# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Dec 27 20:43:40 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long, c-extension-no-member # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, attribute-defined-outside-init import base64 import sys import threading import time import uuid import zlib from random import randrange import codec2 import helpers import modem import numpy as np import sock import static import structlog import ujson as json from codec2 import FREEDV_MODE from exceptions import NoCallsign from queues import DATA_QUEUE_RECEIVED, DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT, RX_BUFFER from static import FRAME_TYPE as FR_TYPE TESTMODE = False class DATA: """Terminal Node Controller for FreeDATA""" log = structlog.get_logger("DATA") def __init__(self) -> None: # Initial call sign. Will be overwritten later self.mycallsign = static.MYCALLSIGN self.data_queue_transmit = DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT self.data_queue_received = DATA_QUEUE_RECEIVED # ------- ARQ SESSION self.arq_file_transfer = False self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER = False self.arq_session_last_received = 0 self.arq_session_timeout = 30 self.session_connect_max_retries = 3 self.transmission_uuid = "" self.data_channel_last_received = 0.0 # time of last "live sign" of a frame self.burst_ack_snr = 0 # SNR from received burst ack frames # Flag to indicate if we received an acknowledge frame for a burst self.burst_ack = False # Flag to indicate if we received an acknowledge frame for a data frame self.data_frame_ack_received = False # Flag to indicate if we received an request for repeater frames self.rpt_request_received = False self.rpt_request_buffer = [] # requested frames, saved in a list self.rx_start_of_transmission = 0 # time of transmission start # 3 bytes for the BOF Beginning of File indicator in a data frame self.data_frame_bof = b"BOF" # 3 bytes for the EOF End of File indicator in a data frame self.data_frame_eof = b"EOF" self.rx_n_max_retries_per_burst = 50 self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 # Flag to indicate if we recevied a low bandwidth mode channel opener self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False self.data_channel_max_retries = 5 self.datachannel_timeout = False # List of codec2 modes to use in "low bandwidth" mode. self.mode_list_low_bw = [ FREEDV_MODE.datac3.value, ] # List for time to wait for corresponding mode in seconds self.time_list_low_bw = [6] # List of codec2 modes to use in "high bandwidth" mode. self.mode_list_high_bw = [ FREEDV_MODE.datac3.value, FREEDV_MODE.datac1.value, ] # List for time to wait for corresponding mode in seconds self.time_list_high_bw = [6, 7] # Mode list for selecting between low bandwidth ( 500Hz ) and modes with higher bandwidth # but ability to fall back to low bandwidth modes if needed. if static.LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE: # List of codec2 modes to use in "low bandwidth" mode. self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw # list of times to wait for corresponding mode in seconds self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw else: # List of codec2 modes to use in "high bandwidth" mode. self.mode_list = self.mode_list_high_bw # list of times to wait for corresponding mode in seconds self.time_list = self.time_list_high_bw self.speed_level = len(self.mode_list) - 1 # speed level for selecting mode static.ARQ_SPEED_LEVEL = self.speed_level self.is_IRS = False self.burst_nack = False self.burst_nack_counter = 0 self.frame_received_counter = 0 self.rx_frame_bof_received = False self.rx_frame_eof_received = False self.transmission_timeout = 360 # transmission timeout in seconds # Dictionary of functions and log messages used in process_data # instead of a long series of if-elif-else statements. self.rx_dispatcher = { FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_ACK_N.value: ( self.arq_received_channel_is_open, "ARQ OPEN ACK (Narrow)", ), FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_ACK_W.value: ( self.arq_received_channel_is_open, "ARQ OPEN ACK (Wide)", ), FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_N.value: ( self.arq_received_data_channel_opener, "ARQ Data Channel Open (Narrow)", ), FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_W.value: ( self.arq_received_data_channel_opener, "ARQ Data Channel Open (Wide)", ), FR_TYPE.ARQ_SESSION_CLOSE.value: ( self.received_session_close, "ARQ CLOSE SESSION", ), FR_TYPE.ARQ_SESSION_HB.value: ( self.received_session_heartbeat, "ARQ HEARTBEAT", ), FR_TYPE.ARQ_SESSION_OPEN.value: ( self.received_session_opener, "ARQ OPEN SESSION", ), FR_TYPE.ARQ_STOP.value: (self.received_stop_transmission, "ARQ STOP TX"), FR_TYPE.BEACON.value: (self.received_beacon, "BEACON"), FR_TYPE.BURST_ACK.value: (self.burst_ack_nack_received, "BURST ACK"), FR_TYPE.BURST_NACK.value: (self.burst_ack_nack_received, "BURST NACK"), FR_TYPE.CQ.value: (self.received_cq, "CQ"), FR_TYPE.FR_ACK.value: (self.frame_ack_received, "FRAME ACK"), FR_TYPE.FR_NACK.value: (self.frame_nack_received, "FRAME NACK"), FR_TYPE.FR_REPEAT.value: (self.burst_rpt_received, "REPEAT REQUEST"), FR_TYPE.PING_ACK.value: (self.received_ping_ack, "PING ACK"), FR_TYPE.PING.value: (self.received_ping, "PING"), FR_TYPE.QRV.value: (self.received_qrv, "QRV"), } self.command_dispatcher = { "CONNECT": (self.arq_session_handler, "CONNECT"), "CQ": (self.transmit_cq, "CQ"), "DISCONNECT": (self.close_session, "DISCONNECT"), "SEND_TEST_FRAME": (self.send_test_frame, "TEST"), "STOP": (self.stop_transmission, "STOP"), } # Start worker and watchdog threads worker_thread_transmit = threading.Thread( target=self.worker_transmit, name="worker thread transmit", daemon=True ) worker_thread_transmit.start() worker_thread_receive = threading.Thread( target=self.worker_receive, name="worker thread receive", daemon=True ) worker_thread_receive.start() # START THE THREAD FOR THE TIMEOUT WATCHDOG watchdog_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.watchdog, name="watchdog", daemon=True ) watchdog_thread.start() arq_session_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.heartbeat, name="watchdog", daemon=True ) arq_session_thread.start() self.beacon_interval = 0 self.beacon_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.run_beacon, name="watchdog", daemon=True ) self.beacon_thread.start() def worker_transmit(self) -> None: """Dispatch incoming UI instructions for transmitting operations""" while True: data = self.data_queue_transmit.get() # Dispatch commands known to command_dispatcher if data[0] in self.command_dispatcher: self.log.debug(f"[TNC] TX {self.command_dispatcher[data[0]][1]}...") self.command_dispatcher[data[0]][0]() # Dispatch commands that need more arguments. elif data[0] == "PING": # [1] dxcallsign self.transmit_ping(data[1]) elif data[0] == "BEACON": # [1] INTERVAL int # [2] STATE bool if data[2]: self.beacon_interval = data[1] static.BEACON_STATE = True else: static.BEACON_STATE = False elif data[0] == "ARQ_RAW": # [1] DATA_OUT bytes # [2] MODE int # [3] N_FRAMES_PER_BURST int # [4] self.transmission_uuid str # [5] mycallsign with ssid self.open_dc_and_transmit(data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5]) else: self.log.error( "[TNC] worker_transmit: received invalid command:", data=data ) def worker_receive(self) -> None: """Queue received data for processing""" while True: data = self.data_queue_received.get() # [0] bytes # [1] freedv instance # [2] bytes_per_frame self.process_data( bytes_out=data[0], freedv=data[1], bytes_per_frame=data[2] ) def process_data(self, bytes_out, freedv, bytes_per_frame: int) -> None: """ Process incoming data and decide what to do with the frame. Args: bytes_out: freedv: bytes_per_frame: Returns: """ self.log.debug( "[TNC] process_data:", n_retries_per_burst=self.n_retries_per_burst ) # Process data only if broadcast or we are the receiver # bytes_out[1:4] == callsign check for signalling frames, # bytes_out[2:5] == transmission # we could also create an own function, which returns True. frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(bytes_out[:1]), "big") _valid1, _ = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, bytes(bytes_out[1:4])) _valid2, _ = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, bytes(bytes_out[2:5])) if ( _valid1 or _valid2 or frametype in [ FR_TYPE.CQ.value, FR_TYPE.QRV.value, FR_TYPE.PING.value, FR_TYPE.BEACON.value, ] ): # CHECK IF FRAMETYPE IS BETWEEN 10 and 50 ------------------------ frame = frametype - 10 n_frames_per_burst = int.from_bytes(bytes(bytes_out[1:2]), "big") # Dispatch activity based on received frametype if frametype in self.rx_dispatcher: # Process frames "known" by rx_dispatcher self.log.debug(f"[TNC] {self.rx_dispatcher[frametype][1]} RECEIVED....") self.rx_dispatcher[frametype][0](bytes_out[:-2]) # Process frametypes requiring a different set of arguments. elif FR_TYPE.BURST_51.value >= frametype >= FR_TYPE.BURST_01.value: # get snr of received data # FIXME: find a fix for this - after moving to classes, this no longer works # snr = self.calculate_snr(freedv) snr = static.SNR self.log.debug("[TNC] RX SNR", snr=snr) # send payload data to arq checker without CRC16 self.arq_data_received( bytes(bytes_out[:-2]), bytes_per_frame, snr, freedv ) # if we received the last frame of a burst or the last remaining rpt frame, do a modem unsync # if static.RX_BURST_BUFFER.count(None) <= 1 or (frame+1) == n_frames_per_burst: # self.log.debug(f"[TNC] LAST FRAME OF BURST --> UNSYNC {frame+1}/{n_frames_per_burst}") # self.c_lib.freedv_set_sync(freedv, 0) # TESTFRAMES elif frametype == FR_TYPE.TEST_FRAME.value: self.log.debug("[TNC] TESTFRAME RECEIVED", frame=bytes_out[:]) # Unknown frame type else: self.log.warning( "[TNC] ARQ - other frame type", frametype=FR_TYPE(frametype).name ) else: # for debugging purposes to receive all data self.log.debug( "[TNC] Foreign frame received", frame=bytes_out[:-2].hex(), frame_type=FR_TYPE(int.from_bytes(bytes_out[:1], byteorder="big")).name, ) def enqueue_frame_for_tx( self, frame_to_tx: bytearray, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.datac0.value, copies=1, repeat_delay=0, ) -> None: """ Send (transmit) supplied frame to TNC :param frame_to_tx: Frame data to send :type frame_to_tx: bytearray :param c2_mode: Codec2 mode to use, defaults to 14 (datac0) :type c2_mode: int, optional :param copies: Number of frame copies to send, defaults to 1 :type copies: int, optional :param repeat_delay: Delay time before sending repeat frame, defaults to 0 :type repeat_delay: int, optional """ self.log.debug("[TNC] enqueue_frame_for_tx", c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE(c2_mode).name) # Set the TRANSMITTING flag before adding an object to the transmit queue # TODO: This is not that nice, we could improve this somehow static.TRANSMITTING = True modem.MODEM_TRANSMIT_QUEUE.put([c2_mode, copies, repeat_delay, [frame_to_tx]]) # Wait while transmitting while static.TRANSMITTING: time.sleep(0.01) def send_data_to_socket_queue(self, **jsondata): """ Send information to the UI via JSON and the sock.SOCKET_QUEUE. Args: Dictionary containing the data to be sent, in the format: key=value, for each item. E.g.: self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="received", status="success", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, timestamp=timestamp, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(static.DXGRID, "UTF-8"), data=base64_data, ) """ self.log.debug("[TNC] send_data_to_socket_queue:", jsondata=jsondata) json_data_out = json.dumps(jsondata) sock.SOCKET_QUEUE.put(json_data_out) def send_burst_ack_frame(self, snr) -> None: """Build and send ACK frame for burst DATA frame""" ack_frame = bytearray(14) ack_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BURST_ACK.value]) ack_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC ack_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC ack_frame[7:8] = bytes([int(snr)]) ack_frame[8:9] = bytes([int(self.speed_level)]) # Transmit frame self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(ack_frame) def send_data_ack_frame(self, snr) -> None: """Build and send ACK frame for received DATA frame""" ack_frame = bytearray(14) ack_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.FR_ACK.value]) ack_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC ack_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC ack_frame[7:8] = bytes([int(snr)]) ack_frame[8:9] = bytes([int(self.speed_level)]) # Transmit frame self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(ack_frame, copies=3, repeat_delay=100) def send_retransmit_request_frame(self, freedv) -> None: # check where a None is in our burst buffer and do frame+1, beacuse lists start at 0 # FIXME: Check to see if there's a `frame - 1` in the receive portion. Remove both if there is. missing_frames = [ frame + 1 for frame, element in enumerate(static.RX_BURST_BUFFER) if element is None ] # set n frames per burst to modem # this is an idea, so it's not getting lost.... # we need to work on this codec2.api.freedv_set_frames_per_burst(freedv, len(missing_frames)) # TODO: Trim `missing_frames` bytesarray to [7:13] (6) frames, if it's larger. # then create a repeat frame rpt_frame = bytearray(14) rpt_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.FR_REPEAT.value]) rpt_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC rpt_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC rpt_frame[7:13] = missing_frames self.log.info("[TNC] ARQ | RX | Requesting", frames=missing_frames) # Transmit frame self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(rpt_frame) def send_burst_nack_frame(self, snr: float = 0) -> None: """Build and send NACK frame for received DATA frame""" nack_frame = bytearray(14) nack_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.FR_NACK.value]) nack_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC nack_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC nack_frame[7:8] = bytes([int(snr)]) nack_frame[8:9] = bytes([int(self.speed_level)]) # TRANSMIT NACK FRAME FOR BURST self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(nack_frame) def send_burst_nack_frame_watchdog(self, snr: float = 0) -> None: """Build and send NACK frame for watchdog timeout""" nack_frame = bytearray(14) nack_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BURST_NACK.value]) nack_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC nack_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC nack_frame[7:8] = bytes([int(snr)]) nack_frame[8:9] = bytes([int(self.speed_level)]) # TRANSMIT NACK FRAME FOR BURST self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(nack_frame) def send_disconnect_frame(self) -> None: """Build and send a disconnect frame""" disconnection_frame = bytearray(14) disconnection_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_SESSION_CLOSE.value]) disconnection_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC disconnection_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC disconnection_frame[7:13] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(disconnection_frame, copies=5, repeat_delay=250) def arq_data_received( self, data_in: bytes, bytes_per_frame: int, snr: float, freedv ) -> None: """ Args: data_in:bytes: bytes_per_frame:int: snr:float: freedv: Returns: """ # We've arrived here from process_data which already checked that the frame # is intended for this station. data_in = bytes(data_in) # get received crc for different mycall ssids # check if callsign ssid override _, mycallsign = helpers.check_callsign( self.mycallsign, data_in[2:5] ) # only process data if we are in ARQ and BUSY state else return to quit if not static.ARQ_STATE and static.TNC_STATE != "BUSY": return self.arq_file_transfer = True static.TNC_STATE = "BUSY" static.ARQ_STATE = True # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) # Extract some important data from the frame # Get sequence number of burst frame RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") - 10 # Get number of bursts from received frame RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[1:2]), "big") # The RX burst buffer needs to have a fixed length filled with "None". # We need this later for counting the "Nones" to detect missing data. # Check if burst buffer has expected length else create it if len(static.RX_BURST_BUFFER) != RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST: static.RX_BURST_BUFFER = [None] * RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST # Append data to rx burst buffer # [frame_type][n_frames_per_burst][CRC24][CRC24] static.RX_BURST_BUFFER[RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST] = data_in[8:] # type: ignore self.log.debug("[TNC] static.RX_BURST_BUFFER", buffer=static.RX_BURST_BUFFER) helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", snr, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) # Check if we received all frames in the burst by checking if burst buffer has no more "Nones" # This is the ideal case because we received all data if None not in static.RX_BURST_BUFFER: # then iterate through burst buffer and stick the burst together # the temp burst buffer is needed for checking, if we already recevied data temp_burst_buffer = b"" for value in static.RX_BURST_BUFFER: # static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER += static.RX_BURST_BUFFER[i] temp_burst_buffer += bytes(value) # type: ignore # if frame buffer ends not with the current frame, we are going to append new data # if data already exists, we received the frame correctly, # but the ACK frame didn't receive its destination (ISS) if static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER.endswith(temp_burst_buffer): self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | RX | Frame already received - sending ACK again" ) static.RX_BURST_BUFFER = [] else: # Here we are going to search for our data in the last received bytes. # This reduces the chance we will lose the entire frame in the case of signalling frame loss # static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER --> existing data # temp_burst_buffer --> new data # search_area --> area where we want to search search_area = 510 search_position = len(static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER) - search_area # find position of data. returns -1 if nothing found in area else >= 0 # we are beginning from the end, so if data exists twice or more, # only the last one should be replaced get_position = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER[search_position:].rfind( temp_burst_buffer ) # if we find data, replace it at this position with the new data and strip it if get_position >= 0: static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER[ : search_position + get_position ] static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER += temp_burst_buffer self.log.warning( "[TNC] ARQ | RX | replacing existing buffer data", area=search_area, pos=get_position, ) # If we don't find data in this range, we really have new data and going to replace it else: static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER += temp_burst_buffer self.log.debug("[TNC] ARQ | RX | appending data to buffer") # Check if we didn't receive a BOF and EOF yet to avoid sending # ack frames if we already received all data if ( not self.rx_frame_bof_received and not self.rx_frame_eof_received and data_in.find(self.data_frame_eof) < 0 ): self.frame_received_counter += 1 if self.frame_received_counter >= 2: self.frame_received_counter = 0 self.speed_level = min( self.speed_level + 1, len(self.mode_list) - 1 ) static.ARQ_SPEED_LEVEL = self.speed_level # Update modes we are listening to self.set_listening_modes(self.mode_list[self.speed_level]) # Create and send ACK frame self.log.info("[TNC] ARQ | RX | SENDING ACK") self.send_burst_ack_frame(snr) # Reset n retries per burst counter self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 # calculate statistics self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER) ) elif RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST == RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST - 1: # We have "Nones" in our rx buffer, # Check if we received last frame of burst - this is an indicator for missed frames. # With this way of doing this, we always MUST receive the last # frame of a burst otherwise the entire burst is lost # TODO: See if a timeout on the send side with re-transmit last burst would help. self.log.debug( "[TNC] all frames in burst received:", frame=RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST, frames=RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST, ) self.send_retransmit_request_frame(freedv) self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER) ) # Should never reach this point else: self.log.error( "[TNC] data_handler: Should not reach this point...", frame=RX_N_FRAME_OF_BURST, frames=RX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST, ) # We have a BOF and EOF flag in our data. If we received both we received our frame. # In case of loosing data, but we received already a BOF and EOF we need to make sure, we # received the complete last burst by checking it for Nones bof_position = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER.find(self.data_frame_bof) eof_position = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER.find(self.data_frame_eof) # get total bytes per transmission information as soon we recevied a frame with a BOF if bof_position >= 0: payload = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER[ bof_position + len(self.data_frame_bof) : eof_position ] frame_length = int.from_bytes(payload[4:8], "big") # 4:8 4bytes static.TOTAL_BYTES = frame_length compression_factor = int.from_bytes(payload[8:9], "big") # 4:8 4bytes # limit to max value of 255 compression_factor = np.clip(compression_factor, 0, 255) static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR = compression_factor / 10 self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER) ) if ( bof_position >= 0 and eof_position > 0 and None not in static.RX_BURST_BUFFER ): self.log.debug( "[TNC] arq_data_received:", bof_position=bof_position, eof_position=eof_position, ) self.rx_frame_bof_received = True self.rx_frame_eof_received = True # Extract raw data from buffer payload = static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER[ bof_position + len(self.data_frame_bof) : eof_position ] # Get the data frame crc data_frame_crc = payload[:4] # 0:4 = 4 bytes # Get the data frame length frame_length = int.from_bytes(payload[4:8], "big") # 4:8 = 4 bytes static.TOTAL_BYTES = frame_length # 8:9 = compression factor data_frame = payload[9:] data_frame_crc_received = helpers.get_crc_32(data_frame) # Check if data_frame_crc is equal with received crc if data_frame_crc == data_frame_crc_received: self.log.info("[TNC] ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME SUCESSFULLY RECEIVED") # Decompress the data frame data_frame_decompressed = zlib.decompress(data_frame) static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR = len(data_frame_decompressed) / len( data_frame ) data_frame = data_frame_decompressed self.transmission_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) timestamp = int(time.time()) # Re-code data_frame in base64, UTF-8 for JSON UI communication. base64_data = base64.b64encode(data_frame).decode("UTF-8") # check if RX_BUFFER isn't full if not RX_BUFFER.full(): # make sure we have always the correct buffer size RX_BUFFER.maxsize = static.RX_BUFFER_SIZE else: # if full, free space by getting an item self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | RX | RX_BUFFER FULL - dropping old data", buffer_size=RX_BUFFER.qsize(), maxsize=static.RX_BUFFER_SIZE ) RX_BUFFER.get() # add item to RX_BUFFER self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | RX | saving data to rx buffer", buffer_size=RX_BUFFER.qsize() + 1, maxsize=RX_BUFFER.maxsize ) RX_BUFFER.put( [ self.transmission_uuid, timestamp, static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, base64_data, ] ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="received", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, timestamp=timestamp, mycallsign=str(mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(static.DXGRID, "UTF-8"), data=base64_data, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | RX | SENDING DATA FRAME ACK", snr=snr, crc=data_frame_crc.hex(), ) self.send_data_ack_frame(snr) # Update statistics AFTER the frame ACK is sent self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER) ) self.log.info( "[TNC] | RX | DATACHANNEL [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]<< >>[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", snr=snr, ) else: self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, ) self.log.warning( "[TNC] ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME NOT SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED!", e="wrong crc", expected=data_frame_crc.hex(), received=data_frame_crc_received.hex(), overflows=static.BUFFER_OVERFLOW_COUNTER, ) self.log.info("[TNC] ARQ | RX | Sending NACK") self.send_burst_nack_frame(snr) # Update arq_session timestamp self.arq_session_last_received = int(time.time()) # Finally cleanup our buffers and states, self.arq_cleanup() def arq_transmit(self, data_out: bytes, mode: int, n_frames_per_burst: int): """ Transmit ARQ frame Args: data_out:bytes: mode:int: n_frames_per_burst:int: """ self.arq_file_transfer = True # Start at the highest speed level for selected speed mode self.speed_level = len(self.mode_list) - 1 static.ARQ_SPEED_LEVEL = self.speed_level self.tx_n_retry_of_burst = 0 # retries we already sent data # Maximum number of retries to send before declaring a frame is lost TX_N_MAX_RETRIES_PER_BURST = 50 TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = n_frames_per_burst # amount of n frames per burst # TIMEOUTS BURST_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 3.0 # timeout for burst acknowledges DATA_FRAME_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 3.0 # timeout for data frame acknowledges RPT_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 3.0 # timeout for rpt frame acknowledges # save len of data_out to TOTAL_BYTES for our statistics --> kBytes # static.TOTAL_BYTES = round(len(data_out) / 1024, 2) static.TOTAL_BYTES = len(data_out) frame_total_size = len(data_out).to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="transmitting", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT, bytesperminute=static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] | TX | DATACHANNEL", Bytes=static.TOTAL_BYTES, ) # Compress data frame data_frame_compressed = zlib.compress(data_out) compression_factor = len(data_out) / len(data_frame_compressed) static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR = np.clip(compression_factor, 0, 255) compression_factor = bytes([int(static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR * 10)]) data_out = data_frame_compressed # Reset data transfer statistics tx_start_of_transmission = time.time() self.calculate_transfer_rate_tx(tx_start_of_transmission, 0, len(data_out)) # Append a crc at the beginning and end of file indicators frame_payload_crc = helpers.get_crc_32(data_out) self.log.debug("[TNC] frame payload CRC:", crc=frame_payload_crc.hex()) # Assemble the data frame