const path = require('path') const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron') const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid'); // var appDataFolder = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform == 'darwin' ? process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support' : process.env.HOME + "/.config") var configFolder = path.join(appDataFolder, "FreeDATA"); var configPath = path.join(configFolder, 'config.json') const config = require(configPath); // set date format const dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { timeStyle: 'long', dateStyle: 'full' }); // set date format information const dateFormatShort = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', hour12: false, }); const dateFormatHours = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false, }); // split character const split_char = '\0;\1;' // global for our selected file we want to transmit // ----------------- some chat globals var filetype = ''; var file = ''; var filename = ''; var callsign_counter = 0; var selected_callsign = ''; // ----------------------------------- var chatDB = path.join(configFolder, 'chatDB') // ---- MessageDB try{ var PouchDB = require('pouchdb'); } catch(err){ console.log(err); /* This is a fix for raspberryPi where we get an error when loading pouchdb because of leveldown package isnt running on ARM devices. pouchdb-browser does not depend on leveldb and seems to be working. */ console.log("using pouchdb-browser fallback") var PouchDB = require('pouchdb-browser'); } PouchDB.plugin(require('pouchdb-find')); //PouchDB.plugin(require('pouchdb-replication')); var db = new PouchDB(chatDB); /* // REMOTE SYNC ATTEMPTS var remoteDB = new PouchDB('') // we need express packages for running pouchdb sync "express-pouchdb" var express = require('express'); var app = express(); //app.use('/chatDB', require('express-pouchdb')(PouchDB)); //app.listen(5984); app.use('/chatDB', require('pouchdb-express-router')(PouchDB)); app.listen(5984); db.sync('', { //var sync = PouchDB.sync('chatDB', '', { live: true, retry: false }).on('change', function (change) { // yo, something changed! console.log(change) }).on('paused', function (err) { // replication was paused, usually because of a lost connection console.log(err) }).on('active', function (info) { // replication was resumed console.log(info) }).on('error', function (err) { // totally unhandled error (shouldn't happen) console.log(err) }).on('denied', function (err) { // a document failed to replicate (e.g. due to permissions) console.log(err) }).on('complete', function (info) { // handle complete; console.log(info) }); */ var dxcallsigns = new Set(); db.createIndex({ index: { fields: ['timestamp', 'uuid', 'dxcallsign', 'dxgrid', 'msg', 'checksum', 'type', 'command', 'status', 'percent', 'bytesperminute', '_attachments'] } }).then(function(result) { // handle result console.log(result) }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); db.find({ selector: { timestamp: { $exists: true } }, sort: [{ 'timestamp': 'asc' }] }).then(function(result) { // handle result if (typeof(result) !== 'undefined') { { //console.log(item) // another query with attachments db.get(item._id, { attachments: true }).then(function(item_with_attachments){ update_chat(item_with_attachments); }); }); } }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); // WINDOW LISTENER window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { // theme selector if(config.theme != 'default'){ var theme_path = "../node_modules/bootswatch/dist/"+ config.theme +"/bootstrap.min.css"; document.getElementById("bootstrap_theme").href = theme_path; } else { var theme_path = "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"; document.getElementById("bootstrap_theme").href = theme_path; } document.querySelector('emoji-picker').addEventListener("emoji-click", (event) => { var msg = document.getElementById('chatModuleMessage'); //Convert to utf-8--so we can just use utf-8 everywhere msg.setRangeText(event.detail.emoji.unicode.toString('utf-8')); //console.log(event.detail); //msg.focus(); }) document.getElementById("emojipickerbutton").addEventListener("click", () => { var element = document.getElementById("emojipickercontainer") console.log(; if ( === "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } }) document.getElementById("delete_selected_chat").addEventListener("click", () => { db.find({ selector: { dxcallsign: selected_callsign } }).then(function(result) { // handle result if (typeof(result) !