import socket import structlog import helpers import threading class radio: """rigctld (hamlib) communication class""" log = structlog.get_logger("radio (rigctld)") def __init__(self, config, states, hostname="localhost", port=4532, timeout=5): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.timeout = timeout self.states = states self.config = config self.connection = None self.connected = False self.await_response = threading.Event() self.await_response.set() self.parameters = { 'frequency': '---', 'mode': '---', 'alc': '---', 'strength': '---', 'bandwidth': '---', 'rf': '---', 'ptt': False # Initial PTT state is set to False } # start rigctld... if self.config["RADIO"]["control"] in ["rigctld_bundle"]: self.start_service() # connect to radio self.connect() def connect(self): try: self.connection = socket.create_connection((self.hostname, self.port), timeout=self.timeout) self.connected = True self.states.set("radio_status", True)"[RIGCTLD] Connected to rigctld at {self.hostname}:{self.port}") except Exception as err: self.log.warning(f"[RIGCTLD] Failed to connect to rigctld: {err}") self.connected = False self.states.set("radio_status", False) def disconnect(self): self.connected = False if self.connection: self.connection.close() del self.connection self.connection = None self.states.set("radio_status", False) self.parameters = { 'frequency': '---', 'mode': '---', 'alc': '---', 'strength': '---', 'bandwidth': '---', 'rf': '---', 'ptt': False # Initial PTT state is set to False } def send_command(self, command) -> str: if self.connected: # wait if we have another command awaiting its response... # we need to set a timeout for avoiding a blocking state self.await_response.wait(timeout=1) try: self.await_response = threading.Event() self.connection.sendall(command.encode('utf-8') + b"\n") response = self.connection.recv(1024) self.await_response.set() return response.decode('utf-8').strip() except Exception as err: self.log.warning(f"[RIGCTLD] Error sending command [{command}] to rigctld: {err}") self.connected = False return "" def set_ptt(self, state): """Set the PTT (Push-to-Talk) state. Args: state (bool): True to enable PTT, False to disable. Returns: bool: True if the PTT state was set successfully, False otherwise. """ if self.connected: try: if state: self.send_command('T 1') # Enable PTT else: self.send_command('T 0') # Disable PTT self.parameters['ptt'] = state # Update PTT state in parameters return True except Exception as err: self.log.warning(f"[RIGCTLD] Error setting PTT state: {err}") self.connected = False return False def set_mode(self, mode): """Set the mode. Args: mode (str): The mode to set. Returns: bool: True if the mode was set successfully, False otherwise. """ if self.connected: try: command = f"M {mode} 0" self.send_command(command) self.parameters['mode'] = mode return True except Exception as err: self.log.warning(f"[RIGCTLD] Error setting mode: {err}") self.connected = False return False def set_frequency(self, frequency): """Set the frequency. Args: frequency (str): The frequency to set. Returns: bool: True if the frequency was set successfully, False otherwise. """ if self.connected: try: command = f"F {frequency}" self.send_command(command) self.parameters['frequency'] = frequency return True except Exception as err: self.log.warning(f"[RIGCTLD] Error setting frequency: {err}") self.connected = False return False def set_bandwidth(self, bandwidth): """Set the bandwidth. Args: bandwidth (str): The bandwidth to set. Returns: bool: True if the bandwidth was set successfully, False otherwise. """ if self.connected: try: command = f"M {self.parameters['mode']} {bandwidth}" self.send_command(command) self.parameters['bandwidth'] = bandwidth return True except Exception as err: self.log.warning(f"[RIGCTLD] Error setting bandwidth: {err}") self.connected = False return False def set_rf_level(self, rf): """Set the RF. Args: rf (str): The RF to set. Returns: bool: True if the RF was set successfully, False otherwise. """ if self.connected: try: command = f"L RFPOWER {rf/100}" #RF RFPOWER --> RFPOWER == IC705 self.send_command(command) self.parameters['rf'] = rf return True except Exception as err: self.log.warning(f"[RIGCTLD] Error setting RF: {err}") self.connected = False return False def get_parameters(self): if not self.connected: self.connect() if self.connected: self.parameters['frequency'] = self.send_command('f') response = self.send_command( 'm').strip() # Get the mode/bandwidth response and remove leading/trailing spaces try: mode, bandwidth = response.split('\n', 1) # Split the response into mode and bandwidth except ValueError: mode = 'err' bandwidth = 'err' self.parameters['mode'] = mode self.parameters['bandwidth'] = bandwidth self.parameters['alc'] = self.send_command('l ALC') self.parameters['strength'] = self.send_command('l STRENGTH') self.parameters['rf'] = int(float(self.send_command('l RFPOWER')) * 10) # RF, RFPOWER """Return the latest fetched parameters.""" return self.parameters def start_service(self): binary_name = "rigctld" binary_path = helpers.find_binary_path(binary_name, search_system_wide=True) additional_args = self.format_rigctld_args() if binary_path:"Rigctld binary found at: {binary_path}") helpers.kill_and_execute(binary_path, additional_args)"Executed rigctld...") else: self.log.warning("Rigctld binary not found.") def format_rigctld_args(self): config = self.config['RADIO'] # Accessing the 'RADIO' section of the INI file config_rigctld = self.config['RIGCTLD'] # Accessing the 'RIGCTLD' section of the INI file for custom args args = [] # Helper function to check if the value should be ignored def should_ignore(value): return value in ['ignore', 0] # Model ID, Serial Port, and Speed if not should_ignore(config.get('model_id')): args += ['-m', str(config['model_id'])] if not should_ignore(config.get('serial_port')): args += ['-r', config['serial_port']] if not should_ignore(config.get('serial_speed')): args += ['-s', str(config['serial_speed'])] # PTT Port and Type if not should_ignore(config.get('ptt_port')): args += ['--ptt-port', config['ptt_port']] if not should_ignore(config.get('ptt_type')): args += ['--ptt-type', config['ptt_type']] # Serial DCD and DTR if not should_ignore(config.get('serial_dcd')): args += ['--dcd-type', config['serial_dcd']] if not should_ignore(config.get('serial_dtr')): args += ['--set-conf', f'dtr_state={config["serial_dtr"]}'] # Handling Data Bits and Stop Bits if not should_ignore(config.get('data_bits')): args += ['--set-conf', f'data_bits={config["data_bits"]}'] if not should_ignore(config.get('stop_bits')): args += ['--set-conf', f'stop_bits={config["stop_bits"]}'] # Fixme #rts_state # if not should_ignore(config.get('rts_state')): # args += ['--set-conf', f'stop_bits={config["rts_state"]}'] # Handle custom arguments for rigctld # Custom args are split via ' ' so python doesn't add extranaeous quotes on windows args += config_rigctld["arguments"].split(" ") #print("Hamlib args ==>" + str(args)) return args