data_out = ( self.data_frame_bof + frame_payload_crc + frame_total_size + compression_factor + data_out + self.data_frame_eof ) # Initial bufferposition is 0 bufferposition = bufferposition_end = 0 # Iterate through data_out buffer while not self.data_frame_ack_received and static.ARQ_STATE: # we have TX_N_MAX_RETRIES_PER_BURST attempts for sending a burst for self.tx_n_retry_of_burst in range(TX_N_MAX_RETRIES_PER_BURST): data_mode = mode # self.log.debug("[TNC] FIXED MODE:", mode=FREEDV_MODE(data_mode).name) # we are doing a modulo check of transmission retries of the actual burst # every 2nd retry which fails, decreases speedlevel by 1. # as soon as we received an ACK for the current burst, speed_level will increase # by 1. # The intent is to optimize speed by adapting to the current RF conditions. # if not self.tx_n_retry_of_burst % 2 and self.tx_n_retry_of_burst > 0: # self.speed_level = max(self.speed_level - 1, 0) # if self.tx_n_retry_of_burst <= 1: # self.speed_level += 1 # self.speed_level = max(self.speed_level + 1, len(self.mode_list) - 1) # Bound speed level to: # - minimum of either the speed or the length of mode list - 1 # - maximum of either the speed or zero self.speed_level = min(self.speed_level, len(self.mode_list) - 1) self.speed_level = max(self.speed_level, 0) static.ARQ_SPEED_LEVEL = self.speed_level data_mode = self.mode_list[self.speed_level] self.log.debug( "[TNC] Speed-level:", level=self.speed_level, retry=self.tx_n_retry_of_burst, mode=FREEDV_MODE(data_mode).name, ) # Payload information payload_per_frame = modem.get_bytes_per_frame(data_mode) - 2 # Tempbuffer list for storing our data frames tempbuffer = [] # Append data frames with TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST to tempbuffer # TODO: this part needs a complete rewrite! # TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = 1 is working arqheader = bytearray() # arqheader[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BURST_01.value + i]) arqheader[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BURST_01.value]) arqheader[1:2] = bytes([TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST]) arqheader[2:5] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC arqheader[5:8] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC bufferposition_end = bufferposition + payload_per_frame - len(arqheader) # Normal condition if bufferposition_end <= len(data_out): frame = data_out[bufferposition:bufferposition_end] frame = arqheader + frame # Pad the last bytes of a frame else: extended_data_out = data_out[bufferposition:] extended_data_out += bytes([0]) * ( payload_per_frame - len(extended_data_out) - len(arqheader) ) frame = arqheader + extended_data_out # Append frame to tempbuffer for transmission tempbuffer.append(frame) self.log.debug("[TNC] tempbuffer:", tempbuffer=tempbuffer) self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | TX | FRAMES", mode=FREEDV_MODE(data_mode).name, fpb=TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST, retry=self.tx_n_retry_of_burst, ) for t_buf_item in tempbuffer: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(t_buf_item, c2_mode=data_mode) # After transmission finished, wait for an ACK or RPT frame # burstacktimeout = time.time() + BURST_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS + 100 # while (not self.burst_ack and not self.burst_nack and # not self.rpt_request_received and not self.data_frame_ack_received and # time.time() < burstacktimeout and static.ARQ_STATE): # time.sleep(0.01) # burstacktimeout = time.time() + BURST_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS + 100 while static.ARQ_STATE and not ( self.burst_ack or self.burst_nack or self.rpt_request_received or self.data_frame_ack_received ): time.sleep(0.01) # Once we receive a burst ack, reset its state and break the RETRIES loop if self.burst_ack: self.burst_ack = False # reset ack state self.tx_n_retry_of_burst = 0 # reset retries self.log.debug( "[TNC] arq_transmit: Received BURST ACK. Sending next chunk." ) break # break retry loop if self.burst_nack: self.burst_nack = False # reset nack state # not yet implemented if self.rpt_request_received: pass if self.data_frame_ack_received: self.log.debug( "[TNC] arq_transmit: Received FRAME ACK. Sending next chunk." ) break # break retry loop # We need this part for leaving the repeat loop # static.ARQ_STATE == "DATA" --> when stopping transmission manually if not static.ARQ_STATE: # print("not ready for data...leaving loop....") self.log.debug( "[TNC] arq_transmit: ARQ State changed to FALSE. Breaking retry loop." ) break self.calculate_transfer_rate_tx( tx_start_of_transmission, bufferposition_end, len(data_out) ) # NEXT ATTEMPT self.log.debug( "[TNC] ATTEMPT:", retry=self.tx_n_retry_of_burst, maxretries=TX_N_MAX_RETRIES_PER_BURST, overflows=static.BUFFER_OVERFLOW_COUNTER, ) # End of FOR loop # update buffer position bufferposition = bufferposition_end # update stats self.calculate_transfer_rate_tx( tx_start_of_transmission, bufferposition_end, len(data_out) ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="transmitting", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT, bytesperminute=static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, ) # Stay in the while loop until we receive a data_frame_ack. Otherwise # the loop exits after sending the last frame only once and doesn't # wait for an acknowledgement. if self.data_frame_ack_received and bufferposition > len(data_out): self.log.debug("[TNC] arq_tx: Last fragment sent and acknowledged.") break # GOING TO NEXT ITERATION if self.data_frame_ack_received: # we need to wait until sending "transmitted" state # gui database is too slow for handling this within 0.001 seconds # so let's sleep a little time.sleep(0.2) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="transmitted", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT, bytesperminute=static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | TX | DATA TRANSMITTED!", BytesPerMinute=static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, BitsPerSecond=static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND, overflows=static.BUFFER_OVERFLOW_COUNTER, ) else: self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT, bytesperminute=static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | TX | TRANSMISSION FAILED OR TIME OUT!", overflows=static.BUFFER_OVERFLOW_COUNTER, ) self.stop_transmission() # Last but not least do a state cleanup self.arq_cleanup() if TESTMODE: # Quit after transmission self.log.debug("[TNC] TESTMODE: arq_transmit exiting.") sys.exit(0) def burst_ack_nack_received(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Received a ACK/NACK for a transmitted frame, keep track and make adjustments to speed level if needed. Args: data_in:bytes: Returns: """ # Process data only if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if static.ARQ_STATE: helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") desc = "ack" if frametype == FR_TYPE.BURST_ACK.value: # Increase speed level if we received a burst ack # self.speed_level = min(self.speed_level + 1, len(self.mode_list) - 1) # Force data retry loops of TX TNC to stop and continue with next frame self.burst_ack = True # Reset burst nack counter self.burst_nack_counter = 0 # Reset n retries per burst counter self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 else: # Decrease speed level if we received a burst nack # self.speed_level = max(self.speed_level - 1, 0) # Set flag to retry frame again. self.burst_nack = True # Increment burst nack counter self.burst_nack_counter += 1 desc = "nack" # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) self.burst_ack_snr = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[7:8]), "big") self.speed_level = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[8:9]), "big") static.ARQ_SPEED_LEVEL = self.speed_level self.log.debug( f"[TNC] burst_{desc}_received:", speed_level=self.speed_level, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE(self.mode_list[self.speed_level]).name, ) def frame_ack_received( self, data_in: bytes # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: """Received an ACK for a transmitted frame""" # Process data only if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if static.ARQ_STATE: helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) # Force data loops of TNC to stop and continue with next frame self.data_frame_ack_received = True # Update arq_session and data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) self.arq_session_last_received = int(time.time()) def frame_nack_received( self, data_in: bytes # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: """ Received a NACK for a transmitted frame Args: data_in:bytes: """ helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT, bytesperminute=static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, ) # Update data_channel timestamp self.arq_session_last_received = int(time.time()) self.arq_cleanup() def burst_rpt_received(self, data_in: bytes): """ Repeat request frame received for transmitted frame Args: data_in:bytes: """ # Only process data