from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, make_response, abort, Response from flask_sock import Sock from flask_cors import CORS import os import serial_ports from config import CONFIG import audio import queue import service_manager import state_manager import ujson as json import websocket_manager as wsm import api_validations as validations import command_ping import command_cq import command_ping import command_feq import command_test import command_arq_raw app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}}) sock = Sock(app) app.config['SOCK_SERVER_OPTIONS'] = {'ping_interval': 10} # define global MODEM_VERSION app.MODEM_VERSION = "0.12.0-alpha" # set config file to use def set_config(): if 'FREEDATA_CONFIG' in os.environ: config_file = os.environ['FREEDATA_CONFIG'] else: config_file = 'config.ini' if os.path.exists(config_file): print(f"Using config from {config_file}") else: print(f"Config file '{config_file}' not found. Exiting.") exit(1) app.config_manager = CONFIG(config_file) set_config() # start modem app.state_queue = queue.Queue() # queue which holds latest states app.modem_events = queue.Queue() # queue which holds latest events app.modem_fft = queue.Queue() # queue which holds latest fft data app.modem_service = queue.Queue() # start / stop modem service # init state manager app.state_manager = state_manager.StateManager(app.state_queue) # start service manager app.service_manager = service_manager.SM(app) # start modem service app.modem_service.put("start") # returns a standard API response def api_response(data, status = 200): return make_response(jsonify(data), status) def api_abort(message, code): jsonError = json.dumps({'error': message}) abort(Response(jsonError, code)) def api_ok(message = "ok"): return api_response({'message': message}) # validates a parameter def validate(req, param, validator, isRequired = True): if param not in req: if isRequired: api_abort(f"Required parameter '{param}' is missing.", 400) else: return True if not validator(req[param]): api_abort(f"Value of '{param}' is invalid.", 400) # Takes a transmit command and puts it in the transmit command queue def enqueue_tx_command(cmd_class, params = {}): command = cmd_class(, app.state_manager, app.modem_events, params), app.service_manager.modem.modem_transmit_queue)"Command {command.get_name()} enqueued.") ## REST API @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def index(): return api_response({'name': 'FreeDATA API', 'description': '', 'api_version': 1, 'modem_version': app.MODEM_VERSION, 'license': 'GPL3.0', 'documentation': '', }) # get and set config @app.route('/config', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def config(): if request.method in ['POST']: set_config = app.config_manager.write(request.json) app.modem_service.put("restart") if not set_config: response = api_response(None, 'error writing config') else: response = api_response(set_config) return response elif request.method == 'GET': return api_response( @app.route('/devices/audio', methods=['GET']) def get_audio_devices(): dev_in, dev_out = audio.get_audio_devices() devices = { 'in': dev_in, 'out': dev_out } return api_response(devices) @app.route('/devices/serial', methods=['GET']) def get_serial_devices(): devices = serial_ports.get_ports() return api_response(devices) @app.route('/modem/state', methods=['GET']) def get_modem_state(): return api_response(app.state_manager.sendState()) @app.route('/modem/cqcqcq', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def post_cqcqcq(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for triggering a CQ via POST"}) if not app.state_manager.is_modem_running: api_abort('Modem not running', 503) enqueue_tx_command(command_cq.CQCommand) return api_ok() @app.route('/modem/beacon', methods=['POST']) def post_beacon(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for controlling BEACON STATE via POST"}) if not isinstance(request.json['enabled'], bool): api_abort(f"Incorrect value for 'enabled'. Shoud be bool.") if not app.state_manager.is_modem_running: api_abort('Modem not running', 503) app.state_manager.set('is_beacon_running', request.json['enabled']) return api_response(request.json) @app.route('/modem/ping_ping', methods=['POST']) def post_ping(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for controlling PING via POST"}) if not app.state_manager.is_modem_running: api_abort('Modem not running', 503) validate(request.json, 'dxcall', validations.validate_freedata_callsign) enqueue_tx_command(command_ping.PingCommand, request.json) return api_ok() @app.route('/modem/send_test_frame', methods=['POST']) def post_send_test_frame(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for triggering a TEST_FRAME via POST"}) if not app.state_manager.is_modem_running: api_abort('Modem not running', 503) enqueue_tx_command(command_test.TestCommand) return api_ok() @app.route('/modem/fec_transmit', methods=['POST']) def post_send_fec_frame(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for triggering a FEC frame via POST"}) if not app.state_manager.is_modem_running: api_abort('Modem not running', 503) enqueue_tx_command(command_feq.FecCommand, request.json) return api_ok() @app.route('/modem/fec_is_writing', methods=['POST']) def post_send_fec_is_writing(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for triggering a IS WRITING frame via POST"}) if not app.state_manager.is_modem_running: api_abort('Modem not running', 503) #server_commands.modem_fec_is_writing(request.json) return 'Not implemented yet' @app.route('/modem/start', methods=['POST']) def post_modem_start(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for STARTING modem via POST"}) print("start received...") app.modem_service.put("start") return api_response(request.json) @app.route('/modem/stop', methods=['POST']) def post_modem_stop(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for STOPPING modem via POST"}) print("stop received...") app.modem_service.put("stop") return api_ok() @app.route('/version', methods=['GET']) def get_modem_version(): return api_response({"version": app.MODEM_VERSION}) @app.route('/modem/send_arq_raw', methods=['POST']) def post_modem_send_raw(): if request.method not in ['POST']: return api_response({"info": "endpoint for SENDING RAW DATA via POST"}) if not app.state_manager.is_modem_running: api_abort('Modem not running', 503) enqueue_tx_command(command_arq_raw.ARQRawCommand, request.json) # server_commands.modem_arq_send_raw(request.json) return "Not implemented yet" # @app.route('/modem/arq_connect', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/modem/arq_disconnect', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/modem/send_raw', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/modem/stop_transmission', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/modem/listen', methods=['POST']) # not needed if we are restarting modem on changing settings # @app.route('/modem/record_audio', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/modem/responde_to_call', methods=['POST']) # not needed if we are restarting modem on changing settings # @app.route('/modem/responde_to_cq', methods=['POST']) # not needed if we are restarting modem on changing settings # @app.route('/modem/audio_levels', methods=['POST']) # tx and rx # not needed if we are restarting modem on changing settings # @app.route('/modem/mesh_ping', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/mesh/routing_table', methods=['GET']) # @app.route('/modem/get_rx_buffer', methods=['GET']) # @app.route('/modem/del_rx_buffer', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/rig/status', methods=['GET']) # @app.route('/rig/mode', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/rig/frequency', methods=['POST']) # @app.route('/rig/test_hamlib', methods=['POST']) # Event websocket @sock.route('/events') def sock_events(sock): wsm.handle_connection(sock, wsm.events_client_list, app.modem_events) @sock.route('/fft') def sock_fft(sock): if len(wsm.fft_client_list) == 0: app.modem_service.put("fft:true") print("Streaming data to FFT socket since a client is connected") wsm.handle_connection(sock, wsm.fft_client_list, app.modem_fft) @sock.route('/states') def sock_states(sock): wsm.handle_connection(sock, wsm.states_client_list, app.state_queue) wsm.startThreads(app)