const path = require("path"); const { ipcRenderer, shell } = require("electron"); const exec = require("child_process").spawn; const sock = require("./sock.js"); const daemon = require("./daemon.js"); const fs = require("fs"); const { locatorToLatLng, distance, bearingDistance, latLngToLocator, } = require("qth-locator"); const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); const os = require("os"); // split character used for appending additional data to files const split_char = "\0;"; // var appDataFolder = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform == "darwin" ? process.env.HOME + "/Library/Application Support" : process.env.HOME + "/.config"); var configFolder = path.join(appDataFolder, "FreeDATA"); var configPath = path.join(configFolder, "config.json"); const config = require(configPath); const contrib = [ "DK5SM", "DL4IAZ", "DB1UJ", "EI3HIB", "VK5DGR", "EI7IG", "N2KIQ", "KT4WO", "DF7MH", "G0HWW", "N1QM", ]; //let elements = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="hamlib_"]'); // get all elements starting with... const hamlib_elements = [ "hamlib_deviceid", "hamlib_deviceport", "hamlib_stop_bits", "hamlib_data_bits", "hamlib_handshake", "hamlib_serialspeed", "hamlib_dtrstate", "hamlib_pttprotocol", "hamlib_ptt_port", "hamlib_dcd", "hamlib_rigctld_port", "hamlib_rigctld_ip", "hamlib_rigctld_path", "hamlib_rigctld_server_port", "hamlib_rigctld_custom_args", ]; // SET dbfs LEVEL GLOBAL // this is an attempt of reducing CPU LOAD // we are going to check if we have unequal values before we start calculating again var dbfs_level_raw = 0; //Global version variable var appVer = null; // START INTERVALL COMMAND EXECUTION FOR STATES //setInterval(sock.getRxBuffer, 1000); // WINDOW LISTENER window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { // save frequency event listener document.getElementById("saveFrequency").addEventListener("click", () => { var freq = document.getElementById("newFrequency").value; console.log(freq); let Data = { type: "set", command: "frequency", frequency: freq, }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); // enter button for input field document .getElementById("newFrequency") .addEventListener("keypress", function (event) { if (event.key === "Enter") { event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById("saveFrequency").click(); } }); // save mode event listener document.getElementById("saveModePKTUSB").addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { type: "set", command: "mode", mode: "PKTUSB", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); // save mode event listener document.getElementById("saveModeUSB").addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { type: "set", command: "mode", mode: "USB", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); // save mode event listener document.getElementById("saveModeLSB").addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { type: "set", command: "mode", mode: "LSB", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); // save mode event listener document.getElementById("saveModeAM").addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { type: "set", command: "mode", mode: "AM", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); // save mode event listener document.getElementById("saveModeFM").addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { type: "set", command: "mode", mode: "FM", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); // start stop audio recording event listener document .getElementById("startStopRecording") .addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { type: "set", command: "record_audio", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); document .getElementById("received_files_folder") .addEventListener("click", () => { ipcRenderer.send("get-folder-path", { title: "Title", }); ipcRenderer.on("return-folder-paths", (event, data) => { document.getElementById("received_files_folder").value = data.path.filePaths[0]; config.received_files_folder = data.path.filePaths[0]; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); }); document .getElementById("openReceivedFilesFolder") .addEventListener("click", () => { ipcRenderer.send("open-folder", { path: config.received_files_folder, }); }); /* // ENABLE BOOTSTRAP POPOVERS EVERYWHERE // var popoverTriggerList = []'[data-bs-toggle="popover"]')) var popoverList = (popoverTriggerEl) { return new bootstrap.Popover(popoverTriggerEl) }) */ // ENABLE TOOLTIPS EVERYWHERE // var tooltipTriggerList = [] document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]') ); var tooltipList = (tooltipTriggerEl) { return new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl); }); // LOAD SETTINGS // load settings by function loadSettings(hamlib_elements); document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value = config.tnc_host; document.getElementById("tnc_port").value = config.tnc_port; callsign_and_ssid = config.mycall.split("-"); callsign = callsign_and_ssid[0]; ssid = callsign_and_ssid[1]; document.getElementById("myCall").value = callsign; //document.title = document.title + ' - Call: ' + config.mycall; updateTitle(); document.getElementById("myCallSSID").value = ssid; document.getElementById("myGrid").value = config.mygrid; // hamlib settings document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceid").value = config.hamlib_deviceid; document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_ip").value = config.hamlib_rigctld_ip; document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_port").value = config.hamlib_rigctld_port; document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_path").value = config.hamlib_rigctld_path; document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_server_port").value = config.hamlib_rigctld_server_port; document.getElementById("beaconInterval").value = config.beacon_interval; document.getElementById("scatterSwitch").value = config.enable_scatter; document.getElementById("fftSwitch").value = config.enable_fft; document.getElementById("received_files_folder").value = config.received_files_folder; if (config.enable_scatter == "True") { document.getElementById("scatterSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("scatterSwitch").checked = false; } if (config.enable_fft == "True") { document.getElementById("fftSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("fftSwitch").checked = false; } if (config.low_bandwidth_mode == "True") { document.getElementById("500HzModeSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("500HzModeSwitch").checked = false; } if (config.high_graphics == "True") { document.getElementById("GraphicsSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("GraphicsSwitch").checked = false; } if (config.enable_fsk == "True") { document.getElementById("fskModeSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("fskModeSwitch").checked = false; } if (config.respond_to_cq == "True") { document.getElementById("respondCQSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("respondCQSwitch").checked = false; } if (config.enable_explorer == "True") { document.getElementById("ExplorerSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("ExplorerSwitch").checked = false; } if (config.explorer_stats.toLowerCase() == "true") { document.getElementById("ExplorerStatsSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("ExplorerStatsSwitch").checked = false; } if (config.auto_tune == "True") { document.getElementById("autoTuneSwitch").checked = true; } else { document.getElementById("autoTuneSwitch").checked = false; } // theme selector if (config.theme != "default") { var theme_path = "../node_modules/bootswatch/dist/" + config.theme + "/bootstrap.min.css"; document.getElementById("theme_selector").value = config.theme; document.getElementById("bootstrap_theme").href = escape(theme_path); } else { var theme_path = "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"; document.getElementById("theme_selector").value = "default"; document.getElementById("bootstrap_theme").href = escape(theme_path); } // Update channel selector document.getElementById("update_channel_selector").value = config.update_channel; document.getElementById("updater_channel").innerHTML = escape( config.update_channel ); // Update tuning range fmin fmax document.getElementById("tuning_range_fmin").value = config.tuning_range_fmin; document.getElementById("tuning_range_fmax").value = config.tuning_range_fmax; // Update TX Audio Level document.getElementById("audioLevelTXvalue").innerHTML = parseInt( config.tx_audio_level ); document.getElementById("audioLevelTX").value = parseInt( config.tx_audio_level ); // Update RX Buffer Size document.getElementById("rx_buffer_size").value = config.rx_buffer_size; if (config.spectrum == "waterfall") { document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch1").checked = true; document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch2").checked = false; document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch3").checked = false; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.height = "100%"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("chart").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("chart").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("chart").style.display = "none"; } else if (config.spectrum == "scatter") { document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch1").checked = false; document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch2").checked = true; document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch3").checked = false; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.height = "100%"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("chart").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("chart").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("chart").style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch1").checked = false; document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch2").checked = false; document.getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch3").checked = true; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("chart").