if we are in ARQ and BUSY state if static.ARQ_STATE and static.TNC_STATE == "BUSY": helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) self.rpt_request_received = True # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) self.rpt_request_buffer = [] missing_area = bytes(data_in[3:12]) # 1:9 for i in range(0, 6, 2): if not missing_area[i : i + 2].endswith(b"\x00\x00"): missing = missing_area[i : i + 2] self.rpt_request_buffer.insert(0, missing) ############################################################################################################ # ARQ SESSION HANDLER ############################################################################################################ def arq_session_handler(self) -> bool: """ Create a session with `static.DXCALLSIGN` and wait until the session is open. Returns: True if the session was opened successfully False if the session open request failed """ # TODO: we need to check this, maybe placing it to class init self.datachannel_timeout = False self.log.info( "[TNC] SESSION [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>> <<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", state=static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE, ) self.open_session() # wait until data channel is open while not static.ARQ_SESSION and not self.arq_session_timeout: time.sleep(0.01) static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "connecting" self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="session", status="connecting", ) if static.ARQ_SESSION and static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE == "connected": # static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "connected" self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="session", status="connected", ) return True static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "failed" self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="session", status="failed", reason="timeout", ) return False def open_session(self) -> bool: """ Create and send the frame to request a connection. Returns: True if the session was opened successfully False if the session open request failed """ self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER = True static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "connecting" connection_frame = bytearray(14) connection_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_SESSION_OPEN.value]) connection_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC connection_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC connection_frame[7:13] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) while not static.ARQ_SESSION: time.sleep(0.01) for attempt in range(self.session_connect_max_retries): self.log.info( "[TNC] SESSION [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>?<<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", a=attempt + 1, # Adjust for 0-based for user display state=static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE, ) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(connection_frame) # Wait for a time, looking to see if `static.ARQ_SESSION` # indicates we've received a positive response from the far station. timeout = time.time() + 3 while time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.01) # Stop waiting if data channel is opened if static.ARQ_SESSION: return True # Session connect timeout, send close_session frame to # attempt to clean up the far-side, if it received the # open_session frame and can still hear us. if not static.ARQ_SESSION: self.close_session() return False # Given the while condition, it will only exit when `static.ARQ_SESSION` is True return True def received_session_opener(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Received a session open request packet. Args: data_in:bytes: """ self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER = False static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "connecting" # Update arq_session timestamp self.arq_session_last_received = int(time.time()) static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC = bytes(data_in[4:7]) static.DXCALLSIGN = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[7:13])) helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] SESSION [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>|<<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", state=static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE, ) static.ARQ_SESSION = True static.TNC_STATE = "BUSY" self.transmit_session_heartbeat() def close_session(self) -> None: """Close the ARQ session""" static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "disconnecting" helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] SESSION [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]<>[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", state=static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE, ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="session", status="close", ) self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER = False static.ARQ_SESSION = False self.arq_cleanup() self.send_disconnect_frame() def received_session_close(self, data_in: bytes): """ Closes the session when a close session frame is received and the DXCALLSIGN_CRC matches the remote station participating in the session. Args: data_in:bytes: """ # We've arrived here from process_data which already checked that the frame # is intended for this station. # Close the session if the CRC matches the remote station in static. _valid_crc, _ = helpers.check_callsign(static.DXCALLSIGN, bytes(data_in[4:7])) if _valid_crc: static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "disconnected" helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] SESSION [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]<>[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", state=static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE, ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="session", status="close", ) self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER = False static.ARQ_SESSION = False self.arq_cleanup() def transmit_session_heartbeat(self) -> None: """Send ARQ sesion heartbeat while connected""" # static.ARQ_SESSION = True # static.TNC_STATE = "BUSY" # static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "connected" connection_frame = bytearray(14) connection_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_SESSION_HB.value]) connection_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC connection_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(connection_frame) def received_session_heartbeat(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Received an ARQ session heartbeat, record and update state accordingly. Args: data_in:bytes: """ # Accept session data if the DXCALLSIGN_CRC matches the station in static. _valid_crc, _ = helpers.check_callsign(static.DXCALLSIGN, bytes(data_in[4:7])) if _valid_crc: self.log.debug("[TNC] Received session heartbeat") helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "SESSION-HB", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) static.ARQ_SESSION = True static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE = "connected" static.TNC_STATE = "BUSY" # Update the timeout timestamps self.arq_session_last_received = int(time.time()) self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) if not self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER and not self.arq_file_transfer: self.transmit_session_heartbeat() ########################################################################################################## # ARQ DATA CHANNEL HANDLER ########################################################################################################## def open_dc_and_transmit( self, data_out: bytes, mode: int, n_frames_per_burst: int, transmission_uuid: str, mycallsign, ) -> bool: """ Open data channel and transmit data Args: data_out:bytes: mode:int: n_frames_per_burst:int: Returns: True if the data session was opened and the data was sent False if the data session was not opened """ # overwrite mycallsign in case of different SSID self.mycallsign = mycallsign static.TNC_STATE = "BUSY" self.arq_file_transfer = True self.transmission_uuid = transmission_uuid # wait a moment for the case, a heartbeat is already on the way back to us if static.ARQ_SESSION: time.sleep(0.5) self.datachannel_timeout = False # we need to compress data for gettin a compression factor. # so we are compressing twice. This is not that nice and maybe there is another way # for calculating transmission statistics # static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR = len(data_out) / len(zlib.compress(data_out)) self.arq_open_data_channel(mode, n_frames_per_burst, mycallsign) # wait until data channel is open while not static.ARQ_STATE and not self.datachannel_timeout: time.sleep(0.01) if static.ARQ_STATE: self.arq_transmit(data_out, mode, n_frames_per_burst) return True return False def arq_open_data_channel( self, mode: int, n_frames_per_burst: int, mycallsign ) -> bool: """ Open an ARQ data channel. Args: mode:int: n_frames_per_burst:int: Returns: True if the data channel was opened successfully False if the data channel failed to open """ self.is_IRS = False # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) if static.LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE: frametype = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_N.value]) self.log.debug("[TNC] Requesting low bandwidth mode") else: frametype = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_W.value]) self.log.debug("[TNC] Requesting high bandwidth mode") connection_frame = bytearray(14) connection_frame[:1] = frametype connection_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC connection_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC connection_frame[7:13] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) connection_frame[13:14] = bytes([n_frames_per_burst]) while not static.ARQ_STATE: time.sleep(0.01) for attempt in range(self.data_channel_max_retries): self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="opening", ) self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | DATA | TX | [" + str(mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>> <<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", attempt=f"{str(attempt+1)}/{str(self.data_channel_max_retries)}", ) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(connection_frame) timeout = time.time() + 3 while time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.01) # Stop waiting if data channel is opened if static.ARQ_STATE: return True # `data_channel_max_retries` attempts have been sent. Aborting attempt & cleaning up self.log.debug( "[TNC] arq_open_data_channel:", transmission_uuid=self.transmission_uuid ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", reason="unknown", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT, bytesperminute=static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, ) self.log.warning( "[TNC] ARQ | TX | DATA [" + str(mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>X<<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]" ) self.datachannel_timeout = True self.arq_cleanup() # Attempt to cleanup the far-side, if it received the # open_session frame and can still hear us. self.close_session() return False # Shouldn't get here.. return True def arq_received_data_channel_opener(self, data_in: bytes): """ Received request to open data channel framt Args: data_in:bytes: """ # We've arrived here from process_data which already checked that the frame # is intended for this station. self.arq_file_transfer = True self.is_IRS = True self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="opening", ) static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC = bytes(data_in[4:7]) static.DXCALLSIGN = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[7:13])) # n_frames_per_burst is currently unused # n_frames_per_burst = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[13:14]), "big") frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") # check if we received low bandwidth mode # possible channel constellations # ISS(w) <-> IRS(w) # ISS(w) <-> IRS(n) # ISS(n) <-> IRS(w) # ISS(n) <-> IRS(n) if frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_W.value and not static.LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE: # ISS(w) <-> IRS(w) constellation = "ISS(w) <-> IRS(w)" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False self.mode_list = self.mode_list_high_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_high_bw elif frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_W.value and static.LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE: # ISS(w) <-> IRS(n) constellation = "ISS(w) <-> IRS(n)" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw elif frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_N.value and not static.LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE: # ISS(n) <-> IRS(w) constellation = "ISS(n) <-> IRS(w)" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = True self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw elif frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_N.value and static.LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE: # ISS(n) <-> IRS(n) constellation = "ISS(n) <-> IRS(n)" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = True self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw else: constellation = "not matched" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = True self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw self.speed_level = len(self.mode_list) - 1 # Update modes we are listening to self.set_listening_modes(self.mode_list[self.speed_level]) helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) # check if callsign ssid override _, mycallsign = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, data_in[1:4]) self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | DATA | RX | [" + str(mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>> <<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", channel_constellation=constellation, ) static.ARQ_STATE = True static.TNC_STATE = "BUSY" self.reset_statistics() # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) # Select the frame type based on the current TNC mode if static.LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE or self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE: frametype = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_ACK_N.value]) self.log.debug("[TNC] Responding with low bandwidth mode") else: frametype = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_ACK_W.value]) self.log.debug("[TNC] Responding with high bandwidth mode") connection_frame = bytearray(14) connection_frame[:1] = frametype connection_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC connection_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC # For checking protocol version on the receiving side connection_frame[13:14] = bytes([static.ARQ_PROTOCOL_VERSION]) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(connection_frame) self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | DATA | RX | [" + str(mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>|<<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", bandwidth="wide", snr=static.SNR, ) # set start of transmission for our statistics self.rx_start_of_transmission = time.time() # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) def arq_received_channel_is_open(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Called if we received a data channel opener Args: data_in:bytes: """ protocol_version = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[13:14]), "big") if protocol_version == static.ARQ_PROTOCOL_VERSION: self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="opened", ) frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") if frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_ACK_N.value: self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = True self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw self.log.debug("[TNC] low bandwidth mode", modes=self.mode_list) else: self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False self.mode_list = self.mode_list_high_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_high_bw self.log.debug("[TNC] high bandwidth mode", modes=self.mode_list) self.speed_level = len(self.mode_list) - 1 helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "DATA-CHANNEL", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] ARQ | DATA | TX | [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>|<<[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", snr=static.SNR, ) # as soon as we set ARQ_STATE to DATA, transmission starts static.ARQ_STATE = True # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) else: static.TNC_STATE = "IDLE" static.ARQ_STATE = False self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", reason="protocol version missmatch", ) # TODO: We should display a message to this effect on the UI. self.log.warning( "[TNC] protocol version mismatch:", received=protocol_version, own=static.ARQ_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ) self.arq_cleanup() # ---------- PING def transmit_ping(self, dxcallsign: bytes) -> None: """ Funktion for controlling pings Args: dxcallsign:bytes: """ if not str(dxcallsign).strip(): # TODO: We should display a message to this effect on the UI. self.log.warning("[TNC] Missing required callsign", dxcallsign=dxcallsign) return static.DXCALLSIGN = dxcallsign static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC = helpers.get_crc_24(static.DXCALLSIGN) self.send_data_to_socket_queue(freedata="tnc-message", ping="transmitting") self.log.info( "[TNC] PING REQ [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "] >>> [" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]" ) ping_frame = bytearray(14) ping_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.PING.value]) ping_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC ping_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC ping_frame[7:13] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) self.log.info("[TNC] ENABLE