const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); // pinia store setup import { setActivePinia } from 'pinia'; import pinia from '../store/index'; setActivePinia(pinia); import { useChatStore } from '../store/chatStore.js'; const chat = useChatStore(pinia); import { sendMessage } from './sock.js'; const FD = require("./src/js/freedata.js"); // split character const split_char = "0;1;"; // ---- MessageDB try { var PouchDB = require("pouchdb"); } catch (err) { console.log(err); /* This is a fix for raspberryPi where we get an error when loading pouchdb because of leveldown package isnt running on ARM devices. pouchdb-browser does not depend on leveldb and seems to be working. */ console.log("using pouchdb-browser fallback"); var PouchDB = require("pouchdb-browser"); } PouchDB.plugin(require("pouchdb-find")); //PouchDB.plugin(require('pouchdb-replication')); PouchDB.plugin(require("pouchdb-upsert")); // var appDataFolder = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform == "darwin" ? process.env.HOME + "/Library/Application Support" : process.env.HOME + "/.config"); var configFolder = path.join(appDataFolder, "FreeDATA"); var chatDB = path.join(configFolder, "chatDB"); var db = new PouchDB(chatDB); /* -------- CREATE DATABASE INDEXES */ createChatIndex(); // create callsign set for storing unique callsigns chat.callsign_list = new Set() // function for creating a new broadcast export function newBroadcast(broadcastChannel, chatmessage){ var mode = '' var frames = '' var data = '' if (typeof chatFile !== "undefined"){ var file = chatFile; var filetype = chatFileType var filename = chatFileName } else { var file = ''; var filetype = 'text' var filename = '' } var file_checksum = ''//crc32(file).toString(16).toUpperCase(); var checksum = '' var message_type = 'broadcast_transmit' var command = '' var timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000) var uuid = uuidv4(); // TODO: Not sure what this uuid part is needed for ... let uuidlast = uuid.lastIndexOf("-"); uuidlast += 1; if (uuidlast > 0) { uuid = uuid.substring(uuidlast); } // slice uuid for reducing overhead uuid = uuid.slice(-4); var data_with_attachment = timestamp + split_char + chatmessage + split_char + filename + split_char + filetype + split_char + file; var tnc_command = "broadcast"; sendMessage( dxcallsign, data_with_attachment, checksum, uuid, tnc_command ) let newChatObj = new Object(); newChatObj.command = "msg" newChatObj.hmac_signed = false newChatObj.percent = 0 newChatObj.bytesperminute newChatObj.is_new = false newChatObj._id = uuid newChatObj.timestamp = timestamp newChatObj.dxcallsign = dxcallsign newChatObj.dxgrid = "null" newChatObj.msg = chatmessage newChatObj.checksum = file_checksum newChatObj.type = message_type newChatObj.status = "transmitting" newChatObj.attempt = 1 newChatObj.uuid = uuid newChatObj._attachments = { [filename]: { content_type: filetype, data: FD.btoa_FD(file), }, } addObjToDatabase(newChatObj) } // function for creating a new message export function newMessage(dxcallsign, chatmessage, chatFile, chatFileName, chatFileSize, chatFileType){ var mode = '' var frames = '' var data = '' if (typeof chatFile !== "undefined"){ var file = chatFile; var filetype = chatFileType var filename = chatFileName } else { var file = ''; var filetype = 'text' var filename = '' } var file_checksum = ''//crc32(file).toString(16).toUpperCase(); var checksum = '' var message_type = 'transmit' var command = '' var timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000) var uuid = uuidv4(); // TODO: Not sure what this uuid part is needed for ... let uuidlast = uuid.lastIndexOf("-"); uuidlast += 1; if (uuidlast > 0) { uuid = uuid.substring(uuidlast); } // slice uuid for reducing overhead uuid = uuid.slice(-8); var data_with_attachment = timestamp + split_char + chatmessage + split_char + filename + split_char + filetype + split_char + file; var tnc_command = "msg"; sendMessage( dxcallsign, data_with_attachment, checksum, uuid, tnc_command ) let newChatObj = new Object(); newChatObj.command = "msg" newChatObj.hmac_signed = false newChatObj.percent = 0 newChatObj.bytesperminute newChatObj.is_new = false newChatObj._id = uuid newChatObj.timestamp = timestamp newChatObj.dxcallsign = dxcallsign newChatObj.dxgrid = "null" newChatObj.msg = chatmessage newChatObj.checksum = file_checksum newChatObj.type = message_type newChatObj.status = "transmitting" newChatObj.attempt = 1 newChatObj.uuid = uuid newChatObj._attachments = { [filename]: { content_type: filetype, data: FD.btoa_FD(file), }, } addObjToDatabase(newChatObj) } function sortChatList(){ // Create an empty object to store the reordered data dynamically var reorderedData = {}; var jsonObjects = chat.unsorted_chat_list // Iterate through the list of JSON objects and reorder them dynamically jsonObjects.forEach(obj => { var dxcallsign = obj.dxcallsign; if (dxcallsign) { if (!reorderedData[dxcallsign]) { reorderedData[dxcallsign] = []; } reorderedData[dxcallsign].push(obj); } }); //console.log(reorderedData["DJ2LS-0"]) return reorderedData } //repeat a message export function repeatMessageTransmission(id){ console.log(id) } // delete a message from databse and gui export function deleteMessageFromDB(id){ console.log("deleting: " + id) db.get(id).then(function (doc) { db.remove(doc) }) // overwrote unsorted chat list by filtering if not ID chat.unsorted_chat_list = chat.unsorted_chat_list.filter(entry => entry.uuid !== id); // and finally generate our sorted chat list, which is the key store for chat gui rendering // the removed entry should be removed now from gui chat.sorted_chat_list = sortChatList() } // function for fetching all messages from chat / updating chat export async function updateAllChat() { //Ensure we create an index before running db.find //We can't rely on the default index existing before we get here...... :'( await db .createIndex({ index: { fields: [{ dxcallsign: "asc" }, { timestamp: "asc" }], }, }) .then(async function (result) { // handle result await db .find({ selector: { $and: [ { dxcallsign: { $exists: true } }, { timestamp: { $exists: true } }, { $or: chat.chat_filter }, ], //$or: chat.chat_filter }, sort: [{ dxcallsign: "asc" }, { timestamp: "asc" }], }) .then(async function (result) { for (var item of { chat.callsign_list.add(item.dxcallsign) chat.unsorted_chat_list.push(item) } chat.sorted_chat_list = sortChatList() console.log(chat.sorted_chat_list["EI7IG-0"]) /* if (typeof result !== "undefined") { for (const item of { //await otherwise history will not be in chronological order await db .get(item._id, { attachments: true, }) .then(function (item_with_attachments) { update_chat(item_with_attachments); }); } } */ }) .catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); }) .catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); } function addObjToDatabase(newobj){ console.log(newobj) /* db.upsert(newobj._id, function (doc) { if (!doc._id) { console.log("upsert") console.log(doc) doc = newobj } else { console.log("new...") */ .then(function (response) { // handle response console.log("new database entry"); console.log(response); }) .catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); chat.unsorted_chat_list.push(newobj) chat.sorted_chat_list = sortChatList() /* // upsert footer ... } return doc; }) */ } function createChatIndex() { db.createIndex({ index: { fields: [ "timestamp", "uuid", "dxcallsign", "dxgrid", "msg", "checksum", "type", "command", "status", "percent", "attempt", "hmac_signed", "bytesperminute", "_attachments", "is_new", ], }, }) .then(function (result) { // handle result console.log(result); }) .catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); } export function deleteChatByCallsign(callsign){ chat.callsign_list.delete(callsign) delete chat.unsorted_chat_list.callsign delete chat.sorted_chat_list.callsign deleteFromDatabaseByCallsign(callsign) } function deleteFromDatabaseByCallsign(callsign){ db.find({ selector: { dxcallsign: callsign, }, }) .then(function (result) { // handle result if (typeof result !