#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Dec 23 07:04:24 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ import ctypes from ctypes import * import pathlib import pyaudio import audioop import sys import logging import static import arq #arq = arq.ARQ() class RF(): def __init__(self): self.p = pyaudio.PyAudio() self.defaultFrames = static.DEFAULT_FRAMES self.audio_input_device = static.AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE self.audio_output_device = static.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE self.tx_sample_state = static.TX_SAMPLE_STATE self.rx_sample_state = static.RX_SAMPLE_STATE self.audio_sample_rate = static.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE self.modem_sample_rate = static.MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE self.audio_frames_per_buffer = static.AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER self.audio_channels = static.AUDIO_CHANNELS self.format = pyaudio.paInt16 self.stream = None #self.data_input = "stdin" self.data_input = "audio" #self.data_output = "stdout" self.data_output = "audio" libname = pathlib.Path().absolute() / "codec2/build_linux/src/libcodec2.so" self.c_lib = ctypes.CDLL(libname) self.mode = static.FREEDV_MODE # define mode self.freedv = self.c_lib.freedv_open(self.mode) self.bytes_per_frame = int(self.c_lib.freedv_get_bits_per_modem_frame(self.freedv)/8) self.payload_per_frame = self.bytes_per_frame -2 self.n_tx_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_tx_modem_samples(self.freedv)*2 #get n_tx_modem_samples which defines the size of the modulation object self.n_max_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_max_modem_samples(self.freedv) self.n_nom_modem_samples = self.c_lib.freedv_get_n_nom_modem_samples(self.freedv) self.nin = self.c_lib.freedv_nin(self.freedv) static.FREEDV_BYTES_PER_FRAME = self.bytes_per_frame static.FREEDV_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME = self.payload_per_frame # MODULATION-OUT OBJECT def ModulationOut(self): return (c_short * self.n_tx_modem_samples) # MODULATION-IN OBJECT def ModulationIn(self): return (c_short * (self.n_max_modem_samples)) # FRAME BYTES # Pointer for changing buffer data type def FrameBytes(self): return (c_ubyte * self.bytes_per_frame) # GET DATA AND MODULATE IT def Transmit(self,data_out): mod_out = self.ModulationOut()() # new modulation object and get pointer to it data_list = [data_out[i:i+self.payload_per_frame] for i in range(0, len(data_out), self.payload_per_frame)] # split incomming bytes to size of 30bytes, create a list and loop through it data_list_length = len(data_list) for i in range(data_list_length): # LOOP THROUGH DATA LIST if self.mode < 10: # don't generate CRC16 for modes 0 - 9 buffer = bytearray(self.bytes_per_frame) # use this if no CRC16 checksum is required buffer[:len(data_list[i])] = data_list[i] # set buffersize to length of data which will be send if self.mode >= 10: #generate CRC16 for modes 10-12.. buffer = bytearray(self.payload_per_frame) # use this if CRC16 checksum is required ( DATA1-3) buffer[:len(data_list[i])] = data_list[i] # set buffersize to length of data which will be send crc = c_ushort(self.c_lib.freedv_gen_crc16(bytes(buffer), self.payload_per_frame)) # generate CRC16 crc = crc.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') # convert crc to 2 byte hex string buffer += crc # append crc16 to buffer data = self.FrameBytes().from_buffer_copy(buffer) #change data format from bytearray to ctypes.u_byte and copy from buffer to data self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatatx(self.freedv,mod_out,data) # modulate DATA and safe it into mod_out pointer if self.data_output == "stdout": sys.stdout.buffer.write(mod_out) # print data to terminal for piping the output to other programs sys.stdout.flush() # flushing stdout if self.data_output == "audio": #print(self.audio_channels) stream_tx = self.p.open(format=self.format, channels=self.audio_channels, rate=self.audio_sample_rate, frames_per_buffer=self.n_nom_modem_samples, output=True, output_device_index=self.audio_output_device, ) audio = audioop.ratecv(mod_out,2,1,self.modem_sample_rate, self.audio_sample_rate, self.tx_sample_state) stream_tx.write(audio[0]) stream_tx.close() return mod_out # DEMODULATE DATA AND RETURN IT def Receive(self): # Open Audio Channel once stream_rx = self.p.open(format=self.format, channels=self.audio_channels, rate=self.audio_sample_rate, frames_per_buffer=self.n_max_modem_samples, input=True, input_device_index=self.audio_input_device, ) while static.MODEM_RECEIVE == True: # Listne to audio until data arrives #if self.data_input == "stdin": # samples = self.c_lib.freedv_nin(self.freedv)*2 ### MIT DER *2 funktioniert das irgendwie recht zuverlässig bei mode 5! Bei Mode 12 auch # data_in = sys.stdin.buffer.read(samples) if self.data_input == "audio": data_in = stream_rx.read(self.c_lib.freedv_nin(self.freedv), exception_on_overflow = False) #print(bytes(data_in)) buffer = bytearray(self.n_max_modem_samples*2) # N MAX SAMPLES * 2 buffer[:len(data_in)] = data_in # copy across what we have self.ModulationIn()() #Create new ModulationIn Object modulation = self.ModulationIn()# get an empty modulation array modulation = modulation.from_buffer_copy(buffer) # copy buffer across and get a pointer to it. bytes_out = self.FrameBytes()() # initilize a pointer to where bytes will be outputed nbytes = self.c_lib.freedv_rawdatarx(self.freedv, bytes_out, data_in) # Demodulated data and get number of demodulated bytes if nbytes == self.bytes_per_frame: # make sure, we receive a full frame print(bytes(bytes_out[:-2])) self.c_lib.freedv_set_sync(self.freedv, 0) #FORCE UNSYNC # CHECK IF FRAMETYPE CONTAINS ACK------------------------ frametype = int.from_bytes(bytes(bytes_out[:1]), "big") if 50 >= frametype >= 10 : arq.data_received(bytes(bytes_out[:-2])) #send payload data to arq checker without CRC16 # CHECK IF FRAME CONTAINS ACK------------------------ if bytes(bytes_out[:1]) == b'\7': arq.ack_received() #return bytes(bytes_out[:-2])