import numpy as np #from scipy.signal import freqz import ctypes testFilter = (ctypes.c_float * 3)(1.000000,1.000000,1.000000) def generate_filter_coefficients(Fs_Hz, bandwidth_Hz, taps): # ported from B = bandwidth_Hz / Fs_Hz Ntap = taps h = np.zeros(Ntap, dtype=np.csingle) # Generating filter coefficients for i in range(Ntap): n = i - (Ntap - 1) / 2 h[i] = B * np.sinc(n * B) # Convert to ctypes array (interleaved real and imaginary) CArrayType = ctypes.c_float * (len(h) * 2) return CArrayType(*(np.hstack([np.real(h), np.imag(h)]).tolist())) """ def plot_filter(): Fs = 8000 # Sampling frequency bandwidth = 2438 # Bandwidth in Hz centre_freq = 1500 # Centre frequency in Hz # Generate filter coefficients h = generate_filter_coefficients(Fs, bandwidth, centre_freq) print(h) # Frequency response w, H = freqz(h, worN=8000, fs=Fs) # Plotting plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H)), 'b') plt.title('Frequency Response') plt.ylabel('Magnitude [dB]') plt.grid(True) """