#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Dec 25 21:25:14 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ import time import logging import asyncio import crcengine import static import data_handler def wait(seconds): timeout = time.time() + seconds while time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.01) def get_crc_8(data): """ Author: DJ2LS Get the CRC8 of a byte string param: data = bytes() """ crc_algorithm = crcengine.new('crc8-ccitt') # load crc8 library crc_data = crc_algorithm(data) crc_data = crc_data.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') return crc_data def get_crc_16(data): """ Author: DJ2LS Get the CRC16 of a byte string param: data = bytes() """ crc_algorithm = crcengine.new('crc16-ccitt-false') # load crc16 library crc_data = crc_algorithm(data) crc_data = crc_data.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') return crc_data def watchdog(): """ Author: DJ2LS watchdog master function. Frome here we call the watchdogs """ while True: time.sleep(0.01) data_channel_keep_alive_watchdog() def data_channel_keep_alive_watchdog(): """ Author: DJ2LS """ if static.ARQ_STATE == 'DATA' and static.TNC_STATE == 'BUSY': # and not static.ARQ_SEND_KEEP_ALIVE: time.sleep(0.01) if static.ARQ_DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED + 30 > time.time(): pass else: static.ARQ_DATA_CHANNEL_LAST_RECEIVED = 0 logging.info("DATA [" + str(static.MYCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]<>[" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "] [BER." + str(static.BER) + "]") arq_reset_frame_machine() def arq_reset_timeout(state): """ Author: DJ2LS """ static.ARQ_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT = state static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_TIMEOUT = state static.ARQ_RX_RPT_TIMEOUT = state def arq_reset_ack(state): """ Author: DJ2LS """ static.ARQ_ACK_RECEIVED = state static.ARQ_RPT_RECEIVED = state static.ARQ_FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED = state def arq_reset_frame_machine(): """ Author: DJ2LS Reset the frame machine parameters to default, so we need to call just a function """ arq_reset_timeout(False) arq_reset_ack(False) static.TX_N_RETRIES = 0 static.ARQ_N_SENT_FRAMES = 0 static.ARQ_TX_N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = 0 static.ARQ_TX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME = 0 static.ARQ_TX_N_TOTAL_ARQ_FRAMES = 0 static.ARQ_TX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME = 0 static.ARQ_RX_N_CURRENT_ARQ_FRAME = 0 static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME = 0 static.ARQ_FRAME_BOF_RECEIVED = False static.ARQ_FRAME_EOF_RECEIVED = False static.ARQ_RX_BURST_BUFFER = [] static.ARQ_RX_FRAME_BUFFER = [] static.TNC_STATE = 'IDLE' static.ARQ_STATE = 'IDLE' ###static.ARQ_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE_RECEIVED = int(time.time()) # we need to reset the counter at this point ###static.ARQ_SEND_KEEP_ALIVE = True static.CHANNEL_STATE = 'RECEIVING_SIGNALLING' static.ARQ_READY_FOR_DATA = False static.ARQ_START_OF_TRANSMISSION = 0 def calculate_transfer_rate(): #arq_tx_n_total_arq_frames = int.from_bytes(static.ARQ_TX_N_TOTAL_ARQ_FRAMES, "big") arq_tx_n_total_arq_frames = static.ARQ_TX_N_TOTAL_ARQ_FRAMES arq_n_arq_frames_per_data_frame = static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME arq_rx_n_current_arq_frame = static.ARQ_N_ARQ_FRAMES_PER_DATA_FRAME if arq_tx_n_total_arq_frames == 0: total_n_frames = arq_n_arq_frames_per_data_frame elif arq_n_arq_frames_per_data_frame == 0: total_n_frames = arq_tx_n_total_arq_frames else: total_n_frames = 0 static.TOTAL_BYTES = (total_n_frames * static.ARQ_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME) total_transmission_time = time.time() - static.ARQ_START_OF_TRANSMISSION burst_bytes = static.ARQ_PAYLOAD_PER_FRAME burst_transmission_time = time.time() - static.ARQ_START_OF_BURST static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND = int((static.TOTAL_BYTES * 8) / total_transmission_time) static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE = int(((static.TOTAL_BYTES) / total_transmission_time) * 60) static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND_BURST = int((burst_bytes * 8) / burst_transmission_time) static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE_BURST = int(((burst_bytes) / burst_transmission_time) * 60) # calculate transmission percentage if arq_tx_n_total_arq_frames > 0: static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = int(int.from_bytes(bytes(arq_rx_n_current_arq_frame), "big") / arq_tx_n_total_arq_frames) * 100 elif arq_n_arq_frames_per_data_frame > 0: static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = int(arq_rx_n_current_arq_frame / arq_n_arq_frames_per_data_frame) * 100 else: print("keine ahnung warum das so ist") static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT = 0.0 return [static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND, static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, static.ARQ_BITS_PER_SECOND_BURST, static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE_BURST] def add_to_heard_stations(dxcallsign,dxgrid, datatype, snr): # check if buffer empty if len(static.HEARD_STATIONS) == 0: static.HEARD_STATIONS.append([dxcallsign,dxgrid, int(time.time()), datatype, snr]) # if not, we search and update else: for i in range(0, len(static.HEARD_STATIONS)): # update callsign with new timestamp if static.HEARD_STATIONS[i].count(dxcallsign) > 0: static.HEARD_STATIONS[i] = [dxcallsign,dxgrid, int(time.time()), datatype, snr] break # insert if nothing found if i == len(static.HEARD_STATIONS) - 1: static.HEARD_STATIONS.append([dxcallsign,dxgrid, int(time.time()), datatype, snr]) break # for idx, item in enumerate(static.HEARD_STATIONS): # if dxcallsign in item: # item = [dxcallsign, int(time.time())] # static.HEARD_STATIONS[idx] = item def setup_logging(): """ Author: DJ2LS Set the custom logging format so we can use colors # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/384076/how-can-i-color-python-logging-output # 'DEBUG' : 37, # white # 'INFO' : 36, # cyan # 'WARNING' : 33, # yellow # 'ERROR' : 31, # red # 'CRITICAL': 41, # white on red bg """ logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s:\t%(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, "\033[1;36m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.DEBUG)) logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, "\033[1;37m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.INFO)) logging.addLevelName(logging.WARNING, "\033[1;33m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.WARNING)) logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, "\033[1;31m%s\033[1;0m" % "FAILED") #logging.addLevelName( logging.ERROR, "\033[1;31m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.ERROR)) logging.addLevelName(logging.CRITICAL, "\033[1;41m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.CRITICAL)) logging.addLevelName(25, "\033[1;32m%s\033[1;0m" % "SUCCESS") logging.addLevelName(24, "\033[1;34m%s\033[1;0m" % "DATA")