import base64 import time import uuid import lzma import helpers import numpy as np from codec2 import FREEDV_MODE from queues import RX_BUFFER from modem_frametypes import FRAME_TYPE as FR_TYPE from data_handler_arq import ARQ class IRS(ARQ): def __init__(self, config, event_queue, states): super().__init__(config, event_queue, states) pass def arq_process_received_data_frame(self, data_frame, snr, signed): """ """ # transmittion duration signed = "True" if signed else "False" duration = time.time() - self.rx_start_of_transmission self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer), snr )"[Modem] ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED", nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, total_bytes=self.states.arq_total_bytes, duration=duration, hmac_signed=signed) # Decompress the data frame data_frame_decompressed = lzma.decompress(data_frame) self.arq_compression_factor = len(data_frame_decompressed) / len( data_frame ) data_frame = data_frame_decompressed self.transmission_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) timestamp = int(time.time()) # Re-code data_frame in base64, UTF-8 for JSON UI communication. base64_data = base64.b64encode(data_frame).decode("UTF-8") # check if RX_BUFFER isn't full if not RX_BUFFER.full(): # make sure we have always the correct buffer size RX_BUFFER.maxsize = int(self.arq_rx_buffer_size) else: # if full, free space by getting an item "[Modem] ARQ | RX | RX_BUFFER FULL - dropping old data", buffer_size=RX_BUFFER.qsize(), maxsize=int(self.arq_rx_buffer_size) ) RX_BUFFER.get() # add item to RX_BUFFER "[Modem] ARQ | RX | saving data to rx buffer", buffer_size=RX_BUFFER.qsize() + 1, maxsize=RX_BUFFER.maxsize ) try: # RX_BUFFER[0] = transmission uuid # RX_BUFFER[1] = timestamp # RX_BUFFER[2] = dxcallsign # RX_BUFFER[3] = dxgrid # RX_BUFFER[4] = data # RX_BUFFER[5] = hmac signed # RX_BUFFER[6] = compression factor # RX_BUFFER[7] = bytes per minute # RX_BUFFER[8] = duration # RX_BUFFER[9] = self.frame_nack_counter # RX_BUFFER[10] = speed list stats RX_BUFFER.put( [ self.transmission_uuid, timestamp, self.dxcallsign, self.dxgrid, base64_data, signed, self.arq_compression_factor, self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, duration, self.frame_nack_counter, self.states.arq_speed_list ] ) except Exception as e: # File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 133, in put # if self.maxsize > 0 # TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' # # Occurs on Raspberry Pi and Python 3.7 self.log.error( "[Modem] ARQ | RX | error occurred when saving data!", e=e, uuid=self.transmission_uuid, timestamp=timestamp, dxcall=self.dxcallsign, dxgrid=self.dxgrid, data=base64_data ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="received", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, timestamp=timestamp, finished=0, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(self.dxgrid, "UTF-8"), data=base64_data, irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS), hmac_signed=signed, duration=duration, nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, speed_list=self.states.arq_speed_list ) if self.enable_stats: duration = time.time() - self.rx_start_of_transmission self.stats.push(frame_nack_counter=self.frame_nack_counter, status="received", duration=duration) "[Modem] ARQ | RX | SENDING DATA FRAME ACK") self.send_data_ack_frame(snr) # Update statistics AFTER the frame ACK is sent self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer), snr ) "[Modem] | RX | DATACHANNEL [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]<< >>[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]", snr=snr, ) def arq_received_data_channel_opener(self, data_in: bytes, snr): """ Received request to open data channel frame Args: data_in:bytes: """ # We've arrived here from process_data which already checked that the frame # is intended for this station. # stop processing if we don't want to respond to a call when not in a arq session if not self.respond_to_call and not self.states.is_arq_session: return False # stop processing if not in arq session, but modem state is busy and we have a different session id # use-case we get a connection request while connecting to another station if not self.states.is_arq_session and self.states.is_modem_busy and data_in[13:14] != self.session_id: return False self.arq_file_transfer = True # check if callsign ssid override _, self.mycallsign = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, data_in[1:4], self.ssid_list) # ignore channel opener if already in ARQ STATE # use case: Station A is connecting to Station B while # Station B already tries connecting to Station A. # For avoiding ignoring repeated connect request in case of packet loss # we are only ignoring packets in case we are ISS if self.arq_state_event.is_set() and not self.is_IRS: return False self.is_IRS = True self.dxcallsign_crc = bytes(data_in[4:7]) self.dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[7:13])) self.states.set("dxcallsign", self.dxcallsign) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="opening", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") # check