#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Dec 23 07:04:24 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ import ctypes from ctypes import * import pathlib import pyaudio import audioop import asyncio #import sys import logging import time import threading import atexit import helpers import static import data_handler import sys #sys.path.append("hamlib/linux") #import Hamlib from hamlib.linux import Hamlib import numpy as np #import rigctld #rigctld = rigctld.Rigctld() MODEM_STATS_NR_MAX = 320 MODEM_STATS_NC_MAX = 51 class MODEMSTATS(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("Nc", ctypes.c_int), ("snr_est", ctypes.c_float), ("rx_symbols", (ctypes.c_float * MODEM_STATS_NR_MAX)*MODEM_STATS_NC_MAX), ("nr", ctypes.c_int), ("sync", ctypes.c_int), ("foff", ctypes.c_float), ("rx_timing", ctypes.c_float), ("clock_offset", ctypes.c_float), ("sync_metric", ctypes.c_float), ("pre", ctypes.c_int), ("post", ctypes.c_int), ("uw_fails", ctypes.c_int), ] class RF(): def __init__(self): # -------------------------------------------- LOAD FREEDV try: # we check at first for libcodec2 in root - necessary if we want to run it inside a pyinstaller binary libname = pathlib.Path("libcodec2.so.1.0") self.c_lib = ctypes.CDLL(libname) print("running libcodec from INTERNAL library") except: # if we cant load libcodec from root, we check for subdirectory # this is, if we want to run it without beeing build in a dev environment libname = pathlib.Path().absolute() / "codec2/build_linux/src/libcodec2.so.1.0" self.c_lib = ctypes.CDLL(libname) print("running libcodec from EXTERNAL library") # --------------------------------------------CREATE PYAUDIO INSTANCE self.p = pyaudio.PyAudio() atexit.register(self.p.terminate) # --------------------------------------------OPEN AUDIO CHANNEL RX self.stream_rx = self.p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=static.AUDIO_CHANNELS, rate=static.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_RX, frames_per_buffer=static.AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, input=True, input_device_index=static.AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE ) # --------------------------------------------OPEN AUDIO CHANNEL TX self.stream_tx = self.p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=static.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX, frames_per_buffer=static.AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, # n_nom_modem_samples output=True, output_device_index=static.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE, # static.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE ) self.streambuffer = bytes(0) self.audio_writing_to_stream = False # --------------------------------------------START DECODER THREAD FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_10 = threading.Thread(target=self.receive, args=[10], name="FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_10") FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_10.start() #FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_11 = threading.Thread(target=self.receive, args=[11], name="FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_11") #FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_11.start() FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_12 = threading.Thread(target=self.receive, args=[12], name="FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_12") FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_12.start() FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_14 = threading.Thread(target=self.receive, args=[static.FREEDV_SIGNALLING_MODE], name="FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_14") FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_14.start() FREEDV_PLAYBACK_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=self.play_audio, name="FREEDV_DECODER_THREAD_14") FREEDV_PLAYBACK_THREAD.start() # --------------------------------------------CONFIGURE HAMLIB print(static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE) print(static.HAMLIB_DEVICE_ID) print(static.HAMLIB_DEVICE_PORT) # try to init hamlib try: Hamlib.rig_set_debug(Hamlib.RIG_DEBUG_NONE) self.my_rig = Hamlib.Rig(int(static.HAMLIB_DEVICE_ID)) self.my_rig.set_conf("rig_pathname", static.HAMLIB_DEVICE_PORT) self.my_rig.set_conf("retry", "5") self.my_rig.set_conf("serial_speed", static.HAMLIB_SERIAL_SPEED) #self.my_rig.set_conf("dtr_state", "OFF") #my_rig.set_conf("rts_state", "OFF") #self.my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "RTS") #my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "RIG_PTT_SERIAL_RTS") self.my_rig.set_conf("serial_handshake", "None") self.my_rig.set_conf("stop_bits", "1") self.my_rig.set_conf("data_bits", "8") #my_rig.set_ptt(Hamlib.RIG_PTT_RIG,0) #my_rig.set_ptt(Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR,0) #my_rig.set_ptt(Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_RTS,1) if static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE == 'RIG_PTT_RIG': self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_RIG elif static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE == 'RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR': self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR elif static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE == 'RTS': self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_RTS self.my_rig.set_conf("dtr_state", "OFF") self.my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "RTS") elif static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE == 'RIG_PTT_PARALLEL': self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_PARALLEL elif static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE == 'RIG_PTT_RIG_MICDATA': self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_RIG_MICDATA elif static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE == 'RIG_PTT_CM108': self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_CM108 else: # static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE == 'RIG_PTT_NONE': self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_NONE self.my_rig.open() atexit.register(self.my_rig.close) # set rig mode to USB self.my_rig.set_mode(Hamlib.RIG_MODE_USB) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) print("can't open rig") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ptt_and_wait(self, state): static.PTT_STATE = state if state: self.my_rig.set_ptt(self.hamlib_ptt_type, 1) #rigctld.ptt_enable() ptt_toggle_timeout = time.time() + 0.5 while time.time() < ptt_toggle_timeout: pass else: ptt_toggle_timeout = time.time() + 0.5 while time.time() < ptt_toggle_timeout: pass self.my_rig.set_ptt(self.hamlib_ptt_type, 0) #rigctld.ptt_disable() return False def play_audio(self): while True: time.sleep(0.01) #while len(self.streambuffer) > 0: # time.sleep(0.01) if len(self.streambuffer) > 0 and self.audio_writing_to_stream: self.streambuffer = bytes(self.streambuffer) # we need t wait a little bit until the buffer is filled. If we are not waiting, we are sending empty data time.sleep(0.1) self.stream_tx.write(self.streambuffer) # clear stream buffer after sending self.streambuffer = bytes() self.audio_writing_to_stream = False # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def transmit_signalling(self, data_out, count): state_before_transmit = static.CHANNEL_STATE static.CHANNEL_STATE = 'SENDING_SIGNALLING' #print(static.CHANNEL_STATE) self.c_lib.freedv_open.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte) freedv = self.c_lib.freedv_open(static.FREEDV_SIGNALLING_MODE) bytes_per_frame = int(self.c_lib.freedv_get_bits_per_modem_frame(freedv) / 8) payload_per_frame = bytes_per_frame - 2 n_nom_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_nom_modem_samples(freedv) n_tx_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_tx_modem_samples(freedv) # get n_tx_modem_samples which defines the size of the modulation object n_tx_preamble_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_tx_preamble_modem_samples(freedv) n_tx_postamble_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_tx_postamble_modem_samples(freedv) mod_out = ctypes.c_short * n_tx_modem_samples mod_out = mod_out() mod_out_preamble = ctypes.c_short * n_tx_preamble_modem_samples # *2 #1760 for mode 10,11,12 #4000 for mode 9 mod_out_preamble = mod_out_preamble() mod_out_postamble = ctypes.c_short * n_tx_postamble_modem_samples # *2 #1760 for mode 10,11,12 #4000 for mode 9 mod_out_postamble = mod_out_postamble() buffer = bytearray(payload_per_frame) # use this if CRC16 checksum is required ( DATA1-3) buffer[:len(data_out)] = data_out # set buffersize to length of data which will be send crc = ctypes.c_ushort(self.c_lib.freedv_gen_crc16(bytes(buffer), payload_per_frame)) # generate CRC16 crc = crc.