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("chart").style.height = "100%"; document.getElementById("chart").style.display = "block"; } // radio control element if (config.radiocontrol == "rigctld") { document.getElementById("radio-control-switch-disabled").checked = false; document.getElementById("radio-control-switch-rigctld").checked = true; document.getElementById("radio-control-switch-help").checked = false; document.getElementById("radio-control-disabled").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-disabled").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("radio-control-switch-disabled").checked = true; document.getElementById("radio-control-switch-help").checked = false; document.getElementById("radio-control-switch-rigctld").checked = false; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.display = "none"; } // remote tnc if (config.tnclocation == "remote") { document.getElementById("local-remote-switch1").checked = false; document.getElementById("local-remote-switch2").checked = true; document.getElementById("remote-tnc-field").style.visibility = "visible"; toggleClass("remote-tnc-field", "d-none", false); } else { document.getElementById("local-remote-switch1").checked = true; document.getElementById("local-remote-switch2").checked = false; document.getElementById("remote-tnc-field").style.visibility = "hidden"; toggleClass("remote-tnc-field", "d-none", true); } // Create spectrum object on canvas with ID "waterfall" global.spectrum = new Spectrum("waterfall", { spectrumPercent: 0, wf_rows: 192, //Assuming 1 row = 1 pixe1, 192 is the height of the spectrum container }); //Set waterfalltheme document.getElementById("wftheme_selector").value = config.wftheme; spectrum.setColorMap(config.wftheme); document.getElementById("btnAbout").addEventListener("click", () => { document.getElementById("aboutVersion").innerText = appVer; let maxcol = 3; let col = 2; let shuffled = contrib .map((value) => ({ value, sort: Math.random() })) .sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort) .map(({ value }) => value); let list = "
  • DJ2LS
  • "; let list2 = ""; let list3 = ""; shuffled.forEach((element) => { switch (col) { case 1: list += "
  • " + element + "
  • "; break; case 2: list2 += "
  • " + element + "
  • "; break; case 3: list3 += "
  • " + element + "
  • "; break; } col = col + 1; if (col > maxcol) { col = 1; } }); //list+=""; divContrib.innerHTML = ""; divContrib2.innerHTML = ""; divContrib3.innerHTML = ""; //console.log(shuffled) }); // on click radio control toggle view // disabled document .getElementById("radio-control-switch-disabled") .addEventListener("click", () => { //document.getElementById("hamlib_info_field").innerHTML = // "Disables TNC rig control"; document.getElementById("radio-control-disabled").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("radio-control-disabled").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.display = "none"; config.radiocontrol = "disabled"; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // // radio settings 'network' event listener document .getElementById("radio-control-switch-help") .addEventListener("click", () => { //document.getElementById("hamlib_info_field").innerHTML = // "Set the ip and port of a rigctld session"; document.getElementById("radio-control-disabled").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("radio-control-disabled").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.display = "none"; config.radiocontrol = "rigctld"; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // // radio settings 'rigctld' event listener document .getElementById("radio-control-switch-rigctld") .addEventListener("click", () => { //document.getElementById("hamlib_info_field").innerHTML = // "Edit your rigctld settings and start and stop rigctld ."; document.getElementById("radio-control-disabled").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("radio-control-disabled").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("radio-control-help").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("radio-control-rigctld").style.display = "block"; config.radiocontrol = "rigctld"; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); document .getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_path") .addEventListener("click", () => { ipcRenderer.send("get-file-path", { title: "Title", }); ipcRenderer.on("return-file-paths", (event, data) => { rigctldPath = data.path.filePaths[0]; document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_path").value = rigctldPath; config.hamlib_rigctld_path = rigctldPath; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); }); // radio settings 'hamlib_rigctld_server_port' event listener document .getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_server_port") .addEventListener("change", () => { config.hamlib_rigctld_server_port = document.getElementById( "hamlib_rigctld_server_port" ).value; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // hamlib bulk event listener for saving settings hamlib_elements.forEach(function (elem) { try { document.getElementById(elem).addEventListener("change", function () { config[elem] = document.getElementById(elem).value; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); console.log(config); }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); console.log(elem); } }); document .getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_start") .addEventListener("click", () => { var rigctldPath = document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_path").value; var paramList = []; var hamlib_deviceid = document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceid").value; paramList = paramList.concat("-m", hamlib_deviceid); // hamlib deviceport setting if (document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_deviceport = document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").value; paramList = paramList.concat("-r", hamlib_deviceport); } // hamlib serialspeed setting if (document.getElementById("hamlib_serialspeed").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_serialspeed = document.getElementById("hamlib_serialspeed").value; paramList = paramList.concat("-s", hamlib_serialspeed); } // hamlib databits setting if (document.getElementById("hamlib_data_bits").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_data_bits = document.getElementById("hamlib_data_bits").value; paramList = paramList.concat( "--set-conf=data_bits=" + hamlib_data_bits ); } // hamlib stopbits setting if (document.getElementById("hamlib_stop_bits").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_stop_bits = document.getElementById("hamlib_stop_bits").value; paramList = paramList.concat( "--set-conf=stop_bits=" + hamlib_stop_bits ); } // hamlib handshake setting if (document.getElementById("hamlib_handshake").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_handshake = document.getElementById("hamlib_handshake").value; paramList = paramList.concat( "--set-conf=serial_handshake=" + hamlib_handshake ); } // hamlib dcd setting if (document.getElementById("hamlib_dcd").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_dcd = document.getElementById("hamlib_dcd").value; paramList = paramList.concat("--dcd-type=" + hamlib_dcd); } // hamlib ptt port if (document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_ptt_port = document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").value; paramList = paramList.concat("-p", hamlib_ptt_port); } // hamlib ptt type if (document.getElementById("hamlib_pttprotocol").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_ptt_type = document.getElementById("hamlib_pttprotocol").value; paramList = paramList.concat("--ptt-type=" + hamlib_ptt_type); } // hamlib dtr state if (document.getElementById("hamlib_dtrstate").value !== "ignore") { var hamlib_dtrstate = document.getElementById("hamlib_dtrstate").value; paramList = paramList.concat("--set-conf=dtr_state=" + hamlib_dtrstate); } var hamlib_rigctld_server_port = document.getElementById( "hamlib_rigctld_server_port" ).value; paramList = paramList.concat("-t", hamlib_rigctld_server_port); //Custom rigctld arguments to pass to rigctld var hamlib_rigctld_custom_args = document.getElementById( "hamlib_rigctld_custom_args" ).value; paramList = paramList.concat(hamlib_rigctld_custom_args); document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_command").value = paramList.join(" "); // join removes the commas console.log(paramList); console.log(rigctldPath); let Data = { path: rigctldPath, parameters: paramList, }; ipcRenderer.send("request-start-rigctld", Data); }); document .getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_stop") .addEventListener("click", () => { ipcRenderer.send("request-stop-rigctld", { path: "123", parameters: "--version", }); }); // on click waterfall scatter toggle view // waterfall document .getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch1") .addEventListener("click", () => { document.getElementById("chart").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("chart").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("chart").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.height = "100%"; config.spectrum = "waterfall"; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // scatter document .getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch2") .addEventListener("click", () => { document.getElementById("scatter").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.height = "100%"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("chart").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("chart").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("chart").style.display = "none"; config.spectrum = "scatter"; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // chart document .getElementById("waterfall-scatter-switch3") .addEventListener("click", () => { document.getElementById("waterfall").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("waterfall").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.height = "0px"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("scatter").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("chart").style.height = "100%"; document.getElementById("chart").