if we received low bandwidth mode # possible channel constellations # ISS(w) <-> IRS(w) # ISS(w) <-> IRS(n) # ISS(n) <-> IRS(w) # ISS(n) <-> IRS(n) if frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_W.value and not self.low_bandwidth_mode: # ISS(w) <-> IRS(w) constellation = "ISS(w) <-> IRS(w)" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False self.mode_list = self.mode_list_high_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_high_bw self.snr_list = self.snr_list_high_bw elif frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_W.value: # ISS(w) <-> IRS(n) constellation = "ISS(w) <-> IRS(n)" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw self.snr_list = self.snr_list_low_bw elif frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_N.value and not self.low_bandwidth_mode: # ISS(n) <-> IRS(w) constellation = "ISS(n) <-> IRS(w)" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = True self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw self.snr_list = self.snr_list_low_bw elif frametype == FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_N.value: # ISS(n) <-> IRS(n) constellation = "ISS(n) <-> IRS(n)" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = True self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw self.snr_list = self.snr_list_low_bw else: constellation = "not matched" self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = True self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw self.snr_list = self.snr_list_low_bw # get mode which fits to given SNR # initially set speed_level 0 in case of bad SNR and no matching mode self.speed_level = 0 # calculate initial speed level in correlation to latest known SNR for i in range(len(self.mode_list)): if snr >= self.snr_list[i]: self.speed_level = i # check if speed level fits to busy condition if not self.check_if_mode_fits_to_busy_slot(): self.speed_level = 0 # Update modes we are listening to self.set_listening_modes(True, True, self.mode_list[self.speed_level]) self.dxgrid = b'------' helpers.add_to_heard_stations( self.dxcallsign, self.dxgrid, "DATA", snr, self.modem_frequency_offset, self.states.radio_frequency, self.states.heard_stations ) self.session_id = data_in[13:14] # check again if callsign ssid override _, self.mycallsign = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, data_in[1:4], self.ssid_list) "[Modem] ARQ | DATA | RX | [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>> <<[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]", channel_constellation=constellation, ) # Reset data_channel/burst timestamps # TIMING TEST self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) self.burst_last_received = int(time.time() + 10) # we might need some more time so lets increase this # Set ARQ State AFTER resetting timeouts # this avoids timeouts starting too early self.states.set("is_arq_state", True) self.states.set("is_modem_busy", True) self.reset_statistics() # Select the frame type based on the current Modem mode if self.low_bandwidth_mode or self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE: frametype = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_ACK_N.value]) self.log.debug("[Modem] Responding with low bandwidth mode") else: frametype = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_DC_OPEN_ACK_W.value]) self.log.debug("[Modem] Responding with high bandwidth mode") connection_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig0_frame) connection_frame[:1] = frametype connection_frame[1:2] = self.session_id connection_frame[8:9] = bytes([self.speed_level]) connection_frame[13:14] = bytes([self.arq_protocol_version]) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([connection_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig0.value, copies=1, repeat_delay=0) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="opened", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) "[Modem] ARQ | DATA | RX | [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]>>|<<[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]", bandwidth="wide", snr=snr, ) # set start of transmission for our statistics self.rx_start_of_transmission = time.time() # TIMING TEST # Reset data_channel/burst timestamps once again for avoiding running into timeout # and therefore sending a NACK self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) self.burst_last_received = int(time.time() + 10) # we might need some more time so lets increase this def calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self, rx_start_of_transmission: float, receivedbytes: int, snr ) -> list: """ Calculate transfer rate for received data Args: rx_start_of_transmission:float: receivedbytes:int: Returns: List of: bits_per_second: float, bytes_per_minute: float, transmission_percent: float """ try: if self.states.arq_total_bytes == 0: self.states.set("arq_total_bytes", 1) arq_transmission_percent = min( int( ( receivedbytes * self.arq_compression_factor / self.states.arq_total_bytes ) * 100 ), 100, ) transmissiontime = time.time() - self.rx_start_of_transmission if receivedbytes > 0: arq_bits_per_second = int((receivedbytes * 8) / transmissiontime) bytes_per_minute = int( receivedbytes / (transmissiontime / 60) ) arq_seconds_until_finish = int(((self.states.arq_total_bytes - receivedbytes) / ( bytes_per_minute * self.arq_compression_factor)) * 60) - 20 # offset because of frame ack/nack speed_chart = {"snr": snr, "bpm": bytes_per_minute, "timestamp": int(time.time())} # check if data already in list if speed_chart not in self.states.arq_speed_list: self.states.arq_speed_list.append(speed_chart) else: arq_bits_per_second = 0 bytes_per_minute = 0 arq_seconds_until_finish = 0 except Exception as err: self.log.error(f"[Modem] calculate_transfer_rate_rx: Exception: {err}") arq_transmission_percent = 0.0 arq_bits_per_second = 0 bytes_per_minute = 0 self.states.set("arq_bits_per_second", arq_bits_per_second) self.states.set("bytes_per_minute", bytes_per_minute) self.states.set("arq_transmission_percent", arq_transmission_percent) self.states.set("arq_compression_factor", self.arq_compression_factor) return [ arq_bits_per_second, bytes_per_minute, arq_transmission_percent, ] def send_burst_nack_frame(self, snr: bytes) -> None: """Build and send NACK frame for received DATA frame""" nack_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig1_frame) nack_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.FR_NACK.value]) nack_frame[1:2] = self.session_id nack_frame[2:3] = helpers.snr_to_bytes(snr) nack_frame[3:4] = bytes([int(self.speed_level)]) nack_frame[4:8] = len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer).to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") # TRANSMIT NACK FRAME FOR BURST # TODO Do we have to send ident frame? # self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([ack_frame, self.send_ident_frame(False)], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig1.value, copies=3, repeat_delay=0) # wait if we have a channel busy condition if self.states.channel_busy: self.channel_busy_handler() self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([nack_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig1.value, copies=3, repeat_delay=0) # reset burst timeout in case we had to wait too long self.burst_last_received = time.time() def send_burst_nack_frame_watchdog(self, tx_n_frames_per_burst) -> None: """Build and send NACK frame for watchdog timeout""" # increment nack counter for transmission stats self.frame_nack_counter += 1 # we need to clear our rx burst buffer self.arq_rx_burst_buffer = [] # Create and send ACK frame"[Modem] ARQ | RX | SENDING NACK") nack_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig1_frame) nack_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BURST_NACK.value]) nack_frame[1:2] = self.session_id nack_frame[2:3] = helpers.snr_to_bytes(0) nack_frame[3:4] = bytes([int(self.speed_level)]) nack_frame[4:5] = bytes([int(tx_n_frames_per_burst)]) nack_frame[5:9] = len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer).to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") # wait if we have a channel busy condition if self.states.channel_busy: self.channel_busy_handler() # TRANSMIT NACK FRAME FOR BURST self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([nack_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig1.value, copies=1, repeat_delay=0) # reset frame counter for not increasing speed level self.frame_received_counter = 0 def arq_data_received( self, data_in: bytes, bytes_per_frame: int, snr: float, freedv ) -> None: """ Args: data_in:bytes: bytes_per_frame:int: snr:float: freedv: Returns: """ # We've arrived here from process_data which already checked that the frame # is intended for this station. data_in = bytes(data_in) # only process data if we are in ARQ and BUSY state else return to quit if not self.states.is_arq_state and not self.states.is_modem_busy: self.log.warning("[Modem] wrong modem state - dropping data", is_arq_state=self.states.is_arq_state, modem_state=self.states.is_modem_busy) return self.arq_file_transfer = True self.states.set("is_modem_busy", True) self.states.set("is_arq_state", True) # Update data_channel timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) self.burst_last_received = int(time.time()) # Extract some important data from the frame # Get sequence number of burst frame self.rx_n_frame_of_burst = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[:1]), "big") - 10 # Get number of bursts from received frame self.rx_n_frames_per_burst = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[1:2]), "big") # The RX burst buffer needs to have a fixed length filled with "None". # We need this later for counting the "Nones" to detect missing data. # Check if burst buffer has expected length else create it if len(self.arq_rx_burst_buffer) != self.rx_n_frames_per_burst: self.arq_rx_burst_buffer = [None] * self.rx_n_frames_per_burst # Append data to rx burst buffer self.arq_rx_burst_buffer[self.rx_n_frame_of_burst] = data_in[self.arq_burst_header_size:] # type: ignore self.dxgrid = b'------' helpers.add_to_heard_stations( self.dxcallsign, self.dxgrid, "DATA", snr, self.modem_frequency_offset, self.states.radio_frequency, self.states.heard_stations ) # Check if we received all frames in the burst by checking if burst buffer has no more "Nones" # This is the ideal case because we received all data if None not in self.arq_rx_burst_buffer: # then iterate through burst buffer and stick the burst together # the temp burst buffer is needed for checking, if we already received data temp_burst_buffer = b"" for value in self.arq_rx_burst_buffer: # self.arq_rx_frame_buffer += self.arq_rx_burst_buffer[i] temp_burst_buffer += bytes(value) # type: ignore # free up burst buffer self.arq_rx_burst_buffer = [] # TODO Needs to be removed as soon as mode error is fixed # catch possible modem error which leads into false byteorder # modem possibly decodes too late - data then is pushed to buffer # which leads into wrong byteorder # Lets put this in try/except so we are not crashing modem as its highly experimental # This might only work for datac1 and datac3 try: # area_of_interest = (modem.get_bytes_per_frame(self.mode_list[speed_level] - 1) -3) * 2 if self.arq_rx_frame_buffer.endswith(temp_burst_buffer[:246]) and len(temp_burst_buffer) >= 246: self.log.warning( "[Modem] ARQ | RX | wrong byteorder received - dropping data" ) # we need to run a return here, so we are not sending an ACK # return except Exception as e: self.log.warning( "[Modem] ARQ | RX | wrong byteorder check failed", e=e ) self.log.debug("[Modem] temp_burst_buffer", buffer=temp_burst_buffer) self.log.debug("[Modem] self.arq_rx_frame_buffer", buffer=self.arq_rx_frame_buffer) # if frame buffer ends not with the current frame, we are going to append new data # if data already exists, we received the frame correctly, # but the ACK frame didn't receive its destination (ISS) if self.arq_rx_frame_buffer.endswith(temp_burst_buffer): "[Modem] ARQ | RX | Frame already received - sending ACK again" ) else: # Here we are going to search for our data in the last received bytes. # This reduces the chance we will lose the entire frame in the case of signalling frame loss # self.arq_rx_frame_buffer --> existing data # temp_burst_buffer --> new data # search_area --> area where we want to search search_area = self.arq_burst_last_payload * self.rx_n_frames_per_burst search_position = len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer) - search_area # if search position < 0, then search position = 0 search_position = max(0, search_position) # find position of data. returns -1 if nothing found in area else >= 0 # we are beginning from the end, so if data exists twice or more, # only the last one should be replaced # we are going to only check position against minimum data frame payload # use case: receive data, which already contains received data # while the payload of data received before is shorter than actual payload get_position = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer[search_position:].rfind( temp_burst_buffer[:self.arq_burst_minimum_payload] ) # if we find data, replace it at this position with the new data and strip it if get_position >= 0: self.arq_rx_frame_buffer = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer[ : search_position + get_position ] self.log.warning( "[Modem] ARQ | RX | replacing existing buffer data", area=search_area, pos=get_position, ) else: self.log.debug("[Modem] ARQ | RX | appending data to buffer") self.arq_rx_frame_buffer += temp_burst_buffer self.arq_burst_last_payload = len(temp_burst_buffer) # Check if we didn't receive a BOF and EOF yet to avoid sending # ack frames if we already received all data if ( not self.rx_frame_bof_received and not self.rx_frame_eof_received and data_in.find(self.data_frame_eof) < 0 ): self.arq_calculate_speed_level(snr) # TIMING TEST # self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) + 6 + 6 # self.burst_last_received = int(time.time()) + 6 + 6 self.data_channel_last_received = int(time.time()) self.burst_last_received = int(time.time()) # Create and send ACK frame"[Modem] ARQ | RX | SENDING ACK", finished=self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute) self.send_burst_ack_frame(snr) # Reset n retries per burst counter self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 # calculate statistics self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer), snr ) # send a network message with information self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="receiving", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), finished=self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish, irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) else: self.log.warning( "[Modem] data_handler: missing data in burst buffer...", frame=self.rx_n_frame_of_burst + 1, frames=self.rx_n_frames_per_burst ) # We have a BOF and EOF flag in our data. If we received both we received our frame. # In case of loosing data, but we received already a BOF and EOF we need to make sure, we # received the complete last burst by checking it for Nones bof_position = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer.find(self.data_frame_bof) eof_position = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer.find(self.data_frame_eof) # get total bytes