import sys import threading import time import lzma from random import randrange import hmac import hashlib import helpers import modem import numpy as np from codec2 import FREEDV_MODE from modem_frametypes import FRAME_TYPE as FR_TYPE import event_manager from protocol_arq import ARQ class ISS(ARQ): def __init__(self, config, event_queue, states): super().__init__(config, event_queue, states) self.tx_n_max_retries_per_burst = 40 self.datachannel_opening_interval = self.duration_sig1_frame + self.channel_busy_timeout + 1 # time between attempts when opening data channel self.irs_buffer_position = 0 # actual n retries of burst self.tx_n_retry_of_burst = 0 self.burst_ack_snr = 0 # SNR from received burst ack frames def arq_transmit(self, data_out: bytes, hmac_salt: bytes): """ Transmit ARQ frame Args: data_out:bytes: """ # set signalling modes we want to listen to # we are in an ongoing arq transmission, so we don't need sig0 actually modem.demodulator.RECEIVE_SIG0 = False modem.demodulator.RECEIVE_SIG1 = True self.tx_n_retry_of_burst = 0 # retries we already sent data # Maximum number of retries to send before declaring a frame is lost # save len of data_out to TOTAL_BYTES for our statistics self.states.set("arq_total_bytes", len(data_out)) self.arq_file_transfer = True frame_total_size = len(data_out).to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") # Compress data frame data_frame_compressed = lzma.compress(data_out) compression_factor = len(data_out) / len(data_frame_compressed) self.arq_compression_factor = np.clip(compression_factor, 0, 255) compression_factor = bytes([int(self.arq_compression_factor * 10)]) self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="transmitting", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, finished=self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) "[Modem] | TX | DATACHANNEL", Bytes=self.states.arq_total_bytes, ) data_out = data_frame_compressed # Reset data transfer statistics tx_start_of_transmission = time.time() self.calculate_transfer_rate_tx(tx_start_of_transmission, 0, len(data_out)) # check if hmac signature is available if hmac_salt not in ['', False]: print(data_out) # create hmac digest hmac_digest =, data_out, hashlib.sha256).digest() # truncate to 32bit frame_payload_crc = hmac_digest[:4] self.log.debug("[Modem] frame payload HMAC:", crc=frame_payload_crc.hex()) else: # Append a crc at the beginning and end of file indicators frame_payload_crc = helpers.get_crc_32(data_out) self.log.debug("[Modem] frame payload CRC:", crc=frame_payload_crc.hex()) # Assemble the data frame data_out = ( self.data_frame_bof + frame_payload_crc + frame_total_size + compression_factor + data_out + self.data_frame_eof ) self.log.debug("[Modem] frame raw data:", data=data_out) # Initial bufferposition is 0 bufferposition = 0 bufferposition_end = 0 bufferposition_burst_start = 0 # Iterate through data_out buffer while not self.data_frame_ack_received and self.states.is_arq_state: # we have self.tx_n_max_retries_per_burst attempts for sending a burst for self.tx_n_retry_of_burst in range(self.tx_n_max_retries_per_burst): # Bound speed level to: # - minimum of either the speed or the length of mode list - 1 # - maximum of either the speed or zero self.speed_level = min(self.speed_level, len(self.mode_list) - 1) self.speed_level = max(self.speed_level, 0) self.states.set("arq_speed_level", self.speed_level) data_mode = self.mode_list[self.speed_level] self.log.debug( "[Modem] Speed-level:", level=self.speed_level, retry=self.tx_n_retry_of_burst, mode=FREEDV_MODE(data_mode).name, ) # Payload information payload_per_frame = modem.get_bytes_per_frame(data_mode) - 2"[Modem] early buffer info", bufferposition=bufferposition, bufferposition_end=bufferposition_end, bufferposition_burst_start=bufferposition_burst_start ) # check for maximum frames per burst for remaining data n_frames_per_burst = 1 if self.max_n_frames_per_burst > 1: while (payload_per_frame * n_frames_per_burst) % len(data_out[bufferposition_burst_start:]) == ( payload_per_frame * n_frames_per_burst): threading.Event().wait(0.01) # print((payload_per_frame * n_frames_per_burst) % len(data_out)) n_frames_per_burst += 1 if n_frames_per_burst == self.max_n_frames_per_burst: break else: n_frames_per_burst = 1"[Modem] calculated frames_per_burst:", n=n_frames_per_burst) tempbuffer = [] self.rpt_request_buffer = [] # Append data frames with n_frames_per_burst to tempbuffer for n_frame in range(n_frames_per_burst): arqheader = bytearray() arqheader[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BURST_01.value + n_frame]) #####arqheader[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BURST_01.value]) arqheader[1:2] = bytes([n_frames_per_burst]) arqheader[2:3] = self.session_id # only check for buffer position if at least one NACK received"[Modem] ----- data buffer position:", iss_buffer_pos=bufferposition, irs_bufferposition=self.irs_buffer_position) if self.frame_nack_counter > 0 and self.irs_buffer_position != bufferposition: self.log.error("[Modem] ----- data buffer offset:", iss_buffer_pos=bufferposition, irs_bufferposition=self.irs_buffer_position) # only adjust buffer position for experimental versions if self.enable_experimental_features: self.log.warning("[Modem] ----- data adjustment enabled!") bufferposition = self.irs_buffer_position bufferposition_end = bufferposition + payload_per_frame - len(arqheader) # Normal condition if bufferposition_end <= len(data_out): frame = data_out[bufferposition:bufferposition_end] frame = arqheader + frame # Pad the last bytes of a frame else: extended_data_out = data_out[bufferposition:] extended_data_out += bytes([0]) * ( payload_per_frame - len(extended_data_out) - len(arqheader) ) frame = arqheader + extended_data_out ######tempbuffer = frame # [frame] tempbuffer.append(frame) # add data to our repeat request buffer for easy access if we received a request self.rpt_request_buffer.append(frame) # set new buffer position bufferposition = bufferposition_end self.log.debug("[Modem] tempbuffer:", tempbuffer=tempbuffer) "[Modem] ARQ | TX | FRAMES", mode=FREEDV_MODE(data_mode).name, fpb=n_frames_per_burst, retry=self.tx_n_retry_of_burst, ) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(tempbuffer, c2_mode=data_mode) # After transmission finished, wait for an ACK or RPT frame while ( self.states.is_arq_state and not self.burst_ack and not self.burst_nack and not self.rpt_request_received and not self.data_frame_ack_received ): threading.Event().wait(0.01) # Once we receive a burst ack, reset its state and break the RETRIES loop if self.burst_ack: self.burst_ack = False # reset ack state self.tx_n_retry_of_burst = 0 # reset retries self.log.debug( "[Modem] arq_transmit: Received BURST ACK. Sending next chunk." , irs_snr=self.burst_ack_snr) # update temp bufferposition for n frames per burst early calculation bufferposition_burst_start = bufferposition_end break # break retry loop if self.data_frame_ack_received: self.log.debug( "[Modem] arq_transmit: Received FRAME ACK. Braking retry loop." ) break # break retry loop if self.burst_nack: self.tx_n_retry_of_burst += 1 self.log.warning( "[Modem] arq_transmit: Received BURST NACK. Resending data", bufferposition_burst_start=bufferposition_burst_start, bufferposition=bufferposition ) bufferposition = bufferposition_burst_start self.burst_nack = False # reset nack state # We need this part for leaving the repeat loop # self.states.is_arq_state == "DATA" --> when stopping transmission manually if not self.states.is_arq_state: self.log.debug( "[Modem] arq_transmit: ARQ State changed to FALSE. Breaking retry loop." ) break self.calculate_transfer_rate_tx( tx_start_of_transmission, bufferposition_end, len(data_out) ) # NEXT ATTEMPT self.log.debug( "[Modem] ATTEMPT:", retry=self.tx_n_retry_of_burst, maxretries=self.tx_n_max_retries_per_burst, ) # update buffer position bufferposition = bufferposition_end # update stats self.calculate_transfer_rate_tx( tx_start_of_transmission, bufferposition_end, len(data_out) ) self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="transmitting", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, finished=self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish, irs_snr=self.burst_ack_snr, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) # Stay in the while loop until we receive a data_frame_ack. Otherwise, # the loop exits after sending the last frame only once and doesn't # wait for an acknowledgement. if self.data_frame_ack_received and bufferposition > len(data_out): self.log.debug("[Modem] arq_tx: Last fragment sent and acknowledged.") break # GOING TO NEXT ITERATION if self.data_frame_ack_received: self.arq_transmit_success() else: self.arq_transmit_failed() if TESTMODE: # Quit after transmission self.log.debug("[Modem] TESTMODE: arq_transmit exiting.") sys.exit(0) def arq_transmit_success(self): """ will be called if we successfully transmitted all of queued data """ # we need to wait until sending "transmitted" state # gui database is too slow for handling this within 0.001 seconds # so let's sleep a little