import structlog import threading import helpers import time import modem import base64 from static import ARQ, AudioParam, Beacon, Channel, Daemon, HamlibParam, ModemParam, Station, Statistics, TCIParam, TNC import sock import ujson as json class broadcastHandler: """Terminal Node Controller for FreeDATA""" log = structlog.get_logger("BROADCAST") def __init__(self) -> None: self.fec_wakeup_callsign = bytes() self.longest_duration = 6 self.wakeup_received = False self.broadcast_timeout_reached = False self.broadcast_payload_bursts = 1 self.broadcast_watchdog = threading.Thread( target=self.watchdog, name="watchdog thread", daemon=True ) self.broadcast_watchdog.start() def received_fec_wakeup(self, data_in: bytes): self.fec_wakeup_callsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[1:7])) self.wakeup_mode = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[7:8]), "big") bursts = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[8:9]), "big") self.wakeup_received = True modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = True self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", fec="wakeup", mode=self.wakeup_mode, bursts=bursts, dxcallsign=str(self.fec_wakeup_callsign, "UTF-8") ) "[TNC] FRAME WAKEUP RCVD [" + str(self.fec_wakeup_callsign, "UTF-8") + "] ", mode=self.wakeup_mode, bursts=bursts, ) def received_fec(self, data_in: bytes): print(self.fec_wakeup_callsign) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", fec="broadcast", dxcallsign=str(self.fec_wakeup_callsign, "UTF-8"), data=base64.b64encode(data_in[1:]).decode("UTF-8") )"[TNC] FEC DATA RCVD") def send_data_to_socket_queue(self, **jsondata): """ Send information to the UI via JSON and the sock.SOCKET_QUEUE. Args: Dictionary containing the data to be sent, in the format: key=value, for each item. E.g.: self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="received", status="success", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, timestamp=timestamp, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(Station.dxcallsign, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(Station.dxgrid, "UTF-8"), data=base64_data, ) """ # add mycallsign and dxcallsign to network message if they not exist # and make sure we are not overwrite them if they exist try: if "mycallsign" not in jsondata: jsondata["mycallsign"] = str(Station.mycallsign, "UTF-8") if "dxcallsign" not in jsondata: jsondata["dxcallsign"] = str(Station.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") except Exception as e: self.log.debug("[TNC] error adding callsigns to network message", e=e) # run json dumps json_data_out = json.dumps(jsondata) self.log.debug("[TNC] send_data_to_socket_queue:", jsondata=json_data_out) # finally push data to our network queue sock.SOCKET_QUEUE.put(json_data_out) def watchdog(self): while 1: if self.wakeup_received: timeout = time.time() + (self.longest_duration * self.broadcast_payload_bursts) + 2 while time.time() < timeout: threading.Event().wait(0.01) self.broadcast_timeout_reached = True "[TNC] closing broadcast slot [" + str(self.fec_wakeup_callsign, "UTF-8") + "] ", mode=self.wakeup_mode, bursts=self.broadcast_payload_bursts, ) # TODO: We need a dynamic way of modifying this modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = False self.fec_wakeup_callsign = bytes() self.wakeup_received = False else: threading.Event().wait(0.01)