import threading import time import codec2 import helpers import modem import stats import structlog import ujson as json from codec2 import FREEDV_MODE, FREEDV_MODE_USED_SLOTS from queues import MODEM_TRANSMIT_QUEUE from modem_frametypes import FRAME_TYPE as FR_TYPE TESTMODE = False class ARQ: def __init__(self, config, event_queue, states): self.log = structlog.get_logger("DHARQ") self.event_queue = event_queue self.states = states # ARQ PROTOCOL VERSION # v.5 - signalling frame uses datac0 # v.6 - signalling frame uses datac13 # v.7 - adjusting ARQ timeout # v.8 - adjusting ARQ structure self.arq_protocol_version = 8 self.stats = stats.stats(config, event_queue, states) # load config self.mycallsign = config['STATION']['mycall'] self.myssid = config['STATION']['myssid'] self.mycallsign += "-" + str(self.myssid) encoded_call = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) self.mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(encoded_call) self.ssid_list = config['STATION']['ssid_list'] self.mycallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(self.mycallsign) self.mygrid = config['STATION']['mygrid'] self.enable_fsk = config['MODEM']['enable_fsk'] self.respond_to_cq = config['MODEM']['respond_to_cq'] self.enable_hmac = config['MODEM']['enable_hmac'] self.enable_stats = config['STATION']['enable_stats'] self.enable_morse_identifier = config['MODEM']['enable_morse_identifier'] self.arq_rx_buffer_size = config['MODEM']['rx_buffer_size'] self.enable_experimental_features = False # flag to indicate if modem running in low bandwidth mode self.low_bandwidth_mode = config["MODEM"]["enable_low_bandwidth_mode"] # Enable general responding to channel openers for example # this can be combined with a callsign blacklist for example self.respond_to_call = True self.modem_frequency_offset = 0 self.dxcallsign = b"ZZ9YY-0" self.dxcallsign_crc = b'' self.dxgrid = b'' # length of signalling frame self.length_sig0_frame = 14 self.length_sig1_frame = 14 # duration of frames self.duration_datac4 = 5.17 self.duration_datac13 = 2.0 self.duration_datac1 = 4.18 self.duration_datac3 = 3.19 self.duration_sig0_frame = self.duration_datac13 self.duration_sig1_frame = self.duration_datac13 self.longest_duration = self.duration_datac4 # hold session id self.session_id = bytes(1) # ------- ARQ SESSION self.arq_file_transfer = False self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER = False self.arq_session_last_received = 0 self.arq_session_timeout = 30 self.session_connect_max_retries = 10 self.arq_compression_factor = 0 self.transmission_uuid = "" self.burst_last_received = 0.0 # time of last "live sign" of a burst self.data_channel_last_received = 0.0 # time of last "live sign" of a frame # Flag to indicate if we received an ACK frame for a burst self.burst_ack = False # Flag to indicate if we received an ACK frame for a data frame self.data_frame_ack_received = False # Flag to indicate if we received a request for repeater frames self.rpt_request_received = False self.rpt_request_buffer = [] # requested frames, saved in a list self.burst_rpt_counter = 0 # 3 bytes for the BOF Beginning of File indicator in a data frame self.data_frame_bof = b"BOF" # 3 bytes for the EOF End of File indicator in a data frame self.data_frame_eof = b"EOF" self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 self.max_n_frames_per_burst = 1 # Flag to indicate if we received a low bandwidth mode channel opener self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False self.data_channel_max_retries = 15 # event for checking arq_state_event self.arq_state_event = threading.Event() # -------------- AVAILABLE MODES START----------- # IMPORTANT: LISTS MUST BE OF EQUAL LENGTH # --------------------- LOW BANDWIDTH # List of codec2 modes to use in "low bandwidth" mode. self.mode_list_low_bw = [ FREEDV_MODE.datac4.value, ] # List for minimum SNR operating level for the corresponding mode in self.mode_list self.snr_list_low_bw = [-100] # List for time to wait for corresponding mode in seconds self.time_list_low_bw = [self.duration_datac4] # --------------------- HIGH BANDWIDTH # List of codec2 modes to use in "high bandwidth" mode. self.mode_list_high_bw = [ FREEDV_MODE.datac4.value, FREEDV_MODE.datac3.value, FREEDV_MODE.datac1.value, ] # List for minimum SNR operating level for the corresponding mode in self.mode_list self.snr_list_high_bw = [-100, 0, 3] # List for time to wait for corresponding mode in seconds # test with 6,7 --> caused sometimes a frame timeout if ack frame takes longer # TODO Need to check why ACK frames needs more time # TODO Adjust these times self.time_list_high_bw = [self.duration_datac4, self.duration_datac3, self.duration_datac1] # -------------- AVAILABLE MODES END----------- # Mode list for selecting between low bandwidth ( 500Hz ) and modes with higher bandwidth # but ability to fall back to low bandwidth modes if needed. if self.low_bandwidth_mode: # List of codec2 modes to use in "low bandwidth" mode. self.mode_list = self.mode_list_low_bw # list of times to wait for corresponding mode in seconds self.time_list = self.time_list_low_bw else: # List of codec2 modes to use in "high bandwidth" mode. self.mode_list = self.mode_list_high_bw # list of times to wait for corresponding mode in seconds self.time_list = self.time_list_high_bw self.speed_level = len(self.mode_list) - 1 # speed level for selecting mode self.states.set("arq_speed_level", self.speed_level) self.is_IRS = False self.burst_nack = False self.burst_nack_counter = 0 self.frame_nack_counter = 0 self.frame_received_counter = 0 # TIMEOUTS self.transmission_timeout = 180 # transmission timeout in seconds self.channel_busy_timeout = 3 # time how long we want to wait until channel busy state overrides # START THE THREAD FOR THE TIMEOUT WATCHDOG watchdog_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.watchdog, name="watchdog", daemon=True ) watchdog_thread.start() arq_session_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.heartbeat, name="watchdog", daemon=True ) arq_session_thread.start() def enqueue_frame_for_tx( self, frame_to_tx, # : list[bytearray], # this causes a crash on python 3.7 c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig0.value, copies=1, repeat_delay=0, ) -> None: """ Send (transmit) supplied frame to Modem :param frame_to_tx: Frame data to send :type frame_to_tx: list of bytearrays :param c2_mode: Codec2 mode to use, defaults to datac13 :type c2_mode: int, optional :param copies: Number of frame copies to send, defaults to 1 :type copies: int, optional :param repeat_delay: Delay time before sending repeat frame, defaults to 0 :type repeat_delay: int, optional """ frame_type = FR_TYPE(int.from_bytes(frame_to_tx[0][:1], byteorder="big")).name self.log.debug("[Modem] enqueue_frame_for_tx", c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE(c2_mode).name, data=frame_to_tx, type=frame_type) MODEM_TRANSMIT_QUEUE.put([c2_mode, copies, repeat_delay, frame_to_tx]) # Wait while transmitting while self.states.is_transmitting: threading.Event().wait(0.01) def send_data_to_socket_queue(self, **jsondata): """ Send information to the UI via JSON and the sock.SOCKET_QUEUE. Args: Dictionary containing the data to be sent, in the format: key=value, for each item. E.g.: self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="received", status="success", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, timestamp=timestamp, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(self.dxgrid, "UTF-8"), data=base64_data, ) """ # add mycallsign and dxcallsign to network message if they not exist # and make sure we are not overwrite them if they exist try: if "mycallsign" not in jsondata: jsondata["mycallsign"] = str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") if "dxcallsign" not in jsondata: jsondata["dxcallsign"] = str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") except Exception as e: self.log.debug("[Modem] error adding callsigns to network message", e=e) # run json dumps json_data_out = json.dumps(jsondata) self.log.debug("[Modem] send_data_to_socket_queue:", jsondata=json_data_out) # finally push data to our network queue # sock.SOCKET_QUEUE.put(json_data_out) self.event_queue.put(json_data_out) def send_ident_frame(self, transmit) -> None: """Build and send IDENT frame """ ident_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig1_frame) ident_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.IDENT.value]) ident_frame[1:self.length_sig1_frame] = self.mycallsign # Transmit frame if transmit: self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([ident_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig0.value) else: return ident_frame def send_disconnect_frame(self) -> None: """Build and send a disconnect frame""" disconnection_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig1_frame) disconnection_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_SESSION_CLOSE.value]) disconnection_frame[1:2] = self.session_id disconnection_frame[2:5] = self.dxcallsign_crc # wait if we have a channel busy condition if self.states.channel_busy: self.channel_busy_handler() self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([disconnection_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig0.value, copies=3, repeat_delay=0) def check_if_mode_fits_to_busy_slot(self): """ Check if actual mode is fitting into given busy state Returns: """ mode_name = FREEDV_MODE(self.mode_list[self.speed_level]).name mode_slots = FREEDV_MODE_USED_SLOTS[mode_name].value if mode_slots in [self.states.channel_busy_slot]: self.log.warning( "[Modem] busy slot detection", slots=self.states.channel_busy_slot, mode_slots=mode_slots, ) return False return True def arq_calculate_speed_level(self, snr): current_speed_level = self.speed_level self.frame_received_counter += 1 # try increasing speed level only