#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Dec 27 20:43:40 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ import logging import threading import time from random import randrange import static import modem import helpers import main modem = modem.RF() static.ARQ_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME = static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME - 3 #6?! static.ARQ_ACK_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME = 14 - 2# #def arq_ack_timeout(): # static.ARQ_ACK_TIMEOUT = 1 #def arq_rpt_timeout(): # static.ARQ_RPT_TIMEOUT = True def data_received(data_in): # arqframe = frame_type + \ # 1 [:1] # frame type and current number of arq frame of (current) burst # bytes([static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST]) + \ # 1 [1:2] # total number of arq frames per (current) burst # static.ARQ_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME + \ # 2 [2:4] # current arq frame number # static.ARQ_N_TOTAL_ARQ_FRAMES + \ # 2 [4:6] # total number arq frames # static.ARQ_BURST_PAYLOAD_CRC + \ # 2 [6:8] # arq crc # payload_data # N [8:N] # payload data static.ARQ_N_FRAME = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") - 10 #get number of burst frame static.ARQ_N_RX_FRAMES_PER_BURSTS = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[1:2]), "big") #get number of bursts from received frame static.ARQ_RX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[2:4]), "big") #get current number of total frames static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[4:6]), "big") # get get total number of frames static.ARQ_BURST_PAYLOAD_CRC = data_in[6:8] logging.debug("----------------------------------------------------------------") logging.debug("ARQ_N_FRAME: " + str(static.ARQ_N_FRAME)) logging.debug("ARQ_N_RX_FRAMES_PER_BURSTS: " + str(static.ARQ_N_RX_FRAMES_PER_BURSTS)) logging.debug("ARQ_RX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME: " + str(static.ARQ_RX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME)) logging.debug("ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME: " + str(static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME)) logging.debug("static.ARQ_BURST_PAYLOAD_CRC: " + str(static.ARQ_BURST_PAYLOAD_CRC)) logging.debug("----------------------------------------------------------------") arq_percent_burst = int((static.ARQ_N_FRAME / static.ARQ_N_RX_FRAMES_PER_BURSTS)*100) arq_percent_frame = int(((static.ARQ_RX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME)/static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME)*100) logging.info("ARQ | RX | ARQ FRAME [" + str(static.ARQ_N_FRAME) + "/" + str(static.ARQ_N_RX_FRAMES_PER_BURSTS) + "] [" + str(arq_percent_burst).zfill(3) + "%] --- TOTAL [" + str(static.ARQ_RX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME) + "/" + str(static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME) + "] [" + str(arq_percent_frame).zfill(3) + "%]" ) #allocate ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER as a list with "None" if not already done. This should be done only once per burst! # here we will save the N frame of a data frame to N list position so we can explicit search for it try: static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER[static.ARQ_RX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME] = bytes(data_in) except IndexError: static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER = [] for i in range(0,static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME+1): static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER.insert(i,None) static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER[static.ARQ_RX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME] = bytes(data_in) static.ARQ_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED = False static.ARQ_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED = False try: static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER[static.ARQ_N_FRAME] = bytes(data_in) except IndexError: static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER = [] for i in range(0,static.ARQ_N_RX_FRAMES_PER_BURSTS+1): static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER.insert(i,None) static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER[static.ARQ_N_FRAME] = bytes(data_in) #for i in range(len(static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER)): # print(static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER[i]) # - ------------------------- ARQ BURST CHECKER # run only if we recieved all ARQ FRAMES per ARQ BURST if static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER.count(None) == 1: #count nones logging.info("ARQ | TX | BURST ACK") #BUILDING ACK FRAME FOR BURST ----------------------------------------------- ack_payload = b'BURST_ACK' ack_frame = b'<' + ack_payload # < = 60 #TRANSMIT ACK FRAME FOR BURST----------------------------------------------- modem.transmit_arq_ack(ack_frame) #clear burst buffer static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER = [] #if decoded N frames are unequal to expected frames per burst elif static.ARQ_N_FRAME == static.ARQ_N_RX_FRAMES_PER_BURSTS and static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER.count(None) != 1: # --------------- CHECK WHICH BURST FRAMES WE ARE MISSING ------------------------------------------- missing_frames = b'' for burstnumber in range(1,len(static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER)): if static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER[burstnumber] == None: frame_number = burstnumber.