#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Dec 25 21:25:14 2020 @author: DJ2LS # GET COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # SET COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # "parameter" : " ..." # DATA COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # "type" : "..." # "dxcallsign" : "..." # "data" : "..." """ import socketserver import threading import logging import ujson as json #import json import asyncio import time import static import data_handler import helpers import sys import os import logging, structlog, log_handler class ThreadedTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer): pass class ThreadedTCPRequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): structlog.get_logger("structlog").debug("[TNC] Client connected", ip=self.client_address[0]) # loop through socket buffer until timeout is reached. then close buffer socketTimeout = time.time() + 3 while socketTimeout > time.time(): time.sleep(0.01) encoding = 'utf-8' #data = str(self.request.recv(1024), 'utf-8') data = bytes() # we need to loop through buffer until end of chunk is reached or timeout occured while True and socketTimeout > time.time(): chunk = self.request.recv(71) # we keep amount of bytes short data += chunk # or chunk.endswith(b'\n'): if chunk.endswith(b'}\n') or chunk.endswith(b'}'): break data = data[:-1] # remove b'\n' data = str(data, 'utf-8') if len(data) > 0: socketTimeout = time.time() + static.SOCKET_TIMEOUT # convert data to json object # we need to do some error handling in case of socket timeout or decoding issue try: # only read first line of string. multiple lines will cause an json error # this occurs possibly, if we are getting data too fast # data = data.splitlines()[0] # IndexError: list index out of range data = data.splitlines()[0] received_json = json.loads(data) # except ValueError as e: # print("++++++++++++ START OF JSON ERROR +++++++++++++++++++++++") # print(e) # print("-----------------------------------") # print(data) # print("++++++++++++ END OF JSON ERROR +++++++++++++++++++++++++") # received_json = {} # break # try: # CQ CQ CQ ----------------------------------------------------- if received_json["command"] == "CQCQCQ": #socketTimeout = 0 # asyncio.run(data_handler.transmit_cq()) CQ_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=data_handler.transmit_cq, args=[], name="CQ") CQ_THREAD.start() # START_BEACON ----------------------------------------------------- if received_json["command"] == "START_BEACON": static.BEACON_STATE = True interval = int(received_json["parameter"]) BEACON_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=data_handler.run_beacon, args=[interval], name="START BEACON") BEACON_THREAD.start() # STOP_BEACON ----------------------------------------------------- if received_json["command"] == "STOP_BEACON": static.BEACON_STATE = False structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[TNC] Stopping beacon!") # PING ---------------------------------------------------------- if received_json["type"] == 'PING' and received_json["command"] == "PING": # send ping frame and wait for ACK dxcallsign = received_json["dxcallsign"] # asyncio.run(data_handler.transmit_ping(dxcallsign)) PING_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=data_handler.transmit_ping, args=[dxcallsign], name="PING") PING_THREAD.start() # and static.ARQ_READY_FOR_DATA == True: # and static.ARQ_STATE == 'CONNECTED' : if received_json["type"] == 'ARQ' and received_json["command"] == "sendFile": static.TNC_STATE = 'BUSY' # on a new transmission we reset the timer static.ARQ_START_OF_TRANSMISSION = int(time.time()) dxcallsign = received_json["dxcallsign"] mode = int(received_json["mode"]) n_frames = int(received_json["n_frames"]) filename = received_json["filename"] filetype = received_json["filetype"] data = received_json["data"] checksum = received_json["checksum"] static.DXCALLSIGN = bytes(dxcallsign, 'utf-8') static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 = helpers.get_crc_8( static.DXCALLSIGN) rawdata = {"datatype": "file", "filename": filename, "filetype": filetype,"data": data, "checksum": checksum} dataframe = json.dumps(rawdata) data_out = bytes(dataframe, 'utf-8') ARQ_DATA_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=data_handler.open_dc_and_transmit, args=[data_out, mode, n_frames], name="ARQ_DATA") ARQ_DATA_THREAD.start() # asyncio.run(data_handler.arq_transmit(data_out)) # send message if received_json["type"] == 'ARQ' and received_json["command"] == "sendMessage": static.TNC_STATE = 'BUSY' print(received_json) # on a new transmission we reset the timer static.ARQ_START_OF_TRANSMISSION = int(time.time()) dxcallsign = received_json["dxcallsign"] mode = int(received_json["mode"]) n_frames = int(received_json["n_frames"]) data = received_json["data"] checksum = received_json["checksum"] static.DXCALLSIGN = bytes(dxcallsign, 'utf-8') static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC8 = helpers.get_crc_8( static.DXCALLSIGN) rawdata = {"datatype": "message","data": data, "checksum": checksum} dataframe = json.dumps(rawdata) data_out = bytes(dataframe, 'utf-8') ARQ_DATA_THREAD = threading.Thread(target=data_handler.open_dc_and_transmit, args=[data_out, mode, n_frames], name="ARQ_DATA") ARQ_DATA_THREAD.start() if received_json["type"] == 'ARQ' and received_json["command"] == "stopTransmission": print(" >>> STOPPING TRANSMISSION <<<") structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[TNC] Stopping transmission!") static.TNC_STATE = 'IDLE' static.ARQ_STATE = 'IDLE' # SETTINGS AND STATUS --------------------------------------------- if received_json["type"] == 'SET' and received_json["command"] == 'MYCALLSIGN': callsign = received_json["parameter"] if bytes(callsign, encoding) == b'': self.request.sendall(b'INVALID CALLSIGN') else: static.MYCALLSIGN = bytes(callsign, encoding) static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8 = helpers.get_crc_8(static.MYCALLSIGN) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] SET MYCALL", grid=static.MYCALLSIGN, crc=static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC8) if received_json["type"] == 'SET' and received_json["command"] == 'MYGRID': mygrid = received_json["parameter"] if bytes(mygrid, encoding) == b'': self.request.sendall(b'INVALID GRID') else: static.MYGRID = bytes(mygrid, encoding) structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] SET MYGRID", grid=static.MYGRID) if received_json["type"] == 'GET' and received_json["command"] == 'STATION_INFO': output = { "COMMAND": "STATION_INFO", "TIMESTAMP": received_json["timestamp"], "MY_CALLSIGN": str(static.MYCALLSIGN, encoding), "DX_CALLSIGN": str(static.DXCALLSIGN, encoding), "DX_GRID": str(static.DXGRID, encoding), "EOF": "EOF", } jsondata = json.dumps(output) self.request.sendall(bytes(jsondata, encoding)) if received_json["type"] == 'GET' and received_json["command"] == 'TNC_STATE': output = { "COMMAND": "TNC_STATE", "TIMESTAMP": received_json["timestamp"], "PTT_STATE": str(static.PTT_STATE), "CHANNEL_STATE": str(static.CHANNEL_STATE), "TNC_STATE": str(static.TNC_STATE), "ARQ_STATE": str(static.ARQ_STATE), "AUDIO_RMS": str(static.AUDIO_RMS), "BER": str(static.BER), "SNR": str(static.SNR), "FREQUENCY": str(static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY), "MODE": str(static.HAMLIB_MODE), "BANDWITH": str(static.HAMLIB_BANDWITH), "FFT": str(static.FFT), "SCATTER": static.SCATTER, "RX_BUFFER_LENGTH": str(len(static.RX_BUFFER)), "RX_MSG_BUFFER_LENGTH": str(len(static.RX_MSG_BUFFER)), "ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE": str(static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE), "ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE_BURST": str(static.ARQ_BYTES_PER_MINUTE_BURST), "ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT": str(static.ARQ_TRANSMISSION_PERCENT), "TOTAL_BYTES": str(static.TOTAL_BYTES), "INFO" : static.INFO, "BEACON_STATE" : str(static.BEACON_STATE), "STATIONS": [], "EOF": "EOF", } # we