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("chart").style.visibility = "visible"; config.spectrum = "chart"; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // on click remote tnc toggle view document .getElementById("local-remote-switch1") .addEventListener("click", () => { document.getElementById("local-remote-switch1").checked = true; document.getElementById("local-remote-switch2").checked = false; document.getElementById("remote-tnc-field").style.visibility = "hidden"; config.tnclocation = "localhost"; toggleClass("remote-tnc-field", "d-none", true); fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); document .getElementById("local-remote-switch2") .addEventListener("click", () => { document.getElementById("local-remote-switch1").checked = false; document.getElementById("local-remote-switch2").checked = true; document.getElementById("remote-tnc-field").style.visibility = "visible"; config.tnclocation = "remote"; toggleClass("remote-tnc-field", "d-none", false); fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // on change ping callsign document.getElementById("dxCall").addEventListener("change", () => { document.getElementById("dataModalDxCall").value = document.getElementById("dxCall").value; }); // on change ping callsign document.getElementById("dataModalDxCall").addEventListener("change", () => { document.getElementById("dxCall").value = document.getElementById("dataModalDxCall").value; }); // on change port and host document.getElementById("tnc_adress").addEventListener("change", () => { console.log(document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value); config.tnc_host = document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value; config.daemon_host = document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); let Data = { port: document.getElementById("tnc_port").value, adress: document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value, }; ipcRenderer.send("request-update-tnc-ip", Data); Data = { port: parseInt(document.getElementById("tnc_port").value) + 1, adress: document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value, }; ipcRenderer.send("request-update-daemon-ip", Data); }); // on change tnc port document.getElementById("tnc_port").addEventListener("change", () => { config.tnc_port = document.getElementById("tnc_port").value; config.daemon_port = parseInt(document.getElementById("tnc_port").value) + 1; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); let Data = { port: document.getElementById("tnc_port").value, adress: document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value, }; ipcRenderer.send("request-update-tnc-ip", Data); Data = { port: parseInt(document.getElementById("tnc_port").value) + 1, adress: document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value, }; ipcRenderer.send("request-update-daemon-ip", Data); }); // on change audio TX Level document.getElementById("audioLevelTX").addEventListener("change", () => { var tx_audio_level = parseInt( document.getElementById("audioLevelTX").value ); document.getElementById("audioLevelTXvalue").innerHTML = tx_audio_level; config.tx_audio_level = tx_audio_level; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); let Data = { command: "set_tx_audio_level", tx_audio_level: tx_audio_level, }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); document.getElementById("sendTestFrame").addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { type: "set", command: "send_test_frame", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); // saveMyCall button clicked document.getElementById("myCall").addEventListener("input", () => { callsign = document.getElementById("myCall").value; ssid = document.getElementById("myCallSSID").value; callsign_ssid = callsign.toUpperCase() + "-" + ssid; config.mycall = callsign_ssid; // split document title by looking for Call then split and update it //var documentTitle = document.title.split('Call:') //document.title = documentTitle[0] + 'Call: ' + callsign_ssid; updateTitle(callsign_ssid); fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); daemon.saveMyCall(callsign_ssid); }); // saveMyGrid button clicked document.getElementById("myGrid").addEventListener("input", () => { grid = document.getElementById("myGrid").value; config.mygrid = grid; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); daemon.saveMyGrid(grid); }); // startPing button clicked document.getElementById("sendPing").addEventListener("click", () => { var dxcallsign = document.getElementById("dxCall").value.toUpperCase(); if (dxcallsign == "" || dxcallsign == null || dxcallsign == undefined) return; pauseButton(document.getElementById("sendPing"), 2000); sock.sendPing(dxcallsign); }); // dataModalstartPing button clicked document.getElementById("dataModalSendPing").addEventListener("click", () => { var dxcallsign = document.getElementById("dataModalDxCall").value; dxcallsign = dxcallsign.toUpperCase(); sock.sendPing(dxcallsign); }); // close app, update and restart document .getElementById("update_and_install") .addEventListener("click", () => { ipcRenderer.send("request-restart-and-install"); }); // open arq session document.getElementById("openARQSession").addEventListener("click", () => { var dxcallsign = document.getElementById("dataModalDxCall").value; dxcallsign = dxcallsign.toUpperCase(); sock.connectARQ(dxcallsign); }); // close arq session document.getElementById("closeARQSession").addEventListener("click", () => { sock.disconnectARQ(); }); // sendCQ button clicked document.getElementById("sendCQ").addEventListener("click", () => { pauseButton(document.getElementById("sendCQ"), 2000); sock.sendCQ(); }); // Start beacon button clicked document.getElementById("startBeacon").addEventListener("click", () => { let bcn = document.getElementById("startBeacon"); bcn.disabled = true; interval = document.getElementById("beaconInterval").value; //Use class list to determine state of beacon, secondary == off if (bcn.className.toLowerCase().indexOf("secondary") > 0) { //Stopped; let us start it sock.startBeacon(interval); } else { sock.stopBeacon(); } config.beacon_interval = interval; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); bcn.disabled = false; }); // sendscatter Switch clicked document.getElementById("scatterSwitch").addEventListener("click", () => { console.log(document.getElementById("scatterSwitch").checked); if (document.getElementById("scatterSwitch").checked == true) { config.enable_scatter = "True"; } else { config.enable_scatter = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // sendfft Switch clicked document.getElementById("fftSwitch").addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.getElementById("fftSwitch").checked == true) { config.enable_fft = "True"; } else { config.enable_fft = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // enable 500z Switch clicked document.getElementById("500HzModeSwitch").addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.getElementById("500HzModeSwitch").checked == true) { config.low_bandwidth_mode = "True"; } else { config.low_bandwidth_mode = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // enable response to cq clicked document.getElementById("respondCQSwitch").addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.getElementById("respondCQSwitch").checked == true) { config.respond_to_cq = "True"; } else { config.respond_to_cq = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // enable explorer Switch clicked document.getElementById("ExplorerSwitch").addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.getElementById("ExplorerSwitch").checked == true) { config.enable_explorer = "True"; } else { config.enable_explorer = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // enable explorer stats Switch clicked document .getElementById("ExplorerStatsSwitch") .addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.getElementById("ExplorerStatsSwitch").checked == true) { config.explorer_stats = "True"; } else { config.explorer_stats = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // enable autotune Switch clicked document.getElementById("autoTuneSwitch").addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.getElementById("autoTuneSwitch").checked == true) { config.auto_tune = "True"; } else { config.auto_tune = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); document.getElementById("GraphicsSwitch").addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.getElementById("GraphicsSwitch").checked == true) { config.high_graphics = "True"; } else { config.high_graphics = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); set_CPU_mode(); }); // enable fsk Switch clicked document.getElementById("fskModeSwitch").addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.getElementById("fskModeSwitch").checked == true) { config.enable_fsk = "True"; } else { config.enable_fsk = "False"; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // Tuning range clicked document.getElementById("tuning_range_fmin").addEventListener("click", () => { var tuning_range_fmin = document.getElementById("tuning_range_fmin").value; config.tuning_range_fmin = tuning_range_fmin; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); document.getElementById("tuning_range_fmax").addEventListener("click", () => { var tuning_range_fmax = document.getElementById("tuning_range_fmax").value; config.tuning_range_fmax = tuning_range_fmax; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // Theme selector clicked document.getElementById("theme_selector").addEventListener("click", () => { var theme = document.getElementById("theme_selector").value; if (theme != "default") { var theme_path = "../node_modules/bootswatch/dist/" + theme + "/bootstrap.min.css"; } else { var theme_path = "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"; } //update path to css file document.getElementById("bootstrap_theme").href = escape(theme_path); config.theme = theme; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // Waterfall theme selector changed document.getElementById("wftheme_selector").addEventListener("change", () => { var wftheme = document.getElementById("wftheme_selector").value; spectrum.setColorMap(wftheme); config.wftheme = wftheme; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // Update channel selector changed document .getElementById("update_channel_selector") .addEventListener("change", () => { config.update_channel = document.getElementById( "update_channel_selector" ).value; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); console.log("Autoupdate channel changed to ", config.update_channel); }); // rx buffer size selector clicked document.getElementById("rx_buffer_size").addEventListener("click", () => { var rx_buffer_size = document.getElementById("rx_buffer_size").value; config.rx_buffer_size = rx_buffer_size; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); //screen size window.addEventListener("resize", () => { config.screen_height = window.innerHeight; config.screen_width = window.innerWidth; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); }); // Explorer button clicked document.getElementById("openExplorer").addEventListener("click", () => { shell.openExternal( "" + document.getElementById("myCall").value ); }); // Stats button clicked document.getElementById("btnStats").addEventListener("click", () => { shell.openExternal(""); }); // GH Link clicked document.getElementById("fdWww").addEventListener("click", () => { shell.openExternal(""); }); // GH Link clicked document.getElementById("ghUrl").addEventListener("click", () => { shell.openExternal(""); }); // Wiki Link clicked document.getElementById("wikiUrl").addEventListener("click", () => { shell.openExternal(""); }); // Link clicked document.getElementById("groupsioUrl").addEventListener("click", () => { shell.openExternal(""); }); // Discord Link clicked document.getElementById("discordUrl").addEventListener("click", () => { shell.openExternal(""); }); // startTNC button clicked document.getElementById("startTNC").addEventListener("click", () => { var tuning_range_fmin = document.getElementById("tuning_range_fmin").value; var tuning_range_fmax = document.getElementById("tuning_range_fmax").value; var rigctld_ip = document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_ip").value; var rigctld_port = document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_port").value; var hamlib_rigctld_server_port = document.getElementById( "hamlib_rigctld_server_port" ).value; var deviceid = document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceid").value; var deviceport = document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").value; var serialspeed = document.getElementById("hamlib_serialspeed").value; var pttprotocol = document.getElementById("hamlib_pttprotocol").value; var hamlib_dcd = document.getElementById("hamlib_dcd").value; var mycall = document.getElementById("myCall").value; var ssid = document.getElementById("myCallSSID").value; callsign_ssid = mycall.toUpperCase() + "-" + ssid; var mygrid = document.getElementById("myGrid").value; var rx_audio = document.getElementById("audio_input_selectbox").value; var tx_audio = document.getElementById("audio_output_selectbox").value; var pttport = document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").value; var data_bits = document.getElementById("hamlib_data_bits").value; var stop_bits = document.getElementById("hamlib_stop_bits").value; var handshake = document.getElementById("hamlib_handshake").value; if (document.getElementById("scatterSwitch").checked == true) { var enable_scatter = "True"; } else { var enable_scatter = "False"; } if (document.getElementById("fftSwitch").checked == true) { var enable_fft = "True"; } else { var enable_fft = "False"; } if (document.getElementById("500HzModeSwitch").checked == true) { var low_bandwidth_mode = "True"; } else { var low_bandwidth_mode = "False"; } if (document.getElementById("fskModeSwitch").checked == true) { var enable_fsk = "True"; } else { var enable_fsk = "False"; } if (document.getElementById("respondCQSwitch").checked == true) { var respond_to_cq = "True"; } else { var respond_to_cq = "False"; } if (document.getElementById("ExplorerSwitch").checked == true) { var enable_explorer = "True"; } else { var enable_explorer = "False"; } if (document.getElementById("ExplorerStatsSwitch").checked == true) { var explorer_stats = "True"; } else { var explorer_stats = "False"; } if (document.getElementById("autoTuneSwitch").checked == true) { var auto_tune = "True"; } else { var auto_tune = "False"; } // loop through audio device list and select for ( i = 0; i < document.getElementById("audio_input_selectbox").length; i++ ) { device = document.getElementById("audio_input_selectbox")[i]; if (device.value == rx_audio) { console.log(device.text); config.rx_audio = device.text; } } // loop through audio device list and select for ( i = 0; i < document.getElementById("audio_output_selectbox").length; i++ ) { device = document.getElementById("audio_output_selectbox")[i]; if (device.value == tx_audio) { console.log(device.text); config.tx_audio = device.text; } } if (!document.getElementById("radio-control-switch-disabled").checked) { var radiocontrol = "rigctld"; } else { var radiocontrol = "disabled"; } var tx_audio_level = document.getElementById("audioLevelTX").value; var rx_buffer_size = document.getElementById("rx_buffer_size").value; config.radiocontrol = radiocontrol; config.mycall = callsign_ssid; config.mygrid = mygrid; config.hamlib_deviceid = deviceid; config.hamlib_deviceport = deviceport; config.hamlib_serialspeed = serialspeed; config.hamlib_pttprotocol = pttprotocol; config.hamlib_ptt_port = pttport; config.hamlib_data_bits = data_bits; config.hamlib_stop_bits = stop_bits; config.hamlib_handshake = handshake; config.hamlib_dcd = hamlib_dcd; config.hamlib_rigctld_port = rigctld_port; config.hamlib_rigctld_ip = rigctld_ip; config.hamlib_rigctld_server_port = hamlib_rigctld_server_port; config.enable_scatter = enable_scatter; config.enable_fft = enable_fft; config.enable_fsk = enable_fsk; config.low_bandwidth_mode = low_bandwidth_mode; config.tx_audio_level = tx_audio_level; config.respond_to_cq = respond_to_cq; config.rx_buffer_size = rx_buffer_size; config.enable_explorer = enable_explorer; config.explorer_stats = explorer_stats; config.auto_tune = auto_tune; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); daemon.startTNC( callsign_ssid, mygrid, rx_audio, tx_audio, radiocontrol, deviceid, deviceport, pttprotocol, pttport, serialspeed, data_bits, stop_bits, handshake, rigctld_ip, rigctld_port, enable_fft, enable_scatter, low_bandwidth_mode, tuning_range_fmin, tuning_range_fmax, enable_fsk, tx_audio_level, respond_to_cq, rx_buffer_size, enable_explorer, explorer_stats, auto_tune ); }); document.getElementById("tncLog").addEventListener("click", () => { ipcRenderer.send("request-open-tnc-log"); }); // stopTNC button clicked document.getElementById("stopTNC").addEventListener("click", () => { if (!confirm("Stop the TNC?")) return; daemon.stopTNC(); }); // TEST HAMLIB document.getElementById("testHamlib").addEventListener("click", () => { var data_bits = document.getElementById("hamlib_data_bits").value; var stop_bits = document.getElementById("hamlib_stop_bits").value; var handshake = document.getElementById("hamlib_handshake").value; var pttport = document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").value; var rigctld_ip = document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_ip").value; var rigctld_port = document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_port").value; var deviceid = document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceid").value; var deviceport = document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").value; var serialspeed = document.getElementById("hamlib_serialspeed").value; var pttprotocol = document.getElementById("hamlib_pttprotocol").value; if (document.getElementById("radio-control-switch-disabled").checked) { var radiocontrol = "disabled"; } else { var radiocontrol = "rigctld"; } daemon.testHamlib( radiocontrol, deviceid, deviceport, serialspeed, pttprotocol, pttport, data_bits, stop_bits, handshake, rigctld_ip, rigctld_port ); }); // START TRANSMISSION document.getElementById("startTransmission").addEventListener("click", () => { var fileList = document.getElementById("dataModalFile").files; console.log(fileList); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsBinaryString(fileList[0]); //reader.readAsDataURL(fileList[0]); reader.onload = function (e) { // binary data var data =; console.log(data); let Data = { command: "send_file", dxcallsign: document .getElementById("dataModalDxCall") .value.toUpperCase(), mode: document.getElementById("datamode").value, frames: document.getElementById("framesperburst").value, filetype: fileList[0].type, filename: fileList[0].name, data: data, checksum: "123123123", }; // only send command if dxcallsign entered and we have a file selected if (document.getElementById("dataModalDxCall").value.length > 0) { ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); } }; reader.onerror = function (e) { // error occurred console.log("Error : " + e.type); }; }); // STOP TRANSMISSION document.getElementById("stopTransmission").addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { command: "stop_transmission", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); }); // STOP TRANSMISSION AND CONNECRTION document .getElementById("stop_transmission_connection") .addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { command: "stop_transmission", }; ipcRenderer.send("run-tnc-command", Data); sock.disconnectARQ(); }); // OPEN CHAT MODULE document.getElementById("openRFChat").addEventListener("click", () => { let Data = { command: "openRFChat", }; ipcRenderer.send("request-show-chat-window", Data); }); }); function connectedStation(data) { if (typeof data.dxcallsign == "undefined") { return; } if ( !(typeof data.arq == "undefined") && data.arq.toLowerCase() == "session" ) { var prefix = "w/ "; } else { switch (data.irs) { case "True": //We are receiving station var prefix = "de "; break; case "False": //We are sending station var prefix = "to "; break; default: //Shouldn't happen console.trace("No data.irs data in tnc-message"); var prefix = ""; break; } } document.getElementById("txtConnectedWith").textContent = prefix + data.dxcallsign; } //Listen for events caused by tnc 'tnc-message' rx ipcRenderer.on("action-update-reception-status", (event, arg) => { var data = arg["data"][0]; var txprog = document.getElementById("transmission_progress"); ipcRenderer.send("request-show-electron-progressbar", data.percent); txprog.