threading.Event().wait(0.2) self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="transmitted", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, finished=self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS), nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, speed_list=self.states.arq_speed_list ) "[Modem] ARQ | TX | DATA TRANSMITTED!", BytesPerMinute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, total_bytes=self.states.arq_total_bytes, BitsPerSecond=self.states.arq_bits_per_second, ) # finally do an arq cleanup self.arq_cleanup() def arq_transmit_failed(self): """ will be called if we not successfully transmitted all of queued data """ self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS), nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, speed_list=self.states.arq_speed_list ) "[Modem] ARQ | TX | TRANSMISSION FAILED OR TIME OUT!") self.stop_transmission() def burst_ack_nack_received(self, data_in: bytes, snr) -> None: """ Received an ACK/NACK for a transmitted frame, keep track and make adjustments to speed level if needed. Args: data_in:bytes: Returns: """ # Process data only if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if self.states.is_arq_state: self.dxgrid = b'------' helpers.add_to_heard_stations( self.dxcallsign, self.dxgrid, "DATA", snr, self.modem_frequency_offset, self.states.radio_frequency, self.states.heard_stations ) frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") if frametype == FR_TYPE.BURST_ACK.value: # Increase speed level if we received a burst ack # self.speed_level = min(self.speed_level + 1, len(self.mode_list) - 1) # Force data retry loops of TX Modem to stop and continue with next frame self.burst_ack = True # Reset burst nack counter self.burst_nack_counter = 0 # Reset n retries per burst counter self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 self.irs_buffer_position = int.from_bytes(data_in[4:8], "big") self.burst_ack_snr = helpers.snr_from_bytes(data_in[2:3]) else: # Decrease speed level if we received a burst nack # self.speed_level = max(self.speed_level - 1, 0) # Set flag to retry frame again. self.burst_nack = True # Increment burst nack counter self.burst_nack_counter += 1 self.burst_ack_snr = 'NaN' self.irs_buffer_position = int.from_bytes(data_in[5:9], "big") self.log.warning( "[Modem] ARQ | TX | Burst NACK received", burst_nack_counter=self.burst_nack_counter, irs_buffer_position=self.irs_buffer_position, ) # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) # self.burst_ack_snr = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[2:3]), "big") self.burst_ack_snr = helpers.snr_from_bytes(data_in[2:3]) #"SNR ON IRS", snr=self.burst_ack_snr) self.speed_level = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[3:4]), "big") self.states.set("arq_speed_level", self.speed_level) def frame_ack_received( self, data_in: bytes, snr # pylint: disable=unused-argument, ) -> None: """Received an ACK for a transmitted frame""" # Process data only if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if self.states.is_arq_state: self.dxgrid = b'------' helpers.add_to_heard_stations( self.dxcallsign, self.dxgrid, "DATA", snr, self.modem_frequency_offset, self.states.radio_frequency, self.states.heard_stations ) # Force data loops of Modem to stop and continue with next frame self.data_frame_ack_received = True # Update arq_session and data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) self.arq_session_last_received = int(time.time()) def frame_nack_received( self, data_in: bytes, snr # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: """ Received a NACK for a transmitted frame Args: data_in:bytes: """ self.log.warning("[Modem] ARQ FRAME NACK RECEIVED - cleanup!", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS), nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, speed_list=self.states.arq_speed_list ) self.dxgrid = b'------' helpers.add_to_heard_stations( self.dxcallsign, self.dxgrid, "DATA", snr, self.modem_frequency_offset, self.states.radio_frequency, self.states.heard_stations ) self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS), nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, speed_list=self.states.arq_speed_list ) # Update data_channel timestamp self.arq_session_last_received = int(time.time()) self.arq_cleanup() def burst_rpt_received(self, data_in: bytes, snr): """ Repeat request frame received for transmitted frame Args: data_in:bytes: """ # Only process data if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if not self.states.is_arq_state or not self.states.is_modem_busy: return self.dxgrid = b'------' helpers.add_to_heard_stations( self.dxcallsign, self.dxgrid, "DATA", snr, self.modem_frequency_offset, self.states.radio_frequency, self.states.heard_stations )"[Modem] ARQ REPEAT RECEIVED") # self.rpt_request_received = True # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) # self.rpt_request_buffer = [] missing_area = bytes(data_in[2:12]) # 1:9 missing_area = missing_area.strip(b"\x00") print(missing_area) print(self.rpt_request_buffer) tempbuffer_rptframes = [] for i in range(len(missing_area)): print(missing_area[i]) missing_frames_buffer_position = missing_area[i] - 1 tempbuffer_rptframes.append(self.rpt_request_buffer[missing_frames_buffer_position])"[Modem] SENDING REPEAT....") data_mode = self.mode_list[self.speed_level] self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(tempbuffer_rptframes, c2_mode=data_mode) ############################################################################################################ # ARQ SESSION HANDLER ############################################################################################################ def arq_session_handler(self, mycallsign, dxcallsign) -> bool: """ Create a session with `self.dxcallsign` and wait until the session is open. Returns: True if the session was opened successfully False if the session open request failed """ encoded_call = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(encoded_call) encoded_call = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(dxcallsign) dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(encoded_call) self.states.set("dxcallsign", dxcallsign) dxcallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(dxcallsign) "[Modem] SESSION [" + str(mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>> <<[" + str(dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]", self.states.arq_session_state, ) # wait if we have a channel busy condition if self.states.channel_busy: self.channel_busy_handler() self.open_session() # wait until data channel is open while not self.states.is_arq_session and not self.arq_session_timeout: threading.Event().wait(0.01) self.states.set("arq_session_state", "connecting") self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="session", status="connecting", mycallsign=str(mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), ) if self.states.is_arq_session and self.states.arq_session_state == "connected": # self.states.set("arq_session_state", "connected") self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="session", status="connected", mycallsign=str(mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), ) return True self.log.warning( "[Modem] SESSION FAILED [" + str(mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>X<<[" + str(dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]", attempts=self.session_connect_max_retries, # Adjust for 0-based for user display reason="maximum connection attempts reached", state=self.states.arq_session_state, ) self.states.set("arq_session_state", "failed") self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="session", status="failed", reason="timeout", mycallsign=str(mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), ) return False def open_session(self) -> bool: """ Create and send the frame to request a connection. Returns: True if the session was opened successfully False if the session open request failed """ self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER = True self.states.set("arq_session_state", "connecting") # create a random session id self.session_id = np.random.bytes(1) connection_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig0_frame) connection_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_SESSION_OPEN.value]) connection_frame[1:2] = self.session_id connection_frame[2:5] = self.dxcallsign_crc connection_frame[5:8] = self.mycallsign_crc connection_frame[8:14] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) while not self.states.is_arq_session: threading.Event().wait(0.01) for attempt in range(self.session_connect_max_retries): "[Modem] SESSION [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>?