per transmission information as soon we received a frame with a BOF if bof_position >= 0: self.arq_extract_statistics_from_data_frame(bof_position, eof_position, snr) if ( bof_position >= 0 and eof_position > 0 and None not in self.arq_rx_burst_buffer ): self.log.debug( "[Modem] arq_data_received:", bof_position=bof_position, eof_position=eof_position, ) self.rx_frame_bof_received = True self.rx_frame_eof_received = True # Extract raw data from buffer payload = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer[ bof_position + len(self.data_frame_bof): eof_position ] # Get the data frame crc data_frame_crc = payload[:4] # 0:4 = 4 bytes # Get the data frame length frame_length = int.from_bytes(payload[4:8], "big") # 4:8 = 4 bytes self.states.set("arq_total_bytes", frame_length) # 8:9 = compression factor data_frame = payload[9:] data_frame_crc_received = helpers.get_crc_32(data_frame) # check if hmac signing enabled if self.enable_hmac: "[Modem] [HMAC] Enabled", ) # now check if we have valid hmac signature - returns salt or bool salt_found = helpers.search_hmac_salt(self.dxcallsign, self.mycallsign, data_frame_crc, data_frame, token_iters=100) if salt_found: # hmac digest received self.arq_process_received_data_frame(data_frame, snr, signed=True) else: # hmac signature wrong self.arq_process_received_data_frame(data_frame, snr, signed=False) elif data_frame_crc == data_frame_crc_received: self.log.warning( "[Modem] [HMAC] Disabled, using CRC", ) self.arq_process_received_data_frame(data_frame, snr, signed=False) else: self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) duration = time.time() - self.rx_start_of_transmission self.log.warning( "[Modem] ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME NOT SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED!", e="wrong crc", expected=data_frame_crc.hex(), received=data_frame_crc_received.hex(), nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, duration=duration, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, data=data_frame, ) if self.enable_stats: self.stats.push(frame_nack_counter=self.frame_nack_counter, status="wrong_crc", duration=duration)"[Modem] ARQ | RX | Sending NACK", finished=self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute) self.send_burst_nack_frame(snr) # Update arq_session timestamp self.arq_session_last_received = int(time.time()) # Finally cleanup our buffers and states, self.arq_cleanup() def arq_extract_statistics_from_data_frame(self, bof_position, eof_position, snr): payload = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer[ bof_position + len(self.data_frame_bof): eof_position ] frame_length = int.from_bytes(payload[4:8], "big") # 4:8 4bytes self.states.set("arq_total_bytes", frame_length) compression_factor = int.from_bytes(payload[8:9], "big") # 4:8 4bytes # limit to max value of 255 compression_factor = np.clip(compression_factor, 0, 255) self.arq_compression_factor = compression_factor / 10 self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer), snr ) def send_burst_ack_frame(self, snr) -> None: """Build and send ACK frame for burst DATA frame""" ack_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig1_frame) ack_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.BURST_ACK.value]) ack_frame[1:2] = self.session_id ack_frame[2:3] = helpers.snr_to_bytes(snr) ack_frame[3:4] = bytes([int(self.speed_level)]) ack_frame[4:8] = len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer).to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") # wait if we have a channel busy condition if self.states.channel_busy: self.channel_busy_handler() # Transmit frame self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([ack_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig1.value) def send_data_ack_frame(self, snr) -> None: """Build and send ACK frame for received DATA frame""" ack_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig1_frame) ack_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.FR_ACK.value]) ack_frame[1:2] = self.session_id ack_frame[2:3] = helpers.snr_to_bytes(snr) # wait if we have a channel busy condition if self.states.channel_busy: self.channel_busy_handler() # Transmit frame self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([ack_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig1.value, copies=3, repeat_delay=0) def send_retransmit_request_frame(self) -> None: # check where a None is in our burst buffer and do frame+1, because lists start at 0 # FIXME Check to see if there's a `frame - 1` in the receive portion. Remove both if there is. missing_frames = [ frame + 1 for frame, element in enumerate(self.arq_rx_burst_buffer) if element is None ] rpt_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig1_frame) rpt_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.FR_REPEAT.value]) rpt_frame[1:2] = self.session_id rpt_frame[2:2 + len(missing_frames)] = missing_frames"[Modem] ARQ | RX | Requesting", frames=missing_frames) # Transmit frame self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([rpt_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig1.value, copies=1, repeat_delay=0)