if we had two successful decodes if self.frame_received_counter >= 2: self.frame_received_counter = 0 # make sure new speed level isn't higher than available modes new_speed_level = min(self.speed_level + 1, len(self.mode_list) - 1) # check if actual snr is higher than minimum snr for next mode if snr >= self.snr_list[new_speed_level]: self.speed_level = new_speed_level else:"[Modem] ARQ | increasing speed level not possible because of SNR limit", given_snr=snr, needed_snr=self.snr_list[new_speed_level] ) # calculate if speed level fits to busy condition if not self.check_if_mode_fits_to_busy_slot(): self.speed_level = current_speed_level self.states.set("arq_speed_level", self.speed_level) # Update modes we are listening to self.set_listening_modes(False, True, self.mode_list[self.speed_level]) self.log.debug( "[Modem] calculated speed level", speed_level=self.speed_level, given_snr=snr, min_snr=self.snr_list[self.speed_level], ) # for i in range(0, 6, 2): # if not missing_area[i: i + 2].endswith(b"\x00\x00"): # self.rpt_request_buffer.insert(0, missing_area[i: i + 2]) ########################################################################################################## # ARQ DATA CHANNEL HANDLER ########################################################################################################## def stop_transmission(self) -> None: """ Force a stop of the running transmission """ self.log.warning("[Modem] Stopping transmission!") self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="stopped", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8') ) stop_frame = bytearray(self.length_sig0_frame) stop_frame[:1] = bytes([FR_TYPE.ARQ_STOP.value]) stop_frame[1:4] = self.dxcallsign_crc stop_frame[4:7] = self.mycallsign_crc # TODO Not sure if we really need the session id when disconnecting # stop_frame[1:2] = self.session_id stop_frame[7:13] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign) self.enqueue_frame_for_tx([stop_frame], c2_mode=FREEDV_MODE.sig1.value, copies=3, repeat_delay=0) self.arq_cleanup() def received_stop_transmission( self, data_in: bytes ) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Received a transmission stop """ self.log.warning("[Modem] Stopping transmission!") self.states.set("is_modem_busy", False) self.states.set("is_arq_state", False) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="stopped", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), uuid=self.transmission_uuid ) self.arq_cleanup() def channel_busy_handler(self): """ function for handling the channel busy situation Args: Returns: """ self.log.warning("[Modem] Channel busy, waiting until free...") self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", channel="busy", status="waiting", ) # wait while timeout not reached and our busy state is busy channel_busy_timeout = time.time() + self.channel_busy_timeout while self.states.channel_busy and time.time() < channel_busy_timeout and not self.check_if_mode_fits_to_busy_slot(): threading.Event().wait(0.01) # ------------ CALCULATE TRANSFER RATES def reset_statistics(self) -> None: """ Reset statistics """ # reset ARQ statistics self.states.set("bytes_per_minute_burst", 0) self.states.set("arq_total_bytes", 0) self.states.set("self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish", 0) self.states.set("arq_bits_per_second", 0) self.states.set("bytes_per_minute", 0) self.states.set("arq_transmission_percent", 0) self.states.set("arq_compression_factor", 0) # ----------------------CLEANUP AND RESET FUNCTIONS def arq_cleanup(self) -> None: """ Cleanup function which clears all ARQ states """ if TESTMODE: self.log.debug("[Modem] TESTMODE: arq_cleanup: Not performing cleanup.") return self.log.debug("[Modem] arq_cleanup") # wait a second for smoother arq behaviour helpers.wait(1.0) self.rx_frame_bof_received = False self.rx_frame_eof_received = False self.burst_ack = False self.rpt_request_received = False self.burst_rpt_counter = 0 self.data_frame_ack_received = False self.arq_rx_burst_buffer = [] self.arq_rx_frame_buffer = b"" self.burst_ack_snr = 0 self.arq_burst_last_payload = 0 self.rx_n_frame_of_burst = 0 self.rx_n_frames_per_burst = 0 # reset modem receiving state to reduce cpu load modem.RECEIVE_SIG0 = True modem.RECEIVE_SIG1 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = False # modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_0 = False modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = False self.is_IRS = False self.burst_nack = False self.burst_nack_counter = 0 self.frame_nack_counter = 0 self.frame_received_counter = 0 self.speed_level = len(self.mode_list) - 1 self.states.set("arq_speed_level", self.speed_level) # low bandwidth mode indicator self.received_LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = False # reset retry counter for rx channel / burst self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 # reset max retries possibly overriden