const { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, dialog, shell } = require('electron'); const { autoUpdater } = require('electron-updater'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const log = require('electron-log'); const mainLog = log.scope('main'); const daemonProcessLog = log.scope('freedata-daemon'); const mime = require('mime'); const net = require('net'); const sysInfo = log.scope('system information');"SYSTEM INFORMATION ----------------------------- ");"APP VERSION : " + app.getVersion());"PLATFORM : " + os.platform());"ARCHITECTURE: " + os.arch());"FREE MEMORY: " + os.freemem());"TOTAL MEMORY: " + os.totalmem());"LOAD AVG : " + os.loadavg());"RELEASE : " + os.release());"TYPE : " + os.type());"VERSION : " + os.version());"UPTIME : " + os.uptime()); app.setName("FreeDATA"); var appDataFolder = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform == 'darwin' ? process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support' : process.env.HOME + "/.config"); var configFolder = path.join(appDataFolder, "FreeDATA"); var configPath = path.join(configFolder, 'config.json'); // create config folder if not exists if (!fs.existsSync(configFolder)) { fs.mkdirSync(configFolder); } // create config file if not exists with defaults const configDefaultSettings = '{\ "tnc_host": "",\ "tnc_port": "3000",\ "daemon_host": "",\ "daemon_port": "3001",\ "mycall": "AA0AA-0",\ "mygrid": "JN40aa",\ "radiocontrol" : "disabled",\ "hamlib_deviceid": "RIG_MODEL_DUMMY_NOVFO",\ "enable_hamlib_deviceport" : "False",\ "hamlib_deviceport": "/dev/ttyACM1",\ "enable_hamlib_stop_bits" : "False",\ "hamlib_stop_bits" : "1",\ "enable_hamlib_data_bits" : "False",\ "hamlib_data_bits" : "8",\ "enable_hamlib_handshake" : "False",\ "hamlib_handshake" : "None",\ "enable_hamlib_serialspeed" : "False",\ "hamlib_serialspeed" : "9600",\ "enable_hamlib_pttprotocol" : "False",\ "hamlib_dtrstate" : "OFF",\ "enable_hamlib_dtrstate" : "False",\ "hamlib_pttprotocol" : "USB",\ "enable_hamlib_pttport" : "False",\ "hamlib_pttport": "/dev/ttyACM1",\ "hamlib_dcd": "None",\ "hamlbib_serialspeed_ptt": "9600",\ "hamlib_rigctld_port" : "4532",\ "hamlib_rigctld_ip" : "",\ "hamlib_rigctld_path" : "",\ "hamlib_rigctld_server_port" : "4532",\ "spectrum": "waterfall",\ "tnclocation": "localhost",\ "enable_scatter" : "False",\ "enable_fft" : "False",\ "enable_fsk" : "False",\ "low_bandwidth_mode" : "False",\ "theme" : "default",\ "screen_height" : 430,\ "screen_width" : 1050,\ "update_channel" : "latest",\ "beacon_interval" : 5,\ "received_files_folder" : "None",\ "tuning_range_fmin" : "-50.0",\ "tuning_range_fmax" : "50.0",\ "respond_to_cq" : "True",\ "rx_buffer_size" : "16", \ "enable_explorer" : "False", \ "wftheme": 2 \ }'; if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { fs.writeFileSync(configPath, configDefaultSettings) } // load settings var config = require(configPath); //config validation // check running config against default config. // if parameter not exists, add it to running config to prevent errors"CONFIG VALIDATION ----------------------------- "); var parsedConfig = JSON.parse(configDefaultSettings); for (key in parsedConfig) { if (config.hasOwnProperty(key)) {"FOUND SETTTING [" + key + "]: " + config[key]); } else { sysInfo.error("MISSING SETTTING [" + key + "] : " + parsedConfig[key]); config[key] = parsedConfig[key]; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); } }"------------------------------------------ "); /* var chatDB = path.join(configFolder, 'chatDB.json') // create chat database file if not exists const configContentChatDB = ` { "chatDB" : [{ "id" : "00000000", "timestamp" : 1234566, "mycall" : "AA0AA", "dxcall" : "AB0AB", "dxgrid" : "JN1200", "message" : "hallowelt" }] } `; if (!fs.existsSync(chatDB)) { fs.writeFileSync(chatDB, configContentChatDB); } */ /* // Creates receivedFiles folder if not exists // var appDataFolder = process.env.HOME var applicationFolder = path.join(appDataFolder, "FreeDATA"); var receivedFilesFolder = path.join(applicationFolder, "receivedFiles"); // fs.mkdir(receivedFilesFolder, { recursive: true }, function(err) { console.log(err); }); */ let win = null; let data = null; let logViewer = null; var daemonProcess = null; // create a splash screen function createSplashScreen(){ splashScreen = new BrowserWindow({ height: 250, width: 250, transparent: true, frame: false, alwaysOnTop: true }); splashScreen.loadFile('src/splash.html');; } function createWindow() { win = new BrowserWindow({ width: config.screen_width, height: config.screen_height, show: false, autoHideMenuBar: true, icon: 'src/img/icon.png', webPreferences: { //preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload-main.js'), backgroundThrottle: false, preload: require.resolve('./preload-main.js'), nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, enableRemoteModule: false, sandbox: false // // } }) // hide menu bar win.setMenuBarVisibility(false) //open dev tools /*win.