#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test small multiple-burst messages over a high quality simulated audio channel. Legacy test for sending / receiving frames through the codec2 modem and back through on the other station. Data injection initiates directly into codec2 API. Tests all three codec2 data frames. Can be invoked from CMake, pytest, coverage or directly. Uses util_rx.py and util_tx.py in separate processeses to perform the audio tests. @author: N2KIQ """ # pylint: disable=global-statement, invalid-name, unused-import import contextlib import multiprocessing import os import subprocess import sys import time import pytest BURSTS = 1 FRAMESPERBURST = 1 TESTFRAMES = 3 with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): BURSTS = int(os.environ["BURSTS"]) with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): FRAMESPERBURST = int(os.environ["FRAMESPERBURST"]) with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): TESTFRAMES = int(os.environ["TESTFRAMES"]) # For some reason, sometimes, this test requires the current directory to be `test`. # Try to adapt dynamically. I still want to figure out why but as a workaround, # I'm not completely dissatisfied. if os.path.exists("test"): os.chdir("test") def t_HighSNR_P_P_DATACx(bursts: int, frames_per_burst: int, mode: str): """ Test a high signal-to-noise ratio path with Codec2 modes. :param bursts: Number of bursts :type bursts: str :param frames_per_burst: Number of frames transmitted per burst :type frames_per_burst: str """ # Facilitate running from main directory as well as inside test/ tx_side = "util_tx.py" rx_side = "util_rx.py" if os.path.exists("test") and os.path.exists(os.path.join("test", tx_side)): tx_side = os.path.join("test", tx_side) rx_side = os.path.join("test", rx_side) os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] += ":." print(f"tx_side={tx_side} / rx_side={rx_side}") with subprocess.Popen( args=[ "python3", tx_side, "--mode", mode, "--delay", "500", "--framesperburst", str(frames_per_burst), "--bursts", str(bursts), ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) as transmit: with subprocess.Popen( args=[ "python3", rx_side, "--mode", mode, "--framesperburst", str(frames_per_burst), "--bursts", str(bursts), "--timeout", "20", ], stdin=transmit.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as receive: assert receive.stdout lastline = "".join( [ str(line, "UTF-8") for line in receive.stdout.readlines() if "RECEIVED " in str(line, "UTF-8") ] ) assert f"RECEIVED BURSTS: {bursts}" in lastline assert f"RECEIVED FRAMES: {frames_per_burst * bursts}" in lastline assert "RX_ERRORS: 0" in lastline print(lastline) # @pytest.mark.parametrize("bursts", [BURSTS, 2, 3]) # @pytest.mark.parametrize("frames_per_burst", [FRAMESPERBURST, 2, 3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("bursts", [BURSTS]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("frames_per_burst", [FRAMESPERBURST]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["datac0", "datac1", "datac3"]) def test_HighSNR_P_P_DATACx(bursts: int, frames_per_burst: int, mode: str): proc = multiprocessing.Process( target=t_HighSNR_P_P_DATACx, args=[bursts, frames_per_burst, mode], daemon=True, ) proc.start() # Set timeout timeout = time.time() + 5 while time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.1) if proc.is_alive(): proc.terminate() assert 0, "Timeout waiting for test to complete." proc.join() proc.terminate() assert proc.exitcode == 0 # proc.close() # Python 3.7+ only proc.terminate() proc.join() if __name__ == "__main__": # Run pytest with the current script as the filename. ecode = pytest.main(["-v", "-s", sys.argv[0]]) if ecode == 0: print("errors: 0") else: print(ecode)