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') missing_frames += frame_number logging.info("ARQ | TX | RPT ARQ FRAMES [" + str(missing_frames) + "]") #BUILDING RPT FRAME FOR BURST ----------------------------------------------- rpt_payload = missing_frames rpt_frame = b'>' + rpt_payload #> = 63 #TRANSMIT RPT FRAME FOR BURST----------------------------------------------- modem.transmit_arq_ack(rpt_frame) # ---------------------------- FRAME MACHINE # --------------- IF LIST NOT CONTAINS "None" stick everything together complete_data_frame = bytearray() #print("static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER.count(None)" + str(static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER.count(None))) if static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER.count(None) == 1: ## 1 because position 0 of list will alaways be None in our case #print("DECODING FRAME!") for frame in range(1,len(static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER)): raw_arq_frame = static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER[frame] arq_frame_payload = raw_arq_frame[8:] # -------- DETECT IF WE RECEIVED A FRAME HEADER THEN SAVE DATA TO GLOBALS if arq_frame_payload[2:4].startswith(static.FRAME_BOF): static.FRAME_CRC = arq_frame_payload[:2] static.ARQ_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED = True arq_frame_payload = arq_frame_payload.split(static.FRAME_BOF) arq_frame_payload = arq_frame_payload[1] # -------- DETECT IF WE RECEIVED A FRAME FOOTER THEN SAVE DATA TO GLOBALS if arq_frame_payload.rstrip(b'\x00').endswith(static.FRAME_EOF): static.ARQ_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED = True arq_frame_payload = arq_frame_payload.split(static.FRAME_EOF) arq_frame_payload = arq_frame_payload[0] # --------- AFTER WE SEPARATED BOF AND EOF, STICK EVERYTHING TOGETHER complete_data_frame = complete_data_frame + arq_frame_payload #check if Begin of Frame BOF and End of Frame EOF are received, then start calculating CRC and sticking everything together if static.ARQ_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED == True and static.ARQ_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED == True: frame_payload_crc = helpers.get_crc_16(complete_data_frame) #IF THE FRAME PAYLOAD CRC IS EQUAL TO THE FRAME CRC WHICH IS KNOWN FROM THE HEADER --> SUCCESS if frame_payload_crc == static.FRAME_CRC: logging.info("ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME SUCESSFULLY RECEIVED! - TIME TO PARTY") #append received frame to RX_BUFFER static.RX_BUFFER.append(complete_data_frame) #BUILDING ACK FRAME FOR DATA FRAME ----------------------------------------------- ack_payload = b'FRAME_ACK' ack_frame = b'='+ ack_payload + bytes(static.FRAME_CRC) # < = 61 #TRANSMIT ACK FRAME FOR BURST----------------------------------------------- time.sleep(3) #0.5 logging.info("ARQ | TX | ARQ DATA FRAME ACK [" + str(static.FRAME_CRC.hex()) +"]") modem.transmit_arq_ack(ack_frame) # clearing buffers and resetting counters static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER = [] static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER = [] static.ARQ_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED = False static.ARQ_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED = False static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME = 0 #print("----------------------------------------------------------------") #print(static.RX_BUFFER[-1]) #print("----------------------------------------------------------------") else: logging.info("ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME NOT SUCESSFULLY RECEIVED!") def transmit(data_out): static.ARQ_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME = static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME - 8 #3 ohne ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST frame_header_length = 4 n_arq_frames_per_data_frame = (len(data_out)+frame_header_length) // static.ARQ_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME + ((len(data_out)+frame_header_length) % static.ARQ_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME > 0) frame_payload_crc = helpers.get_crc_16(data_out) # This is the total frame with frame header, which will be send data_out = frame_payload_crc + static.FRAME_BOF + data_out + static.FRAME_EOF # 2 2 N 2 # --------------------------------------------- LETS CREATE A BUFFER BY SPLITTING THE FILES INTO PEACES static.TX_BUFFER = [data_out[i:i+static.ARQ_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME] for i in range(0, len(data_out), static.ARQ_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME)] static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE = len(static.TX_BUFFER) logging.info("ARQ | TX | DATA FRAME --- BYTES: " + str(len(data_out)) + " ARQ FRAMES: " + str(static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE)) # --------------------------------------------- THIS IS THE MAIN LOOP----------------------------------------------------------------- static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES = 0 # SET N SENT FRAMES TO 0 FOR A NEW SENDING CYCLE while static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES <= static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE: static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = get_n_frames_per_burst() # ----------- CREATE FRAME TOTAL PAYLOAD TO BE ABLE TO CREATE CRC FOR IT try: # DETECT IF LAST BURST TO PREVENT INDEX ERROR OF BUFFER for i in range(static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST): # Loop through TX_BUFFER LIST len(static.TX_BUFFER[static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + i]) #we calculate the length to trigger a list index error except IndexError: # IF LAST BURST DETECTED BUILD CRC WITH LESS FRAMES AND SET static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST TO VALUE