import { defineStore } from "pinia"; import { ref } from "vue"; import * as bootstrap from "bootstrap"; export const useStateStore = defineStore("stateStore", () => { var busy_state = ref("-"); var arq_state = ref("-"); var frequency = ref("-"); var new_frequency = ref(0); var mode = ref("-"); var rf_level = ref("10"); var bandwidth = ref("-"); var dbfs_level_percent = ref(0); var dbfs_level = ref(0); var ptt_state = ref("False"); var speed_level = ref(0); var fft = ref(); var channel_busy = ref(""); var channel_busy_slot = ref(); var scatter = ref(); var s_meter_strength_percent = ref(0); var s_meter_strength_raw = ref(0); var modem_connection = ref("disconnected"); var modemStartCount = ref(0); var is_modem_running = ref(); var arq_total_bytes = ref(0); var arq_transmission_percent = ref(0); var heard_stations = ref(""); var dxcallsign = ref(""); var arq_session_state = ref(""); var arq_state = ref(""); var beacon_state = ref("False"); var audio_recording = ref(""); var hamlib_status = ref(""); var tx_audio_level = ref(""); var rx_audio_level = ref(""); var alc = ref(""); var is_codec2_traffic = ref(""); var arq_speed_list_timestamp = ref([]); var arq_speed_list_bpm = ref([]); var arq_speed_list_snr = ref([]); var arq_seconds_until_finish = ref(); var arq_seconds_until_timeout = ref(); var arq_seconds_until_timeout_percent = ref(); var rigctld_started = ref(); var rigctld_process = ref(); var python_version = ref(); var modem_version = ref(); var rx_buffer_length = ref(); function getChannelBusySlotState(slot) { const slot_state = channel_busy_slot.value; if (typeof slot_state !== "undefined") { // Replace 'False' with 'false' to match JavaScript's boolean representation const string = slot_state .replace(/False/g, "false") .replace(/True/g, "true"); // Parse the string to get an array const arr = JSON.parse(string); return arr[slot]; } else { // Handle the undefined case return false; } } function updateTncState(state) { modem_connection.value = state; if (modem_connection.value == "open") { //Set tuning for fancy graphics mode (high/low CPU) //set_CPU_mode(); //GUI will auto connect to TNC if already running, if that is the case increment start count if 0 if (modemStartCount.value == 0) modemStartCount.value++; } } return { dxcallsign, busy_state, arq_state, new_frequency, frequency, mode, bandwidth, dbfs_level, dbfs_level_percent, speed_level, fft, channel_busy, channel_busy_slot, getChannelBusySlotState, scatter, ptt_state, s_meter_strength_percent, s_meter_strength_raw, arq_total_bytes, audio_recording, hamlib_status, tx_audio_level, rx_audio_level, alc, updateTncState, arq_transmission_percent, arq_speed_list_bpm, arq_speed_list_timestamp, arq_speed_list_snr, arq_seconds_until_finish, arq_seconds_until_timeout, arq_seconds_until_timeout_percent, modem_connection, is_modem_running, arq_session_state, is_codec2_traffic, rf_level, heard_stations, beacon_state, rigctld_started, rigctld_process, python_version, modem_version, rx_buffer_length, }; });