Suggested instructions for using the install and run scripts. To install the FreeDATA software: Open a terminal shell and run the following commands: mkdir ~/freedata cd ~/freedata wget wget To install from the main FreeDATA branch, run: bash or to install from the develop FreeDATA branch, run: bash develop To run the FreeDATA software: Open a terminal shell and run the following commands: cd ~/freedata bash To view debugging output while running FreeDATA: Open a terminal shell. cd ~/freedata To view the GUI debug output: tail -f FreeDATA-client.log To view the server debug output: tail -f FreeDATA-server.log The run script looks for the config.ini file at: $HOME/.config/FreeDATA/config.ini If it isn't found, we place a copy of config.ini.example into that location to give FreeDATA something to start with. Changes to the defaults can be made within the FreeDATA GUI.