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'undocked', activate: true, }) */ win.loadFile('src/index.html') chat = new BrowserWindow({ height: 600, width: 1000, show: false, //parent: win, webPreferences: { preload: require.resolve('./preload-chat.js'), nodeIntegration: true, } }) chat.loadFile('src/chat-module.html'); chat.setMenuBarVisibility(false); logViewer = new BrowserWindow({ height: 900, width: 600, show: false, //parent: win, webPreferences: { preload: require.resolve('./preload-log.js'), nodeIntegration: true, } }) logViewer.loadFile('src/log-module.html'); logViewer.setMenuBarVisibility(false); // Emitted when the window is closed. logViewer.on('close', function(evt) { if (logViewer !== null){ evt.preventDefault(); logViewer.hide(); } else { this.close() } }) // Emitted when the window is closed. win.on('closed', function() { console.log("closing all windows.....") /* win = null; chat = null; logViewer = null; */ close_all(); }) win.once('ready-to-show', () => { log.transports.file.level = "debug" autoUpdater.logger = log.scope('updater'); = config.update_channel autoUpdater.autoInstallOnAppQuit = false; autoUpdater.autoDownload = true; autoUpdater.checkForUpdatesAndNotify(); //autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); }); chat.on('closed', function () { }) // chat.on('close', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); chat.hide(); }); } app.whenReady().then(() => { // show splash screen createSplashScreen(); // create main window createWindow(); // wait some time, then close splash screen and show main windows setTimeout(function() { splashScreen.close();; }, 3000); // start daemon by checking os'Starting freedata-daemon binary'); if(os.platform()=='darwin'){ daemonProcess = spawn(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'tnc', 'freedata-daemon'), [], { cwd: path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'tnc'), }); } /* process.resourcesPath --> /tmp/.mount_FreeDAUQYfKb/resources __dirname --> /tmp/.mount_FreeDAUQYfKb/resources/app.asar */ if(os.platform()=='linux'){ /* var folder = path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'tnc'); //var folder = path.join(__dirname, 'extraResources', 'tnc'); console.log(folder); fs.readdir(folder, (err, files) => { console.log(files); }); */ daemonProcess = spawn(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'tnc', 'freedata-daemon'), [], { cwd: path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'tnc'), }); } if(os.platform()=='win32' || os.platform()=='win64'){ // for windows the relative path via path.join(__dirname) is not needed for some reason //daemonProcess = exec('\\tnc\\daemon.exe', []) daemonProcess = spawn(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'tnc', 'freedata-daemon.exe'), [], { cwd: path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'tnc'), }); } // return process messages daemonProcess.on('error', (err) => { daemonProcessLog.error(`error when starting daemon: ${err}`); }); daemonProcess.on('message', (data) => {`${data}`); }); daemonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {`${data}`); }); daemonProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => {`${data}`); let arg = { entry: `${data}` }; // send info to log only if log screen available // it seems an error occurs when updating if (logViewer !== null && logViewer !