FSK", state=static.ENABLE_FSK) if static.ENABLE_FSK: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(ping_frame, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.fsk_ldpc_0.value) else: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(ping_frame, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.datac0.value) def received_ping(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Called if we received a ping Args: data_in:bytes: """ dxcallsign_CRC = bytes(data_in[4:7]) dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[7:13])) helpers.add_to_heard_stations( dxcallsign, static.DXGRID, "PING", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", ping="received", uuid=str(uuid.uuid4()), timestamp=int(time.time()), mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(dxcallsign, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(static.DXGRID, "UTF-8"), snr=str(static.SNR), ) # check if callsign ssid override valid, mycallsign = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, data_in[1:4]) if not valid: # PING packet not for me. self.log.debug("[TNC] received_ping: ping not for this station.") return static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC = dxcallsign_CRC static.DXCALLSIGN = dxcallsign self.log.info( "[TNC] PING REQ [" + str(mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "] <<< [" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", snr=static.SNR, ) ping_frame = bytearray(14) ping_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.PING_ACK.value]) ping_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC ping_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC ping_frame[7:13] = static.MYGRID self.log.info("[TNC] ENABLE FSK", state=static.ENABLE_FSK) if static.ENABLE_FSK: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(ping_frame, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.fsk_ldpc_0.value) else: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(ping_frame, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.datac0.value) def received_ping_ack(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Called if a PING ack has been received Args: data_in:bytes: """ static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC = bytes(data_in[4:7]) static.DXGRID = bytes(data_in[7:13]).rstrip(b"\x00") self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", ping="acknowledge", uuid=str(uuid.uuid4()), timestamp=int(time.time()), mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(static.DXGRID, "UTF-8"), snr=str(static.SNR), ) helpers.add_to_heard_stations( static.DXCALLSIGN, static.DXGRID, "PING-ACK", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] PING ACK [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "] >|< [" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]", snr=static.SNR, ) static.TNC_STATE = "IDLE" def stop_transmission(self) -> None: """ Force a stop of the running transmission """ self.log.warning("[TNC] Stopping transmission!") stop_frame = bytearray(14) stop_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_STOP.value]) stop_frame[1:4] = static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC stop_frame[4:7] = static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC stop_frame[7:13] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(stop_frame, copies=2, repeat_delay=250) static.TNC_STATE = "IDLE" static.ARQ_STATE = False self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="stopped", ) self.arq_cleanup() def received_stop_transmission( self, data_in: bytes ) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Received a transmission stop """ self.log.warning("[TNC] Stopping transmission!") static.TNC_STATE = "IDLE" static.ARQ_STATE = False self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="stopped", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8"), ) self.arq_cleanup() # ----------- BROADCASTS def run_beacon(self) -> None: """ Controlling function for running a beacon Args: self: arq class Returns: """ try: while True: time.sleep(0.5) while static.BEACON_STATE: if ( not static.ARQ_SESSION and not self.arq_file_transfer and not static.BEACON_PAUSE ): self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", beacon="transmitting", interval=self.beacon_interval, ) self.log.info( "[TNC] Sending beacon!", interval=self.beacon_interval ) beacon_frame = bytearray(14) beacon_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BEACON.value]) beacon_frame[1:7] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) beacon_frame[9:13] = static.MYGRID[:4] self.log.info("[TNC] ENABLE FSK", state=static.ENABLE_FSK) if static.ENABLE_FSK: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx( beacon_frame, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.fsk_ldpc_0.value, ) else: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(beacon_frame) interval_timer = time.time() + self.beacon_interval while ( time.time() < interval_timer and static.BEACON_STATE and not static.BEACON_PAUSE ): time.sleep(0.01) except Exception as err: self.log.debug("[TNC] run_beacon: ", exception=err) def received_beacon(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Called if we received a beacon Args: data_in:bytes: """ # here we add the received station to the heard stations buffer dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[1:7])) dxgrid = bytes(data_in[9:13]).rstrip(b"\x00") self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", beacon="received", uuid=str(uuid.uuid4()), timestamp=int(time.time()), mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(dxcallsign, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(dxgrid, "UTF-8"), snr=str(static.SNR), ) self.log.info( "[TNC] BEACON RCVD [" + str(dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "][" + str(dxgrid, "UTF-8") + "] ", snr=static.SNR, ) helpers.add_to_heard_stations( dxcallsign, dxgrid, "BEACON", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) def transmit_cq(self) -> None: """ Transmit a CQ Args: Nothing Returns: Nothing """ self.log.info("[TNC] CQ CQ CQ") self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", cq="transmitting", ) cq_frame = bytearray(14) cq_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.CQ.value]) cq_frame[1:7] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) cq_frame[7:11] = helpers.encode_grid(static.MYGRID.decode("UTF-8")) self.log.info("[TNC] ENABLE FSK", state=static.ENABLE_FSK) self.log.debug("[TNC] CQ Frame:", data=[cq_frame]) if static.ENABLE_FSK: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(cq_frame, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.fsk_ldpc_0.value) else: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(cq_frame) def received_cq(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Called when we receive a CQ frame Args: data_in:bytes: Returns: Nothing """ # here we add the received station to the heard stations buffer dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[1:7])) self.log.debug("[TNC] received_cq:", dxcallsign=dxcallsign) dxgrid = bytes(helpers.decode_grid(data_in[7:11]), "UTF-8") self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", cq="received", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(static.DXGRID, "UTF-8"), ) self.log.info( "[TNC] CQ RCVD [" + str(dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "][" + str(dxgrid, "UTF-8") + "] ", snr=static.SNR, ) helpers.add_to_heard_stations( dxcallsign, dxgrid, "CQ CQ CQ", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) if static.RESPOND_TO_CQ: self.transmit_qrv() def transmit_qrv(self) -> None: """ Called when we send a QRV frame Args: self """ # Sleep a random amount of time before responding to make it more likely to be # heard when many stations respond. Each DATAC0 frame is 0.44 sec (440ms) in # duration, plus overhead. Set the wait interval to be random between 0 and 2s # in 0.5s increments. helpers.wait(randrange(0, 20, 5) / 10.0) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", qrv="transmitting", ) self.log.info("[TNC] Sending QRV!") qrv_frame = bytearray(14) qrv_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.QRV.value]) qrv_frame[1:7] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) qrv_frame[7:11] = helpers.encode_grid(static.MYGRID.decode("UTF-8")) self.log.info("[TNC] ENABLE FSK", state=static.ENABLE_FSK) if static.ENABLE_FSK: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(qrv_frame, c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.fsk_ldpc_0.value) else: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx(qrv_frame) def received_qrv(self, data_in: bytes) -> None: """ Called when we receive a QRV frame Args: data_in:bytes: """ # here we add the received station to the heard stations buffer dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[1:7])) dxgrid = bytes(helpers.decode_grid(data_in[7:11]), "UTF-8") self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", qrv="received", ) self.log.info( "[TNC] QRV RCVD [" + str(dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "][" + str(dxgrid, "UTF-8") + "] ", snr=static.SNR, ) helpers.add_to_heard_stations( dxcallsign, dxgrid, "QRV", static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY, ) # ------------ CALUCLATE TRANSFER RATES def calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self, rx_start_of_transmission: float, receivedbytes: int ) -> list: """ Calculate transfer rate for received data Args: rx_start_of_transmission:float: receivedbytes:int: Returns: List of: bits_per_second: float, bytes_per_minute: float, transmission_percent: float """ try: if static.TOTAL_BYTES == 0: static.TOTAL_BYTES = 1 static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = min( int( ( receivedbytes * static.ARQ_COMPRESSION_FACTOR / (static.TOTAL_BYTES) ) * 100 ), 100, ) transmissiontime = time.time() - self.rx_start_of_transmission if receivedbytes > 0: static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = int((receivedbytes * 8) / transmissiontime) static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = int( (receivedbytes) / (transmissiontime / 60) ) else: static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 except Exception as err: self.log.error(f"[TNC] calculate_transfer_rate_rx: Exception: {err}") static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = 0.0 static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 return [ static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND, static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT, ] def reset_statistics(self) -> None: """ Reset statistics """ # reset ARQ statistics static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE_BURST = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND_BURST = 0 static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = 0 static.TOTAL_BYTES = 0 def calculate_transfer_rate_tx( self, tx_start_of_transmission: float, sentbytes: int, tx_buffer_length: int ) -> list: """ Calculate transfer rate for transmission Args: tx_start_of_transmission:float: sentbytes:int: tx_buffer_length:int: Returns: List of: bits_per_second: float, bytes_per_minute: float, transmission_percent: float """ try: static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = min( int((sentbytes / tx_buffer_length) * 100), 100 ) transmissiontime = time.time() - tx_start_of_transmission if sentbytes > 0: static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = int((sentbytes * 8) / transmissiontime) static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = int((sentbytes) / (transmissiontime / 60)) else: static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 except Exception as err: self.log.error(f"[TNC] calculate_transfer_rate_tx: Exception: {err}") static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = 0.0 static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = 0 static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = 0 return [ static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND, static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT, ] # ----------------------CLEANUP AND RESET FUNCTIONS def arq_cleanup(self) -> None: """ Cleanup function which clears all ARQ states """ if TESTMODE: self.log.debug("[TNC] TESTMODE: arq_cleanup: Not performing cleanup.") return self.log.debug("[TNC] arq_cleanup") self.rx_frame_bof_received = False self.rx_frame_eof_received = False self.burst_ack = False self.rpt_request_received = False self.data_frame_ack_received = False static.RX_BURST_BUFFER = [] static.RX_FRAME_BUFFER = b"" self.burst_ack_snr = 255 # reset modem receiving state to reduce cpu load modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = False # modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_0 = False modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = False # reset buffer overflow counter static.BUFFER_OVERFLOW_COUNTER = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.is_IRS = False self.burst_nack = False self.burst_nack_counter = 0 self.frame_received_counter = 0 self.speed_level = len(self.mode_list) - 1 static.ARQ_SPEED_LEVEL = self.speed_level # low bandwidth mode indicator self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False # reset retry counter for rx channel / burst self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 if not static.ARQ_SESSION: static.TNC_STATE = "IDLE" static.ARQ_STATE = False self.arq_file_transfer = False static.BEACON_PAUSE = False def arq_reset_ack(self, state: bool) -> None: """ Funktion for resetting acknowledge states Args: state:bool: """ self.burst_ack = state self.rpt_request_received = state self.data_frame_ack_received = state def set_listening_modes(self, mode: int) -> None: """ Function for setting the data modes we are listening to for saving cpu power Args: mode:int: Codec2 mode to listen for """ # set modes we want to listen to if mode == FREEDV_MODE.datac1.value: modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = True self.log.debug("[TNC] Changing listening data mode", mode="datac1") elif mode == FREEDV_MODE.datac3.value: modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = True self.log.debug("[TNC] Changing listening data mode", mode="datac3") elif mode == FREEDV_MODE.fsk_ldpc_1.value: modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = True self.log.debug("[TNC] Changing listening data mode", mode="fsk_ldpc_1") else: modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = True modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = True modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = True self.log.debug( "[TNC] Changing listening data mode", mode="datac1/datac3/fsk_ldpc" ) # ------------------------- WATCHDOG FUNCTIONS FOR TIMER def watchdog(self) -> None: """Author: DJ2LS Watchdog master function. From here, "pet" the watchdogs """ while True: time.sleep(0.1) self.data_channel_keep_alive_watchdog() self.burst_watchdog() self.arq_session_keep_alive_watchdog() def burst_watchdog(self) -> None: """ Watchdog which checks if we are running into a connection timeout DATA BURST """ # IRS SIDE # TODO: We need to redesign this part for cleaner state handling # Return if not ARQ STATE and not ARQ SESSION STATE as they are different use cases if ( not static.ARQ_STATE and static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE != "connected" or not self.is_IRS ): return # We want to reach this state only if connected ( == return above not called ) if ( self.data_channel_last_received + self.time_list[self.speed_level] <= time.time() ): self.log.warning( "[TNC] Frame timeout", attempt=self.n_retries_per_burst, max_attempts=self.rx_n_max_retries_per_burst, speed_level=self.speed_level, ) self.frame_received_counter = 0 self.burst_nack_counter += 1 if self.burst_nack_counter >= 2: self.burst_nack_counter = 0 self.speed_level = max(self.speed_level - 1, 0) static.ARQ_SPEED_LEVEL = self.speed_level # Update modes we are listening to self.set_listening_modes(self.mode_list[self.speed_level]) # Why not pass `snr` or `static.SNR`? self.send_burst_nack_frame_watchdog(0) # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = time.time() self.n_retries_per_burst += 1 else: # print((self.data_channel_last_received + self.time_list[self.speed_level])-time.time()) pass if self.n_retries_per_burst >= self.rx_n_max_retries_per_burst: self.stop_transmission() self.arq_cleanup() def data_channel_keep_alive_watchdog(self) -> None: """ watchdog which checks if we are running into a connection timeout DATA CHANNEL """ # and not static.ARQ_SEND_KEEP_ALIVE: if static.ARQ_STATE and static.TNC_STATE == "BUSY": time.sleep(0.01) if ( self.data_channel_last_received + self.transmission_timeout > time.time() ): time.sleep(0.01) # print(self.data_channel_last_received + self.transmission_timeout - time.time()) # pass else: # Clear the timeout timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = 0 self.log.info( "[TNC] DATA [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]<>[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]" ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, ) self.arq_cleanup() def arq_session_keep_alive_watchdog(self) -> None: """ watchdog which checks if we are running into a connection timeout ARQ SESSION """ if ( static.ARQ_SESSION and static.TNC_STATE == "BUSY" and not self.arq_file_transfer ): if self.arq_session_last_received + self.arq_session_timeout > time.time(): time.sleep(0.01) else: self.log.info( "[TNC] SESSION [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]<>[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, "UTF-8") + "]" ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="tnc-message", arq="session", status="failed", reason="timeout", ) self.close_session() def heartbeat(self) -> None: """ Heartbeat thread which auto pauses and resumes the heartbeat signal when in an arq session """ while True: time.sleep(0.01) if ( static.ARQ_SESSION and self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER and static.ARQ_SESSION_STATE == "connected" and not self.arq_file_transfer ): time.sleep(1) self.transmit_session_heartbeat() time.sleep(2) def send_test_frame(self) -> None: """Send an empty test frame""" self.enqueue_frame_for_tx( frame_to_tx=bytearray(126), c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.datac3.value )