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') # convert crc to 2 byte hex string buffer += crc # append crc16 to buffer data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * bytes_per_frame).from_buffer_copy(buffer) self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatapreambletx(freedv, mod_out_preamble) self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatatx(freedv, mod_out, data) # modulate DATA and safe it into mod_out pointer self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatapostambletx(freedv, mod_out_postamble) self.streambuffer = bytearray() self.streambuffer += bytes(mod_out_preamble) self.streambuffer += bytes(mod_out) self.streambuffer += bytes(mod_out_postamble) converted_audio = audioop.ratecv(self.streambuffer,2,1,static.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE, static.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX, None) self.streambuffer = bytes(converted_audio[0]) # append frame again with as much as in count defined for i in range(1, count): self.streambuffer += bytes(converted_audio[0]) #print(len(self.streambuffer)) #self.streambuffer += bytes(converted_audio[0]) #print(len(self.streambuffer)) # -------------- transmit audio #logging.debug("SENDING SIGNALLING FRAME " + str(data_out)) ##state_before_transmit = static.CHANNEL_STATE ##static.CHANNEL_STATE = 'SENDING_SIGNALLING' while self.ptt_and_wait(True): pass self.audio_writing_to_stream = True # wait until audio has been processed while self.audio_writing_to_stream: time.sleep(0.01) static.CHANNEL_STATE = 'SENDING_SIGNALLING' self.ptt_and_wait(False) ## we have a problem with the receiving state ##static.CHANNEL_STATE = state_before_transmit if state_before_transmit != 'RECEIVING_DATA': static.CHANNEL_STATE = 'RECEIVING_SIGNALLING' else: static.CHANNEL_STATE = state_before_transmit self.c_lib.freedv_close(freedv) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GET ARQ BURST FRAME VOM BUFFER AND MODULATE IT def transmit_arq_burst(self): # we could place this timing part inside the modem... # lets see if this is a good idea.. static.ARQ_DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) # we need to update our timeout timestamp static.ARQ_START_OF_BURST = int(time.time()) # we need to update our timeout timestamp state_before_transmit = static.CHANNEL_STATE static.CHANNEL_STATE = 'SENDING_DATA' self.c_lib.freedv_open.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte) freedv = self.c_lib.freedv_open(static.ARQ_DATA_CHANNEL_MODE) static.FREEDV_DATA_BYTES_PER_FRAME = int(self.c_lib.freedv_get_bits_per_modem_frame(freedv) / 8) static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME = static.FREEDV_DATA_BYTES_PER_FRAME - 2 n_nom_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_nom_modem_samples(freedv) n_tx_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_tx_modem_samples(freedv) # *2 #get n_tx_modem_samples which defines the size of the modulation object n_tx_preamble_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_tx_preamble_modem_samples(freedv) n_tx_postamble_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_tx_postamble_modem_samples(freedv) mod_out = ctypes.c_short * n_tx_modem_samples mod_out = mod_out() mod_out_preamble = ctypes.c_short * n_tx_preamble_modem_samples # *2 #1760 for mode 10,11,12 #4000 for mode 9 mod_out_preamble = mod_out_preamble() mod_out_postamble = ctypes.c_short * n_tx_postamble_modem_samples # *2 #1760 for mode 10,11,12 #4000 for mode 9 mod_out_postamble = mod_out_postamble() self.streambuffer = bytearray() self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatapreambletx(freedv, mod_out_preamble) self.streambuffer += bytes(mod_out_preamble) if not static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED: for n in range(0, static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST): # ---------------------------BUILD ARQ BURST --------------------------------------------------------------------- frame_type = 10 + n + 1 # static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST frame_type = bytes([frame_type]) payload_data = bytes(static.TX_BUFFER[static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + n]) n_current_arq_frame = static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + n + 1 static.ARQ_TX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME = n_current_arq_frame.