#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Dec 23 07:04:24 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long, c-extension-no-member # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import atexit import ctypes import queue import threading import time import codec2 import numpy as np import sounddevice as sd import structlog import tci import cw from queues import RIGCTLD_COMMAND_QUEUE import audio import event_manager import demodulator TESTMODE = False class RF: """Class to encapsulate interactions between the audio device and codec2""" log = structlog.get_logger("RF") def __init__(self, config, event_queue, fft_queue, service_queue, states) -> None: self.config = config print(config) self.service_queue = service_queue self.states = states self.sampler_avg = 0 self.buffer_avg = 0 # these are crc ids now self.audio_input_device = config['AUDIO']['input_device'] self.audio_output_device = config['AUDIO']['output_device'] self.tx_audio_level = config['AUDIO']['tx_audio_level'] self.enable_audio_auto_tune = config['AUDIO']['enable_auto_tune'] self.tx_delay = config['MODEM']['tx_delay'] self.radiocontrol = config['RADIO']['control'] self.rigctld_ip = config['RIGCTLD']['ip'] self.rigctld_port = config['RIGCTLD']['port'] self.states.setTransmitting(False) self.ptt_state = False self.radio_alc = 0.0 self.tci_ip = config['TCI']['tci_ip'] self.tci_port = config['TCI']['tci_port'] self.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE = 48000 self.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE = codec2.api.FREEDV_FS_8000 # 8192 Let's do some tests with very small chunks for TX self.AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER_TX = 1200 if self.radiocontrol in ["tci"] else 2400 * 2 # 8 * (self.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE/self.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE) == 48 self.AUDIO_CHANNELS = 1 self.MODE = 0 # Locking state for mod out so buffer will be filled before we can use it # https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/issues/127 # https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/issues/99 self.mod_out_locked = True self.rms_counter = 0 # Make sure our resampler will work assert (self.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE / self.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE) == codec2.api.FDMDV_OS_48 # type: ignore self.modem_transmit_queue = queue.Queue() self.modem_received_queue = queue.Queue() self.audio_received_queue = queue.Queue() self.data_queue_received = queue.Queue() self.event_manager = event_manager.EventManager([event_queue]) self.fft_queue = fft_queue self.demodulator = demodulator.Demodulator(self.config, self.audio_received_queue, self.modem_received_queue, self.data_queue_received, self.states, self.event_manager, self.fft_queue ) def tci_tx_callback(self, audio_48k) -> None: self.radio.set_ptt(True) self.event_manager.send_ptt_change(True) self.tci_module.push_audio(audio_48k) def start_modem(self): # testmode: We need to call the modem without audio parts for running protocol tests if self.radiocontrol not in ["tci"]: result = self.init_audio() if not TESTMODE else True if not result: raise RuntimeError("Unable to init audio devices") if not TESTMODE: self.demodulator.start(self.sd_input_stream) else: result = self.init_tci() if result not in [False]: # init codec2 instances self.init_codec2() # init rig control self.init_rig_control() # init data thread self.init_data_threads() if not TESTMODE: atexit.register(self.sd_input_stream.stop) else: return False def stop_modem(self): try: # let's stop the modem service self.service_queue.put("stop") # simulate audio class active state for reducing cli output # self.stream = lambda: None # self.stream.active = False # self.stream.stop self.beacon.stop() except Exception: self.log.error("[MDM] Error stopping modem") def init_audio(self): self.log.info(f"[MDM] init: get audio devices", input_device=self.audio_input_device, output_device=self.audio_output_device) try: result = audio.get_device_index_from_crc(self.audio_input_device, True) if result is None: raise ValueError("Invalid input device") else: in_dev_index, in_dev_name = result result = audio.get_device_index_from_crc(self.audio_output_device, False) if result is None: raise ValueError("Invalid output device") else: out_dev_index, out_dev_name = result self.log.info(f"[MDM] init: receiving audio from '{in_dev_name}'") self.log.info(f"[MDM] init: transmiting audio on '{out_dev_name}'") self.log.debug("[MDM] init: starting pyaudio callback and decoding threads") sd.default.samplerate = self.