var net = require('net'); const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron'); var client = new net.Socket(); var msg = ''; // Current message, per connection. setTimeout(connectTNC, 500) function connectTNC(){ console.log('connecting to TNC...') //clear message buffer after reconnecting or inital connection msg = ''; tnc_host = document.getElementById("tnc_adress").value tnc_port = document.getElementById("tnc_port").value client.connect(tnc_port, tnc_host) //client.setTimeout(5000); } client.on('connect', function(data) { console.log('TNC connection established') }) client.on('error', function(data) { console.log('TNC connection error'); let Data = { busy_state: "-", arq_state: "-", channel_state: "-", frequency : "-", mode: "-", bandwith: "-", rms_level : 0 }; ipcRenderer.send('request-update-tnc-state', Data); setTimeout(connectTNC, 2000) }); /* client.on('close', function(data) { console.log(' TNC connection closed'); setTimeout(connectTNC, 2000) }); */ client.on('end', function(data) { console.log('TNC connection ended'); setTimeout(connectTNC, 2000) }); //exports.writeTncCommand = function(command){ writeTncCommand = function(command){ console.log(command) // we use the writingCommand function to update our TCPIP state because we are calling this function a lot // if socket openend, we are able to run commands if(client.readyState == 'open'){ //uiMain.setTNCconnection('open') client.write(command + '\n'); } if(client.readyState == 'closed'){ //uiMain.setTNCconnection('closed') } if(client.readyState == 'opening'){ //uiMain.setTNCconnection('opening') } } client.on('data', function(data) { /* questions 9070700 nodejs-net-createserver-large-amount-of-data-coming-in */ data = data.toString('utf8'); // convert data to string msg += data.toString('utf8'); // append data to buffer so we can stick long data together /* if (msg.charCodeAt(msg.length - 1) == 0) { client.emit('message', msg.substring(0, msg.length - 1)); msg = ''; console.log("END OF FILE") } */ /* if (msg.startsWith('{"COMMAND":')) { msg = ''; msg += data.toString('utf8'); console.log("BOF detected!") } */ // check if we reached an EOF, if true, clear buffer and parse JSON data if (data.endsWith('}')) { //console.log(msg) try { //console.log(msg) data = JSON.parse(msg) } catch (e) { console.log(e); /* "SyntaxError*/ } msg = ''; /* console.log("EOF detected!") */ if(data['COMMAND'] == 'TNC_STATE'){ // FFT //fft_raw = data['FFT'] //var fft = Buffer.from(fft_raw, "hex") //var fft = hexToBytes(fft_raw) //var fft = Array.from(fft_raw) //console.log(typeof(fft)) let Data = { ptt_state: data['PTT_STATE'], busy_state: data['TNC_STATE'], arq_state: data['ARQ_STATE'], channel_state: data['CHANNEL_STATE'], frequency : data['FREQUENCY'], mode: data['MODE'], bandwith: data['BANDWITH'], rms_level : (data['AUDIO_RMS']/1000)*100 }; ipcRenderer.send('request-update-tnc-state', Data); var fft = Array.from({length: 2048}, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)); //console.log(fft) //uiMain.updateFFT(fft) } // check if EOF ... } }); function hexToBytes(hex) { for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2) bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16)); return bytes; } //Save callsign exports.saveMyCall = function(callsign){ command = '{"type" : "SET", "command": "MYCALLSIGN" , "parameter": "'+ callsign +'" }' writeTncCommand(command) } exports.saveMyGrid = function(grid){ command = '{"type" : "SET", "command": "MYGRID" , "parameter": "'+ grid +'" }' writeTncCommand(command) } exports.getTncState = function(){ command = '{"type" : "GET", "command": "TNC_STATE"}'; writeTncCommand(command) }