import configparser import structlog class CONFIG: """ CONFIG class for handling with config files """ def __init__(self, configfile: str): # set up logger self.log = structlog.get_logger("CONFIG") # init configparser self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes="#", allow_no_value=True) try: self.config_name = configfile except Exception: self.config_name = "config.ini""[CFG] logfile init", file=self.config_name) # check if log file exists self.config_exists() def config_exists(self): """ check if config file exists """ try: return bool(, None)) except Exception as configerror: self.log.error("[CFG] logfile init error", e=configerror) return False def write_config(self, section: str, key: str, value): """ write values to config """ def write_entire_config(self, data): """ write entire config """ self.config['NETWORK'] = {'#Network settings': None, 'TNCPORT': data[50] } self.config['STATION'] = {'#Station settings': None, 'mycall': data[1], 'mygrid': data[2], 'ssid_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # list(data[26]) } self.config['AUDIO'] = {'#Audio settings': None, 'rx': data[3], 'tx': data[4], 'txaudiolevel': data[14], 'auto_tune': data[19] } self.config['RADIO'] = {'#Radio settings': None, 'radiocontrol': data[5], 'rigctld_ip': data[6], 'rigctld_port': data[7] } self.config['TNC'] = {'#TNC settings': None, 'scatter': data[8], 'fft': data[9], 'narrowband': data[10], 'fmin': data[11], 'fmax': data[12], 'qrv': data[15], 'rxbuffersize': data[16], 'explorer': data[17], 'stats': data[18] } try: with open(self.config_name, 'w') as configfile: self.config.write(configfile) except Exception as conferror: self.log.error("[CFG] reading logfile", e=conferror) def read_config(self): """ read config file """ if self.config_exists(): #print( #print(self.config.sections()) return self.config