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE sd.default.device = (in_dev_index, out_dev_index) # init codec2 resampler self.resampler = codec2.resampler() # SoundDevice audio input stream self.sd_input_stream = sd.InputStream( channels=1, dtype="int16", callback=self.demodulator.sd_input_audio_callback, device=in_dev_index, samplerate=self.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, blocksize=4800, ) self.sd_input_stream.start() return True except Exception as audioerr: self.log.error("[MDM] init: starting pyaudio callback failed", e=audioerr) self.stop_modem() return False def init_tci(self): # placeholder area for processing audio via TCI # https://github.com/maksimus1210/TCI self.log.warning("[MDM] [TCI] Not yet fully implemented", ip=self.tci_ip, port=self.tci_port) # we are trying this by simulating an audio stream Object like with mkfifo class Object: """An object for simulating audio stream""" active = True self.stream = Object() # lets init TCI module self.tci_module = tci.TCICtrl(self.audio_received_queue) tci_rx_callback_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.tci_rx_callback, name="TCI RX CALLBACK THREAD", daemon=True, ) tci_rx_callback_thread.start() # let's start the audio tx callback self.log.debug("[MDM] Starting tci tx callback thread") tci_tx_callback_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.tci_tx_callback, name="TCI TX CALLBACK THREAD", daemon=True, ) tci_tx_callback_thread.start() return True def audio_auto_tune(self): # enable / disable AUDIO TUNE Feature / ALC correction if self.enable_audio_auto_tune: if self.radio_alc == 0.0: self.tx_audio_level = self.tx_audio_level + 20 elif 0.0 < self.radio_alc <= 0.1: print("0.0 < self.radio_alc <= 0.1") self.tx_audio_level = self.tx_audio_level + 2 self.log.debug("[MDM] AUDIO TUNE", audio_level=str(self.tx_audio_level), alc_level=str(self.radio_alc)) elif 0.1 < self.radio_alc < 0.2: print("0.1 < self.radio_alc < 0.2") self.tx_audio_level = self.tx_audio_level self.log.debug("[MDM] AUDIO TUNE", audio_level=str(self.tx_audio_level), alc_level=str(self.radio_alc)) elif 0.2 < self.radio_alc < 0.99: print("0.2 < self.radio_alc < 0.99") self.tx_audio_level = self.tx_audio_level - 20 self.log.debug("[MDM] AUDIO TUNE", audio_level=str(self.tx_audio_level), alc_level=str(self.radio_alc)) elif 1.0 >= self.radio_alc: print("1.0 >= self.radio_alc") self.tx_audio_level = self.tx_audio_level - 40 self.log.debug("[MDM] AUDIO TUNE", audio_level=str(self.tx_audio_level), alc_level=str(self.radio_alc)) else: self.log.debug("[MDM] AUDIO TUNE", audio_level=str(self.tx_audio_level), alc_level=str(self.radio_alc)) def transmit( self, mode, repeats: int, repeat_delay: int, frames: bytearray ) -> bool: """ Args: mode: repeats: repeat_delay: frames: """ if TESTMODE: return self.demodulator.reset_data_sync() # get freedv instance by mode mode_transition = { codec2.FREEDV_MODE.signalling: self.freedv_datac13_tx, codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac0: self.freedv_datac0_tx, codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac1: self.freedv_datac1_tx, codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac3: self.freedv_datac3_tx, codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac4: self.freedv_datac4_tx, codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac13: self.freedv_datac13_tx, } if mode in mode_transition: freedv = mode_transition[mode] else: print("wrong mode.................") print(mode) return False # Wait for some other thread that might be transmitting self.states.waitForTransmission() self.states.setTransmitting(True) # if we're transmitting FreeDATA signals, reset channel busy state self.states.set("channel_busy", False) start_of_transmission = time.time() # TODO Moved ptt toggle some steps before audio is ready for testing # Toggle ptt early to save some time and send ptt state via socket # self.radio.set_ptt(True) # jsondata = {"ptt": "True"} # data_out = json.dumps(jsondata) # sock.SOCKET_QUEUE.put(data_out) # Open codec2 instance self.MODE = mode # Get number of bytes per frame for mode bytes_per_frame = int(codec2.api.freedv_get_bits_per_modem_frame(freedv) / 8) payload_bytes_per_frame = bytes_per_frame - 2 # Init buffer for data n_tx_modem_samples = codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_modem_samples(freedv) mod_out = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n_tx_modem_samples * 2) # Init buffer for preample n_tx_preamble_modem_samples = codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_preamble_modem_samples( freedv ) mod_out_preamble = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n_tx_preamble_modem_samples * 2) # Init buffer for postamble n_tx_postamble_modem_samples = ( codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_postamble_modem_samples(freedv) ) mod_out_postamble = ctypes.create_string_buffer( n_tx_postamble_modem_samples * 2 ) # Add empty data to handle ptt toggle time if self.tx_delay > 0: data_delay = int(self.