#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Dec 22 16:58:45 2020 @author: DJ2LS main module for running the modem """ # run modem self test on startup before we are doing other things # import selftest # selftest.TEST() # continue if we passed the test import argparse import multiprocessing import os import signal import socketserver import sys import threading import time import config import data_handler import helpers import log_handler import modem import static from global_instances import ARQ, AudioParam, Beacon, Channel, Daemon, HamlibParam, ModemParam, Station, Statistics, TCIParam, Modem, MeshParam import structlog import explorer import json import mesh log = structlog.get_logger("main") def signal_handler(sig, frame): """ a signal handler, which closes the network/socket when closing the application Args: sig: signal frame: Returns: system exit """ print("Closing Modem...") sock.CLOSE_SIGNAL = True sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) if __name__ == "__main__": # This is for Windows multiprocessing support multiprocessing.freeze_support() # --------------------------------------------GET PARAMETER INPUTS PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="FreeDATA Modem") #PARSER.add_argument( # "--use-config", # dest="configfile", # action="store_true", # help="Use the default config file config.ini", #) PARSER.add_argument( "--use-config", dest="configfile", default=False, type=str, help="Use the default config file config.ini", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--save-to-folder", dest="savetofolder", default=False, action="store_true", help="Save received data to local folder", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--mycall", dest="mycall", default="AA0AA", help="My callsign", type=str ) PARSER.add_argument( "--ssid", dest="ssid_list", nargs="*", default=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], help="SSID list we are responding to", type=int, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--mygrid", dest="mygrid", default="JN12AA", help="My gridsquare", type=str ) PARSER.add_argument( "--rx", dest="audio_input_device", default=0, help="listening sound card", type=str, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--tx", dest="audio_output_device", default=0, help="transmitting sound card", type=str, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--port", dest="socket_port", default=3000, help="Socket port in the range of 1024-65536", type=int, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--radiocontrol", dest="hamlib_radiocontrol", choices=["disabled", "rigctld", "tci"], default="disabled", help="Set how you want to control your radio", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--rigctld_port", dest="rigctld_port", default=4532, type=int, help="Set rigctld port", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--rigctld_ip", dest="rigctld_ip", default="localhost", help="Set rigctld ip" ) PARSER.add_argument( "--scatter", dest="send_scatter", action="store_true", help="Send scatter information via network", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--fft", dest="send_fft", action="store_true", help="Send fft information via network", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--500hz", dest="low_bandwidth_mode", action="store_true", help="Enable low bandwidth mode ( 500 Hz only )", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--fsk", dest="enable_fsk", action="store_true", help="Enable FSK mode for ping, beacon and CQ", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--qrv", dest="enable_respond_to_cq", action="store_true", help="Enable sending a QRV frame if CQ received", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--tuning_range_fmin", dest="tuning_range_fmin", choices=[-50.0, -100.0, -150.0, -200.0, -250.0], default=-50.0, help="Tuning range fmin", type=float, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--tuning_range_fmax", dest="tuning_range_fmax", choices=[50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0], default=50.0, help="Tuning range fmax", type=float, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--tx-audio-level", dest="tx_audio_level", default=0, help="Set the tx audio level at an early