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') n_total_arq_frame = len(static.TX_BUFFER) #static.ARQ_TX_N_TOTAL_ARQ_FRAMES = n_total_arq_frame arqframe = frame_type + \ bytes([static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST]) + \ static.ARQ_TX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME + \ n_total_arq_frame.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') + \ static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 + \ static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 + \ payload_data buffer = bytearray(static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME) # create TX buffer buffer[:len(arqframe)] = arqframe # set buffersize to length of data which will be send crc = ctypes.c_ushort(self.c_lib.freedv_gen_crc16(bytes(buffer), static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME)) # generate CRC16 crc = crc.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') # convert crc to 2 byte hex string buffer += crc # append crc16 to buffer data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * static.FREEDV_DATA_BYTES_PER_FRAME).from_buffer_copy(buffer) self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatatx(freedv, mod_out, data) # modulate DATA and safe it into mod_out pointer self.streambuffer += bytes(mod_out) elif static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED: for n in range(0, len(static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES)): missing_frame = int.from_bytes(static.ARQ_RPT_FRAMES[n], "big") # ---------------------------BUILD ARQ BURST --------------------------------------------------------------------- frame_type = 10 + missing_frame # static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST frame_type = bytes([frame_type]) try: payload_data = bytes(static.TX_BUFFER[static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + missing_frame - 1]) except: print("modem buffer selection problem with ARQ RPT frames") n_current_arq_frame = static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES + missing_frame static.ARQ_TX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME = n_current_arq_frame.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') n_total_arq_frame = len(static.TX_BUFFER) #static.ARQ_TX_N_TOTAL_ARQ_FRAMES = n_total_arq_frame arqframe = frame_type + \ bytes([static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST]) + \ static.ARQ_TX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME + \ n_total_arq_frame.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') + \ static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 + \ static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 + \ payload_data buffer = bytearray(static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME) # create TX buffer buffer[:len(arqframe)] = arqframe # set buffersize to length of data which will be send crc = ctypes.c_ushort(self.c_lib.freedv_gen_crc16(bytes(buffer), static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME)) # generate CRC16 crc = crc.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') # convert crc to 2 byte hex string buffer += crc # append crc16 to buffer data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * static.FREEDV_DATA_BYTES_PER_FRAME).from_buffer_copy(buffer) self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatatx(freedv, mod_out, data) # modulate DATA and safe it into mod_out pointer self.streambuffer += bytes(mod_out) self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatapostambletx(freedv, mod_out_postamble) self.streambuffer += bytes(mod_out_postamble) converted_audio = audioop.ratecv(self.streambuffer,2,1,static.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE, static.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX, None) self.streambuffer = bytes(converted_audio[0]) # -------------- transmit audio while self.ptt_and_wait(True): pass # this triggers writing buffer to audio stream # this way we are able to run this non blocking # this needs to be optimized! self.audio_writing_to_stream = True # wait until audio has been processed while self.audio_writing_to_stream: time.sleep(0.01) static.CHANNEL_STATE = 'SENDING_DATA' static.CHANNEL_STATE = 'RECEIVING_SIGNALLING' self.ptt_and_wait(False) # close codec2 instance self.c_lib.freedv_close(freedv) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def receive(self, mode): force = False # create new codec2 instance self.c_lib.freedv_open.