import path from "node:path"; import fs from "fs"; import { setColormap } from "./waterfallHandler"; // pinia store setup import { setActivePinia } from "pinia"; import pinia from "../store/index"; setActivePinia(pinia); import { settingsStore as settings, onChange } from "../store/settingsStore.js"; import { useStateStore } from "../store/stateStore"; const stateStore = useStateStore(pinia); // --------------------------------- console.log(process.env); var appDataFolder = "undefined"; if (typeof process.env["APPDATA"] !== "undefined") { appDataFolder = process.env["APPDATA"]; console.log(appDataFolder); } else { switch (process.platform) { case "darwin": appDataFolder = process.env["HOME"] + "/Library/Application Support"; console.log(appDataFolder); break; case "linux": appDataFolder = process.env["HOME"] + "/.config"; console.log(appDataFolder); break; case "win32": appDataFolder = "undefined"; break; default: appDataFolder = "undefined"; break; } } var configFolder = path.join(appDataFolder, "FreeDATA"); var configPath = path.join(configFolder, "config.json"); console.log(appDataFolder); console.log(configFolder); console.log(configPath); // create config folder if not exists if (!fs.existsSync(configFolder)) { fs.mkdirSync(configFolder); } // create config file if not exists with defaults const configDefaultSettings = `{ "modem_host": "", "modem_port": 5000, "spectrum": "waterfall", "theme": "default", "screen_height": 430, "screen_width": 1050, "update_channel": "latest", "wftheme": 2, "enable_sys_notification": 1 }`; var parsedConfig = JSON.parse(configDefaultSettings); if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { fs.writeFileSync(configPath, configDefaultSettings); } export function loadSettings() { // load settings var config = require(configPath); //config validation // check running config against default config. // if parameter not exists, add it to running config to prevent errors console.log("CONFIG VALIDATION ----------------------------- "); for (var key in parsedConfig) { if (config.hasOwnProperty(key)) { console.log("FOUND SETTTING [" + key + "]: " + config[key]); } else { console.log("MISSING SETTTING [" + key + "] : " + parsedConfig[key]); config[key] = parsedConfig[key]; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); } try { if (key == "wftheme") { setColormap(); } if (key == "mycall") { settings.remote.STATION.mycall = config[key].split("-")[0]; settings.remote.STATION.myssid = config[key].split("-")[1]; } else { settings[key] = config[key]; } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } } //No longer used... //export function saveSettingsToFile() { // console.log("save settings to file..."); // let config = settings.getJSON(); // console.log(config); // fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); //} export function processModemConfig(data) { // update our settings from get request // TODO Can we make this more dynamic? Maybe using a settings object? // For now its a hardcoded structure until we found a better way console.log(data); for (const category in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(category)) { for (const setting in data[category]) { if (data[category].hasOwnProperty(setting)) { // Create a variable name combining the category and setting name const variableName = setting; // Assign the value to the variable if (variableName == "mycall") { let mycall = data[category][setting]; if (mycall.includes("-")) { const splittedCallsign = mycall.split("-"); settings.remote.STATION.mycall = splittedCallsign[0]; // The part before the hyphen settings.remote.STATION.myssid = parseInt( splittedCallsign[1], 10, ); // The part after the hyphen, converted to a number } else { settings.remote.STATION.mycall = mycall; // Use the original mycall if no SSID is present settings.remote.STATION.myssid = 0; // Default SSID if not provided } } else { settings[variableName] = data[category][setting]; } console.log(variableName + ": " + settings[variableName]); } } } } }