== 'undefined') { { console.log(item) db.get(item._id).then(function(doc) { db.remove(doc).then(function(doc) { return location.reload(); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); }); } }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); }) document.getElementById("selectFilesButton").addEventListener("click", () => { //document.getElementById('selectFiles').click(); ipcRenderer.send('select-file', { title: 'Title', }); }) document.getElementById("ping").addEventListener("click", () => { ipcRenderer.send('run-tnc-command', { command: 'ping', dxcallsign: selected_callsign }); }) document.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) { // Number 13 == Enter if (event.keyCode === 13 && !event.shiftKey) { // Cancel the default action, if needed event.preventDefault(); // Trigger the button element with a click document.getElementById("sendMessage").click(); } }); // ADJUST TEXTAREA SIZE document.getElementById("chatModuleMessage").addEventListener("input", () => { var textarea = document.getElementById("chatModuleMessage"); var text = textarea.value; if(document.getElementById("expand_textarea").checked){ var lines = 6 } else { var lines = text.split("\n").length if (lines >= 6){ lines = 6; } } var message_container_height_offset = 130 + (20*lines); var message_container_height = `calc(100% - ${message_container_height_offset}px)`; document.getElementById("message-container").style.height = message_container_height; textarea.rows = lines; console.log(textarea.value) }) document.getElementById("expand_textarea").addEventListener("click", () => { var textarea = document.getElementById("chatModuleMessage"); if(document.getElementById("expand_textarea").checked){ var lines=6 document.getElementById("expand_textarea_button").className = "bi bi-chevron-compact-down"; } else { var lines=1 document.getElementById("expand_textarea_button").className = "bi bi-chevron-compact-up"; } var message_container_height_offset = 130 + (20*lines); //var message_container_height_offset = 90 + (23*lines); var message_container_height = `calc(100% - ${message_container_height_offset}px)`; document.getElementById("message-container").style.height = message_container_height; textarea.rows = lines; console.log(textarea.rows) }) // NEW CHAT document.getElementById("createNewChatButton").addEventListener("click", () => { var dxcallsign = document.getElementById('chatModuleNewDxCall').value; var uuid = uuidv4(){ _id: uuid, timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000), dxcallsign: dxcallsign.toUpperCase(), dxgrid: '---', msg: 'null', checksum: 'null', type: 'newchat', status: 'null', uuid: uuid }).then(function(response) { // handle response console.log("new database entry"); console.log(response); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); update_chat_obj_by_uuid(uuid); }); // SEND MSG document.getElementById("sendMessage").addEventListener("click", () => { document.getElementById('emojipickercontainer').style.display = "none"; var dxcallsign = selected_callsign.toUpperCase(); var textarea = document.getElementById('chatModuleMessage') var chatmessage = textarea.value; //Remove non-printable chars from begining and end of string--should save us a byte here and there chatmessage = chatmessage.toString().trim(); // reset textarea size var message_container_height_offset = 150; var message_container_height = `calc(100% - ${message_container_height_offset}px)`; document.getElementById("message-container").style.height = message_container_height; textarea.rows = 1 document.getElementById("expand_textarea_button").className = "bi bi-chevron-compact-up"; document.getElementById("expand_textarea").checked = false; console.log(file); console.log(filename); console.log(filetype); if (filetype == ''){ filetype = 'plain/text' } var timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000); var file_checksum = crc32(file).toString(16).toUpperCase(); console.log(file_checksum) var data_with_attachment = timestamp + split_char + chatmessage + split_char + filename + split_char + filetype + split_char + file; document.getElementById('selectFilesButton').innerHTML = ``; var uuid = uuidv4(); let uuidlast = uuid.lastIndexOf('-'); uuidlast +=1; if (uuidlast > 0) { uuid = uuid.substring(uuidlast); } console.log(data_with_attachment) let Data = { command: "send_message", dxcallsign: dxcallsign, mode: 255, frames: 1, data: data_with_attachment, checksum: file_checksum, uuid: uuid }; ipcRenderer.send('run-tnc-command', Data);{ _id: uuid, timestamp: timestamp, dxcallsign: dxcallsign, dxgrid: 'null', msg: chatmessage, checksum: file_checksum, type: "transmit", status: 'transmit', uuid: uuid, _attachments: { [filename]: { content_type: filetype, //data: btoa(file) data: btoa_FD(file) } } }).then(function(response) { // handle response console.log("new database entry"); console.log(response); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); update_chat_obj_by_uuid(uuid); // clear input document.getElementById('chatModuleMessage').value = '' // after adding file data to our attachment variable, delete it from global filetype = ''; file = ''; filename = ''; }) // cleanup after transmission filetype = ''; file = ''; filename = ''; }); ipcRenderer.on('return-selected-files', (event, arg) => { filetype = arg.mime; console.log(filetype) file =; filename = arg.filename; document.getElementById('selectFilesButton').innerHTML = ` New file selected `; }); ipcRenderer.on('action-update-transmission-status', (event, arg) => { var data = arg["data"][0] console.log(data.status); db.get(data.uuid, { attachments: true }).then(function(doc) { return db.put({ _id: data.uuid, _rev: doc._rev, timestamp: doc.timestamp, dxcallsign: doc.dxcallsign, dxgrid: doc.dxgrid, msg: doc.msg, checksum: doc.checksum, type: "transmit", status: data.status, percent: data.percent, bytesperminute: data.bytesperminute, uuid: doc.uuid, _attachments: doc._attachments }); }).then(function(response) { update_chat_obj_by_uuid(data.uuid); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); console.log(data) }); }); ipcRenderer.on('action-new-msg-received', (event, arg) => { console.log( var new_msg =; new_msg.forEach(function(item) { console.log(item.status) let obj = new Object(); //handle ping if ( == 'received') { obj.timestamp = parseInt(item.timestamp); obj.dxcallsign = item.dxcallsign; obj.dxgrid = item.dxgrid; obj.uuid = item.uuid; obj.command = 'ping'; obj.checksum = 'null'; obj.msg = 'null'; obj.status = item.status; obj.snr = item.snr; obj.type = 'ping'; obj.filename = 'null'; obj.filetype = 'null'; obj.file = 'null'; add_obj_to_database(obj) update_chat_obj_by_uuid(obj.uuid); // handle beacon } else if (item.beacon == 'received') { obj.timestamp = parseInt(item.timestamp); obj.dxcallsign = item.dxcallsign; obj.dxgrid = item.dxgrid; obj.uuid = item.uuid; obj.command = 'beacon'; obj.checksum = 'null'; obj.msg = 'null'; obj.status = item.status; obj.snr = item.snr; obj.type = 'beacon'; obj.filename = 'null'; obj.filetype = 'null'; obj.file = 'null'; add_obj_to_database(obj); update_chat_obj_by_uuid(obj.uuid); // handle ARQ transmission } else if (item.arq == 'transmission' && item.status == 'received') { //var encoded_data = atob(; //var encoded_data = Buffer.from(,'base64').toString('utf-8'); var encoded_data = atob_FD(; var splitted_data = encoded_data.split(split_char); console.log(splitted_data) obj.timestamp = parseInt(splitted_data[4]); obj.dxcallsign = item.dxcallsign; obj.dxgrid = item.dxgrid; obj.command = splitted_data[1]; obj.checksum = splitted_data[2]; // convert message to unicode from utf8 because of emojis //No, don't convert; we're already UTF-8!!!!! obj.uuid = splitted_data[3]; obj.msg = splitted_data[5]; obj.status = 'null'; obj.snr = 'null'; obj.type = 'received'; obj.filename = splitted_data[6]; obj.filetype = splitted_data[7]; //obj.file = btoa(splitted_data[8]); obj.file = btoa_FD(splitted_data[8]); add_obj_to_database(obj); update_chat_obj_by_uuid(obj.uuid); } }); //window.location = window.location; }); // Update chat list update_chat = function(obj) { var dxcallsign = obj.dxcallsign; var timestamp = dateFormat.format(obj.timestamp * 1000); var timestampShort = dateFormatShort.format(obj.timestamp * 1000); var timestampHours = dateFormatHours.format(obj.timestamp * 1000); var dxgrid = obj.dxgrid; // define shortmessage if (obj.msg == 'null' || obj.msg == 'NULL'){ var shortmsg = obj.type; } else { var shortmsg = obj.msg; var maxlength = 30; var shortmsg = shortmsg.length > maxlength ? shortmsg.substring(0, maxlength - 3) + "..." : shortmsg; } try { //console.log(Object.keys(obj._attachments)[0].length) if (typeof(obj._attachments) !== 'undefined' && Object.keys(obj._attachments)[0].length > 0) { //var filename = obj._attachments; var filename = Object.keys(obj._attachments)[0] var filetype = filename.split('.')[1] var filesize = obj._attachments[filename]["length"] + " Bytes"; if (filesize == 'undefined Bytes'){ // get filesize of new submitted data // not that nice.... // we really should avoid converting back from base64 for performance reasons... //var filesize = Math.ceil(atob(obj._attachments[filename]["data"]).length) + "Bytes"; var filesize = Math.ceil(atob_FD(obj._attachments[filename]["data"]).length) + " Bytes"; } // check if image, then display it if(filetype == 'image/png' || filetype =="png"){ var fileheader = `

