*8) / transmissiontime) static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = int((receivedbytes) / (transmissiontime/60)) else: static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 except: static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = 0.0 static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 return [static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND, \ static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, \ static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT] def calculate_transfer_rate_tx(tx_start_of_transmission:float, sentbytes:int, tx_buffer_length:int) -> list: try: static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = int((sentbytes / tx_buffer_length) * 100) transmissiontime = time.time() - tx_start_of_transmission if sentbytes > 0: static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = int((sentbytes*8) / transmissiontime) static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = int((sentbytes) / (transmissiontime/60)) else: static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 except: static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = 0.0 static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 return [static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND, \ static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, \ static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT] # WATCHDOG FUNCTIONS def watchdog(): """ Author: DJ2LS watchdog master function. Frome here we call the watchdogs """ while True: time.sleep(0.5) data_channel_keep_alive_watchdog() def data_channel_keep_alive_watchdog(): """ Author: DJ2LS """ global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED # and not static.ARQ_SEND_KEEP_ALIVE: if static.ARQ_STATE and static.TNC_STATE == 'BUSY': time.sleep(0.01) if DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED + 30 > time.time(): time.sleep(0.01) #pass else: DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = 0 logging.info("DATA [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]<>[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]") arq_cleanup() def arq_cleanup(): global DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED global BURST_ACK_RECEIVED global RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED global DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED global RX_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED global RX_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED global BURST_ACK_SNR RX_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED = False RX_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED = False static.TNC_STATE = 'IDLE' static.ARQ_STATE = False BURST_ACK_RECEIVED = False RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED = False DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED = False static.RX_BURST_BUFFER = [] static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER = b'' BURST_ACK_SNR = 255 def arq_reset_ack(state:bool): """ Author: DJ2LS """ global BURST_ACK_RECEIVED global RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED global DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED BURST_ACK_RECEIVED = state RPT_REQUEST_RECEIVED = state DATA_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED = state # START THE THREAD FOR THE TIMEOUT WATCHDOG WATCHDOG_SERVER_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=watchdog, name="watchdog") WATCHDOG_SERVER_THREAD.start()