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", data.percent); txprog.setAttribute("style", "width:" + data.percent + "%;"); // SET TIME LEFT UNTIL FINIHED if (typeof data.finished == "undefined") { var time_left = "time left: estimating"; } else { var arq_seconds_until_finish = data.finished; var hours = Math.floor(arq_seconds_until_finish / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((arq_seconds_until_finish % 3600) / 60); var seconds = arq_seconds_until_finish % 60; if (hours < 0) { hours = 0; } if (minutes < 0) { minutes = 0; } if (seconds < 0) { seconds = 0; } if (hours > 0) { time_left = "time left: ~" + hours.toString().padStart(2, "0") + ":" + minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0") + "." + seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0"); } else { time_left = "time left: ~" + minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0") + "." + seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0"); } } var time_left = "" + time_left + " || Speed/min: "; // SET BYTES PER MINUTE if (typeof data.bytesperminute == "undefined") { var arq_bytes_per_minute = 0; } else { var arq_bytes_per_minute = data.bytesperminute; } // SET BYTES PER MINUTE COMPRESSED var compress = data.compression; if (isNaN(compress)) { compress = 1; } var arq_bytes_per_minute_compressed = Math.round( arq_bytes_per_minute * compress ); time_left += formatBytes(arq_bytes_per_minute, 1) + " (comp: " + formatBytes(arq_bytes_per_minute_compressed, 1) + ")"; document.getElementById("transmission_timeleft").innerHTML = time_left; connectedStation(data); }); //Listen for events caused by tnc 'tnc-message's tx ipcRenderer.on("action-update-transmission-status", (event, arg) => { var data = arg["data"][0]; var txprog = document.getElementById("transmission_progress"); ipcRenderer.send("request-show-electron-progressbar", data.percent); txprog.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", data.percent); txprog.setAttribute("style", "width:" + data.percent + "%;"); // SET TIME LEFT UNTIL FINIHED if (typeof data.finished == "undefined") { var time_left = "time left: estimating"; } else { var arq_seconds_until_finish = data.finished; var hours = Math.floor(arq_seconds_until_finish / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((arq_seconds_until_finish % 3600) / 60); var seconds = arq_seconds_until_finish % 60; if (hours < 0) { hours = 0; } if (minutes < 0) { minutes = 0; } if (seconds < 0) { seconds = 0; } if (hours > 0) { time_left = "time left: ~" + hours.toString().padStart(2, "0") + ":" + minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0") + "." + seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0"); } else { time_left = "time left: ~" + minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0") + "." + seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0"); } } var time_left = "" + time_left + " || Speed/min: "; // SET BYTES PER MINUTE if (typeof data.bytesperminute == "undefined") { var arq_bytes_per_minute = 0; } else { var arq_bytes_per_minute = data.bytesperminute; } // SET BYTES PER MINUTE COMPRESSED var compress = data.compression; if (isNaN(compress)) { compress = 1; } var arq_bytes_per_minute_compressed = Math.round( arq_bytes_per_minute * compress ); time_left += formatBytes(arq_bytes_per_minute, 1) + " (comp: " + formatBytes(arq_bytes_per_minute_compressed, 1) + ")"; connectedStation(data); }); var lastHeard = ""; ipcRenderer.on("action-update-tnc-state", (event, arg) => { // update FFT if (typeof arg.fft !== "undefined") { var array = JSON.parse("[" + arg.fft + "]"); spectrum.addData(array[0]); } if (typeof arg.mycallsign !== "undefined") { updateTitle(arg.mycallsign); } // update mygrid information with data from tnc if (typeof arg.mygrid !== "undefined") { document.getElementById("myGrid").value = arg.mygrid; } // DATA STATE global.rxBufferLengthTnc = arg.rx_buffer_length; // START OF SCATTER CHART const scatterConfig = { plugins: { legend: { display: false, }, tooltip: { enabled: false, }, annotation: { annotations: { line1: { type: "line", yMin: 0, yMax: 0, borderColor: "rgb(255, 99, 132)", borderWidth: 2, }, line2: { type: "line", xMin: 0, xMax: 0, borderColor: "rgb(255, 99, 132)", borderWidth: 2, }, }, }, }, animations: false, scales: { x: { type: "linear", position: "bottom", display: true, min: -80, max: 80, ticks: { display: false, }, }, y: { display: true, min: -80, max: 80, ticks: { display: false, }, }, }, }; var scatterData = arg.scatter; var newScatterData = { datasets: [ { //label: 'constellation diagram', data: scatterData, options: scatterConfig, backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 99, 132)", }, ], }; if (typeof arg.scatter == "undefined") { var scatterSize = 0; } else { var scatterSize = arg.scatter.length; } if (scatterSize > 0 && global.scatterData != newScatterData) { global.scatterData = newScatterData; if (typeof global.scatterChart == "undefined") { var scatterCtx = document.getElementById("scatter").getContext("2d"); global.scatterChart = new Chart(scatterCtx, { type: "scatter", data: global.scatterData, options: scatterConfig, }); } else { = global.scatterData; global.scatterChart.update(); } } // END OF SCATTER CHART // START OF SPEED CHART var speedDataTime = []; if (typeof arg.speed_list == "undefined") { var speed_listSize = 0; } else { var speed_listSize = arg.speed_list.length; } for (var i = 0; i < speed_listSize; i++) { var timestamp = arg.speed_list[i].timestamp * 1000; var h = new Date(timestamp).getHours(); var m = new Date(timestamp).getMinutes(); var s = new Date(timestamp).getSeconds(); var time = h + ":" + m + ":" + s; speedDataTime.push(time); } var speedDataBpm = []; for (var i = 0; i < speed_listSize; i++) { speedDataBpm.push(arg.speed_list[i].bpm); } var speedDataSnr = []; for (var i = 0; i < speed_listSize; i++) { speedDataSnr.push(arg.speed_list[i].snr); } var speedChartConfig = { type: "line", }; // const skipped = (speedCtx, value) => speedCtx.p0.skip || speedCtx.p1.skip ? value : undefined; const down = (speedCtx, value) => speedCtx.p0.parsed.y > speedCtx.p1.parsed.y ? value : undefined; var newSpeedData = { labels: speedDataTime, datasets: [ { type: "line", label: "SNR[dB]", data: speedDataSnr, borderColor: "rgb(75, 192, 192, 1.0)", segment: { borderColor: (ctx) => skipped(ctx, "rgb(0,0,0,0.2)") || down(ctx, "rgb(192,75,75)"), borderDash: (ctx) => skipped(ctx, [6, 6]), }, spanGaps: true, backgroundColor: "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)", order: 1, yAxisID: "SNR", }, { type: "bar", label: "Speed[bpm]", data: speedDataBpm, borderColor: "rgb(120, 100, 120, 1.0)", backgroundColor: "rgba(120, 100, 120, 0.2)", order: 0, yAxisID: "SPEED", }, ], }; var speedChartOptions = { responsive: true, animations: true, cubicInterpolationMode: "monotone", tension: 0.4, scales: { SNR: { type: "linear", ticks: { beginAtZero: true, color: "rgb(255, 99, 132)" }, position: "right", }, SPEED: { type: "linear", ticks: { beginAtZero: true, color: "rgb(120, 100, 120)" }, position: "left", grid: { drawOnChartArea: false, // only want the grid lines for one axis to show up }, }, x: { ticks: { beginAtZero: true } }, }, }; if (typeof global.speedChart == "undefined") { var speedCtx = document.getElementById("chart").getContext("2d"); global.speedChart = new Chart(speedCtx, { data: newSpeedData, options: speedChartOptions, }); } else { if (speedDataSnr.length > 0) { = newSpeedData; global.speedChart.update(); } } // END OF SPEED CHART // PTT STATE switch (arg.ptt_state) { case "True": document.getElementById("ptt_state").className = "btn btn-sm btn-danger"; break; case "False": document.getElementById("ptt_state").className = "btn btn-sm btn-success"; break; default: document.getElementById("ptt_state").className = "btn btn-sm btn-secondary"; break; } // AUDIO RECORDING if (arg.audio_recording == "True") { document.getElementById("startStopRecording").textContent = "Stop Rec"; } else { document.getElementById("startStopRecording").textContent = "Start Rec"; } // CHANNEL BUSY STATE switch (arg.channel_busy) { case "True": document.getElementById("channel_busy").className = "btn btn-sm btn-danger"; break; case "False": document.getElementById("channel_busy").className = "btn btn-sm btn-success"; break; default: document.getElementById("channel_busy").className = "btn btn-sm btn-secondary"; break; } // BUSY STATE switch (arg.busy_state) { case "BUSY": document.getElementById("busy_state").className = "btn btn-sm btn-danger"; document.getElementById("startTransmission").disabled = true; break; case "IDLE": document.getElementById("busy_state").className = "btn btn-sm btn-success"; break; default: document.getElementById("busy_state").className = "btn btn-sm btn-secondary"; document.getElementById("startTransmission").disabled = true; break; } // ARQ STATE switch (arg.arq_state) { case "True": document.getElementById("arq_state").className = "btn btn-sm btn-warning"; document.getElementById("startTransmission").disabled = false; break; default: document.getElementById("arq_state").className = "btn btn-sm btn-secondary"; document.getElementById("startTransmission").disabled = false; break; } // ARQ SESSION switch (arg.arq_session) { case "True": document.getElementById("arq_session").className = "btn btn-sm btn-warning"; break; default: document.getElementById("arq_session").className = "btn btn-sm btn-secondary"; break; } if (arg.arq_state == "True" || arg.arq_session == "True") { toggleClass("spnConnectedWith", "text-success", true); } else { toggleClass("spnConnectedWith", "text-success", false); } // HAMLIB STATUS if (arg.hamlib_status == "connected") { document.getElementById("rigctld_state").className = "btn btn-success btn-sm"; } else { document.getElementById("rigctld_state").className = "btn btn-secondary btn-sm"; } // BEACON switch (arg.beacon_state) { case "True": toggleClass("startBeacon", "btn-outline-secondary", false); toggleClass("startBeacon", "btn-success", true); if (document.getElementById("beaconInterval").disabled == false) { document.getElementById("beaconInterval").disabled = true; } break; default: toggleClass("startBeacon", "btn-outline-secondary", true); toggleClass("startBeacon", "btn-success", false); if (document.getElementById("beaconInterval").disabled == true) { document.getElementById("beaconInterval").disabled = false; } break; } // dbfs // if (dbfs_level_raw != arg.dbfs_level) { dbfs_level_raw = arg.dbfs_level; dbfs_level = Math.pow(10, arg.dbfs_level / 20) * 100; document.getElementById("dbfs_level_value").textContent = Math.round(arg.dbfs_level) + " dBFS"; var dbfscntrl = document.getElementById("dbfs_level"); dbfscntrl.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", dbfs_level); dbfscntrl.setAttribute("style", "width:" + dbfs_level + "%;"); } // SET FREQUENCY // var freq = arg.frequency.