stage", type=int, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--rx-audio-level", dest="rx_audio_level", default=0, help="Set the rx audio level at an early stage", type=int, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--rx-buffer-size", dest="rx_buffer_size", default=16, help="Set the maximum size of rx buffer.", type=int, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--explorer", dest="enable_explorer", action="store_true", help="Enable sending modem data to https://explorer.freedata.app", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--tune", dest="enable_audio_auto_tune", action="store_true", help="Enable auto tuning of audio level with ALC information form hamlib", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--stats", dest="enable_stats", action="store_true", help="Enable publishing stats to https://freedata.app", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--tci-ip", dest="tci_ip", default='', type=str, help="Set tci destination ip", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--tci-port", dest="tci_port", default=50001, type=int, help="Set tci destination port", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--tx-delay", dest="tx_delay", default=0, help="delay in ms before modulation is pushed to audio device", type=int, ) PARSER.add_argument( "--mesh", dest="enable_mesh", action="store_true", help="Enable mesh protocol", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--hmac", dest="enable_hmac", action="store_true", default=True, help="Enable and set hmac message salt", ) PARSER.add_argument( "--morse", dest="transmit_morse_identifier", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable and send a morse identifier on disconnect an beacon", ) ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() # set save to folder state for allowing downloading files to local file system ARQ.arq_save_to_folder = ARGS.savetofolder if not ARGS.configfile: # additional step for being sure our callsign is correctly # in case we are not getting a station ssid # then we are forcing a station ssid = 0 try: mycallsign = bytes(ARGS.mycall.upper(), "utf-8") mycallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) Station.mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign) Station.mycallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(Station.mycallsign) Station.ssid_list = ARGS.ssid_list # check if own ssid is always part of ssid list own_ssid = int(Station.mycallsign.split(b"-")[1]) if own_ssid not in Station.ssid_list: Station.ssid_list.append(own_ssid) Station.mygrid = bytes(ARGS.mygrid, "utf-8") # check if we have an int or str as device name try: AudioParam.audio_input_device = int(ARGS.audio_input_device) except ValueError: AudioParam.audio_input_device = ARGS.audio_input_device try: AudioParam.audio_output_device = int(ARGS.audio_output_device) except ValueError: AudioParam.audio_output_device = ARGS.audio_output_device Modem.port = ARGS.socket_port HamlibParam.hamlib_radiocontrol = ARGS.hamlib_radiocontrol HamlibParam.hamlib_rigctld_ip = ARGS.rigctld_ip HamlibParam.hamlib_rigctld_port = str(ARGS.rigctld_port) ModemParam.enable_scatter = ARGS.send_scatter AudioParam.enable_fft = ARGS.send_fft Modem.enable_fsk = ARGS.enable_fsk Modem.low_bandwidth_mode = ARGS.low_bandwidth_mode ModemParam.tuning_range_fmin = ARGS.tuning_range_fmin ModemParam.tuning_range_fmax = ARGS.tuning_range_fmax AudioParam.tx_audio_level = ARGS.tx_audio_level AudioParam.rx_audio_level = ARGS.rx_audio_level Modem.respond_to_cq = ARGS.enable_respond_to_cq ARQ.rx_buffer_size = ARGS.rx_buffer_size Modem.enable_explorer = ARGS.enable_explorer AudioParam.audio_auto_tune = ARGS.enable_audio_auto_tune Modem.enable_stats = ARGS.enable_stats TCIParam.ip = ARGS.tci_ip TCIParam.port = ARGS.tci_port ModemParam.tx_delay = ARGS.tx_delay MeshParam.enable_protocol = ARGS.enable_mesh Modem.enable_hmac = ARGS.enable_hmac Modem.transmit_morse_identifier = ARGS.transmit_morse_identifier except Exception as e: log.error("[DMN] Error reading config file", exception=e) else: configfile = ARGS.configfile # init config conf = config.CONFIG(configfile) try: # additional step for being sure our callsign is correctly # in case we are not getting a station ssid # then we are forcing a station ssid = 0 mycallsign = bytes(conf.get('STATION', 'mycall', 