#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Dec 22 16:58:45 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ import argparse import threading import socketserver import time import os import sys import subprocess import ujson as json import psutil import serial.tools.list_ports import static import crcengine import re import logging, structlog, log_handler log_handler.setup_logging("daemon") # get python version, which is needed later for determining installation path python_version = str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[DMN] Starting...", python=python_version) #################################################### # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7088672/pyaudio-working-but-spits-out-error-messages-each-time # https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/issues/22 # we need to have a look at this if we want to run this on Windows and MacOS ! # Currently it seems, this is a Linux-only problem from ctypes import * from contextlib import contextmanager import pyaudio ERROR_HANDLER_FUNC = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p) def py_error_handler(filename, line, function, err, fmt): pass c_error_handler = ERROR_HANDLER_FUNC(py_error_handler) @contextmanager def noalsaerr(): asound = cdll.LoadLibrary('libasound.so') asound.snd_lib_error_set_handler(c_error_handler) yield asound.snd_lib_error_set_handler(None) # with noalsaerr(): # p = pyaudio.PyAudio() ###################################################### # try importing hamlib try: # installation path for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS python modules sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python'+ python_version +'/site-packages') # installation path for Ubuntu 20.10 + sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/') import Hamlib # https://stackoverflow.com/a/4703409 hamlib_version = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.?\d+|\d+", Hamlib.cvar.hamlib_version) hamlib_version = float(hamlib_version[0]) min_hamlib_version = 4.1 if hamlib_version > min_hamlib_version: structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[DMN] Hamlib found", version=hamlib_version) else: structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[DMN] Hamlib outdated", found=hamlib_version, recommend=min_hamlib_version) except Exception as e: structlog.get_logger("structlog").critical("[DMN] Hamlib not found", error=e) # load crc engine crc_algorithm = crcengine.new('crc16-ccitt-false') # load crc8 library def start_daemon(): try: structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[DMN] Starting TCP/IP socket", port=PORT) # https://stackoverflow.com/a/16641793 socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True daemon = socketserver.TCPServer(('', PORT), CMDTCPRequestHandler) daemon.serve_forever() finally: structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[DMN] Closing socket", port=PORT) daemon.server_close() class CMDTCPRequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): structlog.get_logger("structlog").debug("[DMN] Client connected", ip=self.client_address[0]) # loop through socket buffer until timeout is reached. then close buffer socketTimeout = time.time() + 3 while socketTimeout > time.time(): time.sleep(0.01) encoding = 'utf-8' #data = str(self.request.recv(1024), 'utf-8') data = bytes() # we need to loop through buffer until end of chunk is reached or timeout occured while True and socketTimeout > time.time(): chunk = self.request.recv(45) data += chunk # or chunk.endswith(b'\n'): if chunk.endswith(b'}\n') or chunk.endswith(b'}'): break data = data[:-1] # remove b'\n' data = str(data, 'utf-8') if len(data) > 0: socketTimeout = time.time() + 3 # convert data to json object # we need to do some error handling in case of socket timeout try: # only read first line of string. multiple lines will cause an json error # this occurs possibly, if we are getting data too fast data = data.splitlines()[0] received_json = json.loads(data) # GET COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # SET COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # "parameter" : " ..." # DATA COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # "type" : "..." # "dxcallsign" : "..." # "data" : "..." # print(received_json) # print(received_json["type"]) # print(received_json["command"]) # try: if received_json["type"] == 'SET' and received_json["command"] == 'STARTTNC' and not static.TNCSTARTED: rx_audio = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["rx_audio"]) tx_audio = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["tx_audio"]) deviceid = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["deviceid"]) deviceport = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["deviceport"]) serialspeed = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["serialspeed"]) pttprotocol = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["pttprotocol"]) pttport = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["pttport"]) structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[DMN] Starting TNC", rig=deviceid, port=deviceport) #print(received_json["parameter"][0]) # command = "--rx "+ rx_audio +" \ # --tx "+ tx_audio +" \ # --deviceport "+ deviceport +" \ # --deviceid "+ deviceid + " \ # --serialspeed "+ serialspeed + " \ # --pttprotocol "+ pttprotocol + " \ # --pttport "+ pttport # list of parameters, necessary for running subprocess command as a list options = [] options.append('--rx') options.append(rx_audio) options.append('--tx') options.append(tx_audio) options.append('--deviceport') options.append(deviceport) options.append('--deviceid') options.append(deviceid) options.append('--serialspeed') options.append(serialspeed) options.append('--pttprotocol') options.append(pttprotocol) options.append('--pttport') options.append(pttport) # try running tnc from binary, else run from source # this helps running the tnc in a developer environment try: command = [] command.append('./tnc') command += options p = subprocess.Popen(command) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[DMN] TNC started", path="binary") except: command = [] command.append('python3') command.append('main.py') command += options p = subprocess.Popen(command) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[DMN] TNC