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "."); document.getElementById("frequency").textContent = freq; //document.getElementById("newFrequency").value = arg.frequency; // SET MODE document.getElementById("mode").textContent = arg.mode; // SET bandwidth document.getElementById("bandwidth").textContent = arg.bandwidth; // SET SPEED LEVEL switch (arg.speed_level) { case "0": document.getElementById("speed_level").className = "bi bi-reception-1"; break; case "1": document.getElementById("speed_level").className = "bi bi-reception-2"; break; case "2": document.getElementById("speed_level").className = "bi bi-reception-3"; break; default: document.getElementById("speed_level").className = "bi bi-reception-4"; break; } // SET TOTAL BYTES if (typeof arg.total_bytes == "undefined") { var total_bytes = 0; } else { var total_bytes = arg.total_bytes; } document.getElementById("total_bytes").textContent = total_bytes; //Check if heard station list has changed if ( typeof arg.stations != "undefined" && arg.stations.length > 0 && JSON.stringify(arg.stations) != lastHeard ) { //console.log("Updating last heard stations"); lastHeard = JSON.stringify(arg.stations); updateHeardStations(arg); } }); function updateHeardStations(arg) { // UPDATE HEARD STATIONS var tbl = document.getElementById("heardstations"); tbl.innerHTML = ""; if (typeof arg.stations == "undefined") { var heardStationsLength = 0; } else { var heardStationsLength = arg.stations.length; } for (i = 0; i < heardStationsLength; i++) { // first we update the PING window if ( arg.stations[i]["dxcallsign"] == document.getElementById("dxCall").value.toUpperCase() ) { var dxGrid = arg.stations[i]["dxgrid"]; var myGrid = document.getElementById("myGrid").value; try { var dist = parseInt(distance(myGrid, dxGrid)) + " km"; document.getElementById("dataModalPingDistance").textContent = dist; } catch { document.getElementById("dataModalPingDistance").textContent = "---"; } document.getElementById("dataModalPingDB").textContent = arg.stations[i]["snr"]; } // now we update the heard stations list var row = document.createElement("tr"); // // timestampRaw = arg.stations[i]["timestamp"]; var date = new Date(timestampRaw * 1000); var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes(); var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds(); var datetime = hours + ":" + minutes.substr(-2) + ":" + seconds.substr(-2); var timestamp = document.createElement("td"); var timestampText = document.createElement("span"); timestampText.innerText = datetime; timestamp.appendChild(timestampText); var frequency = document.createElement("td"); var frequencyText = document.createElement("span"); frequencyText.innerText = arg.stations[i]["frequency"]; frequency.appendChild(frequencyText); var dxCall = document.createElement("td"); var dxCallText = document.createElement("span"); dxCallText.innerText = arg.stations[i]["dxcallsign"]; let dxCallTextCall = dxCallText.innerText; let dxCallTextShort = dxCallTextCall.split("-", 1)[0]; row.addEventListener("click", function () { document.getElementById("dxCall").value = dxCallTextCall; }); dxCall.appendChild(dxCallText); var dxGrid = document.createElement("td"); var dxGridText = document.createElement("span"); dxGridText.innerText = arg.stations[i]["dxgrid"]; dxGrid.appendChild(dxGridText); var gridDistance = document.createElement("td"); var gridDistanceText = document.createElement("span"); try { if (arg.stations[i]["dxgrid"].toString() != "------") { gridDistanceText.innerText = parseInt( distance( document.getElementById("myGrid").value, arg.stations[i]["dxgrid"] ) ) + " km"; } else { gridDistanceText.innerText = "---"; } } catch { gridDistanceText.innerText = "---"; } gridDistance.appendChild(gridDistanceText); var dataType = document.createElement("td"); var dataTypeText = document.createElement("span"); dataTypeText.innerText = arg.stations[i]["datatype"]; dataType.appendChild(dataTypeText); switch (dataTypeText.innerText) { case "CQ CQ CQ": dataTypeText.textContent = "CQ CQ"; row.classList.add("table-success"); break; case "DATA-CHANNEL": dataTypeText.innerHTML = ''; row.classList.add("table-warning"); break; case "BEACON": dataTypeText.textContent = "BCN"; row.classList.add("table-light"); break; case "PING": row.classList.add("table-info"); break; case "PING-ACK": row.classList.add("table-primary"); break; case "SESSION-HB": dataTypeText.innerHTML = ''; //dataType.appendChild(dataTypeText); break; } var snr = document.createElement("td"); var snrText = document.createElement("span"); snrText.innerText = arg.stations[i]["snr"]; snr.appendChild(snrText); var offset = document.createElement("td"); var offsetText = " "; if (contrib.indexOf(dxCallTextShort) >= 0) { var offsetText = ''; } else { if (dxCallTextShort == "DJ2LS") { var offsetText = ''; } } offset.innerHTML = offsetText; row.appendChild(timestamp); row.appendChild(frequency); row.appendChild(offset); row.appendChild(dxCall); row.appendChild(dxGrid); row.appendChild(gridDistance); row.appendChild(dataType); row.appendChild(snr); tbl.appendChild(row); } } ipcRenderer.on("action-update-daemon-state", (event, arg) => { /* // deactivetd RAM und CPU view so we dont get errors. We need to find a new place for this feature // RAM document.getElementById("progressbar_ram").setAttribute("aria-valuenow", arg.ram_usage) document.getElementById("progressbar_ram").setAttribute("style", "width:" + arg.ram_usage + "%;") document.getElementById("progressbar_ram_value").innerHTML = arg.ram_usage + "%" // CPU document.getElementById("progressbar_cpu").setAttribute("aria-valuenow", arg.cpu_usage) document.getElementById("progressbar_cpu").setAttribute("style", "width:" + arg.cpu_usage + "%;") document.getElementById("progressbar_cpu_value").innerHTML = arg.cpu_usage + "%" */ /* document.getElementById("ram_load").innerHTML = arg.ram_usage + "%" document.getElementById("cpu_load").innerHTML = arg.cpu_usage + "%" */ // OPERATING SYSTEM //document.getElementById("operating_system").innerHTML = "OS " + os.type() /* // PYTHON VERSION document.getElementById("python_version").innerHTML = "Python " + arg.python_version document.getElementById("python_version").className = "btn btn-sm btn-success"; */ /* // HAMLIB VERSION document.getElementById("hamlib_version").innerHTML = "Hamlib " + arg.hamlib_version document.getElementById("hamlib_version").className = "btn btn-sm btn-success"; */ /* // NODE VERSION document.getElementById("node_version").innerHTML = "Node " + process.version document.getElementById("node_version").className = "btn btn-sm btn-success"; */ // UPDATE AUDIO INPUT if (arg.tnc_running_state == "stopped") { if ( document.getElementById("audio_input_selectbox").length != arg.input_devices.length ) { document.getElementById("audio_input_selectbox").innerHTML = ""; for (i = 0; i < arg.input_devices.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = arg.input_devices[i]["name"]; option.value = arg.input_devices[i]["id"]; // set device from config if available if (config.rx_audio == option.text) { option.setAttribute("selected", true); } document.getElementById("audio_input_selectbox").add(option); } } } // UPDATE AUDIO OUTPUT if (arg.tnc_running_state == "stopped") { if ( document.getElementById("audio_output_selectbox").length != arg.output_devices.length ) { document.getElementById("audio_output_selectbox").innerHTML = ""; for (i = 0; i < arg.output_devices.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = arg.output_devices[i]["name"]; option.value = arg.output_devices[i]["id"]; // set device from config if available if (config.tx_audio == option.text) { option.setAttribute("selected", true); } document.getElementById("audio_output_selectbox").add(option); } } } // UPDATE SERIAL DEVICES if (arg.tnc_running_state == "stopped") { if ( document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").length != arg.serial_devices.length ) { document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").innerHTML = ""; var ignore = document.createElement("option"); ignore.text = "-- ignore --"; ignore.value = "ignore"; document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").add(ignore); for (i = 0; i < arg.serial_devices.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = arg.serial_devices[i]["port"] + " -- " + arg.serial_devices[i]["description"]; option.value = arg.serial_devices[i]["port"]; document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").add(option); } // set device from config if available document.getElementById("hamlib_deviceport").value = config.hamlib_deviceport; } } if (arg.tnc_running_state == "stopped") { if ( document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").length != arg.serial_devices.length ) { document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").innerHTML = ""; var ignore = document.createElement("option"); ignore.text = "-- ignore --"; ignore.value = "ignore"; document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").add(ignore); for (i = 0; i < arg.serial_devices.