<<[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]", a=f"{str(attempt + 1)}/{str(self.session_connect_max_retries)}", state=self.states.arq_session_state, ) self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="session", status="connecting", attempt=attempt + 1, maxattempts=self.session_connect_max_retries, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), ) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([connection_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig0.value, copies=1, repeat_delay=0) # Wait for a time, looking to see if `self.states.is_arq_session` # indicates we've received a positive response from the far station. timeout = time.time() + 3 while time.time() < timeout: threading.Event().wait(0.01) # Stop waiting if data channel is opened if self.states.is_arq_session: return True # Stop waiting and interrupt if data channel is getting closed while opening if self.states.arq_session_state == "disconnecting": # disabled this session close as its called twice # self.close_session() return False # Session connect timeout, send close_session frame to # attempt to clean up the far-side, if it received the # open_session frame and can still hear us. if not self.states.is_arq_session: self.close_session() return False # Given the while condition, it will only exit when `self.states.is_arq_session` is True self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="session", status="connected", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), ) return True def open_dc_and_transmit( self, data_out: bytes, transmission_uuid: str, mycallsign, dxcallsign, ) -> bool: """ Open data channel and transmit data Args: data_out:bytes: transmission_uuid:str: mycallsign:bytes: Returns: True if the data session was opened and the data was sent False if the data session was not opened """ self.mycallsign = mycallsign # additional step for being sure our callsign is correctly # in case we are not getting a station ssid # then we are forcing a station ssid = 0 if not self.states.is_arq_session: dxcallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(dxcallsign) dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(dxcallsign) self.dxcallsign = dxcallsign self.dxcallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(self.dxcallsign) # check if hmac hash is provided try:"[SCK] [HMAC] Looking for salt/token", local=mycallsign, remote=dxcallsign) hmac_salt = helpers.get_hmac_salt(dxcallsign, mycallsign)"[SCK] [HMAC] Salt info", local=mycallsign, remote=dxcallsign, salt=hmac_salt) except Exception: self.log.warning("[SCK] [HMAC] No salt/token found") hmac_salt = '' self.states.set("is_modem_busy", True) self.arq_file_transfer = True self.beacon_paused = True self.transmission_uuid = transmission_uuid # wait a moment for the case, a heartbeat is already on the way back to us # this makes channel establishment more clean if self.states.is_arq_session: threading.Event().wait(2.5) # init arq state event self.arq_state_event = threading.Event() # finally start the channel opening procedure self.arq_open_data_channel(mycallsign) # if data channel is open, return true else false if self.arq_state_event.is_set(): # start arq transmission self.arq_transmit(data_out, hmac_salt) return True else: self.log.debug( "[Modem] arq_open_data_channel:", transmission_uuid=self.transmission_uuid ) self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", reason="unknown", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS), nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, speed_list=self.states.arq_speed_list ) self.log.warning( "[Modem] ARQ | TX | DATA [" + str(mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>X<<[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]" ) # Attempt to clean up the far-side, if it received the # open_session frame and can still hear us. self.close_session() # release beacon pause self.beacon_paused = False # otherwise return false return False def arq_open_data_channel( self, mycallsign ) -> bool: """ Open an ARQ data channel. Args: mycallsign:bytes: Returns: True if the data channel was opened successfully False if the data channel failed to open """ # set IRS indicator to false, because we are IRS self.is_IRS = False # init a new random session id if we are not in an arq session if not self.states.is_arq_session: self.session_id = np.random.bytes(1) # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) # check if the Modem is running in low bandwidth mode # then set the corresponding frametype and build frame if self.low_bandwidth_mode: frametype = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_N.value]) self.log.debug("[Modem] Requesting low bandwidth mode") else: frametype = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_W.value]) self.log.debug("[Modem] Requesting high bandwidth mode") connection_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig0_frame) connection_frame[:1] = frametype connection_frame[1:4] = self.dxcallsign_crc connection_frame[4:7] = self.mycallsign_crc connection_frame[7:13] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) connection_frame[13:14] = self.session_id for attempt in