started", path="source") static.TNCPROCESS = p # .pid static.TNCSTARTED = True if received_json["type"] == 'SET' and received_json["command"] == 'STOPTNC': static.TNCPROCESS.kill() structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[DMN] Stopping TNC") #os.kill(static.TNCPROCESS, signal.SIGKILL) static.TNCSTARTED = False if received_json["type"] == 'GET' and received_json["command"] == 'DAEMON_STATE': data = {'COMMAND': 'DAEMON_STATE', 'DAEMON_STATE': [], 'INPUT_DEVICES': [], 'OUTPUT_DEVICES': [], 'SERIAL_DEVICES': [ ], "CPU": str(psutil.cpu_percent()), "RAM": str(psutil.virtual_memory().percent), "VERSION": "0.1-prototype"} if static.TNCSTARTED: data["DAEMON_STATE"].append({"STATUS": "running"}) else: data["DAEMON_STATE"].append({"STATUS": "stopped"}) # UPDATE LIST OF AUDIO DEVICES try: # we need to "try" this, because sometimes libasound.so isn't in the default place # try to supress error messages with noalsaerr(): # https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/issues/22 p = pyaudio.PyAudio() # else do it the default way except: p = pyaudio.Pyaudio() for i in range(0, p.get_device_count()): maxInputChannels = p.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index( 0, i).get('maxInputChannels') maxOutputChannels = p.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index( 0, i).get('maxOutputChannels') name = p.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index( 0, i).get('name') if maxInputChannels > 0: data["INPUT_DEVICES"].append( {"ID": i, "NAME": str(name)}) if maxOutputChannels > 0: data["OUTPUT_DEVICES"].append( {"ID": i, "NAME": str(name)}) p.terminate() # UPDATE LIST OF SERIAL DEVICES ports = serial.tools.list_ports.comports() for port, desc, hwid in ports: # calculate hex of hwid if we have unique names crc_hwid = crc_algorithm(bytes(hwid, encoding='utf-8')) crc_hwid = crc_hwid.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') crc_hwid = crc_hwid.hex() description = desc + ' [' + crc_hwid + ']' data["SERIAL_DEVICES"].append( {"PORT": str(port), "DESCRIPTION": str(description) }) jsondata = json.dumps(data) self.request.sendall(bytes(jsondata, encoding)) if received_json["type"] == 'GET' and received_json["command"] == 'TEST_HAMLIB': print(received_json["parameter"]) deviceid = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["deviceid"]) deviceport = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["deviceport"]) serialspeed = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["serialspeed"]) pttprotocol = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["pttprotocol"]) pttport = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["pttport"]) pttspeed = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["pttspeed"]) data_bits = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["data_bits"]) stop_bits = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["stop_bits"]) handshake = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["handshake"]) # try to init hamlib try: Hamlib.rig_set_debug(Hamlib.RIG_DEBUG_NONE) # get devicenumber by looking for deviceobject in Hamlib module try: devicenumber = getattr(Hamlib, deviceid) except: structlog.get_logger("structlog").error("[DMN] Hamlib: rig not supported...") devicenumber = 0 my_rig = Hamlib.Rig(int(devicenumber)) my_rig.set_conf("rig_pathname", deviceport) my_rig.set_conf("retry", "1") my_rig.set_conf("serial_speed", serialspeed) my_rig.set_conf("serial_handshake", handshake) my_rig.set_conf("stop_bits", stop_bits) my_rig.set_conf("data_bits", data_bits) if pttprotocol == 'RIG': hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_RIG elif pttprotocol == 'DTR-H': hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR my_rig.set_conf("dtr_state", "HIGH") my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "DTR") elif pttprotocol == 'DTR-L': hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR my_rig.set_conf("dtr_state", "LOW") my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "DTR") elif pttprotocol == 'RTS': hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_SERIAL_RTS my_rig.set_conf("dtr_state", "OFF") my_rig.set_conf("ptt_type", "RTS") elif pttprotocol == 'PARALLEL': hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_PARALLEL elif pttprotocol == 'MICDATA': hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_RIG_MICDATA elif pttprotocol == 'CM108': hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_CM108 else: # static.HAMLIB_PTT_TYPE == 'RIG_PTT_NONE': hamlib_ptt_type = Hamlib.RIG_PTT_NONE my_rig.open() my_rig.set_ptt(hamlib_ptt_type, 1) pttstate = my_rig.get_ptt() if pttstate == 1: print("PTT SUCCESS") data = {'COMMAND': 'TEST_HAMLIB', 'RESULT': 'SUCCESS'} elif pttstate == 0: print("PTT NO SUCCESS") data = {'COMMAND': 'TEST_HAMLIB', 'RESULT': 'NOSUCCESS'} else: print("HAMLIB FAILED") data = {'COMMAND': 'TEST_HAMLIB', 'RESULT': 'FAILED'} my_rig.set_ptt(hamlib_ptt_type, 0) my_rig.close jsondata = json.dumps(data) self.request.sendall(bytes(jsondata, encoding)) except: structlog.get_logger("structlog").error("[DMN] Hamlib: Can't open rig", e = sys.exc_info()[0]) # exception, if JSON cant be decoded # except Exception as e: except ValueError as e: print("############ START OF ERROR #####################") print('DAEMON PROGRAM ERROR: %s' % str(e)) print("Wrong command") print(data) print(e) exc_type, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) print("############ END OF ERROR #######################") # exception for any other errors # in case of index error for example which is caused by a hard network interruption except: structlog.get_logger("structlog").error("[DMN] Network error", e = sys.exc_info()[0]) structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[DMN] Closing client socket") if __name__ == '__main__': # --------------------------------------------GET PARAMETER INPUTS PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Simons TEST TNC') PARSER.add_argument('--port', dest="socket_port",default=3001, help="Socket port", type=int) ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() PORT = ARGS.socket_port # --------------------------------------------START CMD SERVER DAEMON_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=start_daemon, name="daemon") DAEMON_THREAD.start()