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte) freedv = self.c_lib.freedv_open(mode) bytes_per_frame = int(self.c_lib.freedv_get_bits_per_modem_frame(freedv) / 8) if mode == static.FREEDV_SIGNALLING_MODE: static.FREEDV_SIGNALLING_BYTES_PER_FRAME = bytes_per_frame static.FREEDV_SIGNALLING_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME = bytes_per_frame - 2 self.c_lib.freedv_set_frames_per_burst(freedv, 1) elif mode == static.ARQ_DATA_CHANNEL_MODE: static.FREEDV_DATA_BYTES_PER_FRAME = bytes_per_frame static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME = bytes_per_frame - 2 self.c_lib.freedv_set_frames_per_burst(freedv, 0) else: #pass self.c_lib.freedv_set_frames_per_burst(freedv, 0) bytes_out = (ctypes.c_ubyte * bytes_per_frame) bytes_out = bytes_out() # get pointer to bytes_out while static.FREEDV_RECEIVE == True: time.sleep(0.01) # lets get the frequency, mode and bandwith self.get_radio_stats() # demod loop while (static.CHANNEL_STATE == 'RECEIVING_DATA' and static.ARQ_DATA_CHANNEL_MODE == mode) or (static.CHANNEL_STATE == 'RECEIVING_SIGNALLING' and static.FREEDV_SIGNALLING_MODE == mode): time.sleep(0.01) # refresh vars, so the correct parameters of the used mode are set if mode == static.ARQ_DATA_CHANNEL_MODE: static.FREEDV_DATA_BYTES_PER_FRAME = bytes_per_frame static.FREEDV_DATA_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME = bytes_per_frame - 2 nin = self.c_lib.freedv_nin(freedv) nin = int(nin*(static.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_RX/static.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE)) data_in = self.stream_rx.read(nin, exception_on_overflow=False) data_in = audioop.ratecv(data_in,2,1,static.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_RX, static.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE, None) data_in = data_in[0] static.AUDIO_RMS = audioop.rms(data_in, 2) nbytes = self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatarx(freedv, bytes_out, data_in) # demodulate audio #print("listening-" + str(mode) + " - " + "nin: " + str(nin) + " - " + str(self.c_lib.freedv_get_rx_status(freedv))) # get scatter data, fft and snr data self.get_scatter(freedv) self.calculate_snr(freedv) self.calculate_fft(data_in) # forward data only if broadcast or we are the receiver # bytes_out[1:2] == callsign check for signalling frames, bytes_out[6:7] == callsign check for data frames, bytes_out[1:2] == b'\x01' --> broadcasts like CQ # we could also create an own function, which returns True. In this case we could add callsign blacklists and so on if nbytes == bytes_per_frame and bytes(bytes_out[1:2]) == static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 or bytes(bytes_out[6:7]) == static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 or bytes(bytes_out[1:2]) == b'\x01': self.calculate_snr(freedv) helpers.calculate_transfer_rate() # CHECK IF FRAMETYPE IS BETWEEN 10 and 50 ------------------------ frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(bytes_out[:1]), "big") frame = frametype - 10 n_frames_per_burst = int.from_bytes(bytes(bytes_out[1:2]), "big") #self.c_lib.freedv_set_frames_per_burst(freedv_data, n_frames_per_burst); if 50 >= frametype >= 10: if frame != 3 or force == True: data_handler.arq_data_received(bytes(bytes_out[:-2])) # send payload data to arq checker without CRC16 #print("static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER.count(None) " + str(static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER.count(None))) if static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER.count(None) <= 1: logging.debug("FULL BURST BUFFER ---> UNSYNC") self.c_lib.freedv_set_sync(freedv, 0) else: logging.critical("---------------------------SIMULATED MISSING FRAME") force = True # BURST ACK elif frametype == 60: logging.debug("ACK RECEIVED....") data_handler.burst_ack_received() # FRAME ACK elif frametype == 61: logging.debug("FRAME ACK RECEIVED....") data_handler.frame_ack_received() # FRAME RPT elif frametype == 62: logging.debug("REPEAT REQUEST RECEIVED....") data_handler.burst_rpt_received(bytes_out[:-2]) # FRAME