== ''){ try{ logViewer.webContents.send('action-update-log', arg); } catch (e) { // empty for keeping error stuff silent // this is important to avoid error messages if we are going to close the app while // an logging information will be pushed to the logger } } }); daemonProcess.on('close', (code) => { daemonProcessLog.warn(`daemonProcess exited with code ${code}`); }); app.on('activate', () => { if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) { createWindow(); } }) }) app.on('window-all-closed', () => { close_all(); }) // IPC HANDLER ipcMain.on('request-show-chat-window', () => {; }); // UPDATE TNC CONNECTION ipcMain.on('request-update-tnc-ip',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-update-tnc-ip', data); }); // UPDATE DAEMON CONNECTION ipcMain.on('request-update-daemon-ip',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-update-daemon-ip', data); }); ipcMain.on('request-update-tnc-state', (event, arg) => { win.webContents.send('action-update-tnc-state', arg); //data.webContents.send('action-update-tnc-state', arg); }); /* ipcMain.on('request-update-data-state', (event, arg) => { //win.webContents.send('action-update-data-state', arg); //data.webContents.send('action-update-data-state', arg); }); ipcMain.on('request-update-heard-stations', (event, arg) => { win.webContents.send('action-update-heard-stations', arg); }); */ ipcMain.on('request-update-daemon-state', (event, arg) => { win.webContents.send('action-update-daemon-state', arg); }); ipcMain.on('request-update-hamlib-test', (event, arg) => { win.webContents.send('action-update-hamlib-test', arg); }); ipcMain.on('request-update-tnc-connection', (event, arg) => { win.webContents.send('action-update-tnc-connection', arg); }); ipcMain.on('request-update-daemon-connection', (event, arg) => { win.webContents.send('action-update-daemon-connection', arg); }); ipcMain.on('run-tnc-command', (event, arg) => { win.webContents.send('run-tnc-command', arg); }); ipcMain.on('request-update-rx-buffer', (event, arg) => { win.webContents.send('action-update-rx-buffer', arg); }); /* ipcMain.on('request-update-rx-msg-buffer', (event, arg) => { chat.webContents.send('action-update-rx-msg-buffer', arg); }); */ ipcMain.on('request-new-msg-received', (event, arg) => { chat.webContents.send('action-new-msg-received', arg); }); ipcMain.on('request-update-transmission-status', (event, arg) => { chat.webContents.send('action-update-transmission-status', arg); }); ipcMain.on('request-open-tnc-log', () => {; }); //file selector ipcMain.on('get-file-path',(event,data)=>{ dialog.showOpenDialog({defaultPath: path.join(__dirname, '../'), buttonLabel: 'Select rigctld', properties: ['openFile']}).then(filePaths => { win.webContents.send('return-file-paths', {path: filePaths,}) }); }); //folder selector ipcMain.on('get-folder-path',(event,data)=>{ dialog.showOpenDialog({defaultPath: path.join(__dirname, '../'), buttonLabel: 'Select folder', properties: ['openDirectory']}).then(folderPaths => { win.webContents.send('return-folder-paths', {path: folderPaths,}) }); }); //open folder ipcMain.on('open-folder',(event,data)=>{ shell.showItemInFolder(data.path) }); //select file ipcMain.on('select-file',(event,data)=>{ dialog.showOpenDialog({defaultPath: path.join(__dirname, '../'), buttonLabel: 'Select file', properties: ['openFile']}).then(filepath => { console.log(filepath.filePaths[0]) try { //fs.readFile(filepath.filePaths[0], 'utf8', function (err, data) { fs.readFile(filepath.filePaths[0], 'binary', function (err, data) { console.log(data.length) console.log(data) var filename = path.basename(filepath.filePaths[0]) var mimeType = mime.getType(filename) console.log(mimeType) if (mimeType == '' || mimeType == null){ mimeType = 'plain/text' } chat.webContents.send('return-selected-files', {data : data, mime: mimeType, filename: filename}) }) } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }); }); //save file to folder ipcMain.on('save-file-to-folder',(event,data)=>{ console.log(data.file) dialog.showSaveDialog({defaultPath: data.filename}).then(filepath => { console.log(filepath.filePath) console.log(data.file) try { let buffer = Buffer.from(data.file); let arraybuffer = Uint8Array.from(buffer); console.log(arraybuffer) fs.writeFile(filepath.filePath, data.file, 'binary', function (err, data) { //fs.writeFile(filepath.filePath, arraybuffer, function (err, data) { //fs.writeFile(filepath.filePath, arraybuffer, 'binary', function(err) { //fs.writeFile(filepath.filePath, new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(data.file)), function (err, data) { //fs.writeFile(filepath.filePath, Buffer.from(data.file), function (err, data) { }) } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }); }); //tnc messages START -------------------------------------- // CQ TRANSMITTING ipcMain.on('request-show-cq-toast-transmitting',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-cq-toast-transmitting', data); }); // CQ RECEIVED