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = arg.serial_devices[i]["port"] + " -- " + arg.serial_devices[i]["description"]; option.value = arg.serial_devices[i]["port"]; document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").add(option); } // set device from config if available document.getElementById("hamlib_ptt_port").value = config.hamlib_ptt_port; } } }); // ACTION UPDATE HAMLIB TEST ipcRenderer.on("action-update-hamlib-test", (event, arg) => { console.log(arg.hamlib_result); if (arg.hamlib_result == "SUCCESS") { document.getElementById("testHamlib").className = "btn btn-sm btn-success"; // BUTTON HAS BEEN REMOVED //document.getElementById("testHamlibAdvanced").className = "btn btn-sm btn-success"; } if (arg.hamlib_result == "NOSUCCESS") { document.getElementById("testHamlib").className = "btn btn-sm btn-warning"; // BUTTON HAS BEEN REMOVED //document.getElementById("testHamlibAdvanced").className = "btn btn-sm btn-warning"; } if (arg.hamlib_result == "FAILED") { document.getElementById("testHamlib").className = "btn btn-sm btn-danger"; // BUTTON HAS BEEN REMOVED //document.getElementById("testHamlibAdvanced").className = "btn btn-sm btn-danger"; } }); ipcRenderer.on("action-update-daemon-connection", (event, arg) => { if (arg.daemon_connection == "open") { document.getElementById("daemon_connection_state").className = "btn btn-success"; //document.getElementById("blurdiv").style.webkitFilter = "blur(0px)"; } if (arg.daemon_connection == "opening") { document.getElementById("daemon_connection_state").className = "btn btn-warning"; //document.getElementById("blurdiv").style.webkitFilter = "blur(10px)"; } if (arg.daemon_connection == "closed") { document.getElementById("daemon_connection_state").className = "btn btn-danger"; //document.getElementById("blurdiv").style.webkitFilter = "blur(10px)"; } }); ipcRenderer.on("action-update-tnc-connection", (event, arg) => { if (arg.tnc_connection == "open") { /* document.getElementById('hamlib_deviceid').disabled = true; document.getElementById('hamlib_deviceport').disabled = true; document.getElementById('testHamlib').disabled = true; document.getElementById('hamlib_ptt_protocol').disabled = true; document.getElementById('audio_input_selectbox').disabled = true; document.getElementById('audio_output_selectbox').disabled = true; //document.getElementById('stopTNC').disabled = false; document.getElementById('startTNC').disabled = true; document.getElementById('dxCall').disabled = false; document.getElementById("hamlib_serialspeed").disabled = true; document.getElementById("openDataModule").disabled = false; */ // collapse settings screen var collapseFirstRow = new bootstrap.Collapse( document.getElementById("collapseFirstRow"), { toggle: false } ); collapseFirstRow.hide(); var collapseSecondRow = new bootstrap.Collapse( document.getElementById("collapseSecondRow"), { toggle: false } ); collapseSecondRow.hide(); var collapseThirdRow = new bootstrap.Collapse( document.getElementById("collapseThirdRow"), { toggle: false } );; var collapseFourthRow = new bootstrap.Collapse( document.getElementById("collapseFourthRow"), { toggle: false } );; //Set tuning for fancy graphics mode (high/low CPU) set_CPU_mode(); } else { /* document.getElementById('hamlib_deviceid').disabled = false; document.getElementById('hamlib_deviceport').disabled = false; document.getElementById('testHamlib').disabled = false; document.getElementById('hamlib_ptt_protocol').disabled = false; document.getElementById('audio_input_selectbox').disabled = false; document.getElementById('audio_output_selectbox').disabled = false; //document.getElementById('stopTNC').disabled = true; document.getElementById('startTNC').disabled = false; document.getElementById('dxCall').disabled = true; document.getElementById("hamlib_serialspeed").disabled = false; document.getElementById("openDataModule").disabled = true; */ // collapse settings screen var collapseFirstRow = new bootstrap.Collapse( document.getElementById("collapseFirstRow"), { toggle: false } );; var collapseSecondRow = new bootstrap.Collapse( document.getElementById("collapseSecondRow"), { toggle: false } );; var collapseThirdRow = new bootstrap.Collapse( document.getElementById("collapseThirdRow"), { toggle: false } ); collapseThirdRow.hide(); var collapseFourthRow = new bootstrap.Collapse( document.getElementById("collapseFourthRow"), { toggle: false } ); collapseFourthRow.hide(); } }); ipcRenderer.on("action-update-rx-buffer", (event, arg) => { var data =["data"]; var tbl = document.getElementById("rx-data"); document.getElementById("rx-data").innerHTML = ""; for (i = 0; i <; i++) { // first we update the PING window if ([i]["dxcallsign"] == document.getElementById("dxCall").value.toUpperCase() ) { /* // if we are sending data without doing a ping before, we don't have a grid locator available. This could be a future feature for the TNC! if([i]['DXGRID'] != ''){ document.getElementById("pingDistance").innerHTML = arg.stations[i]['DXGRID'] } */ //document.getElementById("pingDB").innerHTML = arg.stations[i]['snr']; document.getElementById("dataModalPingDB").innerHTML = arg.stations[i]["snr"]; } // now we update the received files list var row = document.createElement("tr"); // // timestampRaw =[i]["timestamp"]; var date = new Date(timestampRaw * 1000); var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes(); var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds(); var datetime = hours + ":" + minutes.substr(-2) + ":" + seconds.substr(-2); var timestamp = document.createElement("td"); var timestampText = document.createElement("span"); timestampText.innerText = datetime; timestamp.appendChild(timestampText); var dxCall = document.createElement("td"); var dxCallText = document.createElement("span"); dxCallText.innerText =[i]["dxcallsign"]; dxCall.appendChild(dxCallText); /* var dxGrid = document.createElement("td"); var dxGridText = document.createElement('span'); dxGridText.innerText =[i]['DXGRID'] dxGrid.appendChild(dxGridText); */ console.log(; var encoded_data = atob([i]["data"]); var splitted_data = encoded_data.split(split_char); console.log(splitted_data); var fileName = document.createElement("td"); var fileNameText = document.createElement("span"); //var fileNameString =[i]['data'][0]['fn']; var fileNameString = splitted_data[1]; fileNameText.innerText = fileNameString; fileName.appendChild(fileNameText); row.appendChild(timestamp); row.appendChild(dxCall); // row.appendChild(dxGrid); row.appendChild(fileName); tbl.appendChild(row); // //var appDataFolder = process.env.HOME; //console.log("appDataFolder:" + appDataFolder); //var applicationFolder = path.join(appDataFolder, "FreeDATA"); //console.log(applicationFolder); //var receivedFilesFolder = path.join(applicationFolder, "receivedFiles"); var receivedFilesFolder = path.join(config.received_files_folder); console.log("receivedFilesFolder: " + receivedFilesFolder); // Creates receivedFiles folder if not exists // fs.mkdir( receivedFilesFolder, { recursive: true, }, function (err) { console.log(err); } ); // write file to data folder ////var base64String =[i]['data'][0]['d'] // remove header from base64 String // ////var base64Data = base64String.split(';base64,').pop() //write data to file var base64Data = splitted_data[4]; var receivedFile = path.join(receivedFilesFolder, fileNameString); console.log(receivedFile); require("fs").writeFile(receivedFile, base64Data, "binary", function (err) { //require("fs").writeFile(receivedFile, base64Data, 'base64', function(err) { console.log(err); }); } }); ipcRenderer.on("run-tnc-command", (event, arg) => { if (arg.command == "save_my_call") { sock.saveMyCall(arg.callsign); } if (arg.command == "save_my_grid") { sock.saveMyGrid(arg.grid); } if (arg.command == "ping") { sock.sendPing(arg.dxcallsign); } if (arg.command == "send_file") { sock.sendFile( arg.dxcallsign, arg.mode, arg.frames, arg.filename, arg.filetype,, arg.checksum ); } if (arg.command == "send_message") { sock.sendMessage( arg.dxcallsign, arg.mode, arg.frames,, arg.checksum, arg.uuid, arg.command ); } if (arg.command == "stop_transmission") { sock.stopTransmission(); } if (arg.command == "set_tx_audio_level") { sock.setTxAudioLevel(arg.tx_audio_level); } if (arg.command == "record_audio") { sock.record_audio(); } if (arg.command == "send_test_frame") { sock.sendTestFrame(); } if (arg.command == "frequency") { sock.set_frequency(arg.frequency); } if (arg.command == "mode") { sock.set_mode(arg.mode); } }); // IPC ACTION FOR AUTO UPDATER ipcRenderer.on("action-updater", (event, arg) => { if (arg.status == "download-progress") { var progressinfo = "(" + Math.round(arg.progress.transferred / 1024) + "kB /" + Math.round( / 1024) + "kB)" + " @ " + Math.round(arg.progress.bytesPerSecond / 1024) + "kByte/s"; document.getElementById("UpdateProgressInfo").innerHTML = progressinfo; document .getElementById("UpdateProgressBar") .setAttribute("aria-valuenow", arg.progress.percent); document .getElementById("UpdateProgressBar") .setAttribute("style", "width:" + arg.progress.percent + "%;"); } if (arg.status == "checking-for-update") { //document.title = document.title + ' - v' + arg.version; updateTitle( config.myCall, config.tnc_host, config.tnc_port, " -v " + arg.version ); document.getElementById("updater_status").innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById("updater_status").className = "btn btn-secondary btn-sm"; document.getElementById("update_and_install").style.display = "none"; } if (arg.status == "update-downloaded") { document.getElementById("update_and_install").removeAttribute("style"); document.getElementById("updater_status").innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById("updater_status").className = "btn btn-success btn-sm"; // HERE WE NEED TO RUN THIS SOMEHOW... //'quit application and install update'); //autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); } if (arg.status == "update-not-available") { document.getElementById("updater_status").innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById("updater_status").className = "btn btn-success btn-sm"; document.getElementById("update_and_install").style.display = "none"; } if (arg.status == "update-available") { document.getElementById("updater_status").innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById("updater_status").className = "btn btn-warning btn-sm"; document.getElementById("update_and_install").style.display = "none"; } if (arg.status == "error") { document.getElementById("updater_status").innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById("updater_status").className = "btn btn-danger btn-sm"; document.getElementById("update_and_install").style.display = "none"; } }); // ----------- INFO MODAL ACTIONS ------------------------------- // CQ TRANSMITTING ipcRenderer.on("action-show-cq-toast-transmitting", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "transmitting cq"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // CQ RECEIVED ipcRenderer.on("action-show-cq-toast-received", (event, data) => { let dxcallsign = data["data"][0]["dxcallsign"]; let dxgrid = data["data"][0]["dxgrid"]; let content = `cq from ${dxcallsign} (${dxgrid})`; displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = content), (duration = 5000) ); }); // QRV TRANSMITTING ipcRenderer.on("action-show-qrv-toast-transmitting", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "transmitting qrv"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // QRV RECEIVED ipcRenderer.on("action-show-qrv-toast-received", (event, data) => { console.log(data["data"][0]); let dxcallsign = data["data"][0]["dxcallsign"]; let dxgrid = data["data"][0]["dxgrid"]; let content = `received qrv from ${dxcallsign} (${dxgrid})`; displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = content), (duration = 5000) ); }); // BEACON TRANSMITTING