'AA0AA'), "utf-8") mycallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) Station.mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign) Station.mycallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(Station.mycallsign) #json.loads = for converting str list to list Station.ssid_list = json.loads(conf.get('STATION', 'ssid_list', '[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]')) Station.mygrid = bytes(conf.get('STATION', 'mygrid', 'JN12aa'), "utf-8") # check if we have an int or str as device name try: AudioParam.audio_input_device = int(conf.get('AUDIO', 'rx', '0')) except ValueError: AudioParam.audio_input_device = conf.get('AUDIO', 'rx', '0') try: AudioParam.audio_output_device = int(conf.get('AUDIO', 'tx', '0')) except ValueError: AudioParam.audio_output_device = conf.get('AUDIO', 'tx', '0') Modem.port = int(conf.get('NETWORK', 'modemport', '3000')) HamlibParam.hamlib_radiocontrol = conf.get('RADIO', 'radiocontrol', 'disabled') HamlibParam.hamlib_rigctld_ip = conf.get('RADIO', 'rigctld_ip', '') HamlibParam.hamlib_rigctld_port = str(conf.get('RADIO', 'rigctld_port', '4532')) ModemParam.enable_scatter = conf.get('Modem', 'scatter', 'True') AudioParam.enable_fft = conf.get('Modem', 'fft', 'True') Modem.enable_fsk = conf.get('Modem', 'fsk', 'False') Modem.low_bandwidth_mode = conf.get('Modem', 'narrowband', 'False') ModemParam.tuning_range_fmin = float(conf.get('Modem', 'fmin', '-50.0')) ModemParam.tuning_range_fmax = float(conf.get('Modem', 'fmax', '50.0')) AudioParam.tx_audio_level = int(conf.get('AUDIO', 'txaudiolevel', '0')) AudioParam.rx_audio_level = int(conf.get('AUDIO', 'rxaudiolevel', '0')) Modem.respond_to_cq = conf.get('Modem', 'qrv', 'True') ARQ.rx_buffer_size = int(conf.get('Modem', 'rx_buffer_size', '16')) Modem.enable_explorer = conf.get('Modem', 'explorer', 'False') AudioParam.audio_auto_tune = conf.get('AUDIO', 'auto_tune', 'False') Modem.enable_stats = conf.get('Modem', 'stats', 'False') TCIParam.ip = str(conf.get('TCI', 'tci_ip', 'localhost')) TCIParam.port = int(conf.get('TCI', 'tci_port', '50001')) ModemParam.tx_delay = int(conf.get('Modem', 'tx_delay', '0')) MeshParam.enable_protocol = conf.get('MESH','mesh_enable','False') MeshParam.transmit_morse_identifier = conf.get('Modem','transmit_morse_identifier','False') except KeyError as e: log.warning("[CFG] Error reading config file near", key=str(e)) except Exception as e: log.warning("[CFG] Error", e=e) # make sure the own ssid is always part of the ssid list my_ssid = int(Station.mycallsign.split(b'-')[1]) if my_ssid not in Station.ssid_list: Station.ssid_list.append(my_ssid) # we need to wait until we got all parameters from argparse first before we can load the other modules import sock # config logging try: if sys.platform == "linux": logging_path = os.getenv("HOME") + "/.config/" + "FreeDATA/" + "modem" if sys.platform == "darwin": logging_path = ( os.getenv("HOME") + "/Library/" + "Application Support/" + "FreeDATA/" + "modem" ) if sys.platform in ["win32", "win64"]: logging_path = os.getenv("APPDATA") + "/" + "FreeDATA/" + "modem" if not os.path.exists(logging_path): os.makedirs(logging_path) log_handler.setup_logging(logging_path) except Exception as err: log.error("[DMN] logger init error", exception=err) log.info( "[Modem] Starting FreeDATA", author="DJ2LS", version=Modem.version ) # start data handler data_handler.DATA() # start modem modem = modem.RF() # start mesh protocol only if enabled if MeshParam.enable_protocol: log.info("[MESH] loading module") # start mesh module mesh = mesh.MeshRouter() # optionally start explorer module if Modem.enable_explorer: log.info("[EXPLORER] Publishing to https://explorer.freedata.app", state=Modem.enable_explorer) explorer = explorer.explorer() # --------------------------------------------START CMD SERVER try: log.info("[Modem] Starting TCP/IP socket", port=Modem.port) # https://stackoverflow.com/a/16641793 socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True cmdserver = sock.ThreadedTCPServer( (Modem.host, Modem.port), sock.ThreadedTCPRequestHandler ) server_thread = threading.Thread(target=cmdserver.serve_forever) server_thread.daemon = True server_thread.start() except Exception as err: log.error("[Modem] Starting TCP/IP socket failed", port=Modem.port, e=err) sys.exit(1) while True: threading.Event().wait(1)