""" Gather information about audio devices. """ import atexit import multiprocessing import crcengine import sounddevice as sd import structlog atexit.register(sd._terminate) log = structlog.get_logger("audio") # crc algorithm for unique audio device names crc_algorithm = crcengine.new("crc16-ccitt-false") # load crc16 library def get_audio_devices(): """ return list of input and output audio devices in own process to avoid crashes of portaudio on raspberry pi also uses a process data manager """ # we need to run this on Windows for multiprocessing support # multiprocessing.freeze_support() # multiprocessing.get_context("spawn") # we need to reset and initialize sounddevice before running the multiprocessing part. # If we are not doing this at this early point, not all devices will be displayed sd._terminate() sd._initialize() log.debug("[AUD] get_audio_devices") with multiprocessing.Manager() as manager: proxy_input_devices = manager.list() proxy_output_devices = manager.list() # print(multiprocessing.get_start_method()) proc = multiprocessing.Process( target=fetch_audio_devices, args=(proxy_input_devices, proxy_output_devices) ) proc.start() proc.join() log.debug("[AUD] get_audio_devices: input_devices:", list=f"{proxy_input_devices}") log.debug("[AUD] get_audio_devices: output_devices:", list=f"{proxy_output_devices}") return list(proxy_input_devices), list(proxy_output_devices) def device_crc(device) -> str: crc_hwid = crc_algorithm(bytes(f"{device}", encoding="utf-8")) crc_hwid = crc_hwid.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big") crc_hwid = crc_hwid.hex() return f"{device['name']} [{crc_hwid}]" def fetch_audio_devices(input_devices, output_devices): """ get audio devices from portaudio Args: input_devices: proxy variable for input devices output_devices: proxy variable for output devices Returns: """ devices = sd.query_devices(device=None, kind=None) for index, device in enumerate(devices): # Use a try/except block because Windows doesn't have an audio device range try: name = device["name"] max_output_channels = device["max_output_channels"] max_input_channels = device["max_input_channels"] except KeyError: continue except Exception as err: print(err) max_input_channels = 0 max_output_channels = 0 name = "" if max_input_channels > 0: new_input_device = {"id": index, "name": device_crc(device)} # check if device not in device list if new_input_device not in input_devices: input_devices.append(new_input_device) if max_output_channels > 0: new_output_device = {"id": index, "name": device_crc(device)} # check if device not in device list if new_output_device not in output_devices: output_devices.append(new_output_device)