#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Send-side station emulator for test frame tests over a high quality audio channel using a physical sound card or STDIO. Legacy test for sending / receiving connection test frames through the codec2 and back through on the other station. Data injection initiates directly through the codec2 API. Invoked from CMake, test_highsnr_stdio_{P_C, P_P}_datacx.py, and many test_virtual[1-3]*.sh. """ import argparse import ctypes import sys import numpy as np import sounddevice as sd sys.path.insert(0, "..") from tnc import codec2 def util_tx(): args = parse_arguments() if args.LIST: devices = sd.query_devices(device=None, kind=None) for index, device in enumerate(devices): print(f"{index} {device['name']}") sd._terminate() sys.exit() N_BURSTS = args.N_BURSTS N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = args.N_FRAMES_PER_BURST DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS = args.DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS / 1000 AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE = args.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE MODE = codec2.FREEDV_MODE[args.FREEDV_MODE].value # AUDIO PARAMETERS AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER = 2400 MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE = codec2.api.FREEDV_FS_8000 AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX = 48000 assert (AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX % MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE) == 0 # type: ignore # check if we want to use an audio device then do a pyaudio init if AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE != -1: # auto search for loopback devices if AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE == -2: loopback_list = [] devices = sd.query_devices(device=None, kind=None) for index, device in enumerate(devices): if "Loopback: PCM" in device["name"]: print(index) loopback_list.append(index) if loopback_list: # 0 = RX 1 = TX AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE = loopback_list[-1] print(f"loopback_list tx: {loopback_list}", file=sys.stderr) else: print("not enough audio loopback devices ready...") print("you should wait about 30 seconds...") sd._terminate() sys.exit() print(f"AUDIO OUTPUT DEVICE: {AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE}", file=sys.stderr) # audio stream init stream_tx = sd.RawStream( channels=1, dtype="int16", device=(0, AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE), samplerate=AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX, blocksize=4800, ) resampler = codec2.resampler() # data binary string if args.TESTFRAMES: data_out = bytearray(14) data_out[:1] = bytes([255]) data_out[1:2] = bytes([1]) data_out[2:] = b"HELLO WORLD" else: data_out = b"HELLO WORLD!" # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Open codec2 instance freedv = ctypes.cast(codec2.api.freedv_open(MODE), ctypes.c_void_p) # Get number of bytes per frame for mode bytes_per_frame = int(codec2.api.freedv_get_bits_per_modem_frame(freedv) / 8) payload_bytes_per_frame = bytes_per_frame - 2 # Init buffer for data n_tx_modem_samples = codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_modem_samples(freedv) mod_out = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n_tx_modem_samples * 2) # Init buffer for preample n_tx_preamble_modem_samples = codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_preamble_modem_samples( freedv ) mod_out_preamble = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n_tx_preamble_modem_samples * 2) # Init buffer for postamble n_tx_postamble_modem_samples = codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_postamble_modem_samples( freedv ) mod_out_postamble = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n_tx_postamble_modem_samples * 2) # Create buffer for data # Use this if CRC16 checksum is required (DATA1-3) buffer = bytearray(payload_bytes_per_frame) # set buffer size to length of data which will be sent buffer[: len(data_out)] = data_out # Create CRC for data frame - we are using the CRC function shipped with codec2 to avoid # CRC algorithm incompatibilities # generate CRC16 crc = ctypes.c_ushort( codec2.api.freedv_gen_crc16(bytes(buffer), payload_bytes_per_frame) ) crc = crc.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big") # convert crc to 2 byte hex string buffer += crc # append crc16 to buffer print( f"TOTAL BURSTS: {N_BURSTS} TOTAL FRAMES_PER_BURST: {N_FRAMES_PER_BURST}", file=sys.stderr, ) for brst in range(1, N_BURSTS + 1): # Write preamble to txbuffer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatapreambletx(freedv, mod_out_preamble) txbuffer = bytes(mod_out_preamble) # Create modulaton for N = FRAMESPERBURST and append it to txbuffer for frm in range(1, N_FRAMES_PER_BURST + 1): data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * bytes_per_frame).from_buffer_copy(buffer) # Modulate DATA and save it into mod_out pointer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatatx(freedv, mod_out, data) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out) print( f"TX BURST: {brst}/{N_BURSTS} FRAME: {frm}/{N_FRAMES_PER_BURST}", file=sys.stderr, ) # Append postamble to txbuffer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatapostambletx(freedv, mod_out_postamble) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out_postamble) # Append a delay between bursts as audio silence samples_delay = int(MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE * DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS) mod_out_silence = ctypes.create_string_buffer(samples_delay * 2) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out_silence) # print(f"samples_delay: {samples_delay} DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS: {DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS}", file=sys.stderr) # Resample up to 48k (resampler works on np.int16) np_buffer = np.frombuffer(txbuffer, dtype=np.int16) txbuffer_48k = resampler.resample8_to_48(np_buffer) # Check if we want to use an audio device or stdout if AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE != -1: stream_tx.start() # type: ignore stream_tx.write(txbuffer_48k) # type: ignore else: # Print data to terminal for piping the output to other programs sys.stdout.buffer.write(txbuffer_48k) # type: ignore sys.stdout.flush() # and at last check if we had an opened audio instance and close it if AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE != -1: sd._terminate() def parse_arguments(): # GET PARAMETER INPUTS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simons TEST TNC") parser.add_argument("--bursts", dest="N_BURSTS", default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument( "--framesperburst", dest="N_FRAMES_PER_BURST", default=1, type=int ) parser.add_argument( "--delay", dest="DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS", default=500, type=int, help="delay between bursts in ms", ) parser.add_argument( "--mode", dest="FREEDV_MODE", type=str, choices=["datac0", "datac1", "datac3"] ) parser.add_argument( "--audiodev", dest="AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE", default=-1, type=int, help="audio output device number to use, use -2 to automatically select a loopback device", ) parser.add_argument( "--list", dest="LIST", action="store_true", help="list audio devices by number and exit", ) parser.add_argument( "--testframes", dest="TESTFRAMES", action="store_true", default=False, help="list audio devices by number and exit", ) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() return args if __name__ == "__main__": util_tx()