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE * (self.tx_delay / 1000)) # type: ignore mod_out_silence = ctypes.create_string_buffer(data_delay * 2) txbuffer = bytes(mod_out_silence) else: txbuffer = bytes() self.log.debug( "[MDM] TRANSMIT", mode=self.MODE, payload=payload_bytes_per_frame, delay=self.tx_delay ) if not isinstance(frames, list): frames = [frames] for _ in range(repeats): # Create modulation for all frames in the list for frame in frames: # Write preamble to txbuffer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatapreambletx(freedv, mod_out_preamble) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out_preamble) # Create buffer for data # Use this if CRC16 checksum is required (DATAc1-3) buffer = bytearray(payload_bytes_per_frame) # Set buffersize to length of data which will be send buffer[: len(frame)] = frame # type: ignore # Create crc for data frame - # Use the crc function shipped with codec2 # to avoid CRC algorithm incompatibilities # Generate CRC16 crc = ctypes.c_ushort( codec2.api.freedv_gen_crc16(bytes(buffer), payload_bytes_per_frame) ) # Convert crc to 2-byte (16-bit) hex string crc = crc.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big") # Append CRC to data buffer buffer += crc assert(bytes_per_frame == len(buffer)) data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * bytes_per_frame).from_buffer_copy(buffer) # modulate DATA and save it into mod_out pointer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatatx(freedv, mod_out, data) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out) # Write postamble to txbuffer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatapostambletx(freedv, mod_out_postamble) # Append postamble to txbuffer txbuffer += bytes(mod_out_postamble) # Add delay to end of frames samples_delay = int(self.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE * (repeat_delay / 1000)) # type: ignore mod_out_silence = ctypes.create_string_buffer(samples_delay * 2) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out_silence) # Re-sample back up to 48k (resampler works on np.int16) x = np.frombuffer(txbuffer, dtype=np.int16) self.audio_auto_tune() x = audio.set_audio_volume(x, self.tx_audio_level) if not self.radiocontrol in ["tci"]: txbuffer_out = self.resampler.resample8_to_48(x) else: txbuffer_out = x # Explicitly lock our usage of mod_out_queue if needed # This could avoid audio problems on slower CPU # we will fill our modout list with all data, then start # processing it in audio callback self.mod_out_locked = True # ------------------------------- # add modulation to modout_queue self.transmit_audio(txbuffer_out) # Release our mod_out_lock, so we can use the queue self.mod_out_locked = False # we need to wait manually for tci processing if self.radiocontrol in ["tci"]: duration = len(txbuffer_out) / 8000 timestamp_to_sleep = time.time() + duration self.log.debug("[MDM] TCI calculated duration", duration=duration) tci_timeout_reached = False #while time.time() < timestamp_to_sleep: # threading.Event().wait(0.01) else: timestamp_to_sleep = time.time() # set tci timeout reached to True for overriding if not used tci_timeout_reached = True while not tci_timeout_reached: if self.radiocontrol in ["tci"]: if time.time() < timestamp_to_sleep: tci_timeout_reached = False else: tci_timeout_reached = True threading.Event().wait(0.01) # if we're transmitting FreeDATA signals, reset channel busy state self.states.set("channel_busy", False) self.radio.set_ptt(False) # Push ptt state to socket stream self.event_manager.send_ptt_change(False) # After processing, set the locking state back to true to be prepared for next transmission self.mod_out_locked = True self.states.setTransmitting(False) end_of_transmission = time.time() transmission_time = end_of_transmission - start_of_transmission self.log.debug("[MDM] ON AIR TIME", time=transmission_time) return True def transmit_morse(self, repeats, repeat_delay, frames): self.states.waitForTransmission() self.states.setTransmitting(True) # if