import atexit import os import re import subprocess import sys import structlog mainlog = structlog.get_logger(__file__) # set global hamlib version hamlib_version = 0 # append local search path # check if we are running in a pyinstaller environment if hasattr(sys, "_MEIPASS"): sys.path.append(getattr(sys, "_MEIPASS")) else: sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(".")) # try importing hamlib try: # get python version python_version = f"{str(sys.version_info[0])}.{str(sys.version_info[1])}" # installation path for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS python modules # sys.path.append(f"/usr/local/lib/python{python_version}/site-packages") # installation path for Ubuntu 20.10 + sys.path.append("/usr/local/lib/") # installation path for Suse sys.path.append(f"/usr/local/lib64/python{python_version}/site-packages") # everything else... not nice, but an attempt to see how its running within app bundle # this is not needed as python will be shipped with app bundle sys.path.append("/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages") sys.path.append("/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages") sys.path.append("/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages") sys.path.append("/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages") sys.path.append("/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages") sys.path.append("lib/hamlib/linux/python3.8/site-packages") import Hamlib # hamlib_version = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.?\d+|\d+", Hamlib.cvar.hamlib_version) hamlib_version = float(hamlib_version[0]) min_hamlib_version = 4.1 if hamlib_version > min_hamlib_version:"[RIG] Hamlib found", version=hamlib_version) else: mainlog.warning( "[RIG] Hamlib outdated", found=hamlib_version, recommend=min_hamlib_version ) except Exception as err: mainlog.warning("[RIG] Python Hamlib binding not found", error=err) try: mainlog.warning("[RIG] Trying to open rigctl") rigctl = subprocess.Popen( "rigctl -V", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) hamlib_version = rigctl.stdout.readline() hamlib_version = hamlib_version.split(" ") if hamlib_version[1] == "Hamlib": mainlog.warning( "[RIG] Rigctl found! Please try using this", version=hamlib_version[2] ) sys.exit() else: raise Exception except Exception as err1: mainlog.critical("[RIG] HAMLIB NOT INSTALLED", error=err1) hamlib_version = 0 sys.exit() class radio: """ """ log = structlog.get_logger(__name__) def __init__(self): self.devicename = "" self.devicenumber = "" self.deviceport = "" self.serialspeed = "" self.hamlib_ptt_type = "" self.my_rig = "" self.pttport = "" self.data_bits = "" self.stop_bits = "" self.handshake = "" def open_rig( self, devicename, deviceport, hamlib_ptt_type, serialspeed, pttport, data_bits, stop_bits, handshake, rigctld_port, rigctld_ip, ): """ Args: devicename: deviceport: hamlib_ptt_type: serialspeed: pttport: data_bits: stop_bits: handshake: rigctld_port: rigctld_ip: """ self.devicename = devicename self.deviceport = str(deviceport) # we need to ensure this is a str, otherwise set_conf functions are crashing self.serialspeed = str(serialspeed) self.hamlib_ptt_type = str(hamlib_ptt_type) self.pttport = str(pttport) self.data_bits = str(data_bits) self.stop_bits = str(stop_bits) self.handshake = str(handshake) # try to init hamlib try: Hamlib.rig_set_debug(Hamlib.RIG_DEBUG_NONE) # get devicenumber by looking for deviceobject in Hamlib module try: self.devicenumber = int(getattr(Hamlib, self.devicename)) except Exception: self.log.error("[RIG] Hamlib: rig not supported...") self.devicenumber = 0 self.my_rig = Hamlib.Rig(self.devicenumber) self.my_rig.set_conf("rig_pathname", self.deviceport) self.my_rig.set_conf("retry", "5") self.my_rig.set_conf("serial_speed", self.serialspeed) self.my_rig.set_conf("serial_handshake", self.handshake) self.my_rig.set_conf("stop_bits", self.stop_bits) self.my_rig.set_conf("data_bits", self.data_bits) self.my_rig.set_conf("ptt_pathname", self.pttport) if self.hamlib_ptt_type == "RIG": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_RIG self.my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "RIG") elif self.hamlib_ptt_type == "USB": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PORT_USB self.my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "USB") elif self.hamlib_ptt_type == "DTR-H": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR self.my_rig.set_conf("dtr_state", "HIGH") self.my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "DTR") elif self.hamlib_ptt_type == "DTR-L": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR self.my_rig.set_conf("dtr_state", "LOW") self.my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "DTR") elif self.hamlib_ptt_type == "RTS": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_RTS self.my_rig.set_conf("dtr_state", "OFF") self.my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "RTS") elif self.hamlib_ptt_type == "PARALLEL": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_PARALLEL elif self.hamlib_ptt_type == "MICDATA": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_RIG_MICDATA elif self.hamlib_ptt_type == "CM108": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_CM108 elif self.hamlib_ptt_type == "RIG_PTT_NONE": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_NONE else: # self.hamlib_ptt_type == "RIG_PTT_NONE": self.hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_NONE "[RIG] Opening...", device=self.devicenumber, path=self.my_rig.get_conf("rig_pathname"), serial_speed=self.my_rig.get_conf("serial_speed"), serial_handshake=self.my_rig.get_conf("serial_handshake"), stop_bits=self.my_rig.get_conf("stop_bits"), data_bits=self.my_rig.get_conf("data_bits"), ptt_pathname=self.my_rig.get_conf("ptt_pathname"), ) atexit.register(self.my_rig.close) try: # lets determine the error message when opening rig error = str(Hamlib.rigerror(self.my_rig.error_status)).splitlines() error = error[1].split("err=") error = error[1] if error == "Permission denied": self.log.error("[RIG] Hamlib has no permissions", e=error) help_url = "" self.log.error("[RIG] HELP:", check=help_url) except Exception:"[RIG] Hamlib device opened", status="SUCCESS") # set ptt to false if ptt is stuck for some reason self.set_ptt(False) # set rig mode to USB # temporarly outcommented because of possible problems. # self.my_rig.set_mode(Hamlib.RIG_MODE_USB) # self.my_rig.set_mode(Hamlib.RIG_MODE_PKTUSB) return True except Exception as err2: mainlog.error( "[RIG] Hamlib - can't open rig", error=err2, e=sys.exc_info()[0] ) return False def get_frequency(self): """ """ return int(self.my_rig.get_freq()) def get_mode(self): """ """ (hamlib_mode, bandwidth) = self.my_rig.get_mode() return Hamlib.rig_strrmode(hamlib_mode) def get_bandwith(self): """ """ (hamlib_mode, bandwidth) = self.my_rig.get_mode() return bandwidth # not needed yet beacuse of some possible problems # def set_mode(self, mode): # return 0 def get_ptt(self): """ """ return self.my_rig.get_ptt() def set_ptt(self, state): """ Args: state: Returns: """ if state: self.my_rig.set_ptt(Hamlib.RIG_VFO_CURR, 1) else: self.my_rig.set_ptt(Hamlib.RIG_VFO_CURR, 0) return state def close_rig(self): """ """ self.my_rig.close()