${filename} ${filesize}

`; }else{ var fileheader = `

${filename} ${filesize}

`; } var controlarea_transmit = `
`; var controlarea_receive = `
`; } else { var filename = ''; var fileheader = ''; var filetype = 'text/plain'; var controlarea_transmit = `
`; var controlarea_receive = ''; } } catch (err) { console.log("error with database parsing...") console.log(err) } // CALLSIGN LIST if (!(document.getElementById('chat-' + dxcallsign + '-list'))) { // increment callsign counter callsign_counter++; if (callsign_counter == 1) { var callsign_selected = 'active show' //document.getElementById('chatModuleDxCall').value = dxcallsign; selected_callsign = dxcallsign; } var new_callsign = `
${dxgrid} ${timestampHours} ${shortmsg}
`; document.getElementById('list-tab').insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", new_callsign); var message_area = `
`; document.getElementById('nav-tabContent').insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", message_area); // create eventlistener for listening on clicking on a callsign document.getElementById('chat-' + dxcallsign + '-list').addEventListener('click', function() { //document.getElementById('chatModuleDxCall').value = dxcallsign; selected_callsign = dxcallsign; setTimeout(scrollMessagesToBottom, 200); }); // if callsign entry already exists - update } else { // gridsquare - update only on receive if (obj.type !== 'transmit'){ document.getElementById('chat-' + dxcallsign +'-list-dxgrid').innerHTML = dxgrid; } // time document.getElementById('chat-' + dxcallsign +'-list-time').innerHTML = timestampHours; // short message document.getElementById('chat-' + dxcallsign +'-list-shortmsg').innerHTML = shortmsg; } // APPEND MESSAGES TO CALLSIGN if (!(document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id))) { if (obj.type == 'ping') { var new_message = `

snr: ${obj.snr} - ${timestamp}

`; } if (obj.type == 'beacon') { var new_message = `

snr: ${obj.snr} - ${timestamp}

`; } if (obj.type == 'newchat') { var new_message = `

new chat opened - ${timestamp}

var message_html = obj.msg.replaceAll(/\n/g, "
"); if (obj.type == 'received') { var new_message = `



`; } if (obj.type == 'transmit') { //console.log('msg-' + obj._id + '-status') if (obj.status == 'failed'){ var progressbar_bg = 'bg-danger'; } else { var progressbar_bg = 'bg-primary'; } //Sneak in low graphics mode if so enabled for progress bars if (config.high_graphics.toString().toUpperCase() !="TRUE") { progressbar_bg += " disable-effects"; //console.log("Low graphics enabled for chat module"); } var new_message = `