ipcMain.on('request-show-cq-toast-received',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-cq-toast-received', data); }); // QRV TRANSMITTING ipcMain.on('request-show-qrv-toast-transmitting',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-qrv-toast-transmitting', data); }); // QRV RECEIVED ipcMain.on('request-show-qrv-toast-received',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-qrv-toast-received', data); }); // BEACON TRANSMITTING ipcMain.on('request-show-beacon-toast-transmitting',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-beacon-toast-transmitting', data); }); // BEACON RECEIVED ipcMain.on('request-show-beacon-toast-received',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-beacon-toast-received', data); }); // PING TRANSMITTING ipcMain.on('request-show-ping-toast-transmitting',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-ping-toast-transmitting', data); }); // PING RECEIVED ipcMain.on('request-show-ping-toast-received',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-ping-toast-received', data); }); // PING RECEIVED ACK ipcMain.on('request-show-ping-toast-received-ack',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-ping-toast-received-ack', data); }); // ARQ DATA CHANNEL OPENING ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-datachannel-opening',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-datachannel-opening', data); }); // ARQ DATA CHANNEL WAITING ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-datachannel-waiting',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-datachannel-waiting', data); }); // ARQ DATA CHANNEL OPEN ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-datachannel-opened',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-datachannel-opened', data); }); // ARQ DATA RECEIVED OPENER ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-datachannel-received-opener',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-datachannel-received-opener', data); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION FAILED ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-transmission-failed',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-transmission-failed', data); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION RECEIVING ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-transmission-receiving',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-transmission-receiving', data); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION RECEIVED ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-transmission-received',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-transmission-received', data); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION TRANSMITTING ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-transmission-transmitting',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-transmission-transmitting', data); }); // ARQ TRANSMISSION TRANSMITTED ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-transmission-transmitted',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-transmission-transmitted', data); }); // ARQ SESSION CONNECTING ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-session-connecting',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-session-connecting', data); }); // ARQ SESSION WAITING ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-session-waiting',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-session-waiting', data); }); // ARQ SESSION CONNECTED ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-session-connected',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-session-connected', data); }); // ARQ SESSION CLOSE ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-session-close',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-session-close', data); }); // ARQ SESSION FAILED ipcMain.on('request-show-arq-toast-session-failed',(event,data)=>{ win.webContents.send('action-show-arq-toast-session-failed', data); }); //tnc messages END -------------------------------------- //restart and install udpate ipcMain.on('request-restart-and-install',(event,data)=>{ close_sub_processes() autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); }); // LISTENER FOR UPDATER EVENTS autoUpdater.on('update-available', (info) => {'update available'); let arg = { status: "update-available", info: info }; win.webContents.send('action-updater', arg); }); autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', (info) => {'update