by api self.session_connect_max_retries = 10 self.data_channel_max_retries = 10 # we need to keep these values if in ARQ_SESSION if not self.states.is_arq_session: self.states.set("is_modem_busy", False) self.dxcallsign = b"AA0AA-0" self.mycallsign = self.mycallsign self.session_id = bytes(1) self.states.set("arq_session_state", "disconnected") self.states.arq_speed_list = [] self.states.set("is_arq_state", False) self.arq_state_event = threading.Event() self.arq_file_transfer = False self.beacon_paused = False # reset beacon interval timer for not directly starting beacon after ARQ self.beacon_interval_timer = time.time() + self.beacon_interval def arq_reset_ack(self, state: bool) -> None: """ Funktion for resetting acknowledge states Args: state:bool: """ self.burst_ack = state self.rpt_request_received = state self.data_frame_ack_received = state def set_listening_modes(self, enable_sig0: bool, enable_sig1: bool, mode: int) -> None: # sourcery skip: extract-duplicate-method """ Function for setting the data modes we are listening to for saving cpu power Args: enable_sig0:int: Enable/Disable signalling mode 0 enable_sig1:int: Enable/Disable signalling mode 1 mode:int: Codec2 mode to listen for """ # set modes we want to listen to modem.RECEIVE_SIG0 = enable_sig0 modem.RECEIVE_SIG1 = enable_sig1 if mode == codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac1.value: modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = True modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = False modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = False self.log.debug("[Modem] Changing listening data mode", mode="datac1") elif mode == codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac3.value: modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = True modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = False modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = False self.log.debug("[Modem] Changing listening data mode", mode="datac3") elif mode == codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac4.value: modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = True modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = False self.log.debug("[Modem] Changing listening data mode", mode="datac4") elif mode == codec2.FREEDV_MODE.fsk_ldpc_1.value: modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = False modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = False modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = True self.log.debug("[Modem] Changing listening data mode", mode="fsk_ldpc_1") else: modem.RECEIVE_DATAC1 = True modem.RECEIVE_DATAC3 = True modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = True modem.RECEIVE_FSK_LDPC_1 = True self.log.debug( "[Modem] Changing listening data mode", mode="datac1/datac3/fsk_ldpc" ) # ------------------------- WATCHDOG FUNCTIONS FOR TIMER def watchdog(self) -> None: """Author: DJ2LS Watchdog master function. From here, "pet" the watchdogs """ while True: threading.Event().wait(0.1) self.data_channel_keep_alive_watchdog() self.burst_watchdog() self.arq_session_keep_alive_watchdog() def burst_watchdog(self) -> None: """ Watchdog which checks if we are running into a connection timeout DATA BURST """ # IRS SIDE # TODO We need to redesign this part for cleaner state handling # Return if not ARQ STATE and not ARQ SESSION STATE as they are different use cases if ( not self.states.is_arq_state and self.states.arq_session_state != "connected" or not self.is_IRS ): return # get modem error state modem_error_state = modem.get_modem_error_state() # We want to reach this state only if connected ( == return above not called ) if self.rx_n_frames_per_burst > 1: # uses case for IRS: reduce time for waiting by counting "None" in burst buffer frames_left = self.arq_rx_burst_buffer.count(None) elif self.rx_n_frame_of_burst == 0 and self.rx_n_frames_per_burst == 0: # use case for IRS: We didn't receive a burst yet, because the first one got lost # in this case we don't have any information about the expected burst length # we must assume, we are getting a burst with max_n_frames_per_burst frames_left = self.max_n_frames_per_burst else: frames_left = 1 # make sure we don't have a 0 here for avoiding too short timeouts if frames_left == 0: frames_left = 1 # timeout is reached, if we didnt receive data, while we waited # for the corresponding data frame + the transmitted signalling frame of ack/nack # + a small offset of about 1 second timeout = \ ( self.burst_last_received + (self.time_list[self.speed_level] * frames_left) + self.duration_sig0_frame + self.channel_busy_timeout + 1 ) # override calculation # if we reached 2/3 of the waiting time and didnt received a signal # then send NACK earlier time_left = timeout - time.time() waiting_time = (self.time_list[ self.speed_level] * frames_left) + self.duration_sig0_frame + self.channel_busy_timeout + 1 timeout_percent = 100 - (time_left / waiting_time * 100) # timeout_percent = 0 if timeout_percent >= 75 and not self.states.is_codec2_traffic and not self.states.is_transmitting: override = True else: override = False # TODO Enable this for development print( f"timeout expected in:{round(timeout - time.time())} | timeout percent: {timeout_percent} | frames left: {frames_left} of {self.rx_n_frames_per_burst} | speed level: {self.speed_level}") # if timeout is expired, but we are receivingt codec2 data, # better wait some more time because data might be important for us # reason for this situation can be delays on IRS and ISS, maybe because both had a busy channel condition. # Nevertheless, we need to keep timeouts short for efficiency if timeout <= time.time() or modem_error_state and not self.states.is_codec2_traffic and not self.states.is_transmitting or override: self.log.warning( "[Modem] Burst decoding error or timeout", attempt=self.n_retries_per_burst, max_attempts=self.rx_n_max_retries_per_burst, speed_level=self.speed_level, modem_error_state=modem_error_state ) print( f"frames_per_burst {self.rx_n_frame_of_burst} / {self.rx_n_frames_per_burst}, Repeats: {self.burst_rpt_counter} Nones: {self.arq_rx_burst_buffer.count(None)}") # check if we have N frames per burst > 1 if self.rx_n_frames_per_burst > 1 and self.burst_rpt_counter < 3 and self.arq_rx_burst_buffer.count( None) > 0: # reset self.burst_last_received self.burst_last_received = time.time() + self.time_list[self.speed_level] * frames_left self.burst_rpt_counter += 1 self.send_retransmit_request_frame() else: # reset self.burst_last_received counter self.burst_last_received = time.time() # reduce speed level if nack counter increased self.frame_received_counter = 0 self.burst_nack_counter += 1 if self.burst_nack_counter >= 2: self.burst_nack_counter = 0 self.speed_level = max(self.speed_level - 1, 0) self.states.set("arq_speed_level", self.speed_level) # TODO Create better mechanisms for handling n frames per burst for bad channels # reduce frames per burst if self.burst_rpt_counter >= 2: tx_n_frames_per_burst = max(self.rx_n_frames_per_burst - 1, 1) else: tx_n_frames_per_burst = self.rx_n_frames_per_burst # Update modes we are listening to self.set_listening_modes(True, True, self.mode_list[self.speed_level]) # TODO Does SNR make sense for NACK if we dont have an actual SNR information? self.send_burst_nack_frame_watchdog(tx_n_frames_per_burst) # Update data_channel timestamp # TODO Disabled this one for testing. # self.data_channel_last_received = time.time() self.n_retries_per_burst += 1 else: # debugging output # print((self.data_channel_last_received + self.time_list[self.speed_level])-time.time()) pass if self.n_retries_per_burst >= self.rx_n_max_retries_per_burst: self.stop_transmission() def data_channel_keep_alive_watchdog(self) -> None: """ watchdog which checks if we are running into a connection timeout DATA CHANNEL """ # and not static.ARQ_SEND_KEEP_ALIVE: if self.states.is_arq_state and self.states.is_modem_busy: threading.Event().wait(0.01) if ( self.data_channel_last_received + self.transmission_timeout > time.time() ): timeleft = int((self.data_channel_last_received + self.transmission_timeout) - time.time()) self.states.set("arq_seconds_until_timeout", timeleft) if timeleft % 10 == 0: self.log.debug("Time left until channel timeout", seconds=timeleft) # threading.Event().wait(5) # print(self.data_channel_last_received + self.transmission_timeout - time.time()) # pass else: # Clear the timeout timestamp self.data_channel_last_received = 0 "[Modem] DATA [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]<>[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]" ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) self.arq_cleanup() def arq_session_keep_alive_watchdog(self) -> None: """ watchdog which checks if we are running into a connection timeout ARQ SESSION """ if ( self.states.is_arq_session and self.states.is_modem_busy and not self.arq_file_transfer ): if self.arq_session_last_received + self.arq_session_timeout > time.time(): threading.Event().wait(0.01) else: "[Modem] SESSION [" + str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") + "]<>[" + str(self.dxcallsign, "UTF-8") + "]" ) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="session", status="failed", reason="timeout", mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), ) self.close_session() def heartbeat(self) -> None: """ Heartbeat thread which auto pauses and resumes the heartbeat signal when in an arq session """ while True: threading.Event().wait(0.01) # additional check for smoother stopping if heartbeat transmission while not self.arq_file_transfer: threading.Event().wait(0.01) if ( self.states.is_arq_session and self.IS_ARQ_SESSION_MASTER and self.states.arq_session_state == "connected" # and not self.arq_file_transfer ): threading.Event().wait(1) self.transmit_session_heartbeat() threading.Event().wait(2)