# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ @author: DJ2LS HF mesh networking prototype and testing module import time MeshParam.routing_table = [['AA1AA', 'direct', 0, 1.0, 25, time.time(), ], ['AA1AA', 'AA2BB', 1, 3.1, 10, time.time(), ], ['AA3CC', 'AA2BB', 5, -4.5, -3, time.time(), ]] print(MeshParam.routing_table) print("---------------------------------") TODO: SIGNALLING FOR ACK/NACK: - mesh-signalling burst is datac13 - mesh-signalling frame contains [message id, status] - create a list for signalling frames, contains [message id, message-status, attempts, state, timestamp] - on "IRS", send ACK/NACK 10 times on receiving beacon? - on "ROUTER", receive ACK/NACK, and store it in table, also send it 10 times - if sent 10 times, set ACK/NACK state to "done" - if done already in list, don't reset retry counter - delete ACK/NACK if "done" and timestamp older than 1day """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long, c-extension-no-member # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, attribute-defined-outside-init from static import TNC, MeshParam, FRAME_TYPE, Station, ModemParam from codec2 import FREEDV_MODE import numpy as np import time import threading import modem import helpers import structlog from queues import MESH_RECEIVED_QUEUE class MeshRouter(): def __init__(self): self.log = structlog.get_logger("RF") self.mesh_broadcasting_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.broadcast_routing_table, name="worker thread receive", daemon=True ) self.mesh_broadcasting_thread.start() self.mesh_rx_dispatcher_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.mesh_rx_dispatcher, name="worker thread receive", daemon=True ) self.mesh_rx_dispatcher_thread.start() def get_from_heard_stations(self): """ get data from heard stations heard stations format: [dxcallsign,dxgrid,int(time.time()),datatype,snr,offset,frequency] TNC.heard_stations.append( [ dxcallsign, dxgrid, int(time.time()), datatype, snr, offset, frequency, ] ) """ dxcallsign_position = 0 dxgrid_position = 1 timestamp_position = 2 type_position = 3 snr_position = 4 offset_position = 5 frequency_position = 6 try: for item in TNC.heard_stations: print("-----------") print(item) print(item[snr_position]) try: print(item[snr_position]) snr = bytes(item[snr_position], "utf-8").split(b"/") snr = int(float(snr[0])) except Exception as err: snr = int(float(item[snr_position])) new_router = [helpers.get_crc_24(item[dxcallsign_position]), helpers.get_crc_24(b'direct'), 0, snr, snr, item[timestamp_position]] self.add_router_to_routing_table(new_router) except Exception as e: self.log.warning("[MESH] error fetching data from heard station list", e=e) def add_router_to_routing_table(self, new_router): try: # destination callsign # router callsign # hops # rx snr # route quality # timestamp for _, item in enumerate(MeshParam.routing_table): # update routing entry if exists if new_router[0] in item[0] and new_router[1] in item[1]: print(f"UPDATE {MeshParam.routing_table[_]} >>> {new_router}") MeshParam.routing_table[_] = new_router # add new routing entry if not exists if new_router not in MeshParam.routing_table: print(f"INSERT {new_router} >>> ROUTING TABLE") MeshParam.routing_table.append(new_router) except Exception as e: self.log.warning("[MESH] error adding data to routing table", e=e, router=new_router) def broadcast_routing_table(self, interval=180): # enable receiving for datac4 if broadcasting modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = True while True: threading.Event().wait(1) if MeshParam.enable_protocol: try: # wait some time until sending routing table threading.Event().wait(interval) # before we are transmitting, let us update our routing table self.get_from_heard_stations() #[b'DJ2LS-0', 'direct', 0, 9.6, 9.6, 1684912305] mesh_broadcast_frame_header = bytearray(4) mesh_broadcast_frame_header[:1] = bytes([FRAME_TYPE.MESH_BROADCAST.value]) mesh_broadcast_frame_header[1:4] = helpers.get_crc_24(Station.mycallsign) # callsign(6), router(6), hops(1), path_score(1) == 14 ==> 14 28 42 ==> 3 mesh routing entries # callsign_crc(3), router_crc(3), hops(1), path_score(1) == 8 --> 6 # callsign_crc(3), hops(1), path_score(1) == 5 --> 10 # Create a new bytearray with a fixed length of 50 result = bytearray(50) # Iterate over the route subarrays and add the selected entries to the result bytearray index = 0 for route_id, route in enumerate(MeshParam.routing_table): # the value 5 is the length of crc24 + hops + score dxcall = MeshParam.routing_table[route_id][0] # router = MeshParam.routing_table[i][1] hops = MeshParam.routing_table[route_id][2] # snr = MeshParam.routing_table[i][3] route_score = np.clip(MeshParam.routing_table[route_id][4], 0, 254) # timestamp = MeshParam.routing_table[i][5] result[index:index + 5] = dxcall + bytes([hops]) + bytes([route_score]) index += 5 print(len(result)) # Split the result bytearray into a list of fixed-length bytearrays split_result = [result[i:i + 50] for i in range(0, len(result), 50)] print(len(split_result)) frame_list = [] for _ in split_result: # make sure payload is always 50 _[len(_):] = bytes(50 - len(_)) #print(len(_)) frame_list.append(mesh_broadcast_frame_header + _) print(frame_list) TNC.transmitting = True c2_mode = FREEDV_MODE.datac4.value modem.MODEM_TRANSMIT_QUEUE.put([c2_mode, 1, 0, frame_list]) # Wait while transmitting while TNC.transmitting: threading.Event().wait(0.01) except Exception as e: self.log.warning("[MESH] broadcasting routing table", e=e) def mesh_rx_dispatcher(self): while True: data_in = MESH_RECEIVED_QUEUE.get() if int.from_bytes(data_in[:1], "big") in [FRAME_TYPE.MESH_BROADCAST.value]: self.received_routing_table(data_in[:-2]) else: print("wrong mesh data received") print(data_in) def received_routing_table(self, data_in): try: print("data received........") print(data_in) router = data_in[1:4] # Extract the first 4 bytes (header) payload = data_in[4:] # Extract the payload (excluding the header) print("Router:", router) # Output the header bytes for i in range(0, len(payload)-1, 5): callsign_checksum = payload[i:i + 3] # First 3 bytes of the information (callsign_checksum) hops = int.from_bytes(payload[i+3:i + 4], "big") # Fourth byte of the information (hops) score = int.from_bytes(payload[i+4:i + 5], "big") # Fifth byte of the information (score) timestamp = int(time.time()) snr = int(ModemParam.snr) # use case 1: add new router to table only if callsign not empty _use_case1 = callsign_checksum.startswith(b'\x00') # use case 2: add new router to table only if not own callsign _use_case2 = callsign_checksum not in [helpers.get_crc_24(Station.mycallsign)] # use case 3: increment hop if router not direct if router not in [helpers.get_crc_24(b'direct')] and hops == 0: hops += 1 # use case 4: if callsign is directly available skip route for only keeping shortest way in db _use_case4 = False for _, call in enumerate(MeshParam.routing_table): # check if callsign already in routing table and is direct connection if callsign_checksum in [MeshParam.routing_table[_][0]] and MeshParam.routing_table[_][1] in [helpers.get_crc_24(b'direct')]: _use_case4 = True # use case N: calculate score # TODO... if not _use_case1 \ and _use_case2\ and not _use_case4: print("Callsign Checksum:", callsign_checksum) print("Hops:", hops) print("Score:", score) new_router = [callsign_checksum, router, hops, snr, score, timestamp] print(new_router) self.add_router_to_routing_table(new_router) print("-------------------------") for _, item in enumerate(MeshParam.routing_table): print(MeshParam.routing_table[_]) print("-------------------------") except Exception as e: self.log.warning("[MESH] error processing received routing broadcast", e=e)