range(self.data_channel_max_retries): self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="opening", mycallsign=mycallsign, dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) "[Modem] ARQ | DATA | TX | [" + mycallsign + "]>> <<[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]", attempt=f"{str(attempt + 1)}/{str(self.data_channel_max_retries)}", ) # Let's check if we have a busy channel and if we are not in a running arq session. if self.states.channel_busy and not self.arq_state_event.is_set() or self.states.is_codec2_traffic: self.channel_busy_handler() # if channel free, enqueue frame for tx if not self.arq_state_event.is_set(): self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([connection_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig0.value, copies=1, repeat_delay=0) # wait until timeout or event set random_wait_time = randrange(int(self.duration_sig1_frame * 10), int(self.datachannel_opening_interval * 10), 1) / 10 self.arq_state_event.wait(timeout=random_wait_time) if self.arq_state_event.is_set(): return True if not self.states.is_modem_busy: return False # `data_channel_max_retries` attempts have been sent. Aborting attempt & cleaning up return False def arq_received_channel_is_open(self, data_in: bytes, snr) -> None: """ Called if we received a data channel opener Args: data_in:bytes: """ protocol_version = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[13:14]), "big") if protocol_version == self.arq_protocol_version: self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="opened", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") if frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_ACK_N.value: self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = True self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw self.log.debug("[Modem] low bandwidth mode", modes=self.mode_list) else: self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False self.mode_list = self.mode_list_high_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_high_bw self.log.debug("[Modem] high bandwidth mode", modes=self.mode_list) # set speed level from session opener frame delegation self.speed_level = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[8:9]), "big") self.log.debug("[Modem] speed level selected for given SNR", speed_level=self.speed_level) self.dxgrid = b'------' helpers.add_to_heard_stations( self.dxcallsign, self.dxgrid, "DATA", snr, self.modem_frequency_offset, self.states.radio_frequency, self.states.heard_stations ) "[Modem] ARQ | DATA | TX | [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>|<<[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]", snr=snr, ) # as soon as we set ARQ_STATE to True, transmission starts self.states.set("is_arq_state", True) # also set the ARQ event self.arq_state_event.set() # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) else: self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", reason="protocol version missmatch", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) self.log.warning( "[Modem] protocol version mismatch:", received=protocol_version, own=self.arq_protocol_version, ) self.stop_transmission() def calculate_transfer_rate_tx( self, tx_start_of_transmission: float, sentbytes: int, tx_buffer_length: int ) -> list: """ Calculate transfer rate for transmission Args: tx_start_of_transmission:float: sentbytes:int: tx_buffer_length:int: Returns: List of: bits_per_second: float, bytes_per_minute: float, transmission_percent: float """ try: arq_transmission_percent = min( int((sentbytes / tx_buffer_length) * 100), 100 ) transmissiontime = time.time() - tx_start_of_transmission if sentbytes > 0: arq_bits_per_second = int((sentbytes * 8) / transmissiontime) bytes_per_minute = int(sentbytes / (transmissiontime / 60)) arq_seconds_until_finish = int(((tx_buffer_length - sentbytes) / ( bytes_per_minute * self.arq_compression_factor)) * 60) speed_chart = {"snr": self.burst_ack_snr, "bpm": bytes_per_minute, "timestamp": int(time.time())} # check if data already in list if speed_chart not in self.states.arq_speed_list: self.states.arq_speed_list.append(speed_chart) else: arq_bits_per_second = 0 bytes_per_minute = 0 arq_seconds_until_finish = 0 except Exception as err: self.log.error(f"[Modem] calculate_transfer_rate_tx: Exception: {err}") arq_transmission_percent = 0.0 arq_bits_per_second = 0 bytes_per_minute = 0 self.states.set("arq_bits_per_second", arq_bits_per_second) self.states.set("bytes_per_minute", bytes_per_minute) self.states.set("arq_transmission_percent", arq_transmission_percent) self.states.set("arq_compression_factor", self.arq_compression_factor)