NAK elif frametype == 63: logging.debug("FRAME NAK RECEIVED....") data_handler.frame_nack_received(bytes_out[:-2]) # CQ FRAME elif frametype == 200: logging.debug("CQ RECEIVED....") data_handler.received_cq(bytes_out[:-2]) # PING FRAME elif frametype == 210: logging.debug("PING RECEIVED....") data_handler.received_ping(bytes_out[:-2]) # PING ACK elif frametype == 211: logging.debug("PING ACK RECEIVED....") data_handler.received_ping_ack(bytes_out[:-2]) # ARQ CONNECT elif frametype == 220: logging.info("ARQ CONNECT RECEIVED....") data_handler.arq_received_connect(bytes_out[:-2]) # ARQ CONNECT ACK / KEEP ALIVE elif frametype == 221: logging.info("ARQ CONNECT ACK RECEIVED / KEEP ALIVE....") data_handler.arq_received_connect_keep_alive(bytes_out[:-2]) # ARQ CONNECT ACK / KEEP ALIVE elif frametype == 222: logging.debug("ARQ DISCONNECT RECEIVED") data_handler.arq_disconnect_received(bytes_out[:-2]) # ARQ FILE TRANSFER RECEIVED! elif frametype == 225: logging.debug("ARQ arq_received_data_channel_opener RECEIVED") data_handler.arq_received_data_channel_opener(bytes_out[:-2]) # ARQ CHANNEL IS OPENED elif frametype == 226: logging.debug("ARQ arq_received_channel_is_open RECEIVED") data_handler.arq_received_channel_is_open(bytes_out[:-2]) # ARQ CONNECT ACK / KEEP ALIVE elif frametype == 230: logging.debug("BEACON RECEIVED") data_handler.received_beacon(bytes_out[:-2]) else: logging.info("OTHER FRAME: " + str(bytes_out[:-2])) print(frametype) # DO UNSYNC AFTER LAST BURST by checking the frame nums agains the total frames per burst if frame == n_frames_per_burst: logging.debug("LAST FRAME ---> UNSYNC") bytes_out = (ctypes.c_ubyte * bytes_per_frame) bytes_out = bytes_out() # get pointer to bytes_out self.c_lib.freedv_set_sync(freedv, 0) # FORCE UNSYNC # clear bytes_out buffer to be ready for next frames after successfull decoding bytes_out = (ctypes.c_ubyte * bytes_per_frame) bytes_out = bytes_out() # get pointer to bytes_out else: # for debugging purposes to receive all data pass # print(bytes_out[:-2]) def get_scatter(self, freedv): modemStats = MODEMSTATS() self.c_lib.freedv_get_modem_extended_stats.restype = None self.c_lib.freedv_get_modem_extended_stats(freedv, ctypes.byref(modemStats)) scatterdata = [] for i in range(MODEM_STATS_NC_MAX): for j in range(MODEM_STATS_NR_MAX): #check if odd or not to get every 2nd item for x if (j % 2) == 0: xsymbols = modemStats.rx_symbols[i][j] ysymbols = modemStats.rx_symbols[i][j+1] # check if value 0.0 or has real data if xsymbols != 0.0 and ysymbols != 0.0: scatterdata.append({"x" : xsymbols, "y" : ysymbols }) # only append scatter data if new data arrived if len(scatterdata) > 0: static.SCATTER = scatterdata def calculate_ber(self, freedv): Tbits = self.c_lib.freedv_get_total_bits(freedv) Terrs = self.c_lib.freedv_get_total_bit_errors(freedv) if Tbits != 0: ber = (Terrs / Tbits) * 100 static.BER = int(ber) self.c_lib.freedv_set_total_bit_errors(freedv, 0) self.c_lib.freedv_set_total_bits(freedv, 0) def calculate_snr(self, freedv): modem_stats_snr = c_float() modem_stats_sync = c_int() self.c_lib.freedv_get_modem_stats(freedv,byref(modem_stats_sync), byref(modem_stats_snr)) modem_stats_snr = modem_stats_snr.value try: static.SNR = round(modem_stats_snr,1) except: static.SNR = 0 def get_radio_stats(self): static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY = int(self.my_rig.get_freq()) (hamlib_mode, static.HAMLIB_BANDWITH) = self.my_rig.get_mode() static.HAMLIB_MODE = Hamlib.rig_strrmode(hamlib_mode) #static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY = rigctld.get_frequency() #static.HAMLIB_MODE = rigctld.get_mode()[0] #static.HAMLIB_BANDWITH = rigctld.get_mode()[1] def calculate_fft(self, data_in): # WE NEED TO OPTIMIZE THIS! # https://gist.github.com/ZWMiller/53232427efc5088007cab6feee7c6e4c audio_data = np.fromstring(data_in, np.int16) # Fast Fourier Transform, 10*log10(abs) is to scale it to dB # and make sure it's not imaginary try: fftarray = np.fft.rfft(audio_data) # set value 0 to 1 to avoid division by zero fftarray[fftarray == 0] = 1 dfft = 10.*np.log10(abs(fftarray)) dfftlist = dfft.tolist() # send fft only if receiving if static.CHANNEL_STATE == 'RECEIVING_SIGNALLING' or static.CHANNEL_STATE == 'RECEIVING_DATA': static.FFT = dfftlist[20:380] except: print("setting fft = 0") # else 0 static.FFT = [0] * 400