we're transmitting FreeDATA signals, reset channel busy state self.states.set("channel_busy", False) self.log.debug( "[MDM] TRANSMIT", mode="MORSE" ) start_of_transmission = time.time() txbuffer_out = cw.MorseCodePlayer().text_to_signal("DJ2LS-1") self.mod_out_locked = True self.transmit_audio(txbuffer_out) self.mod_out_locked = False # we need to wait manually for tci processing if self.radiocontrol in ["tci"]: duration = len(txbuffer_out) / 8000 timestamp_to_sleep = time.time() + duration self.log.debug("[MDM] TCI calculated duration", duration=duration) tci_timeout_reached = False #while time.time() < timestamp_to_sleep: # threading.Event().wait(0.01) else: timestamp_to_sleep = time.time() # set tci timeout reached to True for overriding if not used tci_timeout_reached = True while not tci_timeout_reached: if self.radiocontrol in ["tci"]: if time.time() < timestamp_to_sleep: tci_timeout_reached = False else: tci_timeout_reached = True threading.Event().wait(0.01) # if we're transmitting FreeDATA signals, reset channel busy state self.states.set("channel_busy", False) self.radio.set_ptt(False) # Push ptt state to socket stream self.event_manager.send_ptt_change(False) # After processing, set the locking state back to true to be prepared for next transmission self.mod_out_locked = True self.modem_transmit_queue.task_done() self.states.setTransmitting(False) end_of_transmission = time.time() transmission_time = end_of_transmission - start_of_transmission self.log.debug("[MDM] ON AIR TIME", time=transmission_time) def init_codec2(self): # Open codec2 instances # INIT TX MODES - here we need all modes. self.freedv_datac0_tx = codec2.open_instance(codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac0.value) self.freedv_datac1_tx = codec2.open_instance(codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac1.value) self.freedv_datac3_tx = codec2.open_instance(codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac3.value) self.freedv_datac4_tx = codec2.open_instance(codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac4.value) self.freedv_datac13_tx = codec2.open_instance(codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac13.value) def init_data_threads(self): worker_received = threading.Thread( target=self.demodulator.worker_received, name="WORKER_THREAD", daemon=True ) worker_received.start() # Low level modem audio transmit def transmit_audio(self, audio_48k) -> None: self.radio.set_ptt(True) self.event_manager.send_ptt_change(True) if self.radiocontrol in ["tci"]: self.tci_tx_callback(audio_48k) else: sd.play(audio_48k, blocking=True) return def init_rig_control(self): # Check how we want to control the radio if self.radiocontrol == "rigctld": import rigctld as rig elif self.radiocontrol == "tci": self.radio = self.tci_module else: import rigdummy as rig if not self.radiocontrol in ["tci"]: self.radio = rig.radio() self.radio.open_rig( rigctld_ip=self.rigctld_ip, rigctld_port=self.rigctld_port, ) hamlib_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.update_rig_data, name="HAMLIB_THREAD", daemon=True ) hamlib_thread.start() hamlib_set_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.set_rig_data, name="HAMLIB_SET_THREAD", daemon=True ) hamlib_set_thread.start() def set_rig_data(self) -> None: """ Set rigctld parameters like frequency, mode THis needs to be processed in a queue """ while True: cmd = RIGCTLD_COMMAND_QUEUE.get() if cmd[0] == "set_frequency": # [1] = Frequency self.radio.set_frequency(cmd[1]) if cmd[0] == "set_mode": # [1] = Mode self.radio.set_mode(cmd[1]) def update_rig_data(self) -> None: """ Request information about the current state of the radio via hamlib """ while True: try: # this looks weird, but is necessary for avoiding rigctld packet colission sock #threading.Event().wait(0.1) self.states.set("radio_status", self.radio.get_status()) #threading.Event().wait(0.25) self.states.set("radio_frequency", self.radio.get_frequency()) threading.Event().wait(0.1) self.states.set("radio_mode", self.radio.get_mode()) threading.Event().wait(0.1) self.states.set("radio_bandwidth", self.radio.get_bandwidth()) threading.Event().wait(0.1) if self.states.isTransmitting(): self.radio_alc = self.radio.get_alc() threading.Event().wait(0.1) self.states.set("radio_rf_power", self.radio.get_level()) threading.Event().wait(0.1) self.states.set("radio_strength", self.radio.get_strength()) except Exception as e: self.log.warning( "[MDM] error getting radio data", e=e, ) threading.Event().wait(1)