not available'); let arg = { status: "update-not-available", info: info }; win.webContents.send('action-updater', arg); }); autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', (info) => {'update downloaded'); let arg = { status: "update-downloaded", info: info }; win.webContents.send('action-updater', arg); // we need to call this at this point. // if an update is available and we are force closing the app // the entire screen crashes... //'quit application and install update'); //autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); }); autoUpdater.on('checking-for-update', () => {'checking for update'); let arg = { status: "checking-for-update", version: app.getVersion() }; win.webContents.send('action-updater', arg); }); autoUpdater.on('download-progress', (progress) => { let arg = { status: "download-progress", progress: progress }; win.webContents.send('action-updater', arg); }); autoUpdater.on('error', (error) => {'update error'); let arg = { status: "error", progress: error }; win.webContents.send('action-updater', arg); mainLog.error("AUTO UPDATER : " + error); }); function close_sub_processes(){ mainLog.warn('closing sub processes'); // closing the tnc binary if not closed when closing application and also our daemon which has been started by the gui try { daemonProcess.kill(); } catch (e) { mainLog.error(e) } mainLog.warn('closing tnc and daemon'); try { if(os.platform()=='win32' || os.platform()=='win64'){ spawn('Taskkill', ['/IM', 'freedata-tnc.exe', '/F']) spawn('Taskkill', ['/IM', 'freedata-daemon.exe', '/F']) } if(os.platform()=='linux'){ spawn('pkill', ['-9', 'freedata-tnc']) spawn('pkill', ['-9', 'freedata-daemon']) } if(os.platform()=='darwin'){ spawn('pkill', ['-9', 'freedata-tnc']) spawn('pkill', ['-9', 'freedata-daemon']) } } catch (e) { mainLog.error(e) } }; function close_all() { // function for closing the application with closing all used processes close_sub_processes(); mainLog.warn('quitting app'); win.destroy(); chat.destroy(); logViewer.destroy(); app.quit(); } // RUN RIGCTLD ipcMain.on('request-start-rigctld',(event, data)=>{ try{ let rigctld_proc = spawn(data.path, data.parameters); rigctld_proc.on('exit', function (code) { console.log('rigctld process exited with code ' + code); // if rigctld crashes, error code is -2 // then we are going to restart rigctld // this "fixes" a problem with latest rigctld on raspberry pi //if (code == -2){ // setTimeout(ipcRenderer.send('request-start-rigctld', data), 500); //} //let rigctld_proc = spawn(data.path, data.parameters); }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } /* const rigctld = exec(data.path, data.parameters); rigctld.stdout.on("data", data => { console.log(`stdout: ${data}`); }); */ }); // STOP RIGCTLD ipcMain.on('request-stop-rigctld',(event,data)=>{ mainLog.warn('closing rigctld'); try { if(os.platform()=='win32' || os.platform()=='win64'){ spawn('Taskkill', ['/IM', 'rigctld.exe', '/F']) } if(os.platform()=='linux'){ spawn('pkill', ['-9', 'rigctld']) } if(os.platform()=='darwin'){ spawn('pkill', ['-9', 'rigctld']) } } catch (e) { mainLog.error(e) } }); // CHECK RIGCTLD CONNECTION // create new socket so we are not reopening every time a new one var rigctld_connection = new net.Socket(); var rigctld_connection_state = false; ipcMain.on('request-check-rigctld',(event, data)=>{ try{ let Data = { state: "unknown", }; if(!rigctld_connection_state){ rigctld_connection = new net.Socket(); rigctld_connection.connect(data.port, data.ip) } // check if we have created a new socket object if (typeof(rigctld_connection) != 'undefined') { rigctld_connection.on('connect', function() { rigctld_connection_state = true; Data["state"] = "connection possible - (" + data.ip + ":" + data.port + ")"; if (win !== null && win !== '' && typeof(win) != 'undefined'){ // try catch for being sure we have a clean app close try{ win.webContents.send('action-check-rigctld', Data); } catch(e){ console.log(e) } } }) rigctld_connection.on('error', function() { rigctld_connection_state = false; Data["state"] = "unknown/stopped - (" + data.ip + ":" + data.port + ")"; if (win !== null && win !== '' && typeof(win) != 'undefined'){ // try catch for being sure we have a clean app close try{ win.webContents.send('action-check-rigctld', Data); } catch(e){ console.log(e) } } }) rigctld_connection.on('end', function() { rigctld_connection_state = false; }) } } catch(e) { console.log(e) } });