ipcRenderer.on("action-show-beacon-toast-transmitting", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "info"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "transmitting beacon"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // BEACON RECEIVED ipcRenderer.on("action-show-beacon-toast-received", (event, data) => { console.log(data["data"][0]); let dxcallsign = data["data"][0]["dxcallsign"]; let dxgrid = data["data"][0]["dxgrid"]; let content = `beacon from ${dxcallsign} (${dxgrid})`; displayToast( (type = "info"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = content), (duration = 5000) ); }); // PING TRANSMITTING ipcRenderer.on("action-show-ping-toast-transmitting", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "transmitting ping"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // PING RECEIVED ipcRenderer.on("action-show-ping-toast-received", (event, data) => { console.log(data["data"][0]); let dxcallsign = data["data"][0]["dxcallsign"]; let content = `ping from ${dxcallsign}`; displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = content), (duration = 5000) ); }); // PING RECEIVED ACK ipcRenderer.on("action-show-ping-toast-received-ack", (event, data) => { console.log(data["data"][0]); let dxcallsign = data["data"][0]["dxcallsign"]; let dxgrid = data["data"][0]["dxgrid"]; let content = `ping ACK from ${dxcallsign} (${dxgrid})`; displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-check"), (content = content), (duration = 5000) ); }); // DATA CHANNEL OPENING TOAST ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-datachannel-opening", (event, data) => { console.log(data["data"][0]); let dxcallsign = data["data"][0]["dxcallsign"]; let content = `opening datachannel with ${dxcallsign}`; displayToast( (type = "secondary"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = content), (duration = 5000) ); }); // DATA CHANNEL WAITING TOAST ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-datachannel-waiting", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "warning"), (icon = "bi-smartwatch"), (content = "channel busy - waiting..."), (duration = 5000) ); }); // DATA CHANNEL OPEN TOAST ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-datachannel-open", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = "datachannel open"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // DATA CHANNEL RECEIVED OPENER TOAST ipcRenderer.on( "action-show-arq-toast-datachannel-received-opener", (event, data) => { console.log(data["data"][0]); let dxcallsign = data["data"][0]["dxcallsign"]; let content = `datachannel requested by ${dxcallsign}`; displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = content), (duration = 5000) ); } ); // ARQ TRANSMISSION FAILED // TODO: use for both - transmitting and receiving --> we need to change the IDs ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-transmission-failed", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "danger"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = "transmission failed"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION FAILED (Version mismatch) ipcRenderer.on( "action-show-arq-toast-transmission-failed-ver", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "danger"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "protocol version missmatch"), (duration = 5000) ); } ); // ARQ TRANSMISSION STOPPED // TODO: RENAME ID -- WRONG ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-transmission-stopped", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = "transmission stopped"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION FAILED // TODO: USE FOR TX AND RX ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-transmission-failed", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "danger"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "arq transmission failed"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION TRANSMITTED ipcRenderer.on( "action-show-arq-toast-transmission-transmitted", (event, data) => { console.log(data["data"][0]); let content = `received cq from ${dxcallsign} (${dxgrid})`; displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "data transmitted"), (duration = 5000) ); } ); // ARQ TRANSMISSION TRANSMITTING ipcRenderer.on( "action-show-arq-toast-transmission-transmitting", (event, data) => { var irs_snr = data["data"][0].irs_snr; if (irs_snr <= 0) { displayToast( (type = "warning"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "low link margin: " + irs_snr + " dB"), (duration = 5000) ); } else if (irs_snr > 0 && irs_snr <= 5) { displayToast( (type = "warning"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "medium link margin: " + irs_snr + " dB"), (duration = 5000) ); } else if (irs_snr > 5 && irs_snr < 12.7) { displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "high link margin: " + irs_snr + " dB"), (duration = 5000) ); } else if (irs_snr >= 12.7) { displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-broadcast"), (content = "very high link margin: " + irs_snr + " dB"), (duration = 5000) ); } else { //displayToast(type='info', icon='bi-broadcast', content='no snr information', duration=5000); } } ); // ARQ TRANSMISSION RECEIVED ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-transmission-received", (event, data) => { console.log(data["data"][0]); displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-check-circle"), (content = "all data received"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION RECEIVING ipcRenderer.on( "action-show-arq-toast-transmission-receiving", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "primary"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = "session receiving"), (duration = 5000) ); } ); // ARQ SESSION CONNECTING ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-session-connecting", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "primary"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = "connecting..."), (duration = 5000) ); }); // ARQ SESSION CONNECTED ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-session-connected", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "success"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = "session connected"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // ARQ SESSION CONNECTED ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-session-waiting", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "warning"), (icon = "bi-smartwatch"), (content = "session waiting..."), (duration = 5000) ); }); // ARQ SESSION CLOSE ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-session-close", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "warning"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = "session close"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // ARQ SESSION FAILED ipcRenderer.on("action-show-arq-toast-session-failed", (event, data) => { displayToast( (type = "danger"), (icon = "bi-arrow-left-right"), (content = "session failed"), (duration = 5000) ); }); // enable or disable a setting by given switch and element // not used at this time function enable_setting(enable_switch, enable_object) { if (document.getElementById(enable_switch).checked) { config[enable_switch] = true; document .getElementById(enable_object) .removeAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } else { config[enable_switch] = false; document.getElementById(enable_object).setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); } // enable or disable a setting switch // not used at this time function set_setting_switch(setting_switch, enable_object, state) { document.getElementById(setting_switch).checked = state; enable_setting(setting_switch, enable_object); } setInterval(checkRigctld, 500); function checkRigctld() { var rigctld_ip = document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_ip").value; var rigctld_port = document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_port").value; let Data = { ip: rigctld_ip, port: rigctld_port, }; //Prevents an error on startup if hamlib settings aren't populated yet if (rigctld_port.length > 0 && rigctld_ip.length > 0) { ipcRenderer.send("request-check-rigctld", Data); } } ipcRenderer.on("action-check-rigctld", (event, data) => { document.getElementById("hamlib_rigctld_status").value = data["state"]; }); ipcRenderer.on("action-set-app-version", (event, data) => { appVer = data; }); function updateTitle( mycall = config.mycall, tnc = config.tnc_host, tncport = config.tnc_port, appender = "" ) { //Multiple consecutive spaces get converted to a single space var title = "FreeDATA " + appVer + " - Call: " + mycall + " - TNC: " + tnc + ":" + tncport + appender; if (title != document.title) { document.title = title; } } //Set force to true to ensure a class is present on a control, other set to false to ensure it isn't present function toggleClass(control, classToToggle, force) { var cntrl = document.getElementById(control); if (cntrl == undefined) { //console.log("toggle class: unknown control", control); return; } var activeClasses = cntrl.getAttribute("class"); //var oldactive = activeClasses; if (force == true && activeClasses.indexOf(classToToggle) >= 0) { return; } if (force == false && activeClasses.indexOf(classToToggle) == -1) { return; } if (force == true) { activeClasses += " " + classToToggle; } else { activeClasses = activeClasses.replace(classToToggle, ""); } activeClasses = activeClasses.replace(" ", " ").trim(); cntrl.setAttribute("class", activeClasses); //console.log(control," toggleClass; force: ", force, "class: " ,classToToggle, " in: '" ,oldactive, "' out: '",activeClasses,"'"); } function set_CPU_mode() { if (config.high_graphics.toUpperCase() == "FALSE") { toggleClass("dbfs_level", "disable-effects", true); toggleClass("dbfs_level", "progress-bar-striped", false); toggleClass("waterfall", "disable-effects", true); toggleClass("transmission_progress", "disable-effects", true); toggleClass("transmission_progress", "progress-bar-striped", false); } else { toggleClass("dbfs_level", "disable-effects", false); toggleClass("dbfs_level", "progress-bar-striped", true); toggleClass("waterfall", "disable-effects", false); toggleClass("transmission_progress", "disable-effects", false); toggleClass("transmission_progress", "progress-bar-striped", true); } } //Temporarily disable a button with timeout function pauseButton(btn, timems) { btn.disabled = true; var curText = btn.innerHTML; if (config.high_graphics.toUpperCase() == "TRUE") { btn.innerHTML = '