#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on 26.08.23 @author: DJ2LS tool for generating HMAC tokens """ import argparse import numpy as np def create_hmac_salts(dxcallsign: str, mycallsign: str, num_tokens: int): """ Creates a file with tokens for hmac signing Args: dxcallsign: mycallsign: int: Returns: bool """ try: token_array = [] for _ in range(num_tokens): token_array.append(np.random.bytes(4).hex()) # Create and write random strings to a file with open(f"freedata_hmac_STATION_{mycallsign}_REMOTE_{dxcallsign}.txt", "w") as file: for _ in range(len(token_array)): file.write(token_array[_] + '\n') # Create and write random strings to a file with open(f"freedata_hmac_STATION_{dxcallsign}_REMOTE_{mycallsign}.txt", "w") as file: for _ in range(len(token_array)): file.write(token_array[_] + '\n') print("files created - place them in tnc/hmac folder and share the file with the remote station") except Exception: print("error creating hmac file") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='FreeDATA token generator') parser.add_argument('--dxcallsign', dest="dxcallsign", default='AA0AA', help="Select the destination callsign", type=str) parser.add_argument('--mycallsign', dest="mycallsign", default='AA0AA', help="Select the own callsign", type=str) parser.add_argument('--tokens', dest="tokens", default=1000, help="Amount of tokens to create", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() create_hmac_salts(args.dxcallsign, args.mycallsign, int(args.tokens))