${timestamp} - ${get_icon_for_state(obj.status)}

${obj.percent} % - ${obj.bytesperminute} Bpm

`; } // CHECK CHECK CHECK --> This could be done better var id = "chat-" + obj.dxcallsign document.getElementById(id).insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", new_message); /* UPDATE EXISTING ELEMENTS */ } else if (document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id)) { console.log("element already exists......") console.log(obj) console.log(document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').getAttribute("aria-valuenow")) document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-status').innerHTML = get_icon_for_state(obj.status); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').setAttribute("aria-valuenow", obj.percent); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').setAttribute("style", "width:" + obj.percent + "%;"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress-information').innerHTML = obj.percent + "% - " + obj.bytesperminute + " Bpm"; if (obj.percent >= 100){ //document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.remove("progress-bar-striped"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.remove("progress-bar-animated"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.remove("bg-danger"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.add("bg-primary"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').innerHTML = ''; } else { document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.add("progress-bar-striped"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.add("progress-bar-animated"); } if (obj.status == 'failed'){ //document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.remove("progress-bar-striped"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.remove("progress-bar-animated"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.remove("bg-primary"); document.getElementById('msg-' + obj._id + '-progress').classList.add("bg-danger"); } //document.getElementById(id).className = message_class; } // CREATE SAVE TO FOLDER EVENT LISTENER if (document.getElementById('save-file-msg-' + obj._id) && !document.getElementById('save-file-msg-' + obj._id).hasAttribute('listenerOnClick')) { // set Attribute to determine if we already created an EventListener for this element document.getElementById('save-file-msg-' + obj._id).setAttribute('listenerOnClick', 'true'); document.getElementById('save-file-msg-' + obj._id).addEventListener("click", () => { saveFileToFolder(obj._id) }); } // CREATE RESEND MSG EVENT LISTENER // check if element exists and if we already created NOT created an event listener if (document.getElementById('retransmit-msg-' + obj._id) && !document.getElementById('retransmit-msg-' + obj._id).hasAttribute('listenerOnClick')) { // set Attribute to determine if we already created an EventListener for this element document.getElementById('retransmit-msg-' + obj._id).setAttribute('listenerOnClick', 'true'); document.getElementById('retransmit-msg-' + obj._id).addEventListener("click", () => { db.get(obj._id, { attachments: true }).then(function(doc) { // handle doc console.log(doc) var filename = Object.keys(obj._attachments)[0] var filetype = filename.content_type console.log(filename) console.log(filetype) var file = obj._attachments[filename].data console.log(file) console.log(Object.keys(obj._attachments)[0].data) //var file = atob(obj._attachments[filename]["data"]) db.getAttachment(obj._id, filename).then(function(data) { console.log(data) //Rewrote this part to use buffers to ensure encoding is corect -- n1qm var binaryString = atob_FD(data); console.log(binaryString); var data_with_attachment = doc.timestamp + split_char + doc.msg + split_char + filename + split_char + filetype + split_char + binaryString; let Data = { command: "send_message", dxcallsign: doc.dxcallsign, mode: 255, frames: 1, data: data_with_attachment, checksum: doc.checksum, uuid: doc.uuid }; console.log(Data) ipcRenderer.send('run-tnc-command', Data); }); /* // convert blob data to binary string blobUtil.blobToBinaryString(data).then(function (binaryString) { console.log(binaryString) }).catch(function (err) { // error console.log(err); binaryString = blobUtil.arrayBufferToBinaryString(data); }).then(function(){ console.log(binaryString) console.log(binaryString.length) var data_with_attachment = doc.timestamp + split_char + utf8.encode(doc.msg) + split_char + filename + split_char + filetype + split_char + binaryString; let Data = { command: "send_message", dxcallsign: doc.dxcallsign, mode: 255, frames: 1, data: data_with_attachment, checksum: doc.checksum, uuid: doc.uuid }; console.log(Data) ipcRenderer.send('run-tnc-command', Data); }); }); */ }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); }); } //window.location = window.location // scroll to bottom on new message scrollMessagesToBottom(); } function saveFileToFolder(id) { db.get(id, { attachments: true }).then(function(obj) { console.log(obj) console.log(Object.keys(obj._attachments)[0].content_type) var filename = Object.keys(obj._attachments)[0] var filetype = filename.content_type var file = console.log(file) console.log( db.getAttachment(id, filename).then(function(data) { // handle result console.log(data.length) //data = new Blob([data.buffer], { type: 'image/png' } /* (1) */) console.log(data) // we need to encode data because of error "an object could not be cloned" let Data = { file: data, filename: filename, filetype: filetype, } console.log(Data) ipcRenderer.send('save-file-to-folder', Data); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); return false }); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); } // function for setting an ICON to the corresponding state function get_icon_for_state(state) { if (state == 'transmit') { var status_icon = ''; } else if (state == 'transmitting') { //var status_icon = ''; var status_icon = ` `; } else if (state == 'failed') { var status_icon = ''; } else if (state == 'transmitted') { var status_icon = ''; } else { var status_icon = ''; } return status_icon; } update_chat_obj_by_uuid = function(uuid) { db.get(uuid, { attachments: true }).then(function(doc) { update_chat(doc) //return doc }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); } add_obj_to_database = function(obj){ db.put({ _id: obj.uuid, timestamp: parseInt(obj.timestamp), uuid: obj.uuid, dxcallsign: obj.dxcallsign, dxgrid: obj.dxgrid, msg: obj.msg, checksum: obj.checksum, type: obj.type, command: obj.command, status: obj.status, snr: obj.snr, _attachments: { [obj.filename]: { content_type: obj.filetype, data: obj.file } } }).then(function(response) { console.log("new database entry"); console.log(response); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); } // Scroll to bottom of message-container function scrollMessagesToBottom() { var messageBody = document.getElementById('message-container'); messageBody.scrollTop = messageBody.scrollHeight - messageBody.clientHeight; } // CRC CHECKSUMS // // crc32 calculation //console.log(crc32('abc')); //var crc32=function(r){for(var a,o=[],c=0;c<256;c++){a=c;for(var f=0;f<8;f++)a=1&a?3988292384^a>>>1:a>>>1;o[c]=a}for(var n=-1,t=0;t>>8^o[255&(n^r.charCodeAt(t))];return(-1^n)>>>0}; //console.log(crc32('abc').toString(16).toUpperCase()); // hex var makeCRCTable = function(){ var c; var crcTable = []; for(var n =0; n < 256; n++){ c = n; for(var k =0; k < 8; k++){ c = ((c&1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1)); } crcTable[n] = c; } return crcTable; } var crc32 = function(str) { var crcTable = window.crcTable || (window.crcTable = makeCRCTable()); var crc = 0 ^ (-1); for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) { crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ crcTable[(crc ^ str.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFF]; } return (crc ^ (-1)) >>> 0; }; /** * Binary to ASCII replacement * @param {string} data in normal/usual utf-8 format * @returns base64 encoded string */ function btoa_FD(data) { return Buffer.from(data,'utf-8').toString('base64'); } /** * ASCII to Binary replacement * @param {string} data in base64 encoding * @returns utf-8 normal/usual string */ function atob_FD(data) { return Buffer.from(data,'base64').toString('utf-8'); }