want to transmit scatter data only once to reduce network traffic static.SCATTER = [] # we want to display INFO messages only once static.INFO = [] # add heard stations to heard stations object for i in range(0, len(static.HEARD_STATIONS)): output["STATIONS"].append({"DXCALLSIGN": str(static.HEARD_STATIONS[i][0], 'utf-8'), "DXGRID": str(static.HEARD_STATIONS[i][1], 'utf-8'),"TIMESTAMP": static.HEARD_STATIONS[i][2], "DATATYPE": static.HEARD_STATIONS[i][3], "SNR": static.HEARD_STATIONS[i][4], "OFFSET": static.HEARD_STATIONS[i][5], "FREQUENCY": static.HEARD_STATIONS[i][6]}) try: jsondata = json.dumps(output) except ValueError as e: structlog.get_logger("structlog").error(e, data=jsondata) try: self.request.sendall(bytes(jsondata, encoding)) except Exception as e: structlog.get_logger("structlog").error(e, data=jsondata) if received_json["type"] == 'GET' and received_json["command"] == 'RX_BUFFER': output = { "COMMAND": "RX_BUFFER", "DATA-ARRAY": [], "EOF": "EOF", } for i in range(0, len(static.RX_BUFFER)): rawdata = json.loads(static.RX_BUFFER[i][3]) output["DATA-ARRAY"].append({"DXCALLSIGN": str(static.RX_BUFFER[i][0], 'utf-8'), "DXGRID": str(static.RX_BUFFER[i][1], 'utf-8'), "TIMESTAMP": static.RX_BUFFER[i][2], "RXDATA": [rawdata]}) jsondata = json.dumps(output) self.request.sendall(bytes(jsondata, encoding)) if received_json["type"] == 'GET' and received_json["command"] == 'RX_MSG_BUFFER': output = { "COMMAND": "RX_MSG_BUFFER", "DATA-ARRAY": [], "EOF": "EOF", } for i in range(0, len(static.RX_MSG_BUFFER)): rawdata = json.loads(static.RX_MSG_BUFFER[i][3]) output["DATA-ARRAY"].append({"DXCALLSIGN": str(static.RX_MSG_BUFFER[i][0], 'utf-8'), "DXGRID": str(static.RX_MSG_BUFFER[i][1], 'utf-8'), "TIMESTAMP": static.RX_MSG_BUFFER[i][2], "RXDATA": [rawdata]}) jsondata = json.dumps(output) self.request.sendall(bytes(jsondata, encoding)) if received_json["type"] == 'SET' and received_json["command"] == 'DEL_RX_BUFFER': static.RX_BUFFER = [] if received_json["type"] == 'SET' and received_json["command"] == 'DEL_RX_MSG_BUFFER': static.RX_MSG_BUFFER = [] # exception, if JSON cant be decoded # except Exception as e: except: print("############ START OF ERROR #####################") print("SOCKET COMMAND ERROR: " + data) e = sys.exc_info()[0] print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) print("############ END OF ERROR #######################") print("reset of connection...") structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[TNC] Stopping transmission!") #socketTimeout = 0 structlog.get_logger("structlog").error("[TNC] Network error", e = sys.exc_info()[0]) structlog.get_logger("structlog").warning("[TNC] Closing client socket") def start_cmd_socket(): try: structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] Starting TCP/IP socket", port=static.PORT) # https://stackoverflow.com/a/16641793 socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True cmdserver = ThreadedTCPServer( (static.HOST, static.PORT), ThreadedTCPRequestHandler) server_thread = threading.Thread(target=cmdserver.serve_forever) server_thread.daemon = True server_thread.start() except: structlog.get_logger("structlog").error("[TNC] Starting TCP/IP socket failed", port=static.PORT) e = sys.exc_info()[0] print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)