== "undefined") { (item) { console.log(item); db.get(item._id) .then(function (doc) { db.remove(doc) .then(function (doc) { updateAllChat(true); return true; }) .catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); }) .catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); }); } }) .catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); } // function for handling a received beacon export function newBeaconReceived(obj){ /* { "freedata": "tnc-message", "beacon": "received", "uuid": "12741312-3dbb-4a53-b0cc-100f6c930ab8", "timestamp": 1696076869, "dxcallsign": "DJ2LS-0", "dxgrid": "JN48CS", "snr": "-2.8", "mycallsign": "DJ2LS-0" } */ let newChatObj = new Object(); newChatObj.command = "beacon" newChatObj._id = obj['uuid'] newChatObj.uuid = obj['uuid'] newChatObj.timestamp = obj['timestamp'] newChatObj.dxcallsign = obj["dxcallsign"] newChatObj.dxgrid = obj["dxgrid"] newChatObj.type = 'beacon' newChatObj.status = obj["beacon"] newChatObj.snr = obj["snr"] addObjToDatabase(newChatObj) } // function for handling a received message export function newMessageReceived(message, protocol){ /* PROTOCOL { "freedata": "tnc-message", "arq": "transmission", "status": "received", "uuid": "58d64f7d-be8c-4578-879b-3b6cb3b60ddf", "percent": 100, "bytesperminute": 536, "compression": 0.5714285714285714, "timestamp": 1695203863, "finished": 0, "mycallsign": "DJ2LS-0", "dxcallsign": "DJ2LS-0", "dxgrid": "------", "data": "bTA7MTttc2cwOzE7MDsxOzA3ZTIwOzE7MTY5NTIwMzgzMzA7MTt0ZXN0MDsxOzA7MTtwbGFpbi90ZXh0MDsxOw==", "irs": "True", "hmac_signed": "False" } MESSAGE; decoded from "data" [ 0 - protocol type message - "m", 1 - type - "msg", 2 - checksum "", 3 - uuid - "07e2", 4 - timestamp - "1695203833", 5 - message - "test", 6 - file name - "", 7 - mime - "plain/text", 8 - file - "" ] */ console.log(protocol) let newChatObj = new Object(); newChatObj.command = "msg" newChatObj.hmac_signed = protocol["hmac_signed"] newChatObj.percent = 100 newChatObj.bytesperminute = protocol["bytesperminute"] newChatObj.is_new = true newChatObj._id = message[3] newChatObj.timestamp = message[4] newChatObj.dxcallsign = protocol["dxcallsign"] newChatObj.dxgrid = protocol["dxgrid"] newChatObj.msg = message[5] newChatObj.checksum = message[2] newChatObj.type = message[1] newChatObj.status = protocol["status"] newChatObj.attempt = 1 newChatObj.uuid = message[3] newChatObj._attachments = { [message[6]]: { content_type: message[7], data: FD.btoa_FD(message[8]), }, } // some tweaks for broadcasts if (protocol.fec == "broadcast") { newChatObj.broadcast_sender = protocol["dxcallsign"] newChatObj.type = 'broadcast_received' } addObjToDatabase(newChatObj) } // CRC CHECKSUMS // // crc32 calculation //console.log(crc32('abc')); //var crc32=function(r){for(var a,o=[],c=0;c<256;c++){a=c;for(var f=0;f<8;f++)a=1&a?3988292384^a>>>1:a>>>1;o[c]=a}for(var n=-1,t=0;t>>8^o[255&(n^r.charCodeAt(t))];return(-1^n)>>>0}; //console.log(crc32('abc').toString(16).toUpperCase()); // hex var makeCRCTable = function () { var c; var crcTable = []; for (var n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = n; for (var k = 0; k < 8; k++) { c = c & 1 ? 0xedb88320 ^ (c >>> 1) : c >>> 1; } crcTable[n] = c; } return crcTable; }; var crc32 = function (str) { var crcTable = window.crcTable || (window.crcTable = makeCRCTable()); var crc = 0 ^ -1; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ crcTable[(crc ^ str.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xff]; } return (crc ^ -1) >>> 0; };