OF REST! if static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES == 0 and (static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST > static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE): #WE CANT DO MODULO 0 --> CHECK IF FIRST FRAME == LAST FRAME static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE elif static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES == 1 and (static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST > static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE): # MODULO 1 WILL ALWAYS BE 0 --> THIS FIXES IT static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE - static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES else: static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = (static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE % static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES) #--------------------------------------------- N ATTEMPTS TO SEND BURSTS IF ACK RECEPTION FAILS for static.TX_N_RETRIES in range(static.TX_N_MAX_RETRIES): if static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + 1 <= static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE: logging.info("ARQ | TX | F:[" + str(static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES+1) + "-" + str(static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST) + "] | T:[" + str(static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES) + "/" + str(static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE) + "] [" + str(int(static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES/(static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE)*100)).zfill(3) + "%] | A:[" + str(static.TX_N_RETRIES+1) + "/" + str(static.TX_N_MAX_RETRIES) + "]") # lets start a thread to transmit nonblocking TRANSMIT_ARQ_BURST_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=modem.transmit_arq_burst, name="TRANSMIT_ARQ_BURST") TRANSMIT_ARQ_BURST_THREAD.start() # lets wait during sending. After sending is finished we will continue while static.ARQ_STATE == 'SENDING_DATA': time.sleep(0.01) #print("sending.....") # --------------------------- START TIMER FOR WAITING FOR ACK ---> IF TIMEOUT REACHED, ACK_TIMEOUT = 1 #reset timer and ack state #static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED = False #static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED = False #static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT = False logging.info("ARQ | RX | WAITING FOR BURST ACK") static.ARQ_STATE = 'RECEIVING_SIGNALLING' helpers.arq_reset_timeout(False) helpers.arq_reset_ack(False) acktimer = threading.Timer(static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, helpers.arq_ack_timeout) acktimer.start() print(".............................") print("static.ARQ_STATE " + str(static.ARQ_STATE)) print("static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED " + str(static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED)) print("static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED " + str(static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED)) print("static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT " + str(static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT)) print("static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED " + str(static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED)) print(".............................") # --------------------------- WHILE TIMEOUT NOT REACHED AND NO ACK RECEIVED --> LISTEN while static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED != True and static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED != True and static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED != True and static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_TIMEOUT != True and static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT != True: time.sleep(0.01) # lets reduce CPU load a little bit print(static.ARQ_STATE) if static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED == True: logging.info("ARQ | RX | REQUEST FOR REPEATING FRAMES: " + str(static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES)) logging.info("ARQ | TX | SENDING REQUESTED FRAMES: " + str(static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES)) TRANSMIT_ARQ_BURST_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=modem.transmit_arq_burst, name="TRANSMIT_ARQ_BURST") TRANSMIT_ARQ_BURST_THREAD.start() # lets wait during sending. After sending is finished we will continue while static.ARQ_STATE == 'SENDING_DATA': time.sleep(0.01) static.ARQ_STATE = 'RECEIVING_SIGNALLING' helpers.arq_reset_timeout(False) helpers.arq_reset_ack(False) rpttimer = threading.Timer(static.ARQ_RX_RPT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, helpers.arq_rpt_timeout) rpttimer.start() while static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED == False and static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED == False and static.ARQ_RX_RPT_TIMEOUT == False: time.sleep(0.01) # lets reduce CPU load a little bit print(static.ARQ_STATE) if static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED == True: logging.info("ARQ | RX | ACK RECEIVED AFTER FRAME REPEAT") helpers.arq_reset_ack(True) static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES = [] if static.ARQ_RX_RPT_TIMEOUT == True and static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED == False: print("Burst lost....") helpers.arq_reset_ack(False) static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES = [] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED == 0 and static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT == 1: logging.info("ARQ | RX | ACK TIMEOUT - AND NO ACK!") pass #no break here so we can continue with the next try of repeating the burst #--------------- BREAK LOOP IF ACK HAS BEEN RECEIVED elif static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED == True: logging.info("ARQ | RX | ACK RECEIVED") #-----------IF ACK RECEIVED, INCREMENT ITERATOR FOR MAIN LOOP TO PROCEED WITH NEXT FRAMES/BURST static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES = static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST break #--------------- BREAK LOOP IF FRAME ACK HAS BEEN RECEIVED EARLIER AS EXPECTED elif static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED == True: print("----------------------------------------------------------") logging.info("ARQ | RX | EARLY FRAME ACK RECEIVED - STOPPING TX") #static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES = #static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES = static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST break else: print("------------------------------->NO RULE MATCHED!") break #--------------------------------WAITING AREA FOR FRAME ACKs print("static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES " + str(static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES)) print("static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE " + str(static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE)) print("static.TX_N_RETRIES " + str(static.TX_N_RETRIES)) print("static.TX_N_MAX_RETRIES " + str(static.TX_N_MAX_RETRIES)) print("static.ARQ_STATE " + str(static.ARQ_STATE)) print("static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED " + str(static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED)) print("static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_TIMEOUT " + str(static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_TIMEOUT)) print("static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED " + str(static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED)) print("static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT " + str(static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT)) print("static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED " + str(static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED)) frametimer = threading.Timer(static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, helpers.arq_frame_timeout) frametimer.start() static.ARQ_STATE = 'RECEIVING_SIGNALLING' # wait for frame ACK if we processed the last frame/burst while static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED == False and static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_TIMEOUT == False and static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES == static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE: time.sleep(0.01) # lets reduce CPU load a little bit #print(static.ARQ_STATE) print("WAITING FOR FRAME ACK") # ----------- if no ACK received and out of retries.....stop frame sending if static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED == False and static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED == False and static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT == True: logging.info("ARQ | TX | NO BURST OR FRAME ACK RECEIVED | DATA SHOULD BE RESEND!") break #-------------------------BREAK TX BUFFER LOOP IF ALL PACKETS HAVE BEEN SENT AND WE GOT A FRAME ACK elif static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES == static.TX_BUFFER_SIZE and static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED == True: logging.info("ARQ | RX | REGULAR FRAME ACK RECEIVED - DATA TRANSMITTED!") break else: print("NO MATCHING RULE AT THE END") # IF TX BUFFER IS EMPTY / ALL FRAMES HAVE BEEN SENT --> HERE WE COULD ADD AN static.VAR for IDLE STATE logging.info("ARQ | TX | BUFFER EMPTY") helpers.arq_reset_frame_machine() # BURST MACHINE TO DEFINE N BURSTS PER FRAME ---> LATER WE CAN USE CHANNEL MESSUREMENT TO SET FRAMES PER BURST def get_n_frames_per_burst(): #n_frames_per_burst = randrange(1,10) n_frames_per_burst = 4 return n_frames_per_burst def burst_ack_received(): logging.info("ARQ | RX | BURST ACK RCVD!") #static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT = True #Force timer to stop waiting static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED = True #Force data loops of TNC to stop and continue with next frame #static.ARQ_RX_RPT_TIMEOUT = True #Force timer to stop waiting #static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED = False #static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES = [] def frame_ack_received(): logging.info("ARQ | RX | FRAME ACK RCVD!") #static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT = True #Force timer to stop waiting static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED = True #Force data loops of TNC to stop and continue with next frame #static.ARQ_RX_RPT_TIMEOUT = True #Force timer to stop waiting #static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED = False #static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES = [] def burst_rpt_received(data_in): logging.info("ARQ | RX | BURST RPT RCVD!") #static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT = False #Force timer to stop waiting #static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED = False #Force data loops of TNC to stop and continue with next frame #static.ARQ_RX_RPT_TIMEOUT = True static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED = True static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES = [] missing_area = bytes(data_in[1:9]) for i in range(0,6,2): if not missing_area[i:i+2].endswith(